What's Behind Door Number 2

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When two frenemies make a bet, someone's got to lose.
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(Please don't read this story if you're under 18. Any resemblance of these characters and any actual people is coincidental. Explicit lesbian sex, brief drug references, and profane language within!)


Three weeks into my first year of college, I saw someone I had hoped I'd never see again, except at reunions to gloat about how great my life was and how rotten hers was. Those circumstances would be excellent. But instead--just after the end of my class day--I spotted Rhonda Hedging.

What was doubly unfortunate was that she noticed me when I noticed her. She put on a nasty little smile and strode toward me. Her huge tits (which had been the envy of all the girls in high school) bounced with each footfall. The skank wasn't wearing a bra.

"Hey, Rhonda!" I said, holding out my arms for her. We gave each other the quickest, fakest hug we could.

"Hey, Bell-Bell," she said, "you're looking great, girl. I didn't know you were going to school here."

"Likewise. You're looking great too," I said. It sucked, but it was true. Her sandy blonde hair looked cute in a pixie cut. Her pink mock-turtleneck blouse was too short to reach the top of her shorts, so her panda belly button ring was exposed. As for her shorts, they were dark blue and super-short, made of thin polyester or some synthetic material, showing off her shapely legs. Part of the reason her legs looked so nice was her flirty, light pink, two-inch-heeled pumps. She was also wearing a statement necklace; it was made of huge, fine golden hoops and pale green porcelain beads.

"Let's get a mocha latte and catch up for a minute," Rhonda said.

A couple of minutes later, we were sitting at a corner booth. "So did you join a sorority?" I asked her, anticipating the answer.

"Oh yeah! Epsi-del-gam!" she said. "My sisters are so much fun and the house is so awesome! What about you, Bell-Bell?"

"I think for myself too much to want to be in one of those things," I said. "I've got a great dorm room, though, with a totally cool 2nd-year for a roommate. You should come over and see it sometime."

"Sororities aren't for everybody," said Rhonda. "I can't imagine someone who hasn't got a sense of humor or a sense of adventure would fit in."

"Sororities aren't for people who aren't airheads either, huh?"

"They don't accept twits who think they're better than everybody else, that's for sure."

We gave each other I-hate-you grins. "...So, Rhonda," I said sweetly after we'd each taken a long drink from our cups, "are you on any teams?"

"You know it!" She flexed her right arm. I hate to admit that her muscles were pretty impressive. "We didn't have a bowling team in high school, but we've got an awesome one here. My sorority sister Kayleigh is on it, too. I don't want to brag, but we kick ass. How about you; still in track?"

"Yeah, I'm running 200, 400, and a couple of relays," I said proudly. I put my right leg in the aisle and straightened it, flexing my quadriceps for her to admire. I saw her envy in her eyes while she checked out my sleek muscles. "There's a ton of competition, of course! That's what makes it so great to make the team when you're just a first-year; it's a major accomplishment. There were 20 other girls who wanted my spot on the 4x200! How many girls did you beat to get your spot on your team?"

Her cheeks were red, from embarrassment or anger. Eyes glaring, she said, "Well, bowling takes skill and strength. Most people don't even try it because they know it's too tough for them. Who can't run, right?"

"Besides you? I'm just teasing, of course!"

Her dark brown eyes flashed. "You're so funny! I bet watching your clumsy, scrawny ass try to bowl would be stupid funny!...I'm just teasing you back!"

"Aw, don't take things personally! Sure, it's true that any trained chimp can bowl--"

Rhonda stood abruptly. "--Where did you say your dorm room was, Bell-Bell? I've got to visit you; we have way too much to talk to each other about!"


The four of us sat around the low living room table in my dorm suite. I was a little surprised that my roommate Chelsee knew Rhonda's sorority sister May. Chelsee and May were sipping Seven-and-Sevens; I was drinking bottled water; Rhonda was drinking soy milk.

"Here are the terms of the bet, then," said May, tucking a coil of strawberry blonde hair behind an ear. She read from the tablet she had used to type our agreement. "Annabell will try to bowl a turkey--that's three consecutive strikes--in one game. Rhonda will try to run 400 meters in 75 seconds or better. They will get only one attempt per day. The attempts won't count unless at least three of the four people here are present. Whoever achieves her goal first is the winner."

"Is that okay for you two?" Chelsee asked.

"Sure," I said.

"Yeah," said Rhonda.

"And what about the stakes?" May asked.

"Bell-Bell and I have already agreed on those," Rhonda said.

"That's right," I added quickly, hoping to keep Chelsee or May from asking for details. (I'd agreed to Rhonda's stakes in the heat of a very nasty argument. As soon as we'd had a handshake, I had realized how embarrassing the stakes were, winning or losing aside. Luckily, Rhonda saw it my way for a change.)

Chelsee asked, "What are the stakes, then?"

"I'm satisfied that she'll live up to them when she loses, and vice versa," said my sandy-haired frenemy. "We'd rather not tell you the stakes until later."

May and Chelsee looked at each other. "Must be pretty shameful!" said Chelsee.

"No way. I'm sure that my little sister wouldn't do anything that could shame her or reflect poorly on the sorority!" May said sarcastically.


No one had said anything about the means we could use to reach our goals. I immediately looked for bowling tips on my favorite video sites. Losing this bet was completely out of the question.

Somehow, I'd allowed Rhonda to talk me into betting my virginity against hers. My spirit would die inside me if that bubble-head bimbo had the honor of taking my cherry. The only reason I'd agreed to her stakes was that I knew I'd crush her spirit if I was the winner.

It didn't take more than a couple of minutes of searching before I found a few great videos--including three that were specifically aimed at helping female beginners learn to bowl.

Advantage: Annabell Bellatrice Chiarabelli! Rhonda could try watching videos (if the thought ever crossed her under-worked brain), but they wouldn't help her the way they'd help me.


On Sunday afternoon, Chelsee texted me that she and May wanted me to come to the track and watch Rhonda try 400 meters. I was a little surprised that Rhonda was running so soon, but I didn't mind having a laugh, so I met them at the athletic field. She was wearing a sensible matching jog-bra and shorts. She was stretching when I caught my first glimpse of her. She looked a little like a runner, but I wasn't worried. She hadn't run at full speed since fitness testing in high school--if she had given it her all then.

"Ready," said Chelsee. Rhonda stepped into the first lane.

"Set." Rhonda put her fingers on the ground, just behind the start line. Her posture grew tense.


She was in good physical shape, but Rhonda only made 100 meters before she began tiring. Her running form was pretty good however; she had some natural ability. She looked worn out as she took the final turn.

"85.84 seconds," said Chelsee.

"Nice job," said May.

Rhonda--bent at the waist--said nothing at the moment; she was too busy breathing. I allowed myself a grin.

I told Chelsee, May, and Rhonda that I wasn't going to make a bowling attempt until another time. I had bowled four practice games over the last three days, but I planned to get more practice during the weekend. Honestly, I wanted to hold my attempt until I could bowl a turkey in the first game, just to boast about how easy it was and really humiliate Rhonda.


We had a bowling alley on campus, of course. I'd checked it out on Friday with a couple of my friends. That alley got a lot of use; it was booked solid on Sundays. To make scheduling easy, I'd been going to a slightly run-down local alley (which was also a pizza place and an arcade) that was off campus. My friend Madison and her boyfriend N'kadhe went with me pretty often. We usually had at least one other person with us, too.

The days ticked off. Rhonda made two or three attempts a week, improving incrementally. I kept training, gradually increasing my bowling skill.


May looked kind of at home on a track; she had a pretty athletic build with long arms and legs. As usual, she was using the stopwatch today. She hit the button and read the lap time. "79.30 seconds," she said. "Damn, Rhonda, you're getting quick!"

"Thank you, sister," she said, panting heavily. She pushed her blonde hair away from her face and wiped sweat from the corner of her eye. "Just four seconds to go, Bell-Bell!"

"Nice progress...but I'm not conceding the bet," I said. I couldn't believe it, but I wanted to compliment this bubblehead on her perseverance. Instead, I told my companions, "I need to get going."


It was a chilly April Saturday afternoon. Madison and N'kadhe and N'kadhe's friend Lorenz were with me. We were halfway through the game when I heard an unwelcome laugh.

"I come here to work on my game and I find you working on yours," Rhonda said in a sugary voice. "Not quite confident, huh?"

"I'm ready to make my attempt, actually," I said. (That wasn't the plan. She's very irritating most of the time--she's unbearable when she puts effort into it!)

"Oh, you're going to take your first attempt? I'll call up May. Then let's see if your sneaky little secret practices pay off."

I almost ground my teeth. "This is the only attempt I'll need. Because, Rhonda, as pretty and strong and charming as you are...anything that you can do, I can do better."

She clicked her tongue against her teeth. "Let's bowl a friendly game, then, Bell-Bell: me against you! You can get your turkey while you're kicking my ass, right?" She grinned mischievously, pursing her crimson lips.

"Why not?" I said. "You can go first."

"Watch my form; you may get a last-minute tip just by observing me," she said, reaching for her ball.

She rolled a strike.

I rolled a strike.

She smirked at me, unimpressed. She knocked down nine and picked up the spare.

I rolled another strike.

Muscular as her arms were, I thought I saw them shake slightly when she picked up her ball. She knocked down nine and got the spare again.

"Two down, one to go. No pressure, now," the irritating blonde said to me, trying not to sound concerned. She avoided eye contact when she spoke.

I flexed my fingers and took a deep breath. I picked up my ball, got into my stride, swung my arm, and released. I turned immediately, looking right into Rhonda's eyes, not at the lane.

I heard the sound of pins falling; I flipped off Rhonda and gave her a wink. "Was that really supposed to be hard? Seems easy to me."

From under her curtain of red-blonde hair, May's green eyes had widened. Mad as Rhonda looked, she looked even more astonished.


It was about an hour after midnight. A half-empty bottle of rum sat on Rhonda's bedside table. I stood and stretched my legs. "Okay, Princess, time to pay up," I said cheerfully, pulling my sweater over my head.

She was as tipsy as I was, but Rhonda's brown eyes showed her dismay. "You aren't--you don't really want to, do you?"

"Hells yeah, I do!" I took hold of her shirt. "Come on, arms up!"

Slowly, Rhonda raised her arms and let me take off her top. Wasting no time, I found her bra clasp. I opened it and got my first look at those giant melons. She had large pink areolas, although her nipples were small--smaller than mine, probably.

I undid her belt. "Stand up, please," I ordered. Her blush became even brighter red. She looked as though she wanted to say something, but she kept quiet. I slid her pants down her legs and had her step out of them. I slowly pulled down her tiny black cotton panties.

"Bell-Bell," she muttered uncomfortably. "Really?"

I took off my pants. I grabbed my overnight bag and rummaged in it.

"I can't give you my virginity!" Rhonda blurted.

I held up a long purple dildo and wiggled it a little. "What are you talking about, Princess?" I asked sweetly.

She said, "I've had sex a couple of times already."

"Well," I said. "That's too bad. Because that means you cheated me, purposely. I don't think your sorority sisters would approve."

"Don't tell them. What good would it--"

My lips pressed against Rhonda's in the briefest kiss ever, just to get her attention. "--I didn't believe for a second that you were a virgin, you skanky airhead. But you owe me something you can't pay." I adjusted the position of my strap-on. "So you're in trouble, aren't you?"

She ignored my insult. "I think you've humiliated me plenty and that's what you wanted," she said. Her eyes met mine plaintively.

"I'm not close to satisfied!" I got a squeeze tube out of my bag. "I'm going to take my payment."

"But it's impossible to take my virginity," Rhonda said, whining slightly.

"You've sucked dick, I'm sure. You've had your pussy fucked. But I know you and something tells me you have one virgin hole left."

Rhonda was tipsy, but not really drunk. In a second, she took my meaning. Her eyelids opened wide. "My ass? That's dirty; why would you even want to do that?"

"Because I won our bet. You're lucky I'm using lube," I said, smearing fluid along my toy's shaft. "Get on your knees."

She stalled, running a hand nervously through her blonde hair. "But it'll hurt. Come on, Bell-Bell."

"You'll enjoy it," I said, putting my hands on her shoulders. "And you owe me."

She sat on her bed and looked at me. Tears in her eyes, she said, "I just can't do it."

Well, shit, that was unexpected. As I looked at the young woman who'd irritated me so often during the last five years, I felt compassion. I didn't want to let her off the hook, but how could I keep going? "...Forget it. I've humiliated you enough, like you said." I turned away from Rhonda.

"Are you going to tell--"

"--No, don't worry about it."

While I loosened the dildo harness, I felt Rhonda's fingers on my arm. "I shouldn't have cheated," she whispered. "You're the better person."

"Seriously, don't stress about this," I said while I put on my pants. I smirked and patted her hand. "Okay, dick-breath?"

She smiled weakly. "Yeah, okay. Thank you."


We said good night. I left her room and closed the door quietly behind me. I walked briskly through the hall, toward the stairwell. Someone was there, standing near the door to the balcony. (That sorority house was big!) It was May.

"I didn't think you'd be leaving until morning," the straight-haired second-year said.

I swung my overnight bag. "I didn't either. But I got what I came for," I said to her.

May took a step toward me. "Did you really? I've seen that look many times." To my confusion, she put her hand in mine. "You got a little time to talk? Come with me."

I let her lead me to her room. She told me to sit and she went to the kitchen, returning promptly with a drink for each of us: whiskey and cola. She had a seat on the short couch. "Want to share a blunt?" she offered, producing a lighter and a baggy with three or four rolled joints.

"No, thanks, I need all the lung capacity I have to run at my best."

"That makes sense." She put the lighter on her coffee table. She sat with great posture, her narrow shoulders almost hidden by her long hair.

I said, "It's your room; you can smoke if you want."

"You'd still get some second-hand then. I'll wait," May said. She sipped from her glass. "Rhonda left you flapping in the breeze, didn't she?"

"...She wasn't exactly--"

"--She won't get in trouble, I promise. But what was your bet, anyway? She was supposed to lick your clit and she chickened out?"

"You're not far off," I said. "I was going to fuck her ass." (A small part of my mind was mortified that I was discussing this with anyone, let alone a casual acquaintance.)

May raised her thin eyebrows. "Bold! I'm not surprised she didn't follow through. She's completely straight, don't you think?"

"My theory is that everyone's at least a little bi, whether they know it or not. But she--"

"--That's an interesting theory," she said. May crossed her long, bare legs. (She was dressed like she intended to go to bed soon; she was wearing a very over-sized sky blue t-shirt that said "20% cooler!" and light blue ankle socks.) "I wonder about that.

"But at any rate, you were going to fuck her silly."

My eyelids must have opened wider. May snickered. "Why are you so sure?" I asked.

"Bell-Bell--you don't mind if I call you that, do you?"

"No, that's fine."

"...So, back to the topic: Rhonda's a braggart. She's got a lot of bluster, but she can't back up most of it. That's part of the reason I gave her an extra hard time when she wanted to pledge. But you, Bell-Bell, you are a doer. You don't say much. I bet you don't say anything if you don't mean it. So if you bet her with sex as the stake, you were going to do it.

"And--like I said--I've seen the look that was on your face. That was the look of a girl who was worked up and didn't get any action. There's a lot of tension between you and Rhonda and you wanted to fuck her."

We each took a drink. "There's no hard feelings," I said. "Not about this, I mean. We've always fought, but I don't hate her. I do, but I don't. I mean, she really annoys the hell out of me, but it's always been silly stuff, nothing major. For real, the way--"

"--Bell-Bell," said May. She put down her glass. She took mine and put it down also. "Hush. Drinking makes you ramble."

Then she was kissing me. Her long, thin arms went around me, her thin chest pressed against me. She opened my jacket and put her hands on my waist. "No shirt? I like!" (I hadn't bothered to put on my sweater again, since I'd just take it off when I went to bed when I got to my dorm room in a few minutes.) Then her hands began to explore my upper body.

Kissing a girl wasn't new to me, but I wasn't too experienced. May's forwardness was so sudden that I expected a trick at first. After all, sorority sisters do look out for each other. But that look of desire in her eyes--I didn't think she could fake that. So I began to kiss her back.

"Mmm, come on! Touch me!" she demanded between kisses. Her fingers opened my bra and she massaged my breasts--a bit more roughly than I like, but she didn't know me well enough to know that--and at the moment, I didn't mind how energetically she was moving.

I had more than enough invitation. I snaked my hands under her sleep shirt and stroked the warm flesh of her back and hips. May was right; I had wanted to get laid tonight. I still wanted to get laid tonight. And despite the setbacks of tonight, I was going to get laid!

"Yes!" May said. "Your legs, your ass--you're so strong...so damned sexy!" Our kissing and groping got hotter and hotter. Her hands getting into my pants and squeezing my ass turned me on even more.

A horrible thought occurred to me, cutting through the alcohol-generated fuzziness. I gently took May's wrists and eased myself away from her. "You're not doing this because you think you've got to pay May's bet, right?" I said.

The tall woman's green eyes never blinked. "No, I'm not. I need you."

"Because--" I started to say.

She lunged with startling strength and kissed me ravenously. Her hands yanked at my pants and underwear, baring my pelvis and upper thighs.

Ferocious as she was, I'm a strong woman myself. I pulled free of her grip, grabbed her shirt, and swept it off her body. Her cute blue panties went next: down her long legs and off. I picked her up in my arms, carried her across the room, and deposited her on her pillow-strewn bed. I kissed her, enjoying the look of pure hunger on her face. She seemed to calm a little while she kissed me in return.