When Ordinary Isn't Ch. 05

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New life, and the confidence of friends.
8.6k words

Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/03/2020
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Eric awoke first. He carefully exited their nest and entered the bathroom where he started the shower. He left the bedroom and found his suitcase where they'd both dropped them the prior evening in the foyer, then returned with it. He noticed the empty bed. He removed a small tote from his case, then looked into the bathroom.

"Boo!" Peggy shouted when she saw him, attempting and succeeding to mildly startle him from the shower. "Thanks for getting it hot for me!"

He placed his toiletry bag on the countertop and stepped into the doorless glass-walled enclosure with her.

"Good morning," he said, offering her a kiss. "How'd you sleep?"

"Very, very well. You?" she asked.

"You bet I did. Do you have stuff in your kitchen with which I could cook you breakfast?"

She chuckled. "You? Cook for me?"

"Why not?"

"There's probably enough to get by," she answered before a healthy smooch.

"Good. As soon as I'm finished in here, I'll go whip us up something yummy."

They enjoyed the warmth of the shower together for about ten minutes before he exited. He shaved at one of the two sinks, ensuring he left it as clean as he found it. After he'd dressed, he made his way to the kitchen and explored the contents of the pantry and refrigerator.

He found bagels in the fridge along with a tub of cream cheese and a carton of blueberries. He took a small saucepan from the overhead rack, put the berries in it, covering them with a little water and a measure of granulated sugar before placing it on the stove to simmer. He crushed the berries with a fork as the water began to warm.

He sliced two bagels and toasted them. As the fruit simmered, he gave it a light dusting of cornstarch. The juice-rich mixture thickened as the sugar and starch mixed with it. He extinguished the fire underneath the pan when the bagels were perfectly toasted.

He plated the bagels and spread them evenly with cream cheese. He spooned the blueberries into a dish just as Peggy joined him in the kitchen.

"Whoa. What smells so good?"

"Blueberry spread. I like it on pancakes or waffles. It's especially tasty against the tartness of a cream cheese schmear."

Peggy brought a plate and the dish of blueberry spread to the island which had several bar-height stools on one side. She pulled one out, sat down, and sampled the combination.

"Ooh, this is delicious," she said as she chewed the crispy, chewy bagel with a dab of the warm topping.

His phone rang.

"How are you, Doctor Shields?" he asked after the man identified himself.

Peggy's eyebrows arched in recognition.

"The board has done all I've required. I'll instruct my attorneys to transfer custody of the escrow account by end of business today," Eric said.

"Sorry, I don't have an answer for that.

"I would imagine she's anxious to hear from you.

"Of course.

"Absolutely. Pleasant morning to you, too, Doctor Shields," Eric said before he disconnected the call.

He looked at Peggy with a subdued expression.

"Where's your cellphone, sweetie?"

"In the bedroom. Why?"

"You might want to go get it. I think you're about to get a call."

"Oh?" she said, leaving her stool. She had barely walked thirty feet when she heard it ringing. She ran to the bedside table and saw an unknown number on the display.

"This is Doctor Foreman," she answered, slightly and briefly winded from her sprint.

"Good Morning, Doctor Foreman, this is Duane Shields. I trust you made it home safely?"

"I did, Doctor Shields, thank you for asking. It's a pleasure speaking with you again."

"Doctor Foreman, I'm calling because I don't want moss to grow under our feet before we put this information in your hands. This will all, of course, be emailed to you, but I'm calling to inform you that, after discussing the matter into the wee hours last night, the board of directors has unanimously decided to request your service as the Director of Research we discussed with you at length yesterday. You would be reporting directly to the administration, but also dotted-line to the Chief of Surgery. We are tendering an offer of $469,500 per year, plus benefits."

Peggy almost choked on her own saliva. It was almost twice her current salary.

"That's very generous, Doctor Shields."

"I'm aware, and the salary is contingent on the assumption you'll choose to continue practicing surgery along with your directorial work."

"I understand. When would you like my decision?" Peggy asked.

"Like? I'd love it if you accepted right now, but I understand if you need a few days to consider it."

"Thank you for understanding. I will give you my answer within two days."

"Very well. Thank you so much. And, um… Doctor Foreman?"

"Yes, sir?"

"We were all incredibly impressed. I, personally, cannot wait to see what you're capable of."

"That's very kind, Doctor Shields, but please don't get ahead of yourself."

She heard him laughing. "I understand. Thank you for your time. Have a great day," he concluded and disconnected the call.

She breathlessly stood in her room for several moments.

"Eric!" she yelled. "Baby! They made me an offer!"

"Yeah?" he whispered from her doorway, startling her. "Of course they did." He smiled broadly, opening his arms to her as she rushed to him. He gave her a warm, congratulatory hug.

"Oh, god," she said, brows furrowed.

"What's wrong?"

"It's all but official," she said, the full weight settling on her. "They made the offer!" she shrieked again.

He laughed. "Yeah!"

"That means I'll have to give all this up," she said, suddenly somber again.


"Because, if I take the job, I'll be moving to Oklahoma."

"So? Why do you need to give up anything? Hell. I wouldn't want to get rid of a place like this," he said, walking with her back to the kitchen.

In the light of day, the place looked much different than the prior night. Skylights streamed with sunshine. The entire place had a different character; vibrant and spacious instead of subdued and intimate as it had before.

"This is so confusing. I've got friends here. This has been my home for a long time."

"All good reasons to maintain roots, right? If you take the job, you might not be here a lot or often, but, if you're anything at all like me, just the existence of it within your grasp can help maintain some normalcy."

"Like you and your ranch?" she asked.

"Yeah. When I saw the land, I fell in love with it. It took me months to convince the seller… um, your father… to sell some of it. I love my place. It's where I consider my home to be, though I don't get to go there but maybe six or seven full weeks out of a year. I guess that might change since I'm no longer day-in, day-out at Reiter-Marlin, but I think you get my point."

"I do. It's still hard for me to get over the fact that you and I are neighbors."

Eric thought quietly for several minutes.

"Peggy, I need to say something."


"I'm not sure how to say this without sounding all self-aggrandizing, but I have to be certain we agree. Please don't let your consideration of the offer have anything to do with me."

"I'm not," she said, after deliberating for a few moments.

"You sure?"

"No, not really. I'm trying to stay objective, but damn it, it's difficult."

"If you need some alone-time, I'm all for it," he said.

"When were you planning on heading back to Oklahoma?" she asked.

"Later today."

"Okay. Give me a few minutes," she said as she opened the messaging app on her cellphone to send a group-text.

Are you two free for brunch?

Stephanie was the first to respond. You okay girl? Haven't heard from you in a while. I'm open

Nina was a minute behind. Jacques's @ 10:30? You better tell us what's happening

"Eric, I want you to meet two of my friends. Can we skip the breakfast you made and have brunch with them instead?"

"Sure," he answered with a sincere smile. "I'll go put it away."

Perfect she replied to the texts.
I'm bringing someone so we need a table for four

Who? came two near-simultaneous responses.

See you soon was Peggy's vague reply.

"Jeez, dude. You're like going all domestic," she chuckled, watching him put away their aborted breakfast and clean the dishes.

He'd put the bagels in zip-top bags and the remaining blueberry sauce into a sealed container, stashing it all in the refrigerator.

"Well, sure. Why not? No reason to get all worked up about it," he teased, offering her a freshly washed spoon and a dishtowel.

She laughed and dried the remaining dishes he washed. When he handed her the sauce pan, he wrapped his arms around her from behind and held her warmth close to him as she dried it before placing it back on the rack.

"We make a good team."

The small chore completed, Peggy showed him around the exterior of the estate. The weather was gorgeous, and he was more than impressed with the surroundings.

"How much does it cost to maintain this place? It's absolutely phenomenal."

"Excluding repairs and one-off stuff, about twenty-five thousand a year. That's the pool people, landscaping and grounds-keeping, a florist, and a cleaning service which comes once per week."

"That's all? I would have thought about twice that. Everything is just… immaculate."

"I know, right? It's why I don't want to give it up."

"Don't. Don't , Peggy. Your home is an Eden."

"Yeah. I think so, too."

"You could make a killing renting to vacationers when you're not here," he said. "I'd bet you could pull in two thousand a night or more."

"Huh-uh. The thought of strangers sleeping in my home makes me feel completely weird."

Eric chuckled and looked downward to the ground they were walking upon.

Peggy grasped him by his waist, pulled him to her, and kissed him. "You're most definitely not a stranger. Come on, my love. It's time to go."

When they arrived at Jacques's, Stephanie and Nina had already been seated. Nina's eyes widened as she tapped the tabletop to gain Stephanie's attention.

Stephanie saw Nina staring and turned to see Peggy and Eric Reiter approaching.

"Well, hello there," Nina said, standing and offering Eric a hand.

"Good morning. I'm Eric Reiter," he introduced himself and shook Nina's hand gently.

"Of course you are." She grinned. "I'm Nina Parnell ," she said with a smokey voice, over-enunciating her name dramatically.

"Nina, behave yourself," Stephanie admonished, and offered her own hand. "It's nice to meet you, Eric. I'm Stephanie Moore."

"Stephanie, Nina, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance," he said after shaking their hands and pulling out Peggy's chair.

"Well, Peg, to what do we owe this pleasure?" Nina asked.

"I've got some news," she answered.

"Really? Let me guess." Nina waggled the fourth finger of her left hand.

"What—No! Knock it off and please try to at least act serious, would you?" Peggy growled.

"Then what is it?" asked Stephanie.

"In a minute. I want to order first."

"Nervous appetite?" Stephanie asked.

"No. Well… yeah. I… no. I'm hungry. Eric made a delicious breakfast this morning, but we didn't eat much of it since I asked y'all to meet us here."

"Made breakfast? At your house? Where he slept last night?" Nina asked making Eric blush.

"Nina, I swear, if you don't shut your mouth, I'm going to flatten you," Stephanie barked.

"I apologize. I'm being immature. I'll behave," Nina said with genuine regret.

After everyone had placed their orders, Stephanie said, "Eric, please tell us about yourself."

He offered them his background and answered almost every question they asked. He stopped when their meals arrived. Both of the other ladies couldn't help but notice how Eric and Peggy held hands or sat close enough to remain in constant contact.

"So what's your news?" Stephanie asked, fully expecting a revelation of their relationship.

Peggy finished chewing a bite of her Eggs Benedict. "I'll be turning in my notice the day after tomorrow. I've been offered a position at Children's Hospital of Oklahoma City."

Nina dropped her fork and it clattered on her plate. Stephanie's jaw slackened.

"You… you what ?" Nina coughed. Stephanie only stared.

"I've been selected by its board of directors to be the director of research and head the new unit. I'll practice surgery, too, but it won't be my primary focus."

"Why? Why would you spring something like this on us all of a sudden?"

"Nina, regardless of when I told you, it'd still be sudden. The offer was just made this morning. That's why I didn't go out with you two a couple of nights ago. I went for an interview."

Stephanie stared at Eric for a second. "All Peggy told us a few days ago was that she knew you were from Oklahoma. Let me guess. You wouldn't happen to be from Oklahoma City, would you?"

"Lived there my entire life," he answered with a nod.

"And is all of this your doing?" Stephanie asked.

"I'm not certain how to interpret your question."

Eric's demeanor shifted. He changed from Ordinary Eric into the diplomat she'd witnessed during his meeting with the lawyers two days prior.

"Am I on trial?" he asked.

"You are, mister, just a little bit. The woman you're sitting next to is my friend and I'm wondering what in the hell she's up to."

Eric explained.

"Almost three months ago, I began the process of funding an endowment for a local hospital. There's a dearth of research in the mid-west. The nearest research center focusing on pediatric care is in Tennessee at Saint Jude, and their research primarily focuses on oncology. There's a much smaller group in Kansas City, and none to the west outside of California and Washington.

"I don't know how much Peggy has told you about me, so wave me off if you've already heard this part. My twin sister was injured in an accident when we were children. Her injuries most certainly would have been fatal had it not been for an incredibly skilled team of surgeons.

"That fact has always stayed with me. You probably read how I recently stepped away from a corporation I co-founded. The arrangement has left me with a balance sheet which is very pleasant to look at, but doesn't do anything for those around me.

"I decided to create the endowment specifically in the area of pediatric medicine. When Peggy told me what she did for a living… that she was the same kind of hero which saved the life of my sister… and how she's held an idea she's been trying to research, it forced me to think."

"You're talking about her idea to bring psychologists or psychiatric counselors into post-trauma recovery?" Nina asked, stirring sugar into a fresh cup of coffee.

He nodded. "When she told me she'd never had her research proposal funded, I decided to bring her into the interviews. The board had already interviewed at least a half dozen surgeons and researchers, and all I asked of them was that they interview your friend."

"Is that a fact?" Nina asked so evenly it even surprised Peggy.

Eric nodded again.

"Peg, what are you going to do?" Nina asked.

"As I said, I'm turning in my resignation. I'll give them a month. I can't let this opportunity pass me by."

"But what about us?" Nina asked.

"What about you? You two are my closest friends! What the hell does distance have to do with it? We can still hang out on Skype or whatever." She laughed. "We can even do lunch."

"By teleconference ?" Stephanie challenged.

"Sure. Why not? Stranger things happen all the time. Heck. For all we know, children will be going to school on their phones or tablets someday."

Peggy saw tears in Nina's eyes. She watched as she blotted them before she reached across the table to take her hand.

"Nina, come on, girl. It's not the end of the world, is it?"

"Maybe," she said, "you're like my best friend in this whole world." She began crying.

"I'm chopped liver," Stephanie grumbled, but with an understanding smile.

"Oh, come here, you two," Peggy said, rising from the table as both of her friends embraced her in a communal hug.

"I blame you," Stephanie said to Eric.

"I can live with that," he said, "And I hope, as a result, more children will, too."

"Oh, that's so cheesy." Nina choked a cry. "But it's not!"

"Doctor Gupta is going to be pissed ," Stephanie added.

"If he is, well, that's his own problem. But I hope not. He came to OCR under similar circumstances, so hopefully he'll see it like I do."

Congratulations. Really. I hope this becomes more than you ever dreamed," said Nina.

"Absolutely," Stephanie echoed.

"Thank you," Peggy cried. "I love you two. You know that, don't you?"

"Yeah. We love you, too."

The brunch abruptly ended a half hour later when Nina and Peggy were both called into the hospital. A hotel shuttle had broadsided a school bus carrying children on a field trip.

After a hurried parting kiss between Peggy and Eric, Stephanie, who wasn't on call, drove Eric to Peggy's house to collect his things. She returned him to Orlando Executive Airport where his plane was being prepared for departure.

Eric gave Stephanie the opportunity to explore his Citation which was an experience she found intriguing, especially when the captain encouraged her to sit in the pilot's seat and adjust a few instruments' settings.

"Eric, you haven't confused her, have you?" Stephanie asked after they'd departed the cockpit and sat in the plush leather passenger seats.

"I don't think I follow," he answered as he sat across from her on the opposite side.

"The job you offered her. All of this posh stuff. And you ."

"What, exactly, do you mean, me ?"

"Come on. I know you're smarter than that. Don't be evasive. Y'all have kind of fallen for each other. I don't know you from Adam, but I've known Peggy for years, and I can tell there's something happening. And I'm happy for her if it's real."

"Well, first, I only made the job exist. The board of directors had already begun interviewing candidates when I finally got back in contact with Peggy and put her name in the hat, but I didn't offer her the job."

"You basically said, 'No Doctor Foreman? no money,' didn't you? Same thing."

Eric didn't become irritated. He could tell he was being tested and was up to the challenge.

"I said nothing of the sort. My only requirement was for them to interview her. I stayed silent through the entire process, and just this morning instructed my attorneys to transfer the escrow account. With that, my work there is done.

"The board voted unanimously to extend her the offer. Peggy is still free to turn it down, and the hospital will still receive the funding and will still open the research unit."

"Okay, that's fair, but what about you?"

Eric began by giving Stephanie a brief rundown on his history, telling her much of the same information he'd told Peggy when they reunited in Atlanta.

"I can tell you three ladies are close, and I know she's making a sacrifice if she chooses to move to Oklahoma.

"When I first met her, I had a bizarrely strong sense that Peggy was unlike any other woman I'd met in a long time. For the last few years, especially after my business partner and I sold our prior company, every woman I dated was only in it for the money. They were, every single one of them, simple parasites. I gave up and took myself off the market. It was painful being treated like I was nothing but a sugar-daddy.

"When I came here a few weeks ago, I was only here to relax and have fun. It was the first real vacation I've taken in maybe three years, and I was able to enjoy myself.

"I'm going to say right here and right now that, frankly, I don't believe any of this is any of your business, and the fact I'm going to continue should tell you something about my character.