White Freshman, Black Coeds Ch. 15


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Then in an overdone caricature of me, being "all extra", Candace turned to Keisha, grabbed her breasts through the shirt, taking over and pushing Keisha's own hands out of the way. Then in an extra-deep voice said, "Oh Miss Keisha, your breasts are soooooo exquisite, I can't wait to actually touch them, thank you for letting me...." She kept on in that vein, but that last barb kinda stung, and I think she knew it, which is why she'd added it.

Still carrying on talking like that, mauling Keisha's breasts far harder than she, Candace, or I would've done it, she looked at me just after saying 'thank you for letting me,' and I had to give her a touché, that was good look. She smiled a smile that said, I know, right?

But I tired of the parody and really wanted to see Candace's hands (and lips!) on Keisha's breasts, so I said, "Miss Keisha, may I lift your shirt now and see and touch these magnificent bosoms?" Candace had stopped talking and slowed down her hands, becoming now the marionette I wanted her to be.

Keisha, looking directly at Candace, said, "Yes, Mark. I'd love for you to see and feel and kiss my breasts now." Ding ding ding, we have a winner! Who called it? *I* called it: Keisha was the butch one, and did want to make Candace do those things to her. This was TOO perfect!

I half-expected Candace to shoot me another Really? look, but she didn't. Instead she stayed focused on Keisha's eyes, and took over for me. But this time tenderly, awe-struck as I would've been. And the crazy thing was, I couldn't tell if she was doing it for me (maybe), or for Keisha (probably somewhat), or for herself (which I thought was most likely).

"Mark? Real-Mark." Candace, with a serious, pensive look on her face.

"Yes?" Me dropping quickly out of character, real concern for what my angel wanted to say.

"Can I hit 'pause' for a few minutes?"

"Yes! Yes of course." I'd been thinking she was about to call the charade off, which actually would've been okay with me, because I was starting to get eager to get down to the business I was there for: my final manual/digital exam on Keisha, then Candace demonstrating for me oral on Keisha, then my final exam on that topic, likely on Candace. The odd request to deliver the pizza later, and then stay on, combined with how the girls were dressed, had convinced me that that was still the plan. But what was Candace's concern now? Had I pushed this too far or something?

"This--" motioning with her hands to encompass her and Keisha and me, "--this has been incredible and I'm really starting to enjoy it." Eager nods of agreement from Keisha, her face a dazzling smile.

"And you'll have to tell us later where this all came from, but you're different somehow, more confident, more in charge...and I think I like it. In fact, I know I like it!" She gave me a tender, appreciative smile, while Keisha agreed much more expansively, like a puppy when you say, Wanna go outside and play??

"Keisha and I had started talking....about you. About the touching conditions we'd placed on you, and--" Yes, yes? Go on! "--And we'd just about decided that those might be relaxed a little..." Her quick look at me emphasized just a little.

"We hadn't really decided before your got here, but this--this roleplay you've started--has really been quite good, very erotic, so I--" a quick inquisitive look at Keisha, who confirmed, "so we would like to expand the boundaries a bit." I nodded vigorously that I was down with that, which made Candace giggle a little.

"I'd like you to continue driving this scenario, but it's becoming a little awkward because we can't talk to you as real-Mark without breaking the façade, and I, we--," remembering Keisha, "--may want to talk to you, to allow you to do certain things...."

"So I think we need to come up with a different name for your 'pizza delivery guy' persona. Do you have any suggestions for that?"

With much love and gratitude in my face and voice, "I'd been thinking exactly the same thing! I was thinking of the acronym PDG for 'pizza deliver guy', trying to make something out of that...." Candace was nodding along, encouraging me to continue in lieu of her saying anything.

"I thought the DG for 'delivery guy' might transform into 'Doug', but I didn't like that a whole lot." Candace agreed with her manner that, yeah, it wasn't great.

"So then I thought I'd play off of 'Domino's', and of course 'Dominic' comes immediately to mind..."

"That's great, I like it! Keisha?" Of course Keisha agreed, still the puppy waiting to go play. "The diminutive would be 'Dom,' and I like that too." She gave me a knowing look, because she knew exactly why I'd gone there: Dominic, Dom, Dominant. My reply with eyes and face let her know that I knew she knew. But it's sweet, right? A quick appreciative nod from her said yes.

"So when we want to talk to the horny, manipulative delivery guy," a raised eyebrow at me, "we'll refer to him as Dominic or Dom. And when we want to talk to the real you, that'll be Mark. Good?" Glances at Keisha and I for agreement, which of course we did.

"Good, then let's get back to it!" Her hands went back to Keisha's breasts, gently massaging them through her shirt, even tweaking the nipples. Keisha's symbolic tail was wagging gratefully. I finally get to play!

As I tried to get back in character I found it hard because I was so excited about what the new boundaries might be. But the show must go on, so clearing my throat: "Keisha, I believe you gave me permission to lift your shirt now and see and touch and kiss these magnificent breasts?"

Of course Keisha nodded, and Candace brilliantly took it from there. Slooooowly lifting the hem of Keisha's shirt up and over her ponderous breasts, she revealed them agonizingly slowly, a look of awe and wonder on her face. I'd seen them in all their glory before, but this was different, this was 'me' revealing them. Or at least my stand-in.

With the shirt finally up and off, Candace took a step back and gazed lovingly on these magnificent works of art. She was gently palming them, hefting them, juggling them, while for the most part avoiding the nipples. I've described Keisha's breasts before, and all you need to know about them is: Pam Grier. 'Nuff said.

"Keisha, for better access to these beauties with my mouth," Keisha shuddered, "let's move over to the couch." Candace led her to the couch and gently sat her down, then knelt on the carpet in front of her, bringing her face level with Keisha's breasts. Being arranged thus, Candace leaned in and gently kissed one nipple and then the other.

A thrill shot through my now-painfully hard dick inside my pants. Dominic: "Keisha, you're so lovely here in front of me half-naked, and Candace's bottom is so tantalizing... Would you gals mind if I took my pants off, so I'd also be partly naked as you two beauties are?" Keisha of course acquiesced, I think eager to see it again. And Candace shot me another Well played, sir look.

Candace went back to work on Keisha with tender kisses, licks, and light tugs on her nipples. And I took my pants and boxers completely off, keeping my gaze on Keisha as I did. Her wanting look didn't disappoint. Two erogenous zones were in play now: stimulation of her nipples, and stimulation of her eyes with my dick now in sight. Three if you counted the mind game, which is the one I would've ranked highest at that moment.

I grabbed my penis and began slowly stroking it. Keisha's eyes nearly bugged out and she gave a low moan, mashing her breasts into my (Candace's) face. Offering them up to me, forcing me to take the nipples in my mouth. But beyond the nipples, the areolae too, and really, as much of her breast mass as she could stuff into my mouth. Candace (as me still) was making the appropriate appreciative noises, looking up into Keisha's face inquisitively to check that this was feeling good. Keisha literally nodded that it was, continuing to serve her breasts to 'me,' which Candace continued to lap up and inhale the best she could.

"Oh Keisha, your breasts are so divine! I could do this all day!" You thought that was me saying that, but it was Candace! On her own volition. She seemed to really be getting into this, her girlish hands on the sides of Keisha's breasts just as my rougher male hands would have been. Squeezing, pushing, feeling these giant mammary glands. From the look on her face, 'we' were in heaven. Keisha switched glances quickly between Dominic stroking his 8" fat dick, and 'Mark' gently yet fervently admiring and worshipping these incredible wonders of nature.

Though when she looked at 'Mark,' was she seeing him, or......Candace? I think probably more the latter. Sure she would've loved having my lips doing those things to her, but I also suspect that she liked girls more than she'd been able to express to Candace before. So the times when they'd resorted to performing cunnilingus on each other were probably focused mainly on that aspect of it (just my guess/theory), without all the other touchings and tellings that make sex really meaningful.

So if I had to guess, I'd say that Candace's hands or lips had probably never been on Keisha's breasts as they were now. At least not in a sexual way. But both she and Candace seemed to be really enjoying it. To the point that Candace finally let me into the game, the 'new boundaries' she'd mentioned.

"Mark? I'd like it if you'd join us now. I want to feel your penis on my butt, simulating sex with me."

Whaaaaaaaaat???? Not quite understanding it, but not wanting to ask about this change in the rules, I gave Candace an Are you sure look. Her response was a lovely smile and nod that said, Yes, I'm very sure.

So, not wanting to displease a lady-- Who am I kidding?? Like any red-blooded American boy would at that delightful invitation, I practically ran over to Candace, knelt down, and eased my rock-hard member onto the crack of her butt. Not trying to go inside or anything, just riding on top, squeezing between my pelvis and her. She gave a soft moan and wiggled her butt a little, helping him settle in.

"Mark?" Keisha taking advantage of the pause in the game, "You and Candace have your bottoms off, but I have my top off. Would you mind taking your shirt off to kind of even it up?" I saw what I thought was lust in her eyes. Or that might've just been my dick talking, snug as he was now atop Candace's magnificent bottom.

But it made sense somehow: two of them half-naked equaled one of me full-naked. Something like that. Keisha could no longer see my meat now, so it seemed fair to let her see my chest. And though I was still skinny, I was bulking up a little, going to the campus gym at least every other day. After pulling the polo over my head, my face emerged staring straight into Keisha's eyes and she seemed to appreciate what she saw. I flexed each pec in series (like The Rock used to do) and her eyes lit up a little more. Not that there was a lot of mass there to flex, but I'd been working on that move for just such an occasion.

"So, Mark?" Candace. "I'd like to be me now, so you take over as Dominic. You've slyly maneuvered us two naïve coeds into this position by your powers of persuasion, and now you intend to take us even further down this path."

Sounded good to me! I'm the manipulative delivery guy making these two hotties perform a sex show for me, while I get to rub my dick on one of them. Maybe both of them, later?

Then Candace, in a stage whisper: "You've probably already thought of this, but we had some unfinished business, and some promises, from last time, so it would be cool if you could make it go that way."

You read my mind, my clever and manipulative-yourself goddess. But I enjoyed the way she'd done it, ensuring it went the right way, but still leaving the power with me about the specifics. With a 3-way glance around to see that everyone was onboard and that there were no more questions or ideas, we all got back into character.

"Gosh, Keisha! I had no real idea they were this soft, this plush, this big really!" Candace, as Candace. But was she the real Candace or the Candace-playing-out-this-slutty-fantasy for Dominic? Too early to tell. Though I thought she was manipulated-Candace, so she could say and do the things to Keisha she really wanted to, without having to admit to us or herself that it was really her. Mind games can be fun, so many nuances to consider.

"You didn't, sis? But you've touched them before: remember that time at the beach when you helped me put my bikini top back on? Or that time..." Keisha went on, but you get the idea. Candace was making love to Keisha's succulent breasts with her mouth and hands, more gently than I would have, so I was taking mental notes. And pumping my dick almost fully between her butt cheeks now, savoring the sight, the sensations.

"Dominic, do you have a condom on you?" Candace, mock-lustfully, saying it in a way that said she really hopes he has one, because.....

"Yeeeeeees.....?" Dominic replied, but Mark craned his head around to see Candace's face better, to find out what was happening right now.

Candace looked at me, Mark, and with a little shake of her head that meant no, but an expression that said Just play along with it, she said (to Dominic), "Because I'd really love to feel that monster dick inside me right now..." I don't know who groaned louder at that, me (Mark), or Dominic (this is really happening!), or Keisha, who was flush and panting over Candace's tender work on her sensitive breasts.

"Are you sure, baby? It's a lot of meat, most girls can't even take it. Or take much of it."

"Ooooooo, I'm sure, Dominic! I want to at least feel the fat head of it sliding against my slit, rubbing my clit. Mmmmm," as she squirmed wantonly beneath me. Beneath Dominic, I meant.

"Okay darlin', that does sound like fun. I'll just rub the head on it for now, but you just let ol' Dom know when you want more of it." Squeals and moans from the girls, indiscernible from whom exactly. "And you will want more of it. They always do once they get a taste of it..."

I wasn't dumb enough to think that Candace really wanted Mark to rub his dick on her pussy, but I figured her ass was a stand-in for that, so I started rubbing my dick up and down the crack of her ass. But with the head now, pointing in as Dom would have as he ran his up and down her slit. Candace removed one hand from Keisha's breasts long enough to give me a thumbs-up.

Then Dom was back, rubbing his dick lewdly on Candace's 'vagina', all the way from bottom to top. Pushing it in a little bit to see if she'd protest (she didn't). The girls were still having their fun, Keisha caressing Candace's face as she worked her breasts over tenderly, trying to look at Candace's eyes to see if this was real or what. But I don't think Candace was ready to admit that yet, as I never saw her make eye contact with Keisha. Almost as if she was avoiding that because she didn't want Keisha to know the truth.

While all that was going on, Dom would've been watching them keenly, because he'd done this rub my dick on a girl's pussy a lot, so he was on autopilot. But for Mark this was a brand new scenario, one that must be paid full attention to. Of course, he'd sort of done this with Nia and Rita, but those had been the full-length shaft pumping up and down in that hot, tight groove between ass cheeks.

But this, this was me rubbing/pushing the head into and up and down Candace's pretend vagina. And though that itself was fun to imagine, what that would look and feel like, this was so new, touching Candace's butt at all, let alone with my dick. So I had to concentrate on it, fully experience it, remember it.

I had lined my dick up to where I calculated her anus might be, then allowing about 3" up from there to be her clitoris, I concentrated my dick on that area. Rubbing it up and down those 3", my pre-cum providing plenty of lubrication. Then ever so slowly, every so often, pushing the head in just a little more, just a little more... Seeing how much Candace would allow before stopping me. But I had the whole head in now and she hadn't said anything yet.

"Oh Dominic, that feels so good! Please just keep doing that for now. Mmmmm...." Telling me that was far enough. But there was that for now bit at the end...

"Dominic, you'd probably like to make me play with Keisha's pussy now, wouldn't you? While you continue doing that to me? Ooooohhh..." This girl was good. I was so proud of "my" Candace, who I'd thought I was in love with before, and maybe still was in a way. I guess I hadn't been moving things along fast enough, so she'd interjected in a tactful way. While still keeping a leash on me back there.

"Yeah girl, I dig watchin' two chicks go at it. Especially two black chicks." Dominic is an uncouth douchebag. 'Yeah girl?' Her name is Candace! 'Go at' each other? He'd probably prefer to see a black girl and a white girl together, instead of just appreciating these beautiful ladies as they were, without bringing that into it. I bet he calls it "lesbo" porn too. Dick.

"Keisha, can you slip out of your clothes? Biiig Dominic [shake of her butt] back here is making me lick your pussy. Mmmmm, he feels soooo good. Slip it in a little deeper, Dom..."

Keisha and I stared at each other, and I'm not sure who was more aroused. Or surprised. Keisha because she was finally going to have Candace playing with her pussy with intent (I suspected that the experiments they'd shared with me were more mechanical, obligatory, as they tried to work out if they could give each the oral pleasure that their boyfriends weren't. They'd actually told me as much.)

Or me, because taking Candace's new allowance I'd slipped my dick another inch between her ass cheeks. And because it was so deep now, rubbing up and down wasn't much of an option anymore. So I'd started thrusting in, as if I were butt-fucking her, but careful to not go in too far, exceeding my bounds. So far she was accepting it though. And with the mass of her ass, the sheer depth of it, there was still a lot of room before my penis was in any danger of touching her anus. But I thought that I was probably right over it, which gave me wicked thoughts of just "taking the plunge" as it were, and actually poking it against (even into?) her tight little puckered hole.

I knew what one looked like up close from my 'encounter' with Capri Wednesday. And after Rita had put the idea of anal sex into my mind Monday, I'd been, let's say, thinking about it. (Okay, you got me: jacking off while fantasizing about it. With Rita.) But now I was with Candace, her skin much lighter than Rita's, and her butt different in ways: about the same mass maybe, but softer, more elongated than hemispherical. Both were great, don't get me wrong.

Then I started wondering if maybe Candace was one of those women who actually liked anal sex. And if she did, would she want it with me, my dick as thick as it was. Those nasty thoughts made me slow down, reducing the mounting excitement down there.

When I looked up from my reverie, Keisha was naked and laid back on the couch like she had been that first time with me. Candace was between her outstretched and splayed legs, face very close to Keisha's sex, one finger doing the slow circles on the clit that Keisha had demonstrated to me on Candace, her other hand softly plucking and pinching one of Keisha's nipples. From the looks of things (Keisha's thing, the lips splayed into the butterfly, and visibly slick all over) they'd been at this a little while already while I was lost in the sights and feelings of Candace's butt.