Where the Lines Overlap Ch. 08

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Arguments and stupidity causes a rift between them.
7.2k words

Part 8 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/21/2016
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I woke up, feeling the weight of Taron's head on my chest, one arm loosely thrown across my abdomen. I looked down at his sleeping form, feeling the sides of my lips curl into a small smile. All I could think about was how comfortably we fit together, almost like we were made from two parts of the same mold.

I thought back to the events of the previous night. After our intense love making session, we had laid in bed for a few hours, enjoying each other's presence. We talked easily, laughing occasionally at some stupid joke that either one of us would blurt. It was all very...calm.

We had eventually gone and showered together. Thinking that after the very intense orgasm that I had just experienced hours ago, I couldn't have possibly had enough energy for anything else of the sexual nature that night. I expected the shower to be a quick and simple one; in and out. I was wrong.

It was during that shower that I knew just how sensual a lover Taron was. It was so foreign to me, the slow caresses and soft touches and I've got to say, it was so much better.

The way his hands ghosted over my body as he rubbed the soap into my skin made me shivering with pleasure. I could feel his hard cock between my butt cheeks, rubbing against my hole in the most sensual way that made my knees weak. When he gripped my dick, I immediately reached climax. I had been slightly embarrassed, not having expected to cum at all after before, compounded with the fact that I came so fast. He had simply kissed me though, not even bringing up that I had lost it without so much as a touch from him.

Movement on my chest knocked me from my thoughts, looking down to see Taron stirring. His eyes slowly popped open before he yawned, stretching his body. He looked up at me and smiled sleepily before saying, "Good morning."

"Morning," I replied, pushing his hair away from his face. "How'd you sleep?"

"Wonderfully," he replied, putting his face down on my chest again. "You are strangely very comfortable, even with all your hard muscle," he said, poking me in the side with his finger.

"Says the person who's built like a god," I chuckled.

"It won't be the first time a god became infatuated by a mortal," he said, to which I raised my eyebrow at, unsure what he was talking about. Noticing my silence, he looked up at me. "Greek mythology?" he offered, hoping that I would catch it.

"Only a geek like you would use an analogy like that," I laughed.

"Shut up. You were the one who called me a god."

"I said you're built like one. I didn't actually mean you were one," I shot back.

"Whatever. I might as well be one, especially after I made you cum without so much as a touch from my hand. Seems pretty godlike to me," he said, smirking at me as he remembered my embarrassing moment from the shower last night. At this point, he had lifted himself off me and hovered his face over mine, watching me as my face became a shade of red, which only made him smirk more. "Someone's red," he teased.

"Shut up," I said, pushing him off me, trying my best to hide from the embarrassment. My plan was to push him back onto his side of the bed, but I underestimated my strength and the next thing I knew, Taron was on the floor, a thud reverberating across the room as he contacted with the hardwood. I peeked over the side of the bed smiling sheepishly, seeing Taron rubbing his ass underneath his tight boxer briefs.

"Domestic abuse," he muttered, pouting up at me.

"So cute," I said, seeing the face he was giving me.

He rolled his eyes, getting up off the floor. "Come on, we should get ready. I want you to meet my parents."

My eyes went wide. "Your...p-parents?" I stuttered. Sure I knew I would have arrived at that stage of at some point in time, but wasn't it still too early for me to meet the parental units? Taron would not have even met mine yet if he hadn't invited himself to my place unannounced. I mean, what would they think of me. Would they even like me? What if they hate me?

I guess my face betrayed my thoughts because Taron came over and brushed a hand over my cheek softly before saying, "Don't worry. They'll love you. Everyone loves you."

"Well, you didn't like me when you first met me," I countered.

"You're mistaken. I've never disliked you. I just pretended that I did because I thought you disliked me," he replied,

"I would say that I felt the same way, but I really did think you were obnoxious," I admitted, to which he gave me a pout. "Don't give me that look. You can't deny that you were kind of a dick."

"A guy could hope couldn't he. You could have humored me and said you thought you liked me too,"

I gave him a sad smile. I didn't think it was such a big deal but it obviously meant something to Taron. "If it's any consolation, you were literally the hot ass douchebag that I hated to find attractive."

"So...you still thought I was hot?" he asked, his face lifting just a little.

"Yes Taron, you were so hot I wanted to rip your clothes off and have my way with you," I said sarcastically.

"Well, I am pretty hot," he said, stroking his chin in thought. I rolled my eyes at him, climbing out of bed as well.

"Yes, so very hot," I said, giving him a chaste kiss on the lips, making my way over to the bathroom. "C'mon, hot stuff. You may be hot but you still stink if you don't shower."

I could almost hear the eye roll that he gave before following me into the bathroom. We showered quickly, this time managing to wash each other without the situation escalating to sex. Taron did use the opportunity to run his hands over my body though, savoring the feel of my skin on his. I wasn't complaining though; he felt good.

After our shower, we had dressed quickly before heading down for breakfast. It was only when we were heading down the stairs that I realized that my hands were sweating, nervous about meeting his parents. Subconsciously, I kept rubbing my palms against my pants.

Noticing this, Taron grabbed my hand. "Relax, you'll be fine," he said, bringing my hand up and kissing the back of my it. I saw that I was even trembling slightly, completely oblivious to this before. "Just take deep breaths. I'll be right there beside you."

I did as he instructed, taking deep long breaths in an attempt to calm my nerves. Taron's fingers interlaced with mine was definitely a help too, his touch having an almost calming effect on my body. Slowly, I felt my hands stop trembling.

"Calm down already?" he asked, to which I nodded. "Good, because your sweaty hands are a little gross," he said, pulling his hand out of mine and wiping it across my sleeve.

I scowled at his, hitting him across the chest. "Jerk," I muttered as we entered the dining hall. I looked away from Taron, only to see two people sitting at the table, a bowl of steaming soup sitting in front of each of them. They looked up at the sound of my voice, giving me a clear view of both of them.

The male, whom I assumed was Taron's father, had brown hair that was combed sideways in a very neat fashion. He had eyes so much like Tarons, only somewhat harder, like he had seen shit that Taron had not. The lady had long straight blonde hair, with a set of red and lush lips. Her sharp features gave her an almost hawklike appearance, a woman who looked beautiful but deadly.

"Hey guys," Taron said, walking over and kissing his mother on the cheek, giving a nod to his father.

"Taron, you didn't tell us you had a visitor?" his father said, turning his head to me, his voice deep and quite intimidating to be honest. I felt me shrink into myself, feeling threatened by the gaze he shot me.

"Honey stop it, you're making him nervous," his mother said, slapping her hand lightly across her husbands arm. She turned to me and smiled, showing her set of perfect pearly whites. "Sorry about my husband, he can come across as abrasive sometimes," she says as she gets up and strode over to me. "I'm Clair, Taron's mother. The grumpy man over there is Jamie," she says, motioning to the man still giving me a look that said he wanted to chew me out.

"I'm Kevin. Kevin Branson, but people call me Kev," I said, sticking my hand out. She may have looked tiny, but the fingers that gripped my hand had surprising strength.

"Nice to meet you Kev. Come come, have a seat," Clair said, ushering me towards a seat next to Taron, who had already sat down and was smiling warmly at me. I sat down, feeling slightly better that his mother was so nice. She returned to her seat, before looking back at me. "So how do you know Taron?" she asked.

"Kev's my boyfriend," Taron answered on my behalf, which I nodded in agreement.

Her eyes lightened up a little at the news. "Ah, so you're the boy that has been making my son so happy," she cooed, making me blush in embarrassment. "Oh don't be bashful, anyone can see how happy Taron has been lately. Ain't that right, Jamie?" she said, turning to her husband.

The older man simply grunted in acknowledgment, but the slightest hint of a smirk graced his lips. I was surprised to be honest. Was Taron really happier after dating me? I turned my questioning look to Taron, who blushed lightly. "It's true though," he offered, blushing harder.

I smiled, grabbing his hand under the table. Clair saw this though, giggling in excitement. "You guys are so cute together," she cooed.

Over the course of breakfast, Clair had asked me a lot about myself, learning about Ken as well as our mutual friend in Alena. Even Taron's dad offered a question at one point, probably feeling like he no longer needed to keep up the tough dad front. I found myself relaxing as time went. His parents seemed really nice, and they didn't seem to mind me that much. I guess Taron was right and I didn't need to worry.

"So what about your parents? I don't think I know a Branson. What are your parent's specializations?" Clair asked.

"Oh my parents aren't elite. I'm a natal," I said, smiling lightly, again being mistaken for elite.

Clair chuckles at this, "Very funny dear. Seriously though, what do they do?"

"He's not joking Mom. He is natal," Taron said. Both Clair and Jamie's eyebrows furrow slightly.

"You don't look like a natal though," Jamie said. Just like that, the nerves were back full force. Their change in mood was too drastic for me not to feel a little weird. Sure, it could all be due to the shock of that information, but still I had a strange feeling in my stomach.

"I regularly go to the gym. That's where Taron and I met," I muttered, feeling like I'm no longer as welcomed as before.

Clair and Jamie didn't speak for a while, just staring at me in shock. Feeling the distress that I was starting to feel, Taron stepped in to save me. "It's not a problem right?" he asked his parents, raising his eyebrows at them, as if challenging them to say otherwise.

Clair's gaze turned back to her son before her features relaxed. "Oh course it's no problem. I was just shocked is all. Has anyone ever told you that you look a lot like an elite?" she says to me, smiling.

"I...m-may have heard it before," I squeaked out.

"I'm sure you have," she says, turning to her husband. "He does, doesn't he honey." Mr Wolfrum grunted in agreement as Clair turned her attention back to me. "So Kevin, what are you working as?"

"Mom, come on," Taron jumped in.

"It's a perfectly reasonable question Taron," she shot at her son before turning and smiling at me. "Isn't it? I mean I'm unfamiliar on natal etiquette so correct me if I'm wrong."

I swallowed before shaking my head. "It's no problem. I'm a service mechanic," I replied, feeling more embarrassed at my occupation than ever before.

"Oh, a service mechanic. How nice," she said, before going back to her food.

After that, breakfast got a lot more awkward. Mr Wolfrum hadn't said anything else while Mrs Wolfrum made attempts at small talk, either to me or Taron. I had replied with polite albeit awkward answers, while Taron had a scowl on his features.

After finishing with our food, Taron got up without another word and pulled me along with him. Even though I could sense some disapproval towards me, I figured I should at least try to make a good impression, giving a polite thanks to the Wolfrums. I guess proper manners dictated their subsequent nod to me, even though their smiles were no longer on their faces.

After our quick exit, we were back in the solitude of Taron's bedroom. "I can't believe them," he exclaimed right when his door closed shut. I went over to his bed and sat down on the soft mattress. "You saw them right? Tell me it wasn't just me."

I sighed, shaking my head. "Don't hold it against them. It's probably a lot for them to take in," I said, trying my best to calm him down. My reaction wasn't what Taron was expecting however, giving me a raised eyebrow.

"Why are you so calm? I thought this would have made you more furious than me," he said, to which I gave a simple shrug of the shoulders as a reply. Sure, it wasn't the reaction I would have wanted from his parents, but I can't say that it was something I wasn't expecting. Besides, his mom at least seemed like she was trying to accept it rather than straight up attacking me.

"It's really not that bad."

"Not that bad? You did see their reaction when you told them you were natal, didn't you?" he asked incredulously.

"I mean, can you really blame them? I would probably have had the same reaction if my elite son started dating a natal," I said. Taron frowned slightly, before his expression relaxed and coming to sit beside me.

"Please, at least tell me that if you were in their shoes, you wouldn't try to break us up?" he said. "I mean, I get that you're still a little apprehensive about the whole interclass relationship thing, but you're getting over it...right?"

From his words, I knew that as much as I was insecure about our relationship status, Taron was equally as insecure, albeit for different reasons.

I was afraid about how people would view us. About how I couldn't bear to face such judgement, either for myself or Taron. I didn't want to put him through unnecessary stress because of our relationship, but inadvertently it was exactly what I was doing.

Taron had put up a strong facade all along, trying to help me realize that my fears were unwarranted. His words however, highlighted to me exactly how scared he was as well, although unlike me, his fears revolved around me and not those around us. He was scared that I would one day feel like this relationship wasn't worth the drama, that it would be in my best interest to break up with him.

I put my hand over his, trying to comfort him as best as I could. I wanted to say that I wouldn't try to break us up, but a part of me had always already thought about that as a very possible outcome. If not for the difference in our social status, then the distance that was going to be put between us because of my job.

The sad way that Taron had squeezed my hand made my heart shatter slightly. I mean, I loved him, and to know that it was me that was causing his sorrow made me ache in the chest. I contemplated lying, saying that I would never break up with him, although I didn't believe that one bit.

Before I could even say anything, there was a knock at his door. A second later his door opened and his mother stood there. "Honey, your father wants to see you," she said.

A slight frown graced his features, no doubt remembering that he was angry at his parents. "What's it about?" he asked.

"I don't know, but it seemed pretty urgent," Clair said. Taron sighed, turning to me and giving my hand a squeeze.

"I'll be right back," he said, to which I nodded. He left quickly and I assumed his mother would have followed, but she didn't, instead stepping into the room. She made her way over to me and sitting down in the spot Taron had recently vacated, all without saying a single word. I kept quiet too, although more from tension rather than the purpose of staying silent. I knew that this was simply a prelude to something worse to come.

"Kevin," she started, and I braced myself for the lecture she was going to give me. About how I needed to stay away from her son or she would make my life a living hell. "Can I just take this moment apologize?" she finished, and to say I was surprised would have been an understatement.

"What?" I asked, staring wide eyed at the beautiful woman sitting beside me.

"I realize that my reaction can be seen as somewhat rude and insensitive, so I wanted to apologize for my horrible manners," she repeated. "I hope you can forgive me." The sincere look she sent my way made me involuntarily shake my head.

"There is nothing to forgive Mrs. Wolfrum."

"You are too polite Kev. If I was in your shoes, I'd probably not be as civil as you're being."

"I guess I just understand where you are coming from," I said.

"You do seem like a very intelligent young man," she smiled, making me blush. It was the first time anyone had ever complimented my intelligence and not insulted it. "You love my son, don't you?"

I turned my wide eyed stare to her, seeing her stare at me with a knowing look. "I...d-dont..."

She chuckled with that sweet voice of hers. "Based on your reaction, I'm assuming you haven't told Taron." I sighed, knowing that lying to her wasn't going to work, and shook my head no. "Hmm, it's probably best anyway."

I frowned and looked to her with a confused look. "Why is that?" I asked.

"You know with you moving to sector 76 and all," she said so casually like that information was readily available.

"How did you know that?" Just like that, I could feel the sense that something was wrong returning.

"I had a favor to call in to someone in the education centre," she smiled. "Listen Kev, I know you're a smart kid, so I'm not going to patronize you. I want my son to be happy and have the best life he can possibly have. I know that you make him happy, I've seen it, but you and I both know that the distance between you two is going to put some sort of rift into your relationship.

"I mean this with the least disrespect but don't you think that Taron deserves someone who can keep up with him, work wise? I'm sure that being a service mechanic is a very rewarding occupation, but don't you think someone who can push him intellectually would be a better fit?" she stopped.

For the first time that day, I felt the bubbling of anger in me. She didn't think I was good enough for her son. Sure, I may have thought that of myself on more than one occasion but didn't she think it wasn't her place to say this? She could say it to Taron because he was her son, but she didn't have the right to say it to me, did she?

I was about to retort when she spoke up again, "If you love Taron like you say you do, you know that you shouldn't hold him back."

Her words immediately extinguished the fire in me. What she said made sense to me. If I loved Taron, I needed to think about his well being. Being with me wasn't in his best interests in the long run. It had nothing to do with me being a natal, knowing that being with someone like Ken was still better than someone like me. Someone who could keep up with him, keep him on his toes.

He deserved someone who didn't make him stress about the relationship they had. Someone who could touch him intimately without having a panic attack. Someone who wasn't moving halfway across the moon. Someone his parent's would approve of.

The sound of the door closing pulled me from my thoughts, noticing that Clair was no longer in the room, leaving me to myself. I frowned and looked to my hands, before the door opened again. I expected Clair to come walking back in, telling me something that she had forgotten, but Taron came storming in looking pissed.

"Come on, we're leaving," he growled, pulling me along with a hard grip on my wrist. I followed along willingly, not that I could resist him, his hand hurting my wrist slightly. He pulled me through the house to his garage, where he let go of my wrist and trudged to his Comet.