When the Hero Looses

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A superhero is defeated by a new villain.
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Hellhound missed his powers. Fighting crime was so much easier with his werewolf like abilities of super strength, healing, and senses. His powers had left him though and he was forced to use advanced technology given to him by a friend. Recently he had been tracking down a new villain in the neighborhood. News reports told of a giant bat monster terrorizing businesses and banks, while nicknaming it Chiroptera. They had gotten the name from a Native American legend about a bat monster that was supposed to have had attacked local tribes many years ago.

Rather it the legendary monster or some guy pretending, Hellhound was bound and determined to stop it. He was currently standing on top of a roof while looking over the city. His artificial intelligent partner named Serenity was scanning the city with satellites while going over news reports. "I've found something." said Serenity. "Its coming your way quite rapidly."

Hellhound looked around cautiously, but saw nothing. Then he felt a set of claws grasp around his shoulders. He was plucked off the roof and being carried through the sky. When he looked up he could see the giant bat monster he had been looking for. "Serenity, I need help!" he shouted through his mic piece. A single beam shot from the sky from a well positioned satellite gun over head. The beam passed directly in front of Chiroptera causing it to release its grasp on the hero. Hellhound hit a button on his wrist while in free fall and was instantly teleported to another location higher in the sky. He pointed his arm toward the beast and unleashed a large barrage of small missiles from the back of his arm. They were non lethal, but guaranteed to bring down most criminals in one hit. A few managed to collide with the giant bat while it used its great aerial agility to avoid most of them.

The creature flinched and screeched from the impacts, but shrugged them off and flew back toward Hellhound as he continued to fall from the sky. Hellhound was skilled with his teleportation technology however and disappeared every time Chiroptera got close while also using the teleportation to climb higher into the air as to never hit the ground. Chiroptera wasn't just some dumb animal though and was already picking up a pattern in its prey's change in location. It had been hoping to come across Hellhound for over a week and wasn't going to wait any longer for what it had in mind. Hellhound once again appeared in another location in the sky and readied a wrist rocket to fire at where he suspected Chiroptera to be.

Instead of firing at the bat monster however, Hellhound felt something grab him from behind. His backpack with several complex pieces of machinery was ripped away, cutting off his ability to communicate with Serenity as well as removing his teleportation ability. Hellhound felt completely helpless. A feeling he hadn't felt since he had become a superhero.

He landed on a hard stone roof with a thud. He felt the monsters clawed-winged hands rip away the rest of his technology and armor, but it didn't stop there. His shirt, then his pants, and finally his boxers were removed as well. He was completely exposed and horrified. He struggled to get away, but the creature was right over top of him. Its body was a mix of human and bat and seemed to be slowly balancing between the two. It long snout shrunk and its now more human mouth, filled with sharp teeth, spoke. "Ahhhh, finally." It said in a low harsh voice. "Its been to long my little hero." Hellhound's eyes looked down away from the creature's horrible face and down to something long and very prominent pointing up at him. At first he thought it was a tail, but the terrifying truth came quickly to him when he noticed the revealing curve of a penis head and the large opening at the tip.

He would normally be cursing and punching at his attacker, but the massive cock left him both speechless and dumbfounded. It was as big as his arm. It looked like the bat could actually beat him unconscious with it.

Chiroptera grabbed Hellhound by the back of the head and brought its mouth to his. He felt a long tongue force itself into his open mouth and slide deep down his throat and much further then he could tell. He coughed as the insertion and at the horrible taste of its tongue and breath. As Chiroptera pulled back its tongue and lifted its head away, Hellhound could still smell its horrible breath and felt like he was going to throw up. "Get... get off of me... what are you doing! Stop!" Hellhound managed to shout before having to turn his head and puke. Chiroptera picked him up by the arms and jumped to the other side of the flat stone roof. The only witnesses to Hellhound's defeat were a couple of gargoyle statues.

"Don't fight this hero." Chiroptera said in its low voice as it lowered him down and ran its clawed hands up and down his side. "I know of you losing your power and decided to give you mine." Hellhound's eyes widened at sudden realization and fear. Serenity had once read him the legend of Chiroptera before he started to hunt it. The bat monster in Native American legend would spare villages after they had sacrificed young females to it. It was said to fly them off to be devoured, but some tribes told that the sacrificed females were raped and would become its mates to live with it in its cave for all of eternity. The mates would also be cursed to transform into a bat. Possibly a inspiration for some werewolf and vampire legends. At the moment, this only meant one thing to Hellhound; that the bat planned on putting the massive hairy cock inside him.

Hellhound panicked and struggled more than ever to get away. He had been saving the world from horrible monsters for years with other heroes and he wasn't about to become ones bitch. He delivered a heavy punch to its chest and flung to the side while pushing the monster away with one of his legs. Chiroptera simply smiled and chuckled at his attempt while grasping his legs as Hellhound fought with all his might to break away. The only thing he managed to accomplish however was exhausting himself. As he lay still breathing heavily, he felt Chiroptera slowly move over him. Then he felt something large and thick hit him directly between his butt cheeks.

A shiver ran through his body as the creature held him in place with one clawed hand on his back and the other stroking its cock. Hellhound continued to breath heavily through his nose until he felt something wet at the very center of his butt hole. A little drop of Chiroptera semen dripping into his entrance. Hellhound's mouth opened wide as he breathed with loud gasps. His dignity would drip away with every drop he felt enter him, but now his main fear was if the dick was actually forced in. He knew people were sometimes raped in prison this way and lived, but Chiroptera's cock size was absurd. He could almost visualize it splitting him in half.

He felt himself being turned over and his legs being reposition as to allow the cock to continue to press against his ass. Hellhound coughed again at Chiroptera's breath, but the creature put its mouth right over his and started to press against his stomach with the hand that had been on his back. The creature growled at each attempt Hellhound made to move and he finally gave into its demand as to avoid getting cut by its claws or bitten. Chiroptera and Hellhound became perfectly aligned and timed as Chiroptera breathed out into his mouth as Hellhound took a deep breath and breathed in the monsters full bad breath. Then the creature would lift its head to breath in while Hellhound breathed out. Then Chiroptera would return its mouth to his and force Hellhound to take huge gulps of his toxic and foul smelling breath.

It wasn't long before Hellhound felt tired and dizzy. Chiroptera repositioned itself over Hellhound into a sixty nine fashion. Its massive cock moving passed Hellhound's eyes and nose, and the tip hovering just over his mouth while Chiroptera's tongue wrapped around Hellhound's penis. Hellhound eyes widened, but he was now too weak to do anything. He was at the full mercy of Chiroptera. Drips of semen fell from the cock and started to fall directly on Hellhound's lips. Hellhound spit at first, but Chiroptera grabbed its large hand around the full back of Hellhound's head and held it at an angle so that it fell on target and slid through his lips and into his mouth.

Hellhound found the taste salty and disgusting, but he was about to get a full coarse meal of it. Chiroptera's thin and elongated tongue inserted into Hellhound's penis hole and went in incredibly deep. Hellhound opened his mouth in surprise and was rewarded with the head of Chiroptera's cock cramming itself into his mouth and stretching it as far as it would go. Thick, salty, creamy sperm flowed into his mouth as if he were in a chugging contest with a bucket of milk. He swallowed as much as he could as it spilled out of his mouth and all over his face and neck. Hellhound's eyes narrowed and he felt as if his stomach was going to pop. He looked passed the monstrous cock and saw why there was so much of it. Chiroptera's testicles were slightly over sized for its huge dick. He couldn't figure out how he didn't see any of this during the aerial combat, but then again the creature was a shape shifter.

The stomach full of sperm had almost gotten his mind off of the bat's tongue in his own penis. By now, his penis was stretched wider and the tongue was starting to feel good. Hellhound was experiencing the same pleasure girls got from being fucked. He couldn't help but enjoy it and close his eyes as warm semen flowed over the rest of his face and gelled down his hair. The cock head was removed from his mouth with a popping sound and he felt Chiroptera once again start to reposition. This time its cock was pointing directly toward his and the tip of his now widened penis was sliding in to a cum soaked cock.

Hellhound was confused and didn't know what to expect as his dick was swallowed whole by the superior one. He reached up to wipe some cum from his eyes and felt an intense feeling in his dick. It was a numbing feeling that spread throughout his lower torso. It took him a few secants to realize, but he could tell by the pressure that Chiroptera was somehow releasing into him. The feeling in his testicles was the next thing to get his attention. He could actually feel them filling with the foreign seed. Hellhound coughed and wiggled to no effect as his man hood was violated. The hero felt like crying or screaming, but it wouldn't do him any good. He would have to endure it all.

Chiroptera lifted away from him and its cock seemed to spit Hellhound's dick out. It was swollen, erect, and covered in a thick layer of Chiroptera's strange sperm. Now it was time for the finale and Hellhound knew it. Chiroptera put its hands under Hellhound's back and started to pick him up at an angle. Its monstrous cock smacked Hellhound in the stomach and left a bruise. It slid down, knocking his dick out of the way and started to move under. "No, please." Hellhound wined while wiping cum off of his face with one hand and grabbing one of Chiroptera's arms with another, instantly noticing its solid muscles. "I can't. Please, no more."

Chiroptera laughed softly at Hellhound's words. "Your cries please me. Beg hero, beg for me." He laughed some more and placed the head of his cock against the entrance of Hellhound's ass. "Here it comes my delicious little prey."

The pressure of Chiroptera's cock against Hellhound's ass increased, but the head seemed too big to penetrate. Semen sprayed from the head of the cock and into the hole as it became more lubricated. "This can't be happening. Please god, no!" As Hellhound screamed "no", the head of the cock force its way triumphantly in while stretching his asshole to its extreme limit. Chiropter's sperm however, was affecting Hellhound's body in strange ways and allowed for him to open much further without ripping the skin.

The head was now in, but there was much more to go. Chiroptera put its clawed hands under Hellhound's armpits and its claws went clear over his shoulder and had the full grip to pull down or push up. He began slowly easing Hellhound over his cock like a pencil topper. Hellhound could almost count the inches and it was frightening him. His insides were somehow changed, because Chiroptera's cock seemed to have little problem going passed where his stomach was suppose to be and continue upward while spreading Hellhound's entire body wider. The feeling was amazing. Hellhound couldn't believe he had something so large inside him. He could feel it as it started to slide past his ribs and up near his chest area.

It became harder to breath and all he could think about was that he was going to die. He was thinking the giant cock was going to crush his organs or, at the rate it was going, his brain. Chiroptera changed direction and started to pull out slightly faster. More than half way out, it changed direction again. It slowly increased the speed with each change, sliding in and out faster and faster.

Hellhound started to moan like a whore as Chiroptera finally began to actually fuck him. He felt a tingling sensation in his chest so he grabbed it and found that his pectoral muscles had grown into breasts. The chemical imbalance in his body had caused his inactive male nipples to produce milk and they were dripping as they bounced up and down, much to Chiroptera's enjoyment. Its neck curved its head up and down and it used its long tongue to guide one of Hellhound's breasts into its mouth. Hellhound leaned back as his breast swelled and was suckled by the large bat monster. Both his breasts swelled so much that Chiroptera was able to hold its head still along with the breast as it lift Hellhound up and down on its over sized cock.

Between everything that had happened to him and the chemical imbalance in his body, Hellhound was starting to enjoy what was happening and found himself thinking of Chiroptera as a superior creature and the thoughts of giving himself to it gladly and excepting his place as one of its bitches were growing. He tried his best to fight the thoughts and what was happening to him mentally, but his will was slowly slipping away.

He felt an eruption in his stomach and knew that Chiroptera was cumming. It pulled its mouth away from his nipple and moaned success as Hellhound was filled with its sperm. Hellhound stomach swelled and widened until he looked pregnant. His breasts continued to grow and squirt milk. The sperm continued to rush into him like a fire house and he couldn't take it. 'This is it,' he thought. 'I'm going to die'. Everything blurred and he passed out.

Hellhound woke completely wet and sticky. His stomach was huge and his breasts were impressive. Chiroptera lay over him licking at one of his nipples. As it pressed its lips to one, Hellhound found his arm lifting and his hand holding on to the back of its head as it drank from him. He breastfed the creature until he found himself passing out again.

He awoke again, but this time alone on the roof. He could hear a woman's voice calling to him and he turned to see his destroyed technology that had fallen to the street, sitting next to him. Serenity was calling for him to answer, hoping he was alive. Hellhound was amazed that he was. He looked at himself and found his body completely ruined. He looked like a pregnant woman and his butt was wide open. He knew he wouldn't be able to walk for days and it would take an entire year of physical training to fix the damage, or at least most of it. He could shrink the breasts back to normal and his butt would return to normal over time. His insides seemed somehow unharmed, but he would still get a check up to be sure.

He would be alright physically, but mentally was a whole different thing. He was horrified, confused, and his innocent view on the world was destroyed along with his dignity.

He reached over to his mic to call Serenity for help when he noticed the claws growing from his hand.

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SkullawiSkullawialmost 3 years ago

It's a shame there's no sequel, would have loved to read it. I for one can look past spelling and grammatical errors to the actual story...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
not so good!

If you like horror movies/stories then you might like some of this poorly told tale. Besides the wrong words and spelling errors, the hate filled story concept really bothered me. If your writing is to improve then please pick a better backdrop for your attempt(s) and then you could stand a chance, this one was worse than awful. Please don't spread this blankity-blank again. Other than that, it was only marginally bad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
fuck the spelling teacher

your story was AMAZING! i had never read anything like it. i would appreciate it if you slowed down a little on the transformation scenes, because they were over too soon.

great story, please keep writing...

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Couldn't be bothered.

I don't have time to waste with authors who don't know the difference between 'loose' and 'lose'. If you have such a blatant misspelling in the TITLE, I can't even imagine how poorly written the actual story is.

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