Where No One Has Gone Before Pt. 05


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"I've got those under control now, thanks to you," I told my wife. We spoke for a bit longer, sharing loving endearments before signing off. A couple of days later, Jim rapped on my hatch again. I looked up and invited him inside.

"What can I do for you, Number One?" I asked.

"The Marine detachment has reported aboard, sir. Their CO would like to meet you, if you have the time."

"Of course. Send him in, please," I said. Jim motioned, and a man wearing a khaki shirt and dark green trousers entered the room.

"1st Lieutenant Marco Ruiz, United States Marine Corps, reporting as ordered, sir," he stated as he snapped to attention.

"At ease, Lieutenant. Welcome aboard," I said. "I trust you and your men found your quarters adequate."

"We have, sir," Marco said. "I was wondering if you could let us in on the nature of the mission, sir."

"At this point, it's a question of information-gathering, Lieutenant," I said. "Once I have a better handle on the situation, I can give you a more intelligent answer."

"I see, sir," Marco said.

"In the meantime, you and your men are free to engage in whatever training you need, provided it doesn't involve live fire. Commander Decker can show you around, and perhaps he can find some assignments for you."

"That sounds good, Captain," Marco said. "I do have one request, sir, if I may."

"Of course," I responded.

"I understand you have a red belt in Grav Tac," he said. "I was wondering if you could show us a few moves when you have the time." Grav Tac was a form of martial art designed explicitly for low-to-mid gravity and was something I picked up years ago.

"I'd be happy to, Lieutenant," I told him. "Have you or any of your men had any experience with it?"

"We went through the standard low-gravity training, sir, but none of us have any experience with Grav Tac, even though most of us have training in other forms of martial arts. We're all looking forward to whatever you can teach us," Marco said.

"Well, I'd be happy to show you what I can," I told him. "But you should know, it's not like anything else you or your men have ever used. Once we get under way, we'll set up a training schedule."

"I look forward to that, sir," Marco said with a big smile.

"As do I, Lieutenant." We parted ways, and I got back to plotting our search pattern for the area of space where the anomalies had been reported.

I was in our quarters when Kyra returned from San Francisco. She was a sight for sore eyes, and we greeted each other with a tight hug and a kiss as hot as the sun. I helped carry her things into the bedroom, and we fell onto the bed, tearing each other's clothes off.

We lay in bed

after our mutual orgasm and basked in each other's warmth. I missed my wife terribly, and judging from her reaction, she missed me as much. I heard my communicator beep and saw a message from Leesa, thanking me for putting up with Kyra's absence. I responded with a note thanking her for sending Kyra back.

"So, did you have a chance to test Jim's parents?" I asked over dinner that evening.

"Yes," Kyra said. "It was quite... illuminating. Jim's father had the same genetic memories that we saw in Jim, only they were considerably stronger. We also found a few others that we didn't see in Jim. Dr. Molinas suggested they might have been too weak to be passed down."

"What were in these memories?" I asked.

"That's where it gets a bit... dicey," Kyra said nervously.

"What do you mean?" I asked, curious.

"This," Kyra said as she fired up her tablet. My eyes nearly popped out of my head when I saw the image on the screen.

"What - and who - the hell is THAT?" I asked, looking at a picture of a beautiful blonde woman sitting unabashedly naked in an oversized chair that reminded me of a throne. Next to her was a large bushy plant in an equally large pot sitting on what appeared to be an electric cart. What captured my attention were the multiple stalks that looked just like male human genitalia, complete with "testicles."

"I have no idea," Kyra said. "I've never seen anything like it, anywhere. I couldn't find anything on the Internet. I even spoke to a couple of botanists, but they had no idea what it is."

"And the woman?"

"Again, no idea, and I found nothing. Do you think this is something you should report to Admiral Simmons?"

"And tell him what? That you found an embedded memory of a naked woman with a strange plant you can't identify in the mind of my First Officer's father? Using a technique that is still experimental? That would never fly, and you know it," I said.

"I suppose you're right," Kyra said. "But I got to thinking about what Dr. Molinas said about Jim's DNA. Do you think it's possible that something like... that... may be in Jim's bloodline?"

"Are you suggesting that one of Jim's ancestors may be a... plant?"

"I'm just putting it out there," Kyra said.

"Well, pull it back, or shelve that idea, at least for now. Do you still have the raw data?"

"I do," Kyra said.

"Keep looking into it," I said. I had a funny feeling about this - call it a gut instinct. Part of me thought the idea was ludicrous. But another part of me wondered if this could be related to the anomalies we were being sent to investigate. Right now, though, I had other priorities, namely, getting the ship ready for launch.

The refit was finally completed just a few days after Kyra returned from the Academy. I reviewed the full refit report to verify all steps had been checked, dated, and initialed, then performed a walk-through inspection with Jim. The ship looked entirely different from when I first stepped on board ten years ago. Still, fortunately, most of the layout remained the same.

All sections were now fully manned and prepared for the mission ahead of us. Three days before our scheduled launch, I handed the flight plan to Lt. Castle, the navigator. He looked at the coordinates, confirmed them on his computer, then back at me.

"Is there a problem, Lieutenant?" I asked.

"There's nothing at these coordinates, sir," he said, confused.

"I know," I told him. "I'll explain why when we get there. Plot the fastest course possible, at maximum warp."

"Maximum?" I was beginning to get a bit irritated and hoped I wouldn't have to repeat or explain every course maneuver to the young man.

"Do you have a hearing problem, Lieutenant?" I snapped.

"Uh, no, sir. It's just... I've never plotted a course at that speed, sir."

"I'm sure you're not the only one. Make it so, Lieutenant. And Lieutenant. I appreciate feedback when it's necessary, but I'm not used to explaining every order I give. Understand?"

"Aye aye, sir. I understand," he responded, turning back to his console. I wandered to the Operations station where Elizabeth sat.

"I trust everything meets your expectations, Commander," I said.

"Yes, sir," she said. "This is even more streamlined that what we had on the Independence."

"And it's a damn sight improved over what I used when I first came on board," I told her. "By the way, Commander Jones and I would appreciate the pleasure of your company for dinner tonight. And please, bring your companion."

"Yes, sir. We'd love to. I know Deanna has said she'd love to meet the two of you."

"Good. 1800 hours, then. Dress uniform."

"Aye aye, sir," Elizabeth said with a smile. That evening, Elizabeth and her companion, Deanna Carson, arrived, and we had an excellent filet mignon with rice dinner. I complimented the new galley chief on his meal choice, and we all felt quite full when we finished.

"Do you always serve real meat for dinner?" Deanna asked when she finished.

"I prefer it, but there's always the vegetarian option if you would rather have that."

"No, I'm a meat and potatoes type of girl," Deanna said.

"So, how long have you two known each other?" Kyra asked.

"We've been a committed couple for about four years now, I think," Elizabeth said.

"We met on the Independence," Deanna explained. "Liz got assigned to Ops school the same time my service ended, so I moved to Florida with her and worked for NASA flight operations. When she said I showed up as her top match and offered to let me join her here, I jumped on it."

"We're happy to have you on board," I told her. We had a good visit, and I felt good when it was over. After they left, Kyra and I got out of our uniforms and sat in the central part of the stateroom with a cup of hot chocolate.

"What do you think?" I asked my wife.

"I think they fit well together," Kyra responded.

"Come on. You know what I'm talking about," I said.

"Yes, dear, I do. Elizabeth is definitely dealing with some unresolved issues. I know a little bit about them, and I can't get into the details with you - confidentiality and all that. But I can tell you that your gut was right."

"I guess Bull Travers really had it coming, then," I said, recalling the day I jettisoned him out of that airlock over Mars.

"Yes, it would seem so. And to a young, angry, impressionable 15-year-old girl who experienced what she did, that could make you something of a hero. The knight who dispatched her dragon," Kyra said, reminding me of what my grandmother wrote in her journal. "Of course, she's grown and matured since then. She's got her own identity and her own life. But I think a part of her still sees you as her savior."

"Couldn't that be a bit dangerous?" I asked.

"Maybe, if it weren't for her training - and yours. Plus, I think both of you are far too professional to let anything like that get in the way of your job."

"I think you're right," I told her.

"Of course, I'm right, my love," Kyra responded, setting her cup of chocolate on the small coffee table. "I'm your wife. I'm always right. And right now, I need you in me." She climbed into my lap and smothered me with a deep kiss which I happily returned. Soon, we were naked on the bed, making passionate love to each other.

The crew celebrated our departure the day before launch with a party in one of Starbase One's large venues. Jim had managed to book a band for the evening, so I felt relieved to know I wouldn't be on the hook for the entertainment.

That is until I saw the lead - Jason Roberts. He led the band that saw the Enterprise off over ten years ago. I was on my way to the table I shared with Kyra, Jim, and Alan, who set his stars aside long enough to celebrate with us. Jason also gave me an old Fender electric guitar that dates back to the 1950s.

"Is that Captain Bill Jones?" Jason asked over the sound system. "THE Captain Bill Jones?" I looked up at him, wondering where he was going with this. "Why, we need to get him up here to play for us. Whaddya say?"

I smiled and waved it off - it was about the crew, not me. But Jason wouldn't hear of it.

"C'mon! Let's hear it! Captain Bill! Captain Bill! Everybody join me!" Soon, the whole crew was chanting as Jason waved me to the stage. I looked at Kyra, who smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

"It's your crew, Bill," Alan said.

"The things I do for you people," I sarcastically remarked as I resigned myself to my fate. I walked to the stage amid cheers and applause and climbed up. Jason shook my hand and handed me his electric guitar.

"You fellas remember 'China Grove,' don't you?" I asked.

"Hell yeah," they responded.

"Let's do it, then," I said. After making sure the guitar was tuned, I gave the band final directions and started the song. The crew whooped and applauded as we played and sang. I saw Kyra smiling as she clapped. Elizabeth seemed to enjoy my impromptu performance, bouncing in her seat as Deanne joined her.

We finished the song, and Jason asked the crew if they wanted to hear another. Of course, they did, so I began picking "House of the Rising Sun," much to Jason's delight. We got through the song, and I handed Jason the guitar as I thanked him.

"Give it up for Captain Bill, everyone!" Jason exclaimed as I walked off the stage. Everyone stood, clapping, as I headed for my table. Alan shook my hand, smiling when I got there.

"Now you know why I never learned to play anything," he joked. After accepting everyone's appreciation, Alan pulled me aside and spoke to me quietly. "How are things with Commander Travers?"

"You know about her being assigned to Enterprise?" I asked.

"Of course. Who do you think approved her request?" His tone changed as he spoke. "Look, Bill. I sponsored her appointment to the Academy when she was in high school. She confided in me a long time ago about what her uncle did to her. She's been through a lot."

"Did you have any idea what was going on?"


but there was some scuttlebutt at the time. Nothing verifiable. You know how that shit goes. As I'm sure you know, Bull wasn't exactly picky about who he was with. Believe me, I would've shoved him out of an airlock myself a long time ago if I had known.

"You don't know it, but she's had you on a pedestal for years. I figured this would be a good way to help her see reality and maybe put some closure on all of this. Besides, she's a damn good officer. You'll need her on this mission."

"And Kyra will be there to work with her," I added.

"Exactly," Alan said. "Just treat her as you would any other officer assigned to your crew."

"Of course," I said. Alan smiled as he shook my hand again.

"Well, I need to get over to Mission Control. Good hunting, Bill. And take care of yourself," he said.

"I will, Admiral," I responded. "Thanks." I went back into the venue and, seeing the time, made my way to the front. Jason handed the microphone to me, and I turned to face the crew.

"It's been quite an evening, everyone, and I know we've all had a good time, but we launch tomorrow morning at 0600 hours. I want to thank my good friend Jason for the entertainment and the good folks here at Starbase One for the venue, the drinks, and the food.

"And of course, I want to thank all of you for your hard work and dedication. You deserved this little blowout. But the real work starts tomorrow morning, and I want everyone rested and refreshed. So, let's all call it a night and get some shut-eye. Thanks!"

I handed the microphone to Jason, said my goodbyes, and headed for my table. Elizabeth and Deanne met me on the way and complimented me on the two songs.

"I didn't know you could play guitar like that," Elizabeth said.

"Oh yes," Kyra said as she walked up to us. "He's played for years."

"I really enjoyed it, Captain," Elizabeth said. "Thank you."

"My pleasure," I told her before leaving. We returned to our quarters and spent the night passionately loving each other.

I got to the bridge at 4:00 am the following morning. I was met by my First Officer, who was going from station to station, making sure everything was ready for launch. I took my seat and consulted the monitor on my chair, happy to see that everything was on track for launch. I felt vibrations in the deck plates and knew the engines were warming up.

"Status, Number One?" I asked Jim after about a half-hour. He smiled when he looked at me, then gave his report.

"All personnel present and accounted for, Captain," he said. "Outer hatches sealed, bay depressurized. Starbase Command is ready to retract umbilicals and gangplanks."

"Give the word," I told him.

"Aye aye, sir," Jim responded as he gave the directions. I felt the umbilicals retract and noticed the slight flicker indicating the ship was now on its own power. I heard a ping from the console attached to my chair and saw the message from Base Flight Control.

"Opening outer launch doors," the female voice said from the overhead speaker. I saw the giant doors in front of us slowly slide open, and I pressed the intercom button on my chair.

"All hands, this is the Captain. Stand by for launch," I said, starting the now-familiar rundown.

"Ops," I called out.

"All systems go for launch," Elizabeth replied.


"All systems nominal and within normal parameters. Go for launch, Captain," Lt. Commander Jenkins said from the engineering station.


"All systems calibrated and locked, sir. All weapons accounted for," the Weapons Officer said.


"Communications five by five, Captain," the senior communications officer replied.


"Course laid in and locked, Captain. ETA to Q-Point 20 minutes," the navigator said.

"Number One!"

"All systems and stations report go for launch," Jim said. I punched a button on my console.

"Starbase One, this is Enterprise. Request clearance for launch."

"Clearance for launch approved, Enterprise," said a voice from the communications speaker overhead.

"Maneuvering thrusters only. Ahead one quarter, helm. Take us out," I said.

"Aye aye, sir," the helmsman replied, gently pushing her controls forward. I felt the ship slowly move forward and watched the space doors get larger as we inched along. Suddenly, we were clear of the bay and in open space.

"We are clear and free to navigate," Lt. Castle said.

"Ahead full," I ordered.

"Ahead full. Aye aye, sir," the helmsman repeated. I felt the extra g-forces as the ship's speed increased.

"Engineering... status," I remarked.

"All systems go, warp bubble forming," the engineer said.

"Set vector for Q-point," I said.

"Aye aye, sir," Lt. Castle replied, his hands flying over the console in front of him.

"Now at max-Q," the helmsman said.

"Very well," I said.

"Warp bubble formed, light speed at your command, sir," the engineer stated.

"Very well."

"ETA to Q-point one minute, sir," Lt. Castle announced. I pressed the ship-wide comm button on my panel.

"All hands, this is the Captain. Stand by for light speed," I announced. "Pucker time," I said after turning off the ship-wide comm. I heard light laughter from the crew in response. I pressed another button and sent a message to Houston.

"Houston, this is Enterprise. Preparing transition to light speed."

"Copy that, Enterprise. God speed." I looked at the countdown.


"Stand by..."




To be continued...

Notes: The crucifix given to Bill was first mentioned in my ebook, "Justice Rides." The story Elizabeth told of Eli saving her was mentioned in "Justice 04: Old Scores."

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RanDog025RanDog0259 months ago

I like this so much better than Star Trek! 5 BIG ASS FUCKING HUGE FLAMING NOVA STARS! Thanks again ST! You're the BEST!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Plot holes all over.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Can see the problems on the horizon!!! Hope Justice O. Peace can reach "where no one has gone before......" And giant dick plants...........!!!!

ollysuollysuover 1 year ago

Ploughing through this, literally all I can read. Thanks

drycreeksdrycreeksover 1 year ago

Great job cant put this down.

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