Wheels of Love


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"You're welcome, Jenny," he smiled at her. "You handle yourself well around the house."

"I don't like to depend on others for assistance in everyday activities. Environmental modifications and adaptive equipment make it possible for me to help myself in almost every way. That's one of the reasons why I moved out of my parents' house. They had become overprotective."

Liam nodded, thinking that a wheelchair-accessible place wasn't cheap.

"So, you own this house?"

Jenny shook her head. "No, we signed a lease for the place. The landlord let me renovate the place, and the local contractor gave me a fair price for the renovations."

"Even so, it must have cost a lot of money."

"My parents and my sister helped me. Why are you giving me the third degree?"

Liam shrugged, "Just curious. You're the first girl in a wheelchair I've dated."

Jenny devoured another burrito before glancing at Liam, sitting there, a huge smile across his face. "You better hurry up before I eat everything!"

"I'm hungry for you," said Liam. He moved closer to Jenny and nibbled her ear.

"Serve yourself," she moaned.

Liam took Jenny in his arms, lifted her from her wheelchair, sat her on his lap, wrapped his arms around her neck, and kissed her long and good.


"Much better," Liam said, with a widening grin.

Jenny hugged him tightly, her cheek pressed against the side of his head, interrupting his thoughts. "Do you have any siblings?"

"Nope, I'm an only child. My parents had an RH-factor problem. I was born okay, but my baby brother was stillborn because of the antibodies. My parents didn't want to suffer this grief again and decided not to have more children. My father always said the real reason was that I was all they could handle," Liam's smile didn't reach his eyes.

Despite the joke, Jenny realized the conversation was making Liam visibly uncomfortable. She decided to change the subject.

"You truly surprised me. You nearly gave me a heart attack." She swatted him and he laughed. "Seriously, this is very sweet of you."

Jenny draped her arms over Liam's shoulders and pressed her lips to his. After several seconds, Liam moved his body closer to hers, and his tongue swept across the seam of her lips. She immediately opened them, inviting him in without a reservation. His tongue entered her mouth tentatively, and she used her own to tangle with his.

The kiss went deeper, as his tongue continued to sweep inside her mouth, her tongue playing with his in a slow, erotic dance.

Nothing had ever felt more right.

The delirious relief that bloomed in her heart at the feeling of how much she wanted this man, kissing her, almost made Jenny want to weep with happiness.

She could feel his erection pressing between her legs, big and hard. Then, all of the sudden, Liam pulled away.

"Liam... What's happening here? I know when a guy wants me. And you, Liam, are as horny as I am."

"I don't know," he claimed, looking away.

She made an angry cat noise, "Please, don't tell me It's because I am handicapped. Just because I'm in a wheelchair it doesn't mean I don't have needs. I haven't had a sex life since the accident," she confessed, her cheeks flushing red.

"Sorry," Liam said. "I do want you, Jenny. More than you can imagine."

Jenny kissed the tip of his nose. "It's okay. I've tried dating apps. Most guys just ask why I'm in a wheelchair. When I reply that it's permanent, the conversation dies. The fact that I'm in a wheelchair put me at a disadvantage from the start. Guys seemed to be interested in the story, the wheels, but not me as a person. I did get rejected several times. One guy told me 'I would never date you, not because you're not beautiful, but because you are disabled.' It was hard. I hope you can learn to see past that."

"I want to have sex with you if you want it," he said, looking at her with desire.

"Hell yes! I'm fine with that as long as you don't expect me to stand up against a wall. If you can hold me against the wall, then that totally works, too."

"Can you feel something down there?" Liam asked, humping into her pussy.

"Everything except my legs works just fine," she explained.

Liam wrapped his arms around Jenny's waist and rested her head on his chest.

"I don't mind you being in a wheelchair," he said, lifting her chin to meet his eyes. "Maybe, you're right and I'm a pervert after all. You make me all hot and bothered."

Liam wiggled his eyebrows, and Jenny laughed.

"I'm wet. Dripping wet. Why don't you help me to remove my pants and see what we can do about it?"

Liam opened her pants, and slowly pulled them down. Jenny leaned back on the sofa.

"Take a look at these," she said, touching the white scars of healed wounds. "Ugly, aren't they?"

"Nothing about you is ugly, Jen," said Liam, honestly.

"Girl's legs aren't supposed to be covered in scars," Jenny said matter-of-factly. "Look at me."

'I am. I'm looking at a beautiful girl,' Liam said.

Jenny sighed, half touched and half dissatisfied. "I wish I could feel something, you know," she said, hitting her legs.

Liam had a sudden urge to run her fingers along each scar and to place a slight kiss on them.

"So my legs don't bother you."

"They are part of you. No, of course, they don't bother me."

Jenny's eyes shimmered, and Liam leaned forward and kissed her. This time she leaned into him, and he was suddenly under her, rolling her on top of him. Her hair fell around them like a curtain. His arms were full of the softness and warmth of her, and his mouth with the taste of her, and the scent of her skin. Jenny was moaning and moving in his arms, her fingers stroking his hair.

She whispered to him softly, as he ran his hands up her legs. Liam could feel her scars under his fingertips, and he whispered he thought of them as tokens of her bravery that only made her more beautiful.

"What about your sister?"

"OMG! Are you thinking about having a threesome with my sister!" Jenny exclaimed, as she slapped his arm.

"What? No, of course not! That's not what I meant...!" For a split second, Liam was near to panic.

Then, Jenny burst out into laughter, and said, "Gotcha! You should see your face now."

Liam breathed a sigh of relief. "You're wicked."

"You have no idea," she laughed again.

Jenny grabbed her phone from the coffee table. "Don't worry, I'll text Kara to let her know she needs to find a place to spend the night. Then, I'm all yours."

"I like the sound of that."


Jenny stared at the morning light dancing on the ceiling above, as she listened to Liam's soft breathing as he slept. She and Liam had made love all night, and they both enjoyed it a lot. Her body was still tingling from the last time.

She was so excited and afraid all at the same time, but everything had flowed so naturally with Liam, like he could read her mind and she, in turn, knew exactly what he was thinking beforehand.

Jenny moved slowly out of his grasp, but before she could climb into the wheelchair, Liam's eyes opened and he gave her a sleepy look.

"Hi, sexy." He smiled sleepily, and yawned.

"Good morning, loverboy," she beamed at him.

"Did you enjoy yourself last night?"

"Yes, I did," she said, with a smile.

"I'm glad. It was your first time since your accident, and I wanted to make it memorable."

Jenny's hands reached up and cradled his face. "Trust me--it's not something I'll forget anytime soon."

Liam kissed Jenny hard before moving back a little knowing he must have morning breath. "I need to take a shower."

"A hot shower sounds wonderful," she purred.

Jenny climbed into her chair and rolled into the bathroom, stopping next to the shower chair. She pushed herself up and placed her bottom on the special seat.

Then, she took off her top and worked down her panties, too. The socks were the most difficult since she had to bend down to get them off, but she managed and turned on the water.

Jenny had adapted to her new life in a wheelchair. Liam admired her in more ways than one. Wheelchair or not, she was a smart, capable, independent woman.

"Are you coming or not?" she asked Liam.

"Yes, of course," he hurried to undress, and stepped into the shower with her.


Liam didn't bring a change of clothes, so he had no choice but to wear the same outfit he'd worn the day before.

He found Jenny in the kitchen singing and preparing breakfast. Her face was rosy, and she was practically vibrating with joy in her wheelchair.

"What can I do to help you, Jen?"

"I'm good, thank you," Jenny moved to the fridge next, and retrieved milk which she placed in her lap.

It was obvious that the kitchen area had also been renovated to make it accessible. The kitchen counter was lower with cutouts for wheelchairs.

"She makes it look easy, but I don't know anything about the effort it takes her to perform daily tasks I take for granted," he thought.

Breakfast was set up on the coffee table in the living area so they could eat from the couch.

Liam spread honey butter on his toast, and shoved a forkful of eggs into his mouth.

"These are so good. You're a great cook. I usually don't eat breakfast. This is fun."

Jenny looked at his radiant face. "You're so full of it. It doesn't take a great cook to scramble eggs."

Liam filled his mouth with another bite and smiled at her. "Okay, maybe they taste so good because you made them. So what? They still taste terrific. Thanks for making breakfast for me."

"You're very welcome. So, which are your plans for today?"

"I had classes to prepare, too. I hadn't planned what happened last night. It was our second date after all. I'm pretty sure the fact that my loins were on super-high alert due to the amount of time that has elapsed since they've seen some action played a big part."

Jenny looked at him with a puzzled expression on her face, and yelled, "What?"

"I was horny, and I enjoyed what we did."

"I enjoyed it, too."

"I am well aware of that. I remember you waking me up for round three... or was it round four?"

"I did not do such a thing!" Jenny lied, defensively.

"You did."


Liam waved a forgiving hand.

"Think nothing of it, I wasn't asleep anyway, and I had nothing better to do."

"Nothing better to do?" Jenny threw a pillow at him. "Wow, you know how to make a woman feel desired."

"You look adorable when you're mad."

"Adorable?" She questioned, furrowing her eyebrows, "Really?"

"Really." Liam leaned forward for another kiss, and she lovingly gave it back to him.

When they stopped kissing, Liam said, "I'd better get going."

Sadness washed over Jenny.

She didn't want Liam to leave. The last time he did this, she didn't see him for over a week. She wanted him here, close to her.

"I hate to say it, but you're right. I still have some papers to grade, too. I won't get anything done if you are here," she let out a long sigh.

"What are you doing next weekend?" Liam asked. "Do you have more papers to grade?"

"Who cares? For you, I'm always free."

"Want to try for that third date?"

Jenny smirked. "Third? Already?"

"Well, I'm counting only face-to-face dates."

"It's a date then."

"Good. I really hate to do this but..."

"You need to be going. I understand."

Jenny pushed her wheelchair down the hall to the front door and opened it for Liam.

"I'll miss you, handsome!" Jenny called from the front door, sending a flirty smile Liam's way.

"You, too, gorgeous. I'll give you a call on Friday to set up a time."

"You think you're so savvy with these dates, don't you?"

He smiled. "I like to pretend I know what I'm doing when it comes to charming my way into your heart."

"My heart?

"Shut up and come here."

Liam grabbed her top and dragged her closer, cupping her face with her hands and bringing his lips down on hers.

They shared a brief hot kiss, knowing they were more than capable of getting carried away.

"Call me?" Jenny asked, her thumbs caressing his cheeks.

"It would be weird if I didn't."

She pulled away, giving Liam a wave as he headed to his car.

Then, she heard a wolf whistle, shrill enough to echo off the surrounding houses.

"You're the hottest girl on wheels, Jenny," Liam called.

Jenny's cheeks were on fire, as she pushed her chair back into the house, a huge smile on her face.


"Hi, Liam, would you like some homemade pizza?" Nana asked him, as soon as Liam crossed the door.

"Do you have to ask, Nana?" He sat down at the table and served himself a glass of juice.

Liam's mother was in the kitchen, she quickly reheated a slice of pizza for her son.

"Hi, Liam," she said, placing a plate in front of him.

"Thanks, Mom," he said, taking a slice and biting into it immediately. "Mmm, delicious, Nana. Where is Grandpa?"

"It's bowling night," Nana said.

"Right," Liam took another bite. A thread of mozzarella hung off his lip.

"So, I guess your date went well," Nana commented casually.

"And how do you know that?"

"You didn't come back home last night, that was a big clue," Nana chuckled. "And you're practically glowing. I haven't seen you smile like this in a while."

"Did you enjoy yourself, Liam?" his mother asked her son.

"I did, Mom."

"I'm happy for you, son," Liam's mother added.

"Thank you," Liam said, wiping his mouth with a napkin. "This pizza is amazing!"

"Come on! That's all we are going to get?" Nana pushed.

"I don't kiss and tell," Liam said.

"We are not asking you to. Your mother and I don't need every gory detail of your time with your lady," Nana replied.

"She makes me happy in ways no one else does," Liam said. "It's kind of scary to find someone who so effortlessly can make you smile."

"I-I've had that happen to me with your father," Liam's mother commented. Her cheeks were bright red.

Liam looked at his mother, as if it were for the first time. Then, he smiled. A real smile.

Encouraged by her son's smile, she sat down at his side.

"I know I failed you in so many ways when you needed me the most; please, please forgive me," Liam's mother looked his son straight in the eyes. Her hands were shaking. "I love you so much. I miss you so much. I'm sorry, Liam, I'm deeply sorry."

"You were depressed, Mom. What happened, it wasn't your fault."

His mother shook her head.

"When your father died, I was in a dark place and it was very difficult for me to get out. People have no idea how horrible it is to suffer from depression. No one understands, unless they have suffered this. People said to me, 'go for a walk', 'just think positive'," she gulped. "It only showed they had no idea what I was going through."

Liam squeezed his mother's hand tightly.

"You have any idea how much effort it took me just to keep breathing..."

"I should be the one apologizing to you, Mom. I didn't know what was going on with you. I should have..." he let out a frustrated sigh. "I'm sorry. I failed you."

"Liam, stop it, please!" his mother cried. "Don't you dare blame yourself for what happened! You were seventeen! I am so proud of you. So proud of the way you did everything you could in an impossible situation," she took a deep breath and exhaled very slowly. She did it two more times. She walked over to Liam and planted a kiss on his cheek.

Liam knew what had happened wasn't her fault. It wasn't anyone's fault. It just... was.

"I love you, no matter what. People used to say that a lot, without thinking of potential nightmare scenarios or tragic conditions. When they say that, they never dream their love is going to be tested," Nana said, to no one in particular. "I know it, too well. Your grandfather and I have been married over fifty years."

Liam smiled at his mother.

"I love you, Mom. No matter what," he took his mother in his arms and hugged her tight.

He meant it. He'd never stopped loving her.

"I love you, too, my beautiful, brave son," she sniffed, pulled back, and said, "I must look awful. I better go to clean up this mess I call a face."

She got up quickly and went into the hall bathroom.

Nana was beaming at her grandson. "That was really, really good of you! You have no idea how much she needed to get that off her chest..."

Liam's face flushed. He nodded slowly.

"This girl is changing you for the better. Tell me more about her, please."

"You're right. Jenny has been an inspiration to me, Nana. Every day she struggles to overcome the adversity that is her disability, every day she fights, and wins, a battle against her impaired body."

"Bravery comes in all shapes and sizes. I can't wait to meet her."

"Well, it could be difficult for her to come here. There's no room for her wheelchair or ramps."

"How does she manage to do things?"

"She is renting a house with her sister, and they incorporated a lot of wheelchair-friendly modifications."

Nana looked around for a while, rubbed her chin, and finally said, "I always thought that we have too much furniture in the house. We only use half of it. That old sofa, for example, all it does is gather dust."

Liam rolled his eyes and smiled. "The next thing you're going to say is that you have to build a ramp to allow easy access into the house."

"Well, your grandfather and I are not getting any younger, you know. We might need a wheelchair to help us get around"

"I know what you're doing, Nana."

"Thinking about the future?" Nana couldn't hide a smile.

Liam ignored his grandmother and said, "Jenny and I just started dating. Two dates so far. I'm not bringing her here any time soon."

"That's such a pity. I'd like to thank her."

"Thank her for what?"

"She makes you happy, and after everything you went through, you deserve it," Nana said, with a cheesy smile on her face.

"Don't start making wedding plans, Nana. I still don't know if she's the one. I'm taking things slow. Love is a big word. Well, technically, it's a small word, only four letters, but it takes up a big space in your head."

Nana waved a finger in front of her grandson. "Don't be such a smarty-pants, Liam. You hide behind your smile, but your eyes tell more than you'll ever know."

"And what do my eyes tell you now, Nana?"

"That you're afraid. You hide your pain so well, I am almost in awe of you. You hold your head up and smile, but deep inside, you're afraid of having your heart broken again."

Her grandmother could read him like an open book, no matter what he said. "You obviously care for her."

"I do care for Jenny, but I can't provide for her the way she deserves. I'm not sure I can give Jenny everything she needs."

"From what you told me, your girlfriend already has a house that works for her. What she really needs is someone who loves her for who she is, even though she is in a wheelchair. Are you this person, Liam?"

Liam seemed to be lost in his thoughts, "I think I am, Nana."

Nana gave her grandson a warm smile, "Be careful and make sure not to hurt her. Your girlfriend also went through a lot and deserves to be happy."

Liam hugged his grandmother, and whispered, "Thank you, Nana. You gave me a lot to think about."

He went to his room and lay in bed, phone in hand.

He typed a message for Jenny in the chat box, "I didn't sleep much last night. Can't imagine what could have possibly kept me up. Hmm..."

"Are you implying that I snore?" Jenny typed back quickly.

"Like a drunken sailor," Liam typed, with a smile.

"You know, I was thinking of having another sleepover again, but if my snoring bothers you..."

"I take it all back! Your snoring is the most beautiful part of you."

"Better than my tits?"
