White Bull Owns Indian Family

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White bull owns Indian family.
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This is the story of how my father was replaced. My name is raj, I'm 20 years old.

My father was a drunk. He was always running me, my sister and my mother down.

He never had anything nice to say. You see he was a traditional Indian man living in England working for a construction company. He didn't work on building sites but rather he was the assistant to the man who owned the company.

He sent emails and made him cups of tea and coffee, went to get his lunch from the town and generally did all the things he didn't have time to do. His boss was called Marcus. The way my father talked about him made him sound quite impressive. He built his company from scratch and now gets lots of big contracts around the area and earns a lot of money. He knows this because he saw all kinds of documents pass through his hands including accounts papers.

My father admired him very much because he was only 38 years and had achieved so much and worked so hard. He would often sit at the dinner table and talk about him.

"Why aren't you doing anything useful with your life like my boss has done! All you do is sit around all day playing silly games on that silly computer with your silly little sister!" he would say.

I would just look down at my dinner with a feeling of worthlessness and so did my little sister but we could always count on mother to defend us.

"That's not entirely true dear! He works at the take away shop at night every day! Even on weekends and helps me during the day and Priya is studying at the university! She'll be a nurse one-day!" She always said this with great pride on her face which would sometimes be wiped off depending on how much beer my father had drank.

"Oh yes he's a special boy isn't he! Delivering food to people in the car I paid for and the licence I paid for! All I can I say is at least he has been paying his way! I'd have thrown him out in the street other wise and as for her! She'd be better off finding a man who already has a good job! Women shouldn't work it's a man's game!" He'd reply.

And after the awkward dinner every night I'd go to work which in reality pays almost as much as my father.

My mother was 38 years old and was a 5"5 petite lady with light brown skin and an hourglass figure. she has perky tits which pressed through her traditional Indian dress. Her nipples would often be visible as she moved through the house doing the cleaning and her cleavage always bursting out.

I had been up since 10 o'clock helping my mother do the chores. I arrived home from delivering food at about 2:30 in the morning and tip toed past my parents room to mine and could hear my father's drunken efforts to make love with my mother. By the sounds of it he was just starting and almost finishing.

I would often hear them through the wall. You could hear my father position himself onto my mother by the sound of the bed creaking and begin to thrust into her causing the bed to creak some more with an occasional thump of the head board against the wall. After a few minutes you'd hear load grunt ring through the house "UUURRGHH!" Followed by the sound of him rolling back onto his side of the bed and snoring moments later.

It was 4 o'clock the next day and I was just finishing hanging the last of my mother's and sisters underwear on to the clothes rack as my sister walked in from university.

"Hello mother!" She said and hugged our mother and moved over to me "Hello Raj!" As she hugged me.

My sister was also petite like my mother with smaller tits and firm body. She was a pretty girl. I would hear that a lot from my friends who all fancied her incidentally they also said that about my mother but to be fair they weren't wrong. I used to go through my mother's and sisters underwear drawer when they weren't around so I liked doing the washing.

The house was a terraced house in an average area of town. It was a little cramped with us all there. The hallways where narrow and the bedrooms where cramped with all of our stuff in them. I could hear my sister walking through the halls upstairs and my mother in the kitchen/dining room preparing the table for when father returns.

All the noise was soon drowned out by the sound of my father returning from work shouting.

"Good news everyone! Tomorrow night my boss Marcus is coming round for dinner! I want to impress him so I can get a new position in the company so I want you all on your best behaviour and dressed proper as he's a very important man!"

My mother responded with "Oh yes that is wonderful! I'll go shopping tomorrow and prepare! What does he like?"

"He said not to go to any trouble but I think we must! Get plenty of beers from the shop!" My father said getting all excited.

But little did he know tomorrow night was a night that will change things very dramatically.

The next day my father came through the door with a million questions.

"Is the food cooking? Is everyone dressed proper? Is there enough beer?"

We were still putting things away trying to make the house presentable while mother was starting the food as father was getting a beer out of the fridge as he said "Mr dent will be here about six! he's gone home to get changed so he'll be here in an hour!"

He looked at me and said "Don't you say anything about delivering those damn pizzas or whatever it is! I don't want him to think you're a foolish waste of a boy!"

I replied with a sheepish "Yes father!" As my sister walked in wearing a traditional Indian dress the same as my mothers.

It was a turquoise colour and her boobs were bursting out as was my sisters. My father turned to my sister and said "And you don't be asking many questions! Just sit there and smile!"

"Yes father!" My sister replied.

Then he turned to my mother and said "And for heaven's sake make sure you keep his beer glass full! He's our guest and we must treat him with utmost respect!"

"Yes dear!" My mother responded as she was gliding across the kitchen.

An hour later at exactly six o'clock there was a knock on door. I looked out the window and saw a nice shiny new car and just in front could see the shadow of a man in the darkness.

I heard my father say "Quick everyone in the kitchen!"

We rushed into the kitchen to stand in a line waiting to greet Mr Dent as father had us rehearsing. My father stumbled over towards door as he had been drinking so his speech was slightly slurred.

He opens the door "Ah Mr Dent! it's good to see you! May I take your coat?"

"Yes thank you very much!" He said in a very strong northern accent.

My father took his leather coat hung it on the hook and lead him in to the kitchen. I found it strange how he called him Mr Dent when normally he would refer to him as Marcus at the dinner table but assumed he was just being respectful

"Welcome to my home! This is my wife Sinita! My son Raj and my daughter Priya!"

We all responded with synchronized hello Mr Dent and my mother reached in to shake his hand and as their hands connected he pulled her towards him and kissed her on the cheek and she slowly stepped back with a grin on her face staring at him. He then leant in to shake my hand and as he grabbed it, he put his left hand on my shoulder and both my shoulder and my hand were crushed with his masculine strength.

He was six foot tall with broad shoulders strong arms and his torso was visible through his tight t-shirt. His hair was longer than most men's hair. It was jet black and curly. He had a beard that started thin and got thicker as it reached his chin and he had a deep northern voice as he said "Hello!".

He reached in to kiss my sister on the cheek and she gave the same reaction as my mother but a little more embarrassed after and went all red in the face.

I realised my sister has probably never been kissed before and my mother has probably never had any affection for a long time. My mother offered him a seat at the table and he sat down as we all did.

She said to him "Dinner will be ready soon! Perhaps I could offer you a beer?"

He looked up at her with curl on his smile and said "Yes please I'd love one!"

My mother turned around in the cramped kitchen and grabbed a beer out of the fridge and I noticed he was looking at her ass like a wolf eying up its prey through the trees.

My father sat at one end of the table and Mr Dent sat at the other end. My mother in-between and me and my sister opposite my mother. I was next to Mr Dent and my sister next to father. My mother passed him a bottle of beer and cracked it open, he scanned the table looking at my father's beer then to mothers wine and then to my sisters and mine water's.

He said "Aren't you two having one?"

My father then interrupted "Beer is a man's drink! Not for boys and girls!"

Mr Dent said to me and my sister "How old are you two?"

We looked at each other and I said "I'm 20 sir!"

"I'm 18! Mr Dent sir!" My sister said awkwardly blushing again.

Mr Dent replied "So you're not a boy and you're not a girl! Why don't you two grab a drink!"

My father looked like he was about to object but thought better of it. We looked at father and he nodded and said "Sure! ok! but just one!".

Mr Dent looked at him and said "Oh come on! They'll be fine with a few!"

He looked at us and said "Just don't drink to fast! It's not fizzy pop! You cant just gulp it down!" My father barked an order at my mother "Go and get them a drink and get for me and Mr Dent!"

Mr Dent seemed tense at the order and said "Not for me thank you! I've barely started mine yet!" He said this as he took a sip from the bottle and my mother burst out a little chuckle that I've never heard her make before and she got me and father a beer and poured my sister a small glass of wine.

I took a sip and thought wow that was refreshing feeling no wonder father drank so much. My sister took a sip of the wine and looked like she just bit into a lemon. Mr Dent chuckled and mother started asking questions about work with a smile on her face giggling like a school girl until eventually she said "Excuse me! I think dinner is ready! I'll just get things served up!"

Mr Dent then turned to me "So Raj! Do you have any ambitions in life! What do want to do with yourself!"

I looked at father and he shot me a don't screw this up look so I said "Err yes Mr Dent I do err!" And he cut me off.

"Please call me Marcus!" And waved me to continue so did.

"I'd like to just get a job that I could work my way up in suppose!" Not really knowing what to say without lying.

Mother then returned putting food on the table and we began eating in silence until father spoke.

"You'll have to excuse my wife's cooking! It's not the best but it's alright after a hard day's work! it goes better with a beer!"

Marcus then replied looking at mother "I think it's fantastic! The best home cooked meal I've had in a long time! Normally I eat out at restaurants on the way home from work!" He said smiling at mother.

Father noticed and sunk back into his chair with a jealous look continuing to drink his beer. Marcus only had two more beers while father must have had 10 more. My sister was on her second glass of wine and was breathing heavily through her nose hanging on to every word Marcus was saying. I was on my second while mother was also on her second.

He then directed his attention to my sister "So Priya! What are your plans for the future?" He said as if she was the most interesting person in the room.

She replied "Oh yes! I'm err studying the university to become a nurse!"

"Oh really! That's brilliant! Well if ever I need some bandages on I'll give you a call!" And then he winked at her leaving her blushing and giggling just like my mother was a few minutes ago.

We finished our dinner and father began to start up a conversation with Marcus "So Mr Dent! Have you had any thought about that position of junior contracts manager job!"

"Well I haven't given it much thought but I've a good idea as to who should fill the role!" said Marcus.

Father's eyes lit up and a smile began to grow on his face and he said "Well I've got plenty of experience handling all the paper work and I already know the score with the contracts since they all go through me!"

And then Marcus's eyes lit up and then said "Well then! You'd do a great job to help your son Raj fit in and get used to the type of work he'll be doing! Since you know what the score is you'll be able to correct him on any mistakes!".

Father looked stunned and so did mother. Priya was smiling at her brother's luck and patted him on the back as to say take the job.

Father sunk back into his chair and said "What? Him? He's a pizza boy! He's hardly qualified for the job! Besides he's a lazy bum! He's not good enough!"

Marcus leant forward towards me and said "You didn't say had a job Raj!"

I felt guilty for not telling him "Sorry sir! I just didn't want to disappoint you!"

He looked at me with total disbelief "listen here lad! when first started the company it was just me on my own! I didn't get much work to start with so I did pizza deliveries to pay the bills and some other stuff not appropriate for talking about at the table! It was easy money so there's nothing wrong with that and anyone who says otherwise is a worthless fuckwit!"

My father's face went red with anger and Marcus asked "Who told you that would disappoint me!"

I replied sheepishly "Err my father sir!" And then he said something which no one expected "Let me tell you something about your father! His job is to do the things that I don't have time for! the things that I can't be bothered with! I tell him to do something and he does it because it's he's not good for anything else!"

Everyone was astounded at what he just said, father most of all as he thought he was admired by this important man but in actual fact he thought he was useless. I looked to my mother and she was biting her bottom lip and her back was arched in her chair looking at him out of the corner of her eyes.

I looked at my father and he was looking at his empty plate fiddling with his beer bottle and something told me he was going to be very drunk tonight. I looked at my little sister and she had a compressed grin on her face from all the times he said how worthless we were and now this strong handsome man has come in to his home flirted with his wife, praised his daughter on her ambitions, gave his son the job he wanted ultimately making him his boss and calling him a worthless fuckwit. Things could not get worse for him surely.

My mother changed the subject to the job offer "So! Err! How much exactly will Raj be earning! Just out of curiosity of course!"

Marcus calmly answers "Well it will start at 25,000 for the first year and then it should rise to 30,000 after a year when he's trained in the job and gained experience in the field! after that the possibility is endless for him!"

Mother was very impressed, she said "Wow! That's just amazing! it would be so nice to have a real income into the household! Oh dear I'm so proud of you!" She said leaning over to stroke my hand.

My sister joined in with the praise "Yes Raj! This is a great opportunity! You must take it really you should!"

Then Marcus turned to me and said "I won't take no for an answer Raj!"

At that moment my father barked an order at mother "Get me another beer will you!"

And then Marcus growled back "Why don't you get it yourself?"

My father's eyes widened, he'd never been talked to like that in his own home before and so they two men stared at each other as if two dogs staring each other down and sure enough father backed down and got up to the fridge.

"Get one for me whilst you're at it!" Marcus growled at him while grinning at mother who was still biting her lip and arched her back even more and reshuffled her legs.

I looked at my sister who was now doing exactly the same thing. I said to Marcus I'd take the job as I felt obliged to do so for the family and it was a great opportunity for me. Marcus said I could start Monday which made mother very proud of me.

It was 10 o'clock and it was getting late. We had all sat at the table for a while now and my sister suggested we watch late night TV shows in the living room.

We moved into the living room. Father sat on the arm chair and me and my sister sat on floor in front of the couch. Marcus and my mother sat on the couch. Mother had both legs on the couch and Marcus sat squished up next her with his arm around the back of the sofa. He had his legs apart and mother had one hand on his leg just below his crotch.

Father had a scowl on his face and it was red from the humiliation he was taking. I personally thought this was fine as he was a hardworking man and a great guy, real nice to me and my sister but also respectful of mother.

Mother asked me to turn the light off while the TV was on so I got up and walked past where mother was sitting to the switch and saw Marcus had his hand on mother's ass caressing it slowly but firmly. It was no wonder father looked like he did, it was in full view of him and neither mother nor Marcus cared. I turned the light off and returned next to my sister where we were watching a movie.

Behind me I could hear mother breathing heavily. At first I thought she was just drunk but realised she only had two glasses nowhere near enough to get her drunk. So I turned to look and saw that mothers turquoise dress was now above her knees and Marcus's hand was no longer moving in a circular motion but a back and forth motion. Mother then began to moan quietly under her breath while father just stared at the TV, embarrassed by his own submission to his white boss who was 15 years younger than him and much more physically stronger and attractive than he was.

Father had a large belly from all the beer drank and always smelt of sweat and alcohol.

I wasn't sure what was going on behind me but I had an idea and passed this idea off thinking surely not.

Father kept on glancing without turning his head. This made me and Priya start to giggle. We could see his eyes look over from light of the TV. What happened next made me see that father was no longer in charge. He was at the bottom of the household order and it was obvious when Marcus said "Well it's getting late! I should go off to bed!".

And he got up and headed to the door and said to mother "Well Sinita! Are you coming up?"

She looked shocked, as did we all when Marcus turned on the light but he did not, he looked like he expected it of her. Mother did not even hesitate.

"Yes of course I am!" And with that she stood up.

My father tried to object "Where are you going?" He asked foolishly.

"I'm going up to bed with Marcus!" She said as if it was obvious.

"But you can't! you're my wife and I own you!" Father claimed helplessly and Marcus stepped in.

"Well considering she is your wife you do not treat her very well!"

I was desperate to say something at this point but not sure when the right moment was before mother said "He's our guest remember! and we must treat him with utmost respect! besides he has had a drink so he cannot drive home and he needs a warm bed!"

This was my moment while father was thinking of a response (like it would do any good) I said to father "It's true! you do not treat mother with any respect at all! And he deserves her much more than you do! And if you look at the wet stains on the couch where mother was sitting! You'll see that she needs a man not a worthless fuckwit like you!" Father did not know what to say so I continued to press my attack "Also if you look at his bulge in his trousers you'll see it needs taking care of! I for one give my blessing to Marcus to take mother to bed tonight not that he needs it since he is a hardworking man who treats her with respect!"