White Freshman, Black Coeds Ch. 24


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"Of course I do! But ask her anyway." I looked at Gabby with mock hurt, an Et tu, Gabby? expression on my face. She just giggled and repeated, "Ask her." She'd taken her hand away from my lap though, while we waited for the answer.

"Gabby wants to touch me there."

Nia grinned mischievously, "Tell her she can't."

"I did, but she really wants to touch it. It would be for her, not me!"

"Nice try, loverboy! But no. We'll take care of you after." And then she sat back in her seat in such a way that I knew further remonstrances would only aggravate her.

"You can't. It's complicated," I said to Gabby.

"Then kiss my neck until I come." I thought about asking Nia, but figured just kissing her neck would be okay. I needed to switch hands to make it all work though, so it took another 30 seconds while I gently worked my right hand between her thighs, until I found the moist place that was her vaginal opening. My left arm went around her back to her side, pulling her into me (the chair arm was up). When my lips touched her neck she moaned, but quickly pretended to clear her throat to cover it up.

After a couple minutes of that Gabby whispered something to me and I turned toward Nia (the best I could with my right hand trapped between Gabby's thighs). "Can I kiss Gabby?"

"Was it her idea?"


"Go ahead then." She smiled at me knowing I was enjoying this.

I returned to Gabby and sealed my lips against hers. The couple two seats over from her had to know what was going on now, at least the kissing part, but Gabby didn't seem to care so I didn't either. I found a good rhythm on her clit, and her tongue invaded my mouth, wriggling all around.

Her breathing through her nostrils quickened and soon she froze. For several seconds she didn't breathe or move, and then with a kind of squeaking sound coming from her throat and into my mouth, she jerked sharply three times (not moving much, but whole-body spasms). And then she was done, breaking her lips from mine, scooching back and up, almost extruding my hand from between her legs.

She snuggled back into my shoulder and chest. "Thank you, Mark. Sean couldn't do that to save his life!"

I felt a few different ways about that: proud, of course; but also jealous that his hand had been there; and then Poor Sean, too bad he hadn't had Rita instructing him. And then I thanked Rita for getting me to this place. And Nia too, for being my lab partner. And I wanted to lean over and hug and thank Nia, but I didn't want to disturb Gabby just yet from her post-coital bliss. (I guess it wasn't post-coital, but you know what I mean.)

While we were otherwise engaged, Nia had eaten almost all the popcorn and drank most of our soda. Gabby noticed when she reached for the popcorn and said she'd go get more; Nia asked if she'd top up our Coke too.

"You didn't enjoy that much, did you? Just dutifully doing what I'd asked?" Nia was grinning lewdly at me, and I almost played along, but decided against it.

"I loved getting my hands and lips on Gabby like that, are you kidding me??" She laughed and rolled her eyes. "Now what can I do for you, my love?"

"Ohhh...how about...what you just did to Gabby!" I obliged, and by the time Gabby got back Nia almost didn't notice her, she was so far along. Gabby put our soda in the arm of Nia's chair against the wall, then took the popcorn bucket with her. With Nia I'd started with my left hand because I knew I wanted to kiss her too. I snuck my right hand around her back and under her shirt, her scooching left into me so my groping hand could find her right breast under her bra.

Pinching and rolling its nipple I did a similar motion on her clit, but that was harder because she was so wet. It wasn't long before she was huffing her orgasm into my mouth, and drawing some attention from the girl in front of Gabby, who turned to look but then quickly turned back around. I don't know if she saw my hand under her skirt, but from the angle of Nia's body she must've gathered that something like that was going on. It wasn't long before those two left for refills, then sat somewhere else.

"Whew, you're good with your fingers, baby!" She fixed herself up and I told her what Gabby had said about Sean. "Yeah, she said he wasn't a very good kisser either."

"I'd be just like him—or worse!—if it wasn't for Rita. And for you." I turned her face to me for a gentle kiss.

"Awww, thank you! I learned so much from her too. And Gabby and I are gonna show you some of that after the movie!" She kissed me and then leaned back to watch. I checked my watch and only 35 minutes had gone by: 40 minutes to wait until I could touch either girl again!

So I took the popcorn bucket from Gabby and settled back to try to figure out this dumb movie. The cool thing was that no matter which hand I used to grab popcorn with, my fingers still carried the faint scents of the girls' nether regions. That was soon overpowered by the butter and salt, but it was fun while it lasted.

I did Gabby again, and then Nia again, per our agreement, but those went much like the first times (only they took longer), so I won't bother to describe those.

As we were walking out of our theater, "Gabby, we're going to have to come see the movie again. I didn't follow it all!"

"I know, there were so many distractions..." The two girls laughed and hugged up on me with their free hands. Gabby had taken my other hand as the three of us wended our way down the wide corridor and through the lobby. When we were outside and a little away from people, Gabby said, "Mark is so good with his hands. And his lips..."

"Girl, wait till you feel his tongue on you! Wow!"

"I've heard! My friend Trish from Toronto told me about meeting him last weekend."

The girls shared a look across me and giggled. Somehow I was embarrassed.

"Oh you mean when that skank Myra and her little bougie friend Trish seduced him in Ross! Right after you and I left to walk just over to Target for a few minutes, can you believe it? But he and I talked about it, didn't we, sweetie?" All dripping with honey, with an implied mock-threat if it ever happened again.

"Ohhhh yeah! You can bet I'm never going to touch another girl without your permission, sugar lump. Especially with my tongue, no sirree."

Nia laughed and said, "Good answer. But this weekend you might get a chance to..." And then we were at the minivan. Nia climbed in front, and with Nia's words still ringing in my ears, and figuring she could only have meant Gabby, when said young lady stepped up into the minivan I 'helped' her up with a hand solidly on a butt cheek, about which there wasn't much solid: it felt so warm and squishy in my hand. She shot me a look that said she liked it.

Pushing my luck, I said, "Let me help you with the seatbelt, it's tricky sometimes." I took the buckle and leaned/reached across her to fasten it, my left arm 'accidentally' pushing into her breasts.

"You're a naughty boy," she whispered into my ear.

"Only around pretty girls," I whispered back, giving her a silent peck on the lips.

"Hey, what's going on back there!?"

I was just sliding the door closed so I snatched hers open and gave her a quick peck on the lips. "Nothing, dear!"

"Oh, because it sounded like whispering, and maybe even kissing..." She was looking at me knowingly, but I didn't 'fess up to it. I only winked at her and closed her door.

In the driver's seat I saw it was about 10PM. "Where to, ladies?" My groin was hoping for the answer to be "some secluded place," so imagine my surprise when Nia said, "I guess back to the House. Gabby?" Gabby agreed, so I headed off. Maybe they were planning to take me upstairs to their room to treat me 'really good' after what I'd done for them—twice!—in the theater?

Around the bar in the kitchen while Gabby was pouring us wines, Nia asked, "We're all going to the Alpha Phi party tomorrow, aren't we?" Gabby and I nodded. We'd spoken of it before, and I'd been looking forward to it all week. They called it Alpha Thanksgiving and held it every year; it was one of the bigger parties on campus and everyone was talking about it.

Nia asked, "Gabby, do you have a date?" Gabby looked sad and shook her head no. "Well we'll be your dates!" Gabby's face brightened up and she gave us each a happy look, but a curious one at that. After some chitchat Gabby excused herself to go upstairs. So maybe they aren't taking me upstairs tonight?

"Can we go sit and talk for a minute?" I said sure, and she led me into the big (and empty) parlor, over to the far-left corner to a fancy little loveseat.

"Mark, you know I love you, right? Like, a lot?"

I said I thought so, and hoped so, my voice and face wondering where this was going. "And of course I agreed to, and totally respect, The Promise we made to each other..."

But what's the "but"? "Yeah...?" Then as she started to talk again I added hastily, "But if you want to cancel it we can, I mean if it bothers you..." I was confused, but trying to be supportive of her, of whatever might make her happier.

"Oh no, Mark, I certainly don't want to cancel it... Maybe just modify it a little?"

I didn't speak, just looked at her what I hoped was openly, without betraying my feelings.

"You know I've enjoyed my times with Keisha, both when you were present and when we were alone in her bedroom..." I said I did, of course. And reminded her of how we'd talked about it, her lesbian leanings or whatever, but that I didn't feel threatened because I felt that when it came to relationships she wanted, maybe even needed, a male figure in her life.

"You're right, in all of that. I love you, and only you. And I love your maleness to my femaleness and I couldn't live without that." She paused to take my hands and squeeze them, then kiss me tenderly for many seconds. "You also know that Gabby and I were intimate before I met you..."

So that's where this was going! I'd been thinking she wanted to see Keisha privately.

"I see you've figured it out, so yes, I'd like your permission to be intimate with Gabby sometimes. I mean, we're roommates, and after what she and I shared before, and that time with you, well...we think about it a lot, and she asks about it sometimes. But I've told her about our Promise, and how..."

I hugged her close to my side and said I understood, and of course she could share that with Gabby without me. She sniffled and snuggled into me. "I'll only do it if she asks; I won't initiate. That feels better to me. Because I do care about the unfairness of it for you." She pulled back to look up at me, her eyes bright with tears and thankfulness.

Crying girls have always unnerved me, so I responded like I usually do in such situations: with levity. "I guess if my roommate Jake ever asks me to be intimate with him I could.... That would balance it out." Nia laughed/snorted at that.

"Or your best friend Trey. But you're not attracted to men like I am to women."

Then I felt like I wanted to explore something. "You're right, so that's not a threat to you. But what if Candace asked me?"

Nia sat back abruptly and looked at my face searchingly, with more than a tinge of panic. Was I kidding, or was I serious? I held a serious look on my face for a few seconds, but then slowly grinned and let her off the hook from answering.

"You know I wouldn't do that, but I did want to test you a little bit, and you passed." I kissed her on the forehead and when I pulled back she still looked confused. "You see Candace as a viable threat to you, and that means you care about me, even love me. And that's all I wanted to reaffirm." Then I pushed her back into the curved "corner" of the ornate loveseat and kissed her passionately, running my hands all over her (well, mostly all over her, since anyone could've walked in).

I heard a key in the door so I pulled back, but I did note that she looked impassioned, as if she hoped that could've gone further. The young lady who came in was saying goodnight to someone on the porch, probably her date. When she turned she saw us and waved, but then headed up the stairs. I recognized her but didn't know her name.

"I guess I'd better be going..."

"You don't want to come upstairs and get your reward for accomplishing your mission?" That stopped me mid-rise, so I sat back down.

"Ohhhh, you and Gabby worked this out so you could have time to ask me that." She nodded and smiled guiltily. "And if I'd said no, would you still be inviting me upstairs?"

"Of course! The one has nothing to do with the other, does it?"

"No, you're right, I apologize for asking. It's not like you said to me, "Agree to this or you don't get to be with Gabby." So never mind. But you know what? I'm good for now, really."

Nia looked at me half-confused, half-incredulous. "You mean you don't want to come upstairs and enjoy me and Gabby naked together??"

"Oh I'd like that very much! But I want you to know that I'm not just all about the sex. The challenge you gave me at the theater was fun, and even though you'd promised a reward, I would've done if for you two for free." Nia liked that and kissed me. "So I'll wait till tomorrow after the party, will that work?"

She said indeed it would, and they'd be more than ready for me. "Tomorrow night will be all about you, so you just lie back and relax and we'll make you feel really good..." She pressed her body against me as much as the seating arrangement allowed and whispered in my ear some of the naughty things she and Gabby had in store for me.

"Hey babe, when we're with Gabby, even out in public like tonight, can I just do with her whatever feels natural, without having to ask each time?" I told her about me "helping" her into the car, and the made-up seatbelt thing. And the kiss.

"Of course! She likes you as much as I do, so she won't mind. And you're so good about boundaries anyway."

"Alright then, thanks. I'll pick you up at 10:30 tomorrow? Good. Now why don't you run upstairs and see if Gabby asks you to join her in bed. If she doesn't, tell her I suggested it! Then you can tell me all about it tomorrow. Love you, bye!" I gave her a peck on the cheek and let myself out.

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MarkLivingstonMarkLivingston3 months agoAuthor

@Nut601: Thanks for your compliment! "Couldn't put it down" is about as good as it gets.

@Falstaff: Thank YOU for supporting and encouraging me. I'll have a new chapter out in a week or two.

Falstaff60Falstaff606 months ago

Thank you, Mark, you honor me sir. Just keep writing them, we'll keep reading them.

Nut601Nut6016 months ago

Fantastic stories hope you post next chapter as once I started I couldn't put it down to see what came next

MarkLivingstonMarkLivingston6 months agoAuthor

Thank you for the kind words! I'm glad you like my writing, especially the Boy Scout Meets an Angel series, which is my personal favorite. Sorry I'm so late on the next installment of Mark & Nia: my erotic writing has been driven by some things going on in my personal life (which have changed some), and when this installment initially didn't rate very high I got discouraged and let it go for a while. But feedback like this helps in times like that, so I'll be getting back on it. Expect a new chapter in December, where Mark will indeed meet Nia's parents.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Anxiously awaiting the next chapter! Don't worry about the title. We follow your stories because of the story, not the title. This next chapter will hopefully be of Mark meeting Nia's parents and I'm looking forward to it very much. I just finished reading the Angel stories..you have a gift!

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