When a Woman's Fed Up Ch. 03


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Keisha was a hard worker. Even at almost nine months pregnant, she never missed a day, nor did she complain. Talia went into labor and Rick was a wreck. Keisha was so excited for her new friend, and the next day after her twins were born, she went straight to the hospital to see them. The two little boys were so handsome, and Talia was smitten. Rick was a permanent fixture at her side.

She thought of Dylan. He wouldn't be here when their daughter was born. She wished... She could not risk being found by Deshaun. Since moving, Keisha had stopped using her first name and went by her middle name. Her home, phone, and even at her job, had been changed. She was known as Arianna Jackson, Jackson being her grandmother's maiden name. The only ones that still called her Keisha was Talia and Rick, and they now referred to her as Arianna.

She moved to the small home near Rick's parents and they checked on her constantly. Often they would get annoyed because she tried not to call them when she needed things. Knowing her baby was soon due, they were on high alert. Talia and she talked and agreed that when her daughter was born, she'd stay with them at least a few weeks before going home. Brenda agreed, because it would be easier to keep check on both women.

Keisha worked right up until her due date. Rick was scared to death, and even Mr. Preson was concerned. One day at work her labor started and scared her. She hid in a closet. Realizing she had not been seen in a while, Janet, one of the maids searched for her and found her hiding and crying. She was rushed to the hospital where she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Her baby looked just like Dylan. She was his exact image. Richard and Talia came by and too pictures of Keisha cradling her daughter. As soon as they got them developed, she sent them to Dylan.


Deshaun was ready for his hearing. All he had to do was stay calm and soon he'd be out. He thought of ways to make Keisha suffer, but decided he had to be smart about it. He couldn't just beat her ass right away. People had to think he was better.

He'd bide his time. Get a regular job. Hell, maybe even try working with latchkey kids. He could build a new army and garner support from the neighborhood. Then when everyone relaxed, he'd make the bitch and that fat ass cop pay.

His lawyer said she'd be testifying and he couldn't wait to see her. She would be beautiful as usual. Keisha Johnson was always beautiful, but she forgot her place. She was his.

Three days before his hearing his lawyer came back to report a change. Keisha would not testify. It should be a clean sweep. Deshaun was furious. I wanted to see her and she refuses to even show up. Ummm, I'm gonna enjoy beating that ass. he thought. His expression never changed. No one had an inkling of an idea of how depraved he really was.

Three days later, Deshaun sat before the parole board. The board only wanted to hear new evidence. Since he was a model inmate, and agreed to continue counseling and taking medication every day. Deshaun Williams was released. After a few weeks, he returned home and many of his friends greeted him. He was glad to see them, but he also realized that one friend was not there. Norman, aka Caveman, was missing in action.

He reported to his parole officer and was given his reporting schedule. He was also referred to a local church that helped newly released inmates acclimate to society. Deshaun, stayed calm, and no one knew the hatred that festered within. After being out a little over a month, Deshaun was going to Baird to see a specialist. He wanted to see Keisha. It was then he learned that she'd moved away.

Deshaun was pissed. The bitch left. Did she think she could just leave and he'd forget? Oh no, she owed him.

"Son, are you alright?" the pastor from the church asked.

"Yes, Pastor. I was hoping to see some old friends, but they relocated." He answered calmly.

"Well, son. You know how the economy is. They might be better off elsewhere." He replied.

I wonder if fat boy knows where she is. I'll put some boys on him. he thought. Right now, he had to stay calm. She would pay. It might take longer, but he'd make her pay. The pastor looked at the quiet man sitting beside him. He had lived for over seven decades, and one thing he knew was evil. He'd faced it many times, and he knew he was driving with evil sitting beside him right now. When his church started trying to help these young men, they knew they would not reach all of them. That was the case with Deshaun Williams. He resided at their shelter, and on the surface appeared to be fine. However, the other residents feared him. He could be intimidating when he wanted something. That was not something they needed at the shelter. The shelter was a safe haven.

The Pastor felt this man had to go, so he made it his personal business to move Deshaun Williams out of the church shelter. Within two weeks, he had a small apartment and the church offered to help supplement his rent payments for a few months. He had heard of the girl that he mistreated, and he believed he still harbored hatred for her. He was going to hurt that girl eventually. Each night he prayed to God for protection for her.


Dylan was distressed. His child was due soon and he had no idea if the Keisha and the baby were alright. He had no idea where Keisha had gone. The police issued alerts, but she had vanished. At night he'd dream of her and their child. He didn't know if he had a son or daughter. He was torn, as long as she stayed hidden, Deshaun couldn't hurt her, but he was denied his child as well. One fall day, a courier came to the precinct and dropped off an envelope. The Chief called Dylan into his office and gave him the envelope. He opened it.

Inside was a letter and pictures of Keisha and their daughter, He had a daughter and she was beautiful. He cried as he stared at the photos. The chief congratulated him He shared the pictures with Lana, who cried with him.

He read the letter that she wrote.

Dylan, I'm so sorry I had to go, but I couldn't be there when he got out. I wanted to be there with you, but he is crazy and I had to protect her. I had to protect our baby. Her name is Alicia Elizabeth. I named her after our mothers. She is absolutely perfect. I'll send more pictures, and Dylan I am so sorry I hurt you. I love you, Dylan You must remember that. Love,


Dylan shared the pictures with Carter, who declared Alicia the most beautiful baby ever. Everyone laughed. Chase moved to Baird to be near Lana and her friends. He was a great source of support for Dylan. The four adults talked with Chase asking Lana about having a baby. She laughed and kissed him, excited about the thought of carrying his child one day.

Carter went to clean and Lana volunteered to help. After they left, Dylan asked Chase, "Any visions?"

Chase smiled, "No, she is safe." He replied.

Dylan relaxed.


Keisha was staying at Talia's when she was released from the hospital. She missed her mother. Momma would have loved you Alicia. She would have spoiled you rotten. she thought, shedding a few tears at her Mom's memory.

Talia, who had just given birth to twin boys two weeks earlier walked in and hugged her friend. "It's Ok, Keisha. It will be OK." She assured her.

"I miss Momma, and wish Dylan was here. They should be here." She cried softly as her daughter slept.

"Keisha, you can call Dylan. Tell him where you are." Talia suggested.

"No, Deshaun is probably having him watched. That's why I sent to pictures to the precinct. If he thinks I've contacted him,..." Keisha exhaled. "I'm not very smart. I got my GED and barely passed the nursing classes that I took. I did it, and earned my CNA license. He never wanted me to do anything, but lay under him. I was his property. I defied him, Talia, and he will kill me if he ever finds me. I cannot risk Dylan. By coming here, I have put you and your family in danger as well, and I'm sorry. That's why as soon as I can go home. He'll never know you and Richard helped me. I must ask though, if he finds me, will you protect Alicia? Find a way to get her to Dylan. I don't want him to hurt her." Keisha whispered.

"Keisha, he won't find..." Talia tried to reassure her.

"Talia, crazy people can do all kinds of things. We both know that Deshaun is insane." Keisha whispered. They were interrupted by twin cries as Zander and Landon needed their Mommy. "Girl, go check on those boys. I'm fine." Keisha smiled and hugged her unlikely ally.

Richard was holding both boys when she entered the nursery. They decided to bottle feed, instead of breast feed. So each parent took time to feed their hungry boys. They put on fresh diapers, burped hem, and put them to bed. They'd sleep about an hour and Talia slept when they did. Richard was still working while Talia was on leave, but when he was home, he helped as much as he could.

"How's Keisha doing?" he asked as they fed the boys

"She misses Dylan and is terrified of Deshaun. She's right. He will probably kill her if he ever finds her." Talia replied. "It makes me so angry, because no one should ever live in fear like that."

Keisha stayed with Talia for a few weeks and then she returned home. Unlike Talia, she took only four weeks off, and her daughter was put in daycare at the office. Her friendship with Talia and Richard helped her land a job at Homer Publishing.

Mr. Preson was impressed. The girl was a hard worker, and he felt so protective of her. In an uncharacteristic move, he and his wife visited her after her daughter was born. He knew she planned to return to work early, but, she needed time at home. So during their visit, he and his wife informed her that she would not be allowed to return for two weeks. She would be paid for those two weeks, so she was to stay home and care for her child.

As Alicia grew, Keisha took pictures. Randomly throughout the months, she'd send them to the precinct. She'd write a short letter. Dylan looked forward to see the courier each month. Before he realized it a year had passed. His baby was one, and he'd missed a year of her life because of Deshaun. The police watched him closely. He seemed to be on the up and up. He helped out at the church Mentored teen boys, and seemed to be effective.

With all of the good he seemed to be doing, no one was inclined to hear about his past crimes. Deshaun was clever. He made public apologies to people in the neighborhood, and then followed up those apologies with works to help improve the lives of people there. He was instrumental in ending the gang turf wars, stopping drug trafficking, and starting a community center. By the end of a year, Deshaun went from public enemy number one to savior.

Dylan didn't trust it, neither did Chase. So the two men watched. Soon fall came and it was time for the Green's annual anniversary banquet. This year, the Greens invited Dylan and Carter. Lana and Chase also attended. They arrived at the dinner when Deshaun arrived as well.

Steve and Richard met him at the door, and told him he needed to go, but Deshaun assured them he was not there to start problems. To keep down drama, Felix let him stay. He joined the dinner and stood he offered an apology to the Greene family, admitting that his behavior was rude and inappropriate. He asked for their forgiveness, and stood and returned to his seat; he locked eyes with Chase, and Chase froze. The serpent would strike soon. He needed to be stopped.


Sitting across the road watching the festivities was Detective Kate Lane. For the past year, Detective Lane tailed Officer Lana Davis. She was transferred from her last job under a suspicious cloud, but after several months, Kate saw no guile in the woman. However, the man that glared at Officer Nash caught her attention. Something was not right, and he needed to be watched. She was now changing tactics. That man was evil. He was a snake, and dangerous. However, she could tell that he was trying to play the role of a good guy. Kate didn't buy it. She needed to get close to him and fast. She noticed that he watched one man. Why is he watching Nash? she wondered. Well, I need to get to inside to find out what's going on. She thought. This will be fun.

There was something in the way Deshaun glared at the sandy hair cop; the hatred he felt visible for all to see. He was friends with the girl that Deshaun attacked and he was the reason he was initially locked up. The girl had moved, and William's animosity at the guy should have dissipated. But it was obvious that Williams still held a grudge.

She was worried about the girl. No one knew where she was. She left before Williams was released, but that didn't mean he had nothing to do with her disappearance. She was aware the Officer Nash and his partner still searched and had even hired someone to find the girl. But she didn't want to be found. Kate didn't think she was dead, just hidden. Deshaun moved to greet a couple that gave him a cool reception. She saw him look back at the cop, and that action had Kate take notice, she would get close to this cop.

She took out her phone and called her team. "Get me on staff in the Baird Police Department. I'm staying undercover, and I need Dylan Nash as my partner." She listened and responded, "Just do it."

Curiosity piqued, she wanted to find out what the big black man was up to. Deshaun sat with a smirk on his face, smiling. He'd just out of jail a year ago, and he was looking every bit the thug he was. Like they say a leopard never changes it spots. Kate mused.

Kate was an undercover cop; at first she'd been assigned to shadow Lana, but now she had a new target. This was not her first time noticing the big black man. He seemed intimidating to everyone there. It was as if people were afraid to challenge him, and he basically did what wanted. The cop, his Indian friend, and Lana didn't like the guy and that was understandable, but Kate had a sixth sense about things and usually she was right.

He was up to something, and it would not end pretty. The man was a sociopath, and someone needed to be there to keep him from going overboard. The missing girl, Keisha Johnson, was his trigger; they needed to find this girl before he did or he would kill her. Kate knew a murderer when she saw one, and that's what this psycho was. Soon, Deshaun left the community center and headed home. Kate waited a few seconds and then followed him.


Chase and Dylan sat quietly. Neither spoke. Dylan watched him. He saw him approach Talia as she talked to her husband, Rick. The young couple quickly dismissed him. Deshaun took a cue and soon left.

Deshaun had a feeling they were hiding something. He'd visit Talia's parents and see what he could find out. The dinner ended and everyone went home.

"That guy is so bold. It's scary. How could they let..." Lana stopped, and took a deep breath. He was out, and it seemed like he had everyone fooled.

"My little girl is the same age as Rick's boys. I need to find them. He is a threat to them, and as long as I live, I will fight to keep them safe." Dylan vowed.

Lana paused. "Sorry Dylan. I know this is hard. I miss her too. But I think she did the right thing. He can't hurt her if she can't be found. I know that's cowardly, but I get it now." Both men looked at her. She continued. "He is charming, and has control over many people. You all saw how they were tonight. Mr. and Mrs. Greene did not want him there, but he stayed any way. He controlled her life for decades. Everyone looked the other way. With the exception of the Mr. Greene, who else stood up, no one, Dylan. She has been on her own her whole life. That man had abused her for decades and he will try to kill her Dylan. So I understand that you are hurt. I wish she and Alicia were here, but I'm glad that they are not. At least, like us, he has no idea where she is."

"Lana, I need her and Alicia here with me." Dylan declared angrily, but secretly he agreed with his friend. That's why this was so hard. He was torn. Some nights his phone would ring, and the number would be restricted. He'd answer and not hear a sound. He prayed it was Keisha, just wanting to hear his voice. For months he searched, and now he'd hired an investigator. He also learned that Deshaun had people looking too. His man could not find her, neither could the other guy. She was hidden. She and Alicia for now were safe. . Chase stood and walked across the room, his spirit was disturbed by Deshaun's presence tonight. He would strike soon..


Felix and Desiree returned home. Felix spoke few words, causing his wife to worry. "Daddy Momma, the banquet was lovely. Everyone had a great time." Dalia told her parents. Her sister agreed. The twins shared a look, Felix caught it. Both husbands stepped back.

"What is it?" Felix demanded.

"Tell him." Dalia whispered.

"Dalia, I gave my word." Talia whispered

"Spill!" Felix demanded.

"I can't. I gave my word. But..." Talia stopped

Felix suspected something, "I raised you girls to stand for what's right. I'm proud of you. When you give someone your word, you must honor it. But be careful. If it's dangerous, let someone else know." He stated.

Talia nodded. The family talked and Talia wished she could tell them Keisha was with her and was doing well. Soon the girls and their husbands headed to a hotel. The kids wanted to stay with the grandparents, so each couple took advantage of a night alone.


The next morning, Deshaun appeared at the Greene's door. He brought flowers. Felix greeted him, and in clear terms told him his visit was not welcomed. Deshaun left. He needed Felix Greene to accept him. People listened to him, and respected him. He thought for a moment, Old dude hated the way I treated that bitch. I did hit his daughter. Hell I've changed. Everyone sees it. Fuck the Greenes; who needs them.

He reported to his job. As a felon, he couldn't find regular work, so he started his own yard care business. As of last week, he had five young men in his employ. Deshaun felt proud. Those young men looked up to him and it felt good. He did some good, but Mr. Greene refused to see it. If he could get his approval, then he'd be one few respected men in the community.

Deshaun went to see his court appointed therapist during his lunch break, and he mentioned attending the banquet. He counselor listened, and Deshaun told him of the cool reception he received. He even mentioned that the cop and his friends were welcomed, where he was made to feel like an interloper. The cop blamed him for Keisha leaving, but it's not his fault. She is a weak, sorry female. Everything that has happened to him was because of her. Deshaun fumed.

Deshaun thought and for a moment wondered if he should let go of his anger at Keisha. He'd been in therapy for months and at first it was just to fool everyone one, but one day the guy said something and it made sense. "You spend all your time angry at somebody else and they are not thinking about you. Why do you owe them your life? Deshaun this woman, Keisha, did you love her?"

Deshaun couldn't answer. Do I love her or is this something else? She cost me my freedom. Because of her I spent two years locked up.

"She owes me..." He mumbled.

"Owes you what son? What does she owe you?" The therapist asked. The therapist could not believe he still blamed this girl for his problems. It was something seriously wrong with this man, and he would make sure to include this in his report.

Not able to answer, Deshaun stared at the man. This fucker thinks he understands. That bitch owes me. He thought as he went mute and refused to talk anymore. Realizing that nothing more would be accomplished today, the therapist ended the session. As he exited the office, Deshaun shook his head to shake sense of doubt and guilt that gripped him. She had to pay, but on all honesty he didn't know why anymore. He would find her and when he did, he'd find his answer.