When Secrets and Fantasies Collide


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Then the steel wall slowly and quietly retracted into what was a side encased concrete wall and a pile of weapons shown after an electric light switch was flipped inside.

On several tables, hooks and shelves weapons were placed; I could take my pick of what I wanted to use. I wanted only four types of weapons to carry back and hopefully maybe not have to use upstairs. I wanted first off a 45 cal. semi-automatic pistol with silencer, a 357 Magnum handgun, and nine Ninja throwing stars along with a double blade 9 inch knife that was razor sharp, and five clips each for each handgun.

I did know a little of what I could be getting into when I entered upstairs, but I would most definitely be finishing it. On the inside of the small room near the entrance was another keypad. The keypad had two functions built into it. It could quickly close the wall back up and sound a panic alarm through out the house and/or it could alert my employer if I so choose for help to be sent to me in panic or silent mode or a combination thereof. I choose to take the prudent method and do both. I set the alarm to go off in four minutes and pushed the button that would alert my employers in the home office immediately that help was needed at my home. I was certain that any one of my off duty fellow workers that would come tonight only lived at least a thirty minute drive from any direction from me. Some could be only a five minute drive away; I just did not know where the help that was coming from lived after I hit the panic button in the basement. I had responded to three such needed similar calls since I had been employed with the company. When you work for my agency, home invasion would not be tolerated and anyone in the company that can help would be called in. I just knew that help would soon be here for me if I even needed it.

After the alarm was tripped to go off shortly, I slowly slipped up the steps to be near the master bedroom and was waiting for the alarm to start blaring before surprising the home intruder by charging in. I had made it a point to ask my employer to place the alarm speakers right over the ceiling in each of the rooms. I was thinking ahead of when we started to have children and if there was ever a fire in the house later on I wanted everyone to know about it inside.

I was right by the door looking at the watch and waiting for the final 15 seconds to countdown before going in. When the blaring alarm sounded just right over the bed, not only was the intruder startled, but my wife very much also. I would have expected her to be afraid since I had never told her about the alarm system now going off. That and the weapons stash or anything about my life I would have to explain somehow later.

The intruder demanded of her, "What's that alarm going off for?"

My wife's reply was golden, "I didn't even know that we even have an alarm system in the house!"

After she had said that, I made my move to not only startle the intruder to move away from my wife, but for him to make the biggest mistake of his short life.

Since my wife was blindfolded, I knew that she would not alert him as I was coming at him from just behind the door in the hallway. I quickly pushed the door in which made him jump back after he heard the racket and then noticed me. After he had jumped back toward the far wall, I quickly shot him in the left knee with the 45 and shot him again in the middle of his testicles with the second shot. With that second shot, he went down on his good knee to the floor in shock. I quickly knocked him out with a punch to the side of the head with the 357 barrel. My wife could not tell what was going on for all the noise of the alarm and for what to her sounded like muffled air blast or maybe grunts of him getting off. She was starting to holler for someone to let her loose and to untie her. I slowly walked over to her to remove her blindfold and tell her that everything was going to be alright. I wanted to tell her that it was OK and that the bad guy was going away for a very long time.

When the blindfold was removed and she saw me, she blanched. Her face even went paler when she saw the weapons on me.

She licked her lips to wet them and slowly asked me, "Where did you get those weapons and where is everyone?"

I could tell something else was up because I could not hear the water running anymore. I had heard the water running before I had come into the room and now it was not. I quickly glanced toward the door and noticed a shaved pussy and very large white breast with a large rosy nipple fixing to come into the room. At the same time, I was instinctively aiming my 45 for a kill shot. I just barely was able to override my instincts. I was able to deflect the gun to the left and place two bullet holes 7 inches from the middle of her face. I was certain that no damage was done, that is how good I am. She felt the splinters from the bullets coming from the door as the bullets passed into it and out. She ducked back inside the bathroom seconds later with the slam of the door. My wife for the first time was a witness to what I could actually do and nearly fainted while still tied to the bed. I went to the door and yelled inside the small compact bathroom. I told the woman to lie face down on the tile floor with her hands on her head and just to stay there spread eagle in the prone position and not move a muscle.

My wife for the first time noticed what I was now doing in the bedroom. She was very surprised to see me hit a hidden button near the top of the wall. There was another room just like the other downstairs in the basement, but way much smaller. It opened up just like before with part of the wall sliding away.

Even though she was still partly tied up and handcuffed she could very easily see inside this new unexplored room to her.

Savan said, "Why didn't you ever tell me about that adjacent room? Why do you have all those weapons inside and on you? What do you really do? What other secrets have you been keeping from me?"

I said, "After I get these two tied up and cuffed, I will tell you everything."

Her response next gave me a shock me in that something was not right at the moment, "What are you going to do with Mark and Susan?"

I said, "What the fuck are you talking about?", as I was grabbing for two sets of handcuffs off the peg hook in the room to place on these two people. I was also reaching for a special handcuff key that was in a drawer in that special room.

I slapped the first set of cuffs on the guy on the floor while holding the gun toward the closed bathroom door. I slowly slipped to the side of the door and announced that I was coming in. I told her and anyone else in there that not having their hands on their heads and stretch out on the floor spread eagle would get them killed.

I kicked in the door and dropped to the floor just like I was taught by my employer. I fully expected to have bullets coming by my head due to the close quarters of the bedroom to the bathroom and due to the narrow doorway into the bathroom.

The only thing that I saw was a naked woman that had long brown hair and laying face down on the bathroom tile floor waiting for me.

I quickly slipped inside looking for someone to pop-up from the tub so that I could get some target practice on, but no one else was there.

I slipped on the cuffs and told her, "Sit still by the bed and don't make any noise or you will be sorry."

She made not an effort to struggle or make a sound until she walked into the bedroom and saw the cuffed man positioned on the floor with two small puddles of blood coming out from under him.

She started to scream, holler and shake.

I just belted her out of instinct to get her to be quiet. I easily let her slowly drop to the floor at the foot of the bed. She would easily be out for ten or more minutes, of which would allow me to get my wife un-cuffed and untied from our bed.

I dug inside my pockets and fished out that special key that my employees had given to me. It allowed me to unlock 99 percent of the handcuffs that are out on the market today.

I took the key and unlocked Savan's arms and then untied the cord securing her legs to our bed. I slowly picked her up off the bed and gave her a long hug.

She looked into my eyes and asked, "Where is Mark?"

I replied, "Just who is this Mark person that your asking about and why the interest?"

Savan replied while still on the bed, "He is her husband, the woman that you just handcuffed and then knocked out."

Well it finally clicked, when I started to say the words and decided to blurt them out anyway, "Oh is that the shit-head that had the mask on that is now on the floor with the two bullet holes in him and knocked out too and bleeding."

I could tell that Savan was instantly uneasy about that this new knowledge that I now had found out of Mark. Savan was also uneasy about knowing that I now had knowledge that something was going on between her and the two cuffed persons.

She was very upset that someone was seriously injured.

She then asked, "Will Mark and Susan need to go to the hospital?

I said, "Yes, they will be going to one in a few minutes when my co-workers arrive. Like I had told you before six weeks ago, you will never see these two again if something similar was to happen."

I could tell that some anguish was forming in her eyes. I was not happy to see it forming. I had to ask my wife this next question before all hell broke loose when my fellow co-workers arrival.

I said, "How do you know these two and what the fuck is going on?"

Savan reply is something that I will never forget, "Susan was a best friend from college. She did similar stuff back then with her then current boyfriend with me in college. I did not think anything about it back in college. I had gotten back in contact with her two months before and asked her to come around for a visit. She said that they would come out for a week or two when they come out here to California on vacation soon.

I never expected them to come early while you were gone, nor did I know that she was still into that type of stuff. I surely did not expect this new fellow that she had married, to be into it as well. We remained very close friends in college because she would try her best to fulfill some of my fantasies, and that was one of them that I always loved."

I then had to ask, "You knew how I felt about this stuff, about the party and what happened then, but you did you do it anyway. Why, Savan? Why?"

Savan replied back, "I did not expect you back for a few days and they had made use of the key that I had sent them by mail 8 weeks back so that they could use the house to go in and out whenever, after they had arrived. They decided to come early and surprise me.

They both came in while I was in bed asleep this afternoon by using the house key that I had sent them. I was expecting them to arrive while you were home from your trip and not earlier. After they had surprised me and tied me, did that start what you saw us doing hours earlier to now.

I could not tell her or him, 'NO, that I was not interested in that anymore', because I was enjoying it too much."

Savan wanted to know what hospital that they would be going to.

I told her, "I did not know, but my co-workers would know something from my employer."

With that answer, Savan understood for the first time that not only her but also her two cuffed friends had stepped into some deep shit because of what they liked to do.

She finally realizes that she could be in some deep shit because of her fantasy and her inability to say "NO" to them.

Savan then had to ask the one question that I hated to answer and not wanted to hear from her, "What will happen to both of them after they get out of receiving medical treatment?"

"Well", I began, "they could be relocated somewhere within the U.S. and have to get new identities or they could get the maximum treatment of 15 years of hard labor for what they did tonight in a Federal prison in Kansas."

Savan continued on to the next question, "What did they do to possibly deserve 15 years?"

I did not want to tell her, but I had a feeling that she would not stop, just like when I had first met her.

I said, "They could get 15 years, not for having sex with you, but for interfering with the work of a special government employee. That is what they could get, but I can tell you that after they leave the house tonight, you or I will never know for sure.

They will be instructed never to contact you or me ever again if they don't go to prison. I can also tell you that Mark will never, ever have kids after tonight. I just so happened to have clipped off his testicles with a bullet when I was coming into the door with the 45. Sorry about that honey, but I normally just kill someone when I do my work.

In a way, I wanted him to go into the system and pay for his actions. I knew that if it didn't happen, that I would have the ability at a later date to use him as target fodder anyway."

She next asked the question, "What is going to happen to me or to us from this point tonight?"

My response again shocked her, "Well that is up to my employers and then me. I would hope that they do not cart you away and out the door with Mark and Susan, but the company may see it as necessary to place a tagging device on you Savan if they let you stay. It would make it easier for them to monitor you from now on from anywhere they want whenever they so want so as to not disrupt my job!

You did wrong and now you will have to pay in some way for your fantasies."

She had that sad look come over her like the life that she had known was about to end and come crashing down on her. That was when the guys from work showed up and took over. Both of the people that were cuffed by me were taken away to some undisclosed location for treatment.

Like I had told Savan, neither of us was told of what happened to them.

My employers made a decision to allow Savan the opportunity to stay with me under the condition of having a locator chip implanted under her armpit. She is from now on to be monitored by the Company for future indiscretions and to follow up with marriage consultation. She was a little aggravated at first and a little later relieved of what she could have received as punishment. She knows now what I do for a living and she knows that she could have received a far much worse punishment from the Company.

Well you are probably asking yourself, "Why you are telling me this?"

"I still think that my loving wife will sometime in the future cheat. I am also telling you this so that you will understand why after getting beat up by me many weeks ago, that you along with any of your buddies will be taking an extended trip to get either a new identification or a new cell block together in the Kansas prison. I am personally hoping for the latter when my three friends now behind me by the door haul your ass out of here."

From the look on your eyes, I can tell that you can see that smirk that is slowly forming on my face. There is that all knowing feeling that you will never be a part of your past anymore and that your life will be taking a drastic turn since the last meeting with my wife and me.

As my friends from work grasp your collar and haul your ass out the door of the local restaurant, I know that a part of me is satisfied from this small form of revenge, but the other is that some of it should be directed toward my wife. I know that her time will soon come when that itch to cheat can not be satisfied but by one way; being with someone else. When that day comes, at least I will be there to find out first hand from my co-workers of what she is up to.

I slowly step up and stand away from the table and slowly walk toward the door and into the bright sunlight outside and turn to the right. From the local coffee shop where we were, it is only a short stroll toward my home and my formally cheating wife.

I smile to myself and think that it is a long enough distance walking home to figure out a very good punishment for her tonight and to keep her from even of thinking of straying from our marriage.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Author reads too much Tom Clancy

Author displays results of Arkansas education. Says he's 30-40 but writes like a high school junior penning a sex story. He also shows personal feelings of inadequacy with all the macho secret stuff mixed into the story. Lack of maturity shows by male not connecting with wife except on a superficial level; either not leaving her and her lifestyle choices, or growing up to get both on the same relationship page. The story has some merit but would need major rework to be acceptable.

EspressoBolusEspressoBolusalmost 16 years ago
It was stange but OK

This line blew my mind; "Six months later, I was a happily married newlywed to that very bold and attractive young lady many years ago." What on earth does that mean?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

Why is this story on Literotica? Is it because it talks about "pussy", "Swinging", and "Nipples"????

I like some parts. Some parts are acceptable, but others... not so much. And when there is a sex act or mention of sex in the story it just seems awkward. Like it should just be left out.

Author, open up. If you feel weird writing somthing, then we will feel weird reading it. As a writer your emotions come across in the words you choose for the character and the situations you create. The reason your story has been torn to bits is because we can smell your fear. Your being scared to publish this came across in your story. So be more confident while writing and write from personal experience or add a twist to something you have experienced.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Let me understand...

the wife continues to cheat even after the swinging party, the college friend's visit and the latest stud that Jack's dialogue is directed to through this story. As Harry in VA stated below this relationship ceased being a marriage but Jack is a fool. Even the Company has to question Jack's judgement to keep this dumb slut around and no matter how valuable Jack is, Savan is a huge security risk. Even as a fantasy this story is not that entertaining because the reader asks himself or herself what is the point? Savan will cheat again and Jack will hurt innocent people. Innocent because everything they did with her she wanted to do.______________________________________________________

As your first effort this story had a lot going for it except the above plot flaws. Savan also came off like a cardboard character (we never got a sense how she could stay with Jack while he maimed and destroyed anyone who was too friendly with her)_____________________________________

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Swingin' on the Riviera one day...

Everyone knows that the disappeared don't go the Kansas, they end up in Gitmo!

I think that when they make the film version of this - there is only one possible actor who can play the lead - Chuck Norris!

Chuck Norris keeps his ID on the bottom of his right foot. Nobody ever asks him for his ID.

Chuck Norris does not know where you live, but he knows where you will die.

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