White Freshman, Black Coeds Ch. 17


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Candace then very sexily shimmied out of her thong, while Keisha gently pulled my boxers down and off. She must've then slid her own panties off, because as Candace leaned forward again for the next Uh, I like it like that, Keisha did the same from behind, mashing her bare butt against mine. Talk about sensory overload! I was staring at Candace's gyrating ass moving my dick around with it, plus the feel of Keisha's working my backside.

I felt emboldened to put a hand on one cheek of each girl's ass and let them squish me between their gyrations. I wasn't even trying to dance anymore, but I don't think anyone could've told that, given the way the girls were throwing me around with their derrieres. I was singin' along with Juvenile, She workin' that back, I don't know how to act... Thankfully there were only 2 repeats of that, because I don't think I could've held out for any more than that.

As the song ended and the CD player moved to a slower track, Candace turned me around and kissed me dead on the lips, laughing and out of breath. Keisha then turned me around and kissed me on the cheek, giving me a big hug while Candace went maybe to the bathroom? Keisha pulled me down onto the couch. We both still had our shirts on.

In a lowish voice, "Mark, Candace wanted me to be the one to tell you this: she kind of broke up with Derek last weekend. Maybe not broke up, but they're on a hiatus at least." I interjected something like, Oh no, I'm so sorry! And I truly was, not thinking at all that this might give me a chance with Candace.

"That's why she felt comfortable letting you kind of 'do that' to her last weekend. And this dancing just now." About then I heard Candace in the kitchen fixing cold drinks. "You can obviously tell that we choreographed a lot of this, and she did want me to tell you, like I'm doing right now, but she wants you to act like you don't know. Okay?" The sound of drinks being poured came from the kitchen.

"Just act like before, but don't be surprised if things should go a little further..." She pulled my head to her and kissed me on the forehead, then pulled me into her bosom for a moment or two.

"Whew, anybody else thirsty?! I downed mine and had to refill it already." Handing us two drinks she padded back to the kitchen for hers, sitting on my left when she came back.

"Mark, have you ever watched porn movies?" Candace, shocking me a bit. I told her that two weeks ago the answer would've been 'no,' but that someone had recently lent me one. And then I told the title, at which Candace said, "Interesting...!"

"Well, we don't have any like that, just a couple of, I guess black-on-black ones that 'the boys' have left here. Do you think you'd like to watch one with us?"

Does a bear s**t in the woods?!?, on the inside, but outwardly, "Sure, that sounds fun."

Candace went over to the TV to put it in, giving me (and Keisha?) an incredible show with 'dat ass' in doing so. She sat back down next to me with the remote, as the title came up, Black on Black 5," with lots of pretty brown-skinned ladies on the opening screen. Candace clicked through to the menu, then selected a scene before I could read through all of them. Probably like me, she or they had chosen this one for where it led. Hmmm...

The scene started with a black man trying to seduce a younger black woman. I guess she was the new secretary at the place, and he had her in his office. I supposed he'd hired her, and now was looking for her to be thankful for that, if you will. Candace fast-forwarded until the point where she must've acquiesced, and he was unbuttoning her blouse. It seemed like she liked him though and was a willing participant. Not like the student and professor scene I'd shown Nia.

Keisha got up, saying she'd go get us some pizza. The man soon had her skirt down and was rubbing her sex through her panties, bright red lacy ones. Candace spread her legs and asked if I'd like to do that to her.

"Yes, but you don't have any panties on like she does. And I'd—I'd be touching you directly..."

"It's okay, baby, I want to feel you touching me there."

I'm so chivalrous that of course I couldn't deny her. Much like I'd done with Nia, I saw the small patch of hair above and spent some time playing there first, before inching down slowly. Part of that was because I don't like to just rush into such things, but part of it was me waiting for the hammer to fall, for her to protest and ask just what the actual f**k I was doing. As Capri had, before spanking me mercilessly. Call me gun shy, but I did not want that ever again.

As I got closer to her clit I heard the microwave ding, so I knew Keisha would reappear shortly, and I started to pull my hand away. But Candace, probably expecting this, quickly grabbed my wrist and forced my hand back down, trying to push it even further than I'd already been.

"It's okay, Mark. I don't mind if she sees. In fact, you might say we've become a lot closer since we had a delivery from your co-worker Dominic....mmmm, yes, right there," as my fingers found her clit. "He's a really bad boy, did you know that?"

Just then Keisha returned, nonchalantly handing a piece of pizza into my right hand (my left being occupied as she could see), then offered one to Candace, but wasn't surprised when she didn't take it. Keisha sat next to me and I looked at her questioningly, my left hand still busy on Candace's pleasure button.

Leaning back so that my body shielded her face from Candace's view, Keisha winked at me and mouthed, It's okay. Then smiled a big smile.

"C, I thought Mark's final exam on digital stimulation was supposed to be with me?!" Playfully, mock-hurt.

"I know, sis, but I got carried away..." A pointed callback to what Keisha had said about my and her first encounter. As that thought trailed off, Candace moved her hand from where it had been resting (tantalizingly!) on my left thigh, and full-on grabbed my dick. Not hard to find because he was at full-mast, what with me playing with my sweet Candace's pussy for the first time ever.

I swear I almost came the moment her hand touched me, feeling so soft and warm on my dick. The girl on the screen the girl was on her knees sucking her boss off, but I was more interested in paying attention to Candace and her needs. "So Miss Candace, how am I doing so far on my final exam?"

"It might be a bit too early to tell, Mr. Livingston, but it's looking promising." Her gaze then went back to the TV screen as the new secretary was slobbering all over her boss's fat black cock.

"So it's feeling good so far?" A breathy oh yes. "Keisha instructed that I should touch a nipple at the same time, so may I touch your breast through your shirt?"

"Yes, yes, please do..."

Looking to my right at Keisha I said, "I need to turn this way, Miss Keisha, but I don't want to leave you out. Will you press yourself against me and look over my shoulder so you can properly grade the activity?"

"Indeed, Mr. Livinston I think I'd rather enjoy that."

So I turned to my left, partway up the back of the couch, but mostly down the seat cushions to adjust myself to Candace's position, which was now slouched almost all the way down, legs spread wide to give my hand access. So now I switched to my right hand exploring her vagina, which felt more comfortable, it being my dominant hand. Then with my left arm propping me up I was able to snake that hand up and delicately find the nipple poking through her shirt.

I wanted to try to stay within the rules that had sort of been implied during the demonstration some weeks before, nipples only. But later, as she got closer, I planned to push the limits and go for the whole breast. Especially given what Keisha had told me about her and Derek. Kind of unfair, I know, not "letting her drive" as Keisha had said, but now that they were literally in reach I desperately wanted to squeeze and analyze them. And these weren't just any breasts, but 'my' Candace's breasts, the girl I was still somewhat smitten with, and who'd demonstrated more-than-simply-friends feelings toward me.

Throughout my repositioning Candace had never let go of my manhood. And she wasn't just idly stroking it either, but actively working it, looking from the screen to it from time to time. And now that I had my right hand working her wet pussy, and my left teasing a nipple through her shirt, it was about all I could do to not let her make me come.

Then Keisha upped the ante by plastering herself to my back, her giant titties mashed against me so hard I could feel their stiff nipples in my back. She held herself there with her right hand just under my chest, I think careful not to touch my nipples, because for her "the rules" still applied. As she needed to look over my shoulder to observe and "grade" me, her head was in the crook of my right shoulder, her chin pretty much resting on my neck. Which of course put her breath and voice right in my ear, and her scent close to my nose.

Man this was hot! Because think about it: yeah, you know you won't get to have sex with this beautiful girl, but how many times have you had such a hottie splay herself out for you, invite you to finger her to orgasm? WHILE she's stroking your dick! And don't forget Keisha behind, with those Pam Grier breasts smashed against you, her dainty hand clenched to your stomach, and giving you instructions in your ear.

"Very nice, Mark. Nice and slow, that's how a girl likes it. Maybe avoid the clitoris for a minute and move down, that's it. Run your fingers slowly through her slit like that a few times.... And now back on the clitoris, do some slow circles. See how she's responding? Her skin flushed red, her writhing telling that what you're doing is feeling so good..."

So yeah, I challenge any man to be in that position and not come before long. Or lose control and try to mount her, blowing the whole thing up. I knew I'd get my reward, but right now it was all about making Candace feel good, bringing her to orgasm. As she was getting closer and closer, she lost attention on my dick for a bit, sometimes only idly stroking, other times stopping completely. Keisha noticed and intervened.

"Candace, is Mark making you feel really good?" Yes. "Is there anything you'd like him to do differently?" No, this is great... "Well, hon, you need to keep him interested. He's a sweet guy and all and he loves doing this for you, but it would be better for him if you could keep doing this down here..." And she grabbed Candace's wrist and made her hand jack me off. When she was satisfied that Candace had taken over she released her wrist.

Then with that hand free again and saying, "The nipple touches feel much better if they're not through fabric," she lifted the front of Candace's shirt up and over her breasts, Candace scooching a little to allow the material to slide up her back.

And there they were: those beautiful B-cup breasts I'd seen several times, but was now actually going to get to touch. I'd pulled my hand away as Keisha lifted the shirt, but rather than dive right back in I wanted to savor this moment. I'd produced a lot of pre-cum, and Candace's hand was now gliding easily up and down my shaft and over the head, and that felt so delicious. But I knew that when I touched her bare nipple that that feeling would translate straight to the head of my dick, as if my own nipple had been touched.

So I whispered to her, "Slow down on me a bit, please." Then I watched those lovely breasts move and shake and quiver with her gyrations. She'd started circling her pelvis under my hand, and that set up a swirling motion in her breasts that was delightful to watch. But when I touched her clit she would buck, thrusting her chest up, which made her breasts shoot out and then rebound back down, trembling a bit as their momentum was absorbed and dampened. Mesmerizing. One of my favorite things to do to this day is watch breasts move and jiggle.

I felt Keisha sit up behind me, but she didn't leave the couch. After a few seconds she was back in place, but I could tell she'd taken her shirt off. "Keisha, did you..."

"Yes I did. I figure it's not actually breaking the rules because you're not actively touching them, they're just resting on you."

"Ohmygosh, thank you! They feel so soft and warm on my back. I can tell by your nipples that you're excited too. Oh God, I so wish I I could touch and kiss them, I've always loved your breasts."

"I know, love. Maybe some day.... But for now just enjoy them like this?" Then she moved her hand up my chest for some contrived reason, and the palm of her hand slid over my right nipple, sending a shock directly to the head of my dick, now oh-so-close due to Candace's ministrations. "Oops, sorry about that. But I'd say someone else is excited too, judging by his nipples.

"And look at Candace's left nipple: it's not even been touched but it's super stiff. Let me just see..." And she reached her arm from my stomach over toward Candace's left nipple, which meant that she had to press herself even harder into me, almost rolling over on top of me. Her thumb and first two fingers homed in on Candace's nipple, like how you would turn a small radio dial, and when they landed Candace let out a gasp followed by a moan.

"A third erogenous zone, did you notice her response?" Boy did I! Her pelvis had started rotating and grinding even harder against my hand, which was thoroughly soaked now in her juices, making my fingers and thumb literally glide over lips and clitoris.

"Candace, hold back a little longer, hon, I have a surprise for you. And Mark, maybe slow down a little bit. Good, now Candace slow down on Mark. Perfect. Now Mark, we didn't cover this in the lesson, and I know you were afraid to try it with Nia, but why don't we have you insert one finger inside her?" Candace moaned and mmhmmm'd, now not looking at the TV at all but at my and Keisha's faces, eyes darting back and forth as if we were a two-headed monster. Mostly her look was lustful and pleading for release, but I think there was an undercurrent of affection there for both Keisha and I, and that made me feel so....something good, I can't describe it.

"It won't hurt her, will it?"

"No dear, it'll feel very nice for her. See how she's nodding her approval? And she's so slippery that it'll ease right in, I promise. Your middle finger is probably easiest, and after you insert it fully, you'll be able to use your thumb to massage her clitoris.

"Candace, Mark would like to come on your stomach, would that be alright?" Not hard to read my mind on that one, and Candace nodded her agreement lustily. "But we need to make sure that you want him to, and not just that it's okay for him to." My God, all this visual, aural, and tactile sensation by itself was about to put me over the edge, never mind that Candace was still firmly stroking my cock, its head swollen and red.

"Mark, my love, (panting) I want to make you come (groaning at what she'd just said) and I want you to shoot it on my stomach. Please!"

"We hear you, Candace. But why do you want to do that for Mark? Would you do that for just any guy?"

"No, I swear, I wouldn't." A pause to lurch as I'd moved up to her clit. "I want to do it for you, Mark because I lo—because I like you so very much." More panting and thrashing. "I mean, more than that, you're such a sweet guy and you've been so good to us and what you're doing to me right now feels incredible, and....(writhing, catching her breath) and I want to make you feel the same way too." Her eyes bored into mine as I tried to read through them what was in her soul. "I more than 'like you very much,' Mark. I think I might be falling in love with you..."

Wow, that was a stunner that set off an explosion in my brain! Candace was thinking of me as someone she might be able to love, want to spend time with, want to... My reverie was interrupted by Keisha.

"Okay, lovebirds, let's finish this up then. Mark, when I'm done talking, follow my lead on this breast—" pulling up this breast by its nipple, "—then insert your middle finger slowly into Candace as you say to her anything you want to say. When your finger is fully in, use your thumb to get her off, and she'll be trying to do the same for you." Candace was sweating now, from her exertions or the anticipation I couldn't tell. I scooched closer to her, sealing up the gap between my stomach and her side for when...

"Okay, let's go now." Keisha's hand grabbed as much of Candace's breast as she could, so I did the same with my left hand. And it felt fabulous. The texture and firmness I was somewhat used to, but this was the first time I'd been able to hold my baby girl's whole breast like this, and it was so tantalizing, being a first as it was. I squeezed and hefted it, not forgetting to tease the nipple though, and probably became too enthralled with it because Keisha ahem'd right in my ear.

Oh yeah! I'm supposed to be doing something different with my right hand now. What was it again? Was it really to insert one whole finger inside my baby, my Candace? As I positioned my hand to do just that, and my fingertip barely touched her opening, I looked to her for confirmation and she smiled the most loving smile at me, her eyes brimming with as much care for me as lust for herself. Not moving my eyes from her I slowly pushed my finger in and was rewarded with a fluttering of her eyelids and a biting of her lower lip.

Between the first and second knuckles it began to get really tight, so I questioned her with my eyes, Is this alright? She nodded while continuing to smile that smile so full of love, so I continued to push slowly, relentlessly, watching the lust in her face build in proportion to the depth of my finger. When it was all the way in (I'd kept my thumb clear of her clitoris) I looked at her for confirmation again, only this time she surprised me by stopping her gyrations and actually speaking.

"Hold it there for a minute, baby?" Her hand stopped moving on me. "Oh I love how you make me feel, Mark! Not just this, but all over. The desire in your eyes, and yet the tenderness and respect. Can you feel this?" She gave a squeeze with her vagina that I definitely felt on my finger, causing me to groan....in anticipation of the day that....? And who knew girls could do that? Certainly not me.

"That's what you have to look forward to when you engage in intercourse—" two more quick, powerful squeezes, "—with Nia, or....whomever." Pause while we just looked at each other and savored this moment. "Feel how tight that is on just your one finger? Imagine how it will feel when you slide yourself into your lucky girl..." She'd given me a squeeze at 'yourself'.

"Okay love, are you ready to do this? Do you want to watch me orgasm from your tender touches? I want to see you do that too, and don't mind where it goes, okay?"

"Okay," I said, grateful that she'd shared all that with me, and making me feel less guilty about what was going to happen. Leaving my middle finger firmly inserted, I began to do slow circles on her clitoris with my thumb, which started her back up again with the gyrations and moans and gasps.

Keisha began squeezing Candace's left breast again, so I did the same on the right as I began to talk her into her orgasm. "Candace, I think you're so special, and so beautiful, and so kind. I don't know what you saw in a gangly white teenager like me, but I'm so glad you acted on it, and shared yourself with me like this. And taught me, and set up the meeting with Rita, and...."