When Opportunity Knocks


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I was floored. She had used my name. Instinctively I looked around the room. My name was nowhere. There were no tags around, no business cards on the credenza, no mention of my name at all. How the hell did she know my name was Scott? I jumped up on the bed and straddled her waist. I kneeled down and rested some weight on her. Grabbing both breasts now in an almost threatening way, I demanded, "How do you know my name?!"

She had apparently not known for sure if her ploy had worked as completely as it appeared, but now she was sure. She couldn't help laughing a little, but then the pressure on her breasts was increased, not painfully but certainly noticeable. Time to fess up.

"Silly, it's me, Scott, Terry." She was smiling still, way ahead of the curve from me, and though she was the one all tied up, I was the one who didn't know what the hell was happening. But it was beginning to come to light. For some reason, she had decided to play it coy with me from the very beginning. Probably from a position of security, she had altered her pictures to focus on her body, not her face, and to look like she was blonde, not dirty blonde like she was. At our meeting, she had decided to try to asses my worthiness of her before consenting to acknowledge our familiarity. I could certainly understand her concern, as I considered all this.

"When you actually came over to me, and we started to talk, I decided to keep the fantasy alive by playing the roll we had so often talked about online." She was obviously proud of herself and gaining far too much confidence given her current state of restraint. I had been duped like some stupid stereotyped male thinking through his cock. I had in fact deserved it! She had me cold! Hell, I allowed myself to be snapped right up and whisked off to a motel room, albeit my own, and convinced to have a wild night of sex with someone I knew no more about than a light post! It was embarrassing!

"Now take this blind fold off and untie me and we can talk about all this...." She was moving as if I was going to follow her instructions yet again. She acted perfectly confident that I would bend, even break at her beck and call. I wasn't about to abide.

"Who the hell is Earette?" I demanded.

She laughed heartily for a moment, and then, hearing no response, "Terry, silly. It's Terry, backwards!" She laughed again at her con game and how well it had worked. She wasn't thinking she had made a fool of me, but I was sure tempted to feel that way. It took all I had in the way of self-confidence to fight the temptation back. After a moment or two, she added, "Now take this blindfold off and we can finally meet and talk."

I had to admit it was a terrific con. She had me fooled every step of the way. It was beautiful. It took full advantage of the double head thinking of men and made the con work. Of course she was comfortable with me, she had conversed with me a lot! Of course she knew what I was doing when I tied her up - we had talked about that a lot! Of course she knew I would now take off the blindfold and sit back and get to know her, talk to her about whatever. But, I decided there and then, was where her record of perfect assumptions ended. No more Mr. Predictable. Time to turn the tables.

Chapter Four

I didn't respond at all. I simply went about what I wanted to do with this delectable body. There was nothing she could do about it, short of screaming, and she wasn't likely to do that unless I did something to prove her thoughts about me wrong. I knew I had her exactly where I wanted her, and now it was time to take advantage of that. This was going to be fun!

First, I wanted to turn her over. I remembered her ass from her pictures. Sure, she had told me she liked it played with, but I also liked to play with a nice ass, and hers was definitely a nice ass. How to do this without giving her too much sense of relief that she was safe, but not taking all night either. I put the engineer in me to work.

I opted to do a controlled turn where she would be tied up and secured throughout the turn. I also decided to keep her at the foot of the bed for now. The reasons for this, and there were more than one, would become clear soon enough. The problem was easy now. Secure the hands and arms so turning her would not affect them, and then work with the feet to control her position. I grabbed another piece of the stretchy, velvety material and looped it around a post in the middle of the top of the bed. I tied one end to one wrist and pulled the other end tight. This pulled her now newly tied arm to the head of the bed.

Then I released that wrist from the original tie and kept the old tie taught in my teeth so the other hand could not escape prematurely. I similarly secured this other wrist to the head material and pulled that wrist up to the other and tied them off securely. The initial ties were removed and the extra material put aside.

I climbed off the bed and examined my work so far. This was half the fun, seeing her helpless in whatever position I chose for her. She could do nothing, even if she wanted to. I looked at her like this for some time before she wiggled her ass impatiently to bring me back to the business at hand.

Releasing her legs, I used one as leverage to roll Terry over on her back. I reached down between her legs and put my arms around her waist to re-center her on the bed. Her legs were now past the bottom of the bed and knee-down on the floor. This was an entirely new sight for me, Terry prostrate but kneeling, exposed to me for whatever purpose I had in mind. And I had plenty of purposes in mind.

Terry must have had the same intentions for she moaned now for the first time since I had silenced myself and her. "You like the feel of that, don't you, Terry?" I teased. "Ready for me to play with your ass, maybe? To shove something up your pussy maybe? Hmmmm..."

She was shaking her head and groaning her accent to my questions. She was more than ready, she was intensely eager for these things to happen. And I didn't want to displease her now, did I?

I took my pants off but left my briefs on. I removed my shirt and socks, all of which I simply threw in the corner. I was horny as can be and yet I wanted all this to last forever. I kneeled down behind the sex machine before me and placed my hands on the top of her ass. I could easily see the wetness seeping through her hose and liner. She was hot and wanted anything and everything she could get, and the sooner the better.

Rubbing my hands around lightly over the nylon material, I could feel her lulling into a kind of sexual stupor, hypnotic in its potency and sensual in its exclusivity of thought. I was not there. She was not there. Only my hands rubbing her ass were there, and stimulating her beyond her ability to respond. She tried though, wiggling her ass under my hands to intensify the contact. I gave her the intensity she wanted.

SLAP! I brought a hand down firmly on her right cheek. It surely didn't hurt, but it definitely shocked her with both the sound and the sensation of punishment that was intended. I rubbed some more and then brought my left hand down on that cheek. The same reaction occurred with her suddenly freezing in place, and then moaning slightly and moving her ass under my hands again.

I could see her moving her shoulders now too to massage her still clamped nipples on the bed. The woman was getting hot.

"You want me don't you," I chided, "You want me to fuck you don't you?"

"Oh yes, Scott, please, I need you inside me, give me that cock of yours now. I am so hot!"

I chuckled out loud with a snickering laugh. I had her now and she was mine. She would do anything for me to get what she wanted, my cock in some hole in her body.

"Well, these holes are covered, here Terry, I may just have to shove my cock back in your mouth again.."

As if to answer me with her body, she squirmed to one side and opened her mouth for me to have a target to shoot at. I climbed on the bed and complied with her wish and placed my cock at her lips. The second she felt it there, she devoured me. She sucked me in as if she was not going to let me go. If I hadn't met this woman on the net and grown to know her, I might even be concerned about what she would do to my cock.

She sucked it in. slurped her tongue all over it and then tried to exact a prize for her work. She blurted around my cock in her mouth, "Uhhhh... finger me... put SOMETHING in me, please!"

"Something in you, huh, Terry? Let's just see what we have here...." I stood on the bed and stepped off to get at my bag once again. Reaching in I pulled out just about everything. I looked the items over for a minute and decided on a plan of action.

Kneeling back down between her outstretched legs, I dropped my head to her ass and began to nibble through the nylon material. She moaned in gratitude for the attention. I used my hands to continue to give her all the sensations possible, and maneuvered them in ever widening arcs to finally include passes down the backs of her thighs. She was wiggling her ass and making all kinds of noises of appreciation for the action around her ass.

Over time I began to get anxious myself. I wanted this to go to the next stage. I reached behind me to the bag and pulled it over by my side while the rest of me continued the motion on her ass. Reaching into the bag, I pulled a scissors free and brought it close to her crack. She was unaware yet that anything at all was happening beyond the wonderful ministrations on her butt.

Pulling away suddenly however brought awareness to her. I could sense her questions emerging, what was next. I pinched and pulled the crotch of her pantyhose back from her body and used the scissors to slit it for about a foot. When I let it go, Terry knew immediately that something had changed for the open air now wafted over her heated sex and ass. The protection was gone, yet the hose were unmoved from her body. As she gathered all the data and synthesized it’s meaning, she suddenly jerked at the touch of my finger on her swollen pussy lips.

I ran the finger up, and then down the slit, from one end to the other, lingering for a moment each time it crossed her clit. Her bottom began moving differently now, pushing back at me at times she thought strategic to somehow get my finger to enter her. It didn't work toward anything but alerting me to her level of heat. Given what I saw and felt in her hot wet slit, she was at a very high level of heat indeed.

I brought my face down to her crotch then and shoved my nose right at her sphincter muscle. I pushed up against it and definitely had the desired effect, for Terry suddenly pulled her ass forward in surprise, but then pushed back with her hardest thrust yet to somehow draw the intruding object into it. That was fine by me! With my finger in her cunt, and a few more now, I began to stimulate her there to begin to confuse her feelings entirely. The more things going on at once, the more stimulated she would become, and the more she would let me do out of sheer necessity to be satisfied.

I replaced my nose with a finger from my free hand and shoved it into her slowly. I knew it might pinch, but I also knew that once the diameter was in, it would pinch no more, and my fingers weren't that big around. It slid smoothly into her ass, dry as a bone, and was sucked tight to hold it there. With my thumb from that same hand, I penetrated her pussy lips and slipped it in as far as I could reach it. I now had her like a bowling ball in one hand, a finger in one hole and my thumb in the other. My first hand continued to massage her mons and clit, alternating between cupping her for full and broader contact, and fingering, twiddling and even pinching her clit. She was beginning to boil in my hands. The juices were flowing down her crack and I began to lick them up. Then I would nibble a bit on the area of her ass cheeks facing inward toward her crack where they were most sensitive. The whole impact of all this contact, with her hands tied above her head, her eyes blindfolded, and her body more than comfortable on the bed with her knees only slightly supporting her, was exactly what one might expect. She bucked and pushed and pulled and tried everything she could to devour the intrusions into her body and soon rocked in orgasm. It was intense for me to watch. I could see her cheeks flexing as if to pull my finger in deeper. Each time they did I tried to give her some satisfaction by pushing on the digit for more contact. Then her pussy muscles would constrict around my thumb, trying to keep it there and bring it in further. She would arch her back each time I pinched her clit, making it more accessible for yet more abuse by me.

It all hit her like a hammer hitting a nail and drove her into depths of depravity and humiliation and sexual satisfaction she could no longer hold back than she could hold a train in the station. She came in waves of pleasure. The tide surged in and took her and swept her away with it to places she had not been before. This was exactly what she had been looking for, exactly what she wanted to feel, to sense, to experience. This was the ultimate satisfaction she wanted, and now, for the longest time she could remember, she had it, all of it, and all the time it was being forced upon her by some strange man at her totally exposed and subservient ass. It was all too much. She nearly passed out.

Chapter 5

I was tired. The whole evening had been first tedious in waiting and then an emotional and physical roller coaster. It was time to relax. I released all the ties on my captive and removed her blindfold. When we made eye contact once again, it was with smiles and a sense of relief and understanding, a mutual respect that came from months of chatting and now the culmination of a meeting. We had both participated equally even though the sex had been initiated more by me than her at this point. We had agreed to meet, and meet we did. But it was not on one person's terms or the other’s; it was on mutual terms where both had participated in the decisions, and the execution. This relationship was starting off on the right foot as far as the Scott half was concerned.

Terry sat up and smiled broader. She must have sensed my need for a break and pushed me back on the bed. I didn't resist and fell backward on the pillows and let my body relax. It felt good to be there, to be watch so intently by this sexy woman who I had just pleased to no end. It felt good to have her run her hands over my chest as if to relax me and feel me at the same time. Till now, she had had little contact with me that had been initiated by her. It was obvious that she wanted to change the rolls. I had no problem with that and gave her every indication I could to encourage her to continue.

"Roll over, Scott," She commanded. I was hoping I wouldn't have to tell her that back rubs, though I realize most people love them, were of no use on me. I have no problem letting someone fondle me in just about any way imaginable, but rubs and massages for the sake of muscle relaxation or anything but pure sexual enjoyment were lost on me. She quickly alleviated my fear by promptly blindfolding me and leaving the bed.

Now I had no restraints on me anywhere but my eyes so it wasn't as if I were unable to move. What she obviously wanted was to keep me in the dark while she did whatever she was about to do. Well, that was fine by me, I trusted her completely now that she had trusted me, and frankly looked forward to whatever she had up her sleeve, or her pantyhose!

"Just what do you have in this bag," She asked as I heard some rustling. I tried to think quickly about whether there was anything in there I didn't want her to see, and then I laughed at myself. This was supposed to be a totally free and candid event, no secrets to fuck it up, and nothing held back. So who cared! If either one of us was unhappy about something, we would simply separate and go our own ways, no questions asked and no tales to tell. Pure pleasure was all this rendezvous was about, nothing less, nothing more.

I had purchased a slew of things on the net in anticipation of this meeting, some of which would surely be embarrassing if found by either a spouse or anyone frankly who wasn't of the same mind as we were at that moment. But since we were of that mind, let anything happen, I relaxed and even began to look forward to her reaction to the things she was about to find in my bag. There was stuff in there I had never used before, only dreamed or fantasized about. There were things in there I didn't even know if I would like, or if she would. I had tried to bring it all, just in case. An opportunity to try all this stuff does not come around often and I didn't want to miss this one, so I brought just about anything and everything I could find.

There was suddenly a silence, as her searching must have stopped. Now what, I wondered. Had she found something that upset her? Had I pissed her off somehow? Was there something in that bag that insulted her or brought back a bad memory? I was afraid the whole evening was about to end when I abruptly felt her grab a hand and secure it to a restraint she had already secured to the bed on that side. Quickly she moved to the other side and did the same with my other arm. I expected my feet to be next, but she surprised me by mounting the bed and straddling my back to sit on me.

She had caught me off guard enough that I exhausted my entire lung full of air upon receiving her weight, and opened my mouth to replenish naturally. The surprise came when I felt what had to be the ball gag shoved quickly and firmly into my mouth. Not only was this a first for me, it was exotic. The fact that a woman I had only just met was suddenly stuffing my mouth full of rubber to keep me from talking was erotic as hell. I had wondered if this would be the case, and sure enough it made me feel totally submissive, even captive of this woman now. My arms were tied and my eyes blindfolded, and now my mouth was gagged and I could not speak. She had total control over me and I had no say in what was to happen. The idea of being subservient hadn't entered my consciousness as much as the idea of captivity. In reality, she could do whatever she wanted to me, even in the form of violence, and there would be little or nothing I could do about it. To give oneself over to another like this, no questions asked and no rules, was as erotic as it was frightening. My senses were raised to new heights.

"Ohhhh,,, " She cooooed, after leaving the bed and resuming her inspection of my bag. "You have a little treasure trove in here! Let's see now, here's an anal plug, and a big one too. Now were you expecting to shove this huge tool up my ass? Huh? Were you? Is that what you thought you would do? For your own enjoyment?"

She wasn't scaring me yet, but she was close. She continued, "Is that what you planned? And where do you get off thinking that, huh? Maybe I don't like a huge tool like this up my ass. Maybe that scares me like I am going to scare YOU!"

I could feel my butt cheeks wince at the threat. At least I knew one thing that was coming - my biggest butt plug was certainly going to be pushed up my chute. She had resumed her searching through my bag. "Boy, lots of ties and straps and things. What else is in here.... Some lube, is it, well. You have sooo much stuff in here I am going to be busy for a long time. Maybe we should just get started quickly so I can be sure to use all of these things on you tonight."

I heard some more rustling and then the bed gave up her next move. She jumped aboard and pressed her feet down between my legs, pushing them apart. There was no ceremony her, just brute force opening me up sufficiently for her to perform her next act. And it came quickly. I felt something, probably a finger, fishing around my asshole and then inside. It was obviously well lubed and this told me she was at least going to try to make this a bit more comfortable than I had done for her. Hey, I thought to myself, that was heat of the moment when I pushed my finger up her ass, there was no lube out yet, and it was... Then I gave up on trying to justify my inconsiderate behavior. Had the gag not prevented me from doing so, I would have confessed then and there I was sorry for "dry" fingering her. But I was gagged and could not, so I was about to suffer whatever punishment she cared to administer.