While We Wait

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A woman gets hit from behind on Valentine's Day.
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It was Valentine's Day, and already the day had gone shittier than I had imagined. I couldn't remember the last time I'd gotten laid on Valentine's Day or even had a Valentine, for that matter. I had just dropped my kids off at their father's house at his request. His new wife had a Valentine's Day party planned for them. I felt sorry for myself for a moment. I was still single, even after two marriages and a handful of other failed relationships. I got in my Honda Civic and began the drive to the post office. I minded my own business, and I wasn't even texting and driving when I felt my whole car lurch forward violently. It took a few moments to realize that someone had hit me from behind.

"FUCK!" I screamed, unable to believe that this was happening. I had just gotten my car repaired from the last accident I was in, also not my fault. I pulled off to the side of the road, grabbed my wallet and phone, and got out of the car.

"What the hell was that, lady?" An older businessman got out of the Cadillac that had hit me. Our cars definitely bore some damage.

"Me? You're the one that hit me from behind! It's obviously your fault!" I screamed back at him. "Let me get your information so I can call my insurance."

"I'm not giving you my information," the man rolled his eyes. He began to take pictures of the back of my car and the front of his.

"Then I'm calling the police!" I screamed again. This man had some nerve! I hated him instantly, and I couldn't believe that he was such a douche. I had to admit, he was good looking with slicked-back dark hair and a shadow of a beard. He had pale blue eyes and a strong jawline. He obviously had money. His cuff links looked like they might cost more than my Honda Civic.

"Oh, come on, you know the cops won't do anything. Besides, I'll be gone by then. I have an important meeting. You understand, right?"

I took a couple photos of his license plate and smirked at him. "Yeah, I'm sure the cops will enjoy picking you up after I report that you did a hit and run!"

"For fuck's sake, lady! What do you want from me? Do you think I'm made of money or something? Do you think that you're going to file some fraudulent report with the police and they are going to do something about it? Think again. The cops have bigger and better things to do than rescue you and your Honda." He said Honda like it was a dirty word.

"Excuse me?" I screamed at him. "My Honda gets excellent gas mileage. Now, if only pricks like you would stop running into me!" I called the police and put the phone up to my ear ceremoniously.

"I'm leaving!" the man walked back to his car and made a big production of getting in and pressing the automatic start button. I giggled a bit as his car tried to start but was unable to complete the process. It stalled out. "Fuck!" he screamed. He tried again, but the car wasn't going to start.

"Yes, I'd like to report an accident. The man who hit me is trying to flee the scene, but his car won't start. Yes, I have photos of the car and license plate, as well as the damage. I even have one of him trying to flee. Oh, yes. Thank you, ma'am." I hung up the phone. I dialed my insurance company next, trying to stay out of earshot of the businessman. He was on the phone too, probably calling his insurance company like I was. I sat down on the curb next to my car as I finished my phone call.

The man paced back and forth in a patch of grass near our cars while I sat quietly on the curb, waiting. I didn't want to use my phone too much because I was almost out of battery. I listened to the man field several calls and concluded he must be some sort of salesman. The cops arrived rather quickly and took down our information. They skillfully cut through the bullshit and determined that the businessman was at fault for the accident since he hit me from behind. I learned that the man's name was Darren Bivens, and I also knew that things weren't going well for him with work either.

Darren's phone rang as the cops got into their car and drove away. He began a hushed conversation, and I couldn't help but listen in.

"Oh, come on!" he screamed into his phone as he lost another sale. He hung up and looked at me with disdain. "When is the tow truck going to get here?"

"I don't know. I don't need a tow. My car is just fine. If you need a tow truck, I suggest you call one." I walked around to the driver's side of my car and got in. I was about to drive away when I noticed the check engine light was on. Fuck. I had the worst luck. Now I would have to call my own tow truck and wait.

"Look, there's tracking information on my phone," I showed Darren. "It looks like it's going to be hours before my tow truck arrives."

Darren checked his tracking information and saw a similar wait time. "Just great. What are we supposed to do for two hours?"

"I don't know..." I gave it some thought. Darren continued to pace and talk on his phone until his battery ran out. "I need a phone charger."

"If I had one, I'd be using it."

"You wouldn't let me borrow it anyway. You don't like me at all," Darren pointed at me to emphasize his accusation.

"Maybe I would like you more if you weren't such an asshole."

"Well, if I'm an asshole, then you're a bitch. You have been nothing but bitchy to me since I..." he paused.

"Since you ran into my car?" I offered.

"Yeah, that. Look, lady. I'm sorry I ran into your car. I didn't see you until it was too late." Finally, Darren was apologizing.

"Okay, I accept your apology since you admit that you did indeed run into me."

"Look, I'm not usually so tense. I had a big deal going through today, and I was counting on it. Now I'm stuck here with you, and it looks like my deal is going to fall apart." He sat down next to me on the curb, his Republican tie hanging down to meet the pavement as he buried his head in his hands.

"I'm sorry, Darren."

"You know my name?"

"You gave it to the cops," I reminded him.

"I didn't catch your name," he turned toward me with new interest.

"Elcie," I extended my hand for him to shake.

"That's a unique name. You're the first woman I know named Elcie."

"It's a family name. My grandmother was named Elcie as well."

"That's just lovely," Darren said, trying his best to sound interested. I felt like he was trying to con me with his sales bullshit, and I was almost certain he was about to launch into a sales campaign, but it didn't happen. Instead, he sighed heavily and put his head in his hands, his phone now in his lap.

"So what do you think we should do while we are waiting?" I asked him.

"There's nothing to do but wait." He looked much less menacing now, and his light blue eyes seemed softer and more approachable. Darren had been disarmed by the whole situation. He was now stuck with me for the next few hours, and I was starting to form a plan of action, one that I would never have predicted when he first hit me.

"I'm sure you can think of something else we can do. We have two whole cars to hang out in, and it looks like yours has a spacious backseat."

"You want to wait in my car?" Darren asked, obviously not picking up on my idea. It had been a long time since I'd been attracted to a man. I had hated Darren at first, and maybe I still hated him a little, but now he seemed more vulnerable, and that made me want something more.

"Yes, in the backseat." I tried my best to sound sexy so he would understand what I meant, but I could tell that he still didn't get it as we sat in the back on his leather seats.

"You're right, Elcie. This is much better than sitting on the curb. You're pretty smart, you know that?"

"Thanks!" I beamed with pride at his compliment.

"So, where were you headed when I hit you?" he asked.

"I was just running errands. I was going to send back a package I didn't want."

"What was it that you didn't want?" Darren asked. I knew he was just making conversation, but the contents of the package were private. I wasn't even sure why I'd brought it up.

"It was a sex toy for Valentine's Day. I'm single, and I thought maybe it would be fun," I heard myself say. I knew I had brought it up, hoping that Darren would figure out that a dildo wasn't good enough. I needed the real thing.

"You're fucking kidding me!" Darren laughed heartily. "So you have a dildo in that car?"

"I do, but it's still in the package. I never used it."

"Why did you buy it if you weren't going to use it?" Darren was now quite interested, and he leaned in to hear my answer.

"I thought that it might come in handy, but the truth is there is no substitute for the real thing."

"Pardon me for this question, but when is the last time you had the real thing?"

This question caught me a bit off guard. I hadn't really thought about it, and maybe I had been trying to banish that thought from my mind. "Um...I don't know...maybe a year."

"A year! Holy shit! I could never go that long. The most I've gone is a few months."

I wondered if he purchased hookers. "So you have condoms with you then?" I asked.

"Yeah, I have a couple in my briefcase. Do you need some?" Darren asked stupidly. He was so fucking stupid! How could he not see that I wanted to use the condoms with him?

"Well, I thought we might use them together," I suggested. I watched Darren's eyes light up as he realized the implications of my suggestion.

"You mean like us, right now? Right here?"

"It is Valentine's Day, and we've got two hours. Well, one hour and forty-five minutes now," I retorted, my voice filled with sarcasm. I wasn't kidding, though. I wanted to fuck Darren more than I had wanted anything in a long time. His light blue eyes found mine.

"You're serious."

"Yes. Why? Are you married? Do you have a girlfriend?" I asked, afraid of the answer.

"I'm recently divorced, and I don't have a girlfriend." Darren looked at me quizically.

"I'm not looking for anything serious. It's just that we're here together, and I think you're really hot..." I trailed off, feeling the embarrassment as it burned my cheeks.

"I think you're gorgeous too. Say no more!" Darren grabbed his satchel from the front seat and pulled out three condoms.

"Great. So, let's just get undressed from the waist down, just in case the tow truck is early," I suggested.

"Good thinking, Elcie. You know, when we first met, I thought you were a nitwit, but now I see that you are quite the problem solver."

"Thanks," I giggled, rolling my eyes a bit as I pulled my jeans off and then my panties. It had been a moment since I'd trimmed down there, but I was hoping Darren wouldn't mind. I looked over at him and saw that his dick was already pretty hard. It looked like a good size, not too big and not too small. I couldn't believe that I was doing this. I had never done anything like this before. I had never had sex in a car either.

"Should we kiss first?" Darren asked. He looked a bit lost, like this sort of thing had never happened to him before.

"Go ahead and kiss me," I gave him the green light. Darren leaned in and gave me the kind of kiss that I had been waiting my whole life for. There was a bit of passion behind his kiss, and I could tell that the chemistry between us was intense. One kiss led to another, and before I realized it, Darren and I were having a good makeout session.

Darren's hand wandered down to my pussy, where he began to finger me gently. I moaned into his mouth, overwhelmed by the pleasure of someone touching me. It had been far too long since I'd been touched, and I knew that this was precisely what I had needed and craved.

"Fuck me..." I begged him.

"Okay, I think doggy style would work best in here," Darren observed.

"Well, we've already established that you're good at hitting me from behind." It took Darren a moment to process my words and laugh.

"You're funny as hell, Elcie, but you're not going to be laughing when I'm done with you!" I got into position on my hands and knees.

"Oh my God! That feels so good!" I moaned as Darren's cock entered me. The memories of sex filled my brain as I compared Darren to all of the other men who had ever fucked me. He went slowly at first, and it was driving me absolutely insane. I waited for him to pick up the pace, but he tortured me with his long, slow strokes until I was begging him for more.

"Fuck me harder! Please!" I screamed.

"Harder? Okay, Elcie!" Darren answered. I should have known that Darren's pent up rage would be unleashed on me. He hated me from the moment he met me. I was stupid for allowing him to fuck me this way, knowing how much he disliked me. He pounded my pussy with his perfect dick, slamming into me with violent thrust after violent thrust. He was breathing heavily, his shirt and tie dangling and tickling my lower back as he relentlessly fucked me.

I could hear his heavy breathing and looked up to see that the whole car was fogged up inside. Even if people tried to look in, they wouldn't be able to see anything. This made me feel a bit freer. I let down my guard, unable to stop the pleasure from permeating my brain and body. Chills traveled up my spine to the nape of my neck, where Darren swept my hair to the side and kissed the most tender spot just beneath my hairline. I have no idea how he knew to kiss me there, but it set in motion the biggest orgasm of my life.

I held onto the leather seat, gripping it tightly as I felt my pussy explode. I had been through two husbands and a wide variety of boyfriends that didn't work out. None of them made me cum the way I was cumming with Darren. I couldn't help but scream, but Darren didn't stop. He nipped at my neck, wielding his sexual power over me with the kind of authority my previous lovers had lacked. Darren had confidence in his sexual abilities, and he did everything he could to be the best. My tortured screams of pleasure overwhelmed me. My body was shaking almost uncontrollably. I cried out as my pussy exploded again, soaking my legs and the leather seats beneath them.

I was mortified as I thought about the damage I had just done to Darren's car, but he didn't seem to notice. He continued to drill my pussy with his perfect cock, and his kisses spread to other parts of my neck and then to my ear.

"You're a good fuck, Elcie. I love the way your pussy feels wrapped around my cock." Darren sounded so nasty, so dirty, and I fucking loved it.

"Darren!" I cried. "You are so good at fucking me!" I wanted him to know that what he was doing to me was miraculous, but there was no way for me to explain what my body was doing in response to his thick, hard dick. I couldn't believe that I had almost let him go on his way without sampling his dick! I had nearly missed out on this!

My orgasms continued to come in wave after wave of what seemed like endless pleasure. I was starting to wonder when Darren would actually cum. As if he could read my mind, I could feel something happening to Darren. His whole body tensed and then relaxed. He let out a long, lingering moan that told me he was ejaculating. When he was finished, he pulled out of me and fell into the seat next to me, where I was still on my hands and knees.

"You okay?" I asked, noting how out of breath Darren was.

"Oh yeah! I'm perfect. That was the most unexpected sex I ever had. It really made it hot. I thought you hated me, Elcie."

"I thought I did too, but I guess you grew on me." I flipped into a sitting position and began to dress.

"I hope that you enjoyed that hit from behind more than the one I gave you earlier," he laughed. I joined him in his laughter. It was funny.

"I really did." I looked at my phone for the time. As if on cue, there was a knock on the window.

"Oh shit!" Darren said, and he rolled down his window the tiniest bit, using his pants to cover his nakedness. "Hello?"

"I'm looking for Darren Bivens. You need a tow?"

"Oh, yes, yes, of course. Give me one moment. I'll be right out." He rolled up the window and turned to me.

"Elcie, I know I said I wasn't going to give you my information, but I think we should keep in touch, just in case we need each other in resolving some of these insurance issues."

"Is that all?" I asked him, a bit miffed that he talked about insurance and not about what had just happened between us.

"No, of course, that's not all. Here's my card. Call me if you ever feel that urge to use the dildo you're taking back. I can probably help."

"Oh, so you're offering to be my booty call?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I'm offering to get to know you. Let's see where this leads. After all, I already slammed into you twice today. What's another few times?" He gave me a genuine smile, the kind where his eyes scrunched up at the corners. It made me feel something for him, and I laughed at his joke.

"True. What's another few times?" I repeated.

By the time we got out of the car, my tow truck was there too. I thought about Darren the entire rest of the day as I ran my errands. I finally arrived home with my rental car just before dark.

As I approached my front door, I saw a large flower arrangement waiting for me. I was puzzled. No one I knew would send me flowers. I grabbed the flowers and headed inside. I placed them on the kitchen table and opened the attached card.

"I know I ran into you, and it's my fault, but I'm glad I did. Let me take you on a real date sometime. Happy Valentine's Day! -Darren."

I felt my cheeks flush. Darren really liked me! He wanted to date me. I couldn't imagine how he had gotten my address, but I had a feeling it had something to do with the insurance companies. I thought of Darren's icy, blue eyes, and I smiled. For the first time in a long time, someone had sent me something on Valentine's Day. Tears sprung to my eyes. I had almost written Darren off as an asshole when he was clearly much sweeter than I had given him credit for. Who would have thought that getting slammed from behind by a Cadillac could lead to an actual relationship?

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Lovely story needs another chapter

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

A check engine light doesn't require a tow truck.

SlutProblemsSlutProblemsover 3 years agoAuthor
Women are like this

Thank you both for the kind comments and flattery. I do agree with you about Elcie jumping the gun, but I'm sure it is no surprise that this is how women think about these gestures from men. I'm sure Darren is just trying to get more pussy by saying he wants a real date, but we all know that he's only doing that so he can get more sex. No real feelings yet from either party, just expectations and "the game" that is dating these days.

legsfeettoeslegsfeettoesover 3 years ago
Five stars

Well done, JJ! Nice for Valentine's Day. But I think Elcie is jumping the gun. Right now she is just a booty call for him. It may turn into a relationship eventually; but, based on their histories, that's just a wish, hard to justify based on one lust-induced fuck, and not yet real. Good luck to them though!

JBEdwardsJBEdwardsover 3 years ago

I really loved this story. Serendipitous sex leading to romance, and all on Valentine's Day, too! Great story, 5*, JB

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