White Freshman, Black Coeds Ch. 25


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She went and did a couple twirls around the pole just as the song was ending; nothing lewd, just enough to say she'd done it. The girls grabbed up their clothes and came over to me, putting their pants on, and then their shoes. When they stood up from that, Nia handed me both their shirts, saying, "Whew we're thirsty! Take us to get some drinks?" Again: so it was going to be that kind of night?

I snaked us through the crowd around the periphery with Nia's hand tucked into my waistband, and I suppose Gabby's tucked into hers. Other girls had their shirts off too, and a few even still had their pants off; I judged those to be the ones who knew they had great booties and wanted to show them off, because the sample size was certainly skewed in that direction. As we passed through or around guys I heard a few muttered Damn, girls! and the like.

I filled their new Solo cups, but only half full. Nia wanted more, but I said I didn't need her passing out on me later, which the devilish glint in her eyes told me she fully comprehended. I grabbed a Coke from the fridge, and two waters for the girls. Going back around to where we'd been sitting, Nia led and I fell in behind Gabby. I did that for two reasons: to watch the guys ogle their faces and breasts, and to feel up Gabby's butt as she walked. She turned and gave me a wink when I first squeezed one of her cheeks.

Back at the backless, armless couch thing we joined the other girls from ZP, plus a guy or two. It was about 50/50 of girls with their shirts off, but all had pants or skirts on. And ALL had black bras on, mostly see-through; I guess they'd known to expect this. Now, as a dorky, inexperienced white guy with a new appreciation for black women, where do you think my eyes were??

Anywhere but on their chests, I'll tell you that! No way I was going to look at, or even glance at, one of these fine honey's cleavage and get in trouble with Nia and/or Gabby and ruin whatever it was they had planned for me tonight. So I used my peripheral vision, like you're supposed to do with an eclipse: just get a sense of the cleavage before looking away.

A squeeze of my hand and Nia leaned in to drunkenly giggle, "You can look, baby." But I continued to keep my eyes averted, so much so that finally she said, "It's okay, they want you to." I said I was sure they didn't, but she said she was sure they did, then she told me to, "Go get that ottoman over there and sit here in front of us."

I didn't move, just laughed it off. Until she turned to face me nose-to-nose and asked in a neutral, yet somehow hard voice, "Are you disobeying me, Mr. Livingston?" That set me back a few inches and when I looked in her eyes I didn't see anger or meanness, but I had a sudden flashback to that night at Miss Pullam's house when Nia had dressed as a dominatrix under her street clothes, and then had played that role in our scheme to get incriminating evidence on Miss Pullam and that other femdom witch from the Detroit Free Press [Ch. 22].

Almost involuntarily, it was weird, I said, "No, ma'am."

She caressed my cheek and said, "There's a good boy." And off I went to get the ottoman. When I came back, there was a lot of whispering and giggling going on between the girls, and Nia bade me sit on the ottoman facing the six of them, about 3 feet out from the couch. There were other chairs and couches and people around us, so it wasn't like we were off in a dark corner somewhere. And the girls were facing the dance floor and the lights, so anyone over there could see them pretty clearly.

It was still too loud to really talk, but Nia went 1...2...3! with her fingers, and every girl on that couch squeezed her boobs together with her arms; some coming in from just the sides, some bringing their forearms up to lift them also. I about fell out! I made a show of my eyes bugging out, and putting my hand over my heart like old Fred Sandford did in the reruns at the Boys Home.

The girls all busted out laughing and high-fiving each other, and that brought attention to them and us. I didn't know how much at the time, because I could only see the people nearest us, but there were chants to Do it again! And they did, but this time they added in jiggling of the breasts. Sweet Jesus that was beautiful! There were small ones, large ones, medium ones, and all sorts of shades of ochre, sienna, and mahogany. Enough to kill a guy, and I play-acted falling out dead.

The girls roared in laughter again, and the crowd joined along; many of them behind me where I couldn't see. I thought that would be it, but no, Nia The Instigator came and leaned over me, putting her hands on my shoulders, and asked, "You liked looking down Shiela's top when she was like this, didn't you?" I started to protest, but her eyes told me not to, so I said yes.

"Good, then you'll enjoy this." And then she essentially danced her breasts in my face: shaking them side-to-side, moving herself forward and back, ending by pulling my head into her cleavage and trying to smother me with them. Her breasts weren't big enough to cover my ears, so I could hear the full roar of the crowd as they cheered for her.

Nia let go of me and pointed at Gabby, motioning her up. Gabby didn't need much encouragement, and "assumed the position" quickly. And my God, what gravity did to her breasts as she bent horizontally over me was glorious! And out of the corner of my eye I saw Nia setting a chair next to me and all but demanding a young man to sit in it. Then while Gabby was tantalizing me, Nia began doing it to that guy!

Bes' believe guys were dragging chairs around now, getting in line for this....whatever it was! I tried to focus on Gabby's beautiful breasts, but I also wanted to watch Nia teasing my neighbor. When Nia finished with him she moved on to the next guy, dragging Gabby down the line with her. Gabby resisted for a moment though to plant a sloppy kiss on my lips; she was really drunk.

Now I could see that other girls were joining the girl-group, and guys were still pulling up chairs and things further down the line. The next girl up to me I recognized from the house, but didn't know her name, and I certainly didn't know her like that, as Nia's people said. But she came up to me with a leer in her eye and her swaying D-cups, asking if I liked them "big like this?" What could I say, I liked all breasts. Then she swung and bounced and squeezed them in front of me, even making me kiss them.

Yeah right, like she made me! They were big like Rita's, but not as firm, and now I wasn't sure which I liked better. Anyhow, I lost track of how many cleavages were thrust in my face, but it was at least 25; and at least 30 guys in the "booby line" I guess you'd have to call it. Tanya Xxxx (who I'd delivered a pizza to once) had a reserved go at me, and even Kyla seemed to hold back, even though I'd come on those very tits just a week ago.

But Brie?! Brie wasn't one to hold back, as I've said, and like I've also said, I think she had a thing for white-boy Mark. In fact, she told me as much when she attacked me: "You like these big black titties, white boy?" "That's right, kiss that nipple, baby boy!" She made me kiss both her nipples (no one else went that far), and while she was a bigger girl and maybe not my type, I can't say I didn't enjoy it.

Then as the last girl left me I stood and went down to the end of the line, where Nia was just finishing with her last 'customer.'

"You're an instigator, you know that?? This is all due to you!" But I was laughing and pulled her toward me for a deep kiss.

"But it was fun, right? I know you enjoyed it, Mr BreastMan!" She kissed me before I could deny it, mashing herself into me in all the right places.

So as girls came off the end of the line and as guys came off the beginning of it, we all sort of formed a circle around the remaining ones, cheering them on. It was pretty raucous, but the guys mostly behaved themselves, keeping their hands at their sides.

When the last girl finished she was mobbed by the other girls, and they were all cheering and giving each other high-fives. Some of the guys were doing the same, wiping their foreheads, and trying to hide their erections. The girls were huddled up in a tight group chattering when the male chanting began. "Take them off, take them off!"

I saw some girls look up, including Nia, then go back into the huddle, seeming to talk it over. Finally Kyla came out with her tall self and told them they'd do it, but.... But she couldn't be heard over the wolf-calls of the guys, until she told them to "shut up, shut the hell up!" a few times. The guys got real quiet, because they didn't want to mess this up. The DJ even turned the music down low.

"That's better, you horny so-and-so's! Now listen up: any one of you chumps tries to touch any of my girls is gonna have to answer to ME!" She flexed her biceps and I heard a few "Yes, ma'ams!" from the guys. Like I've said before, I wouldn't want to be on Kyla's bad side.

Then the 25ish girls lined themselves up against one wall of the basement, some sort of behind others, maybe because they were a little shyer. (Nia was right out in front, with Gabby half-behind her.) "Alright, alright! Fellas: do you want to see all these fine breasteses on these fine-ass girls???" The roar was deafening.

"Alright, alright," shushing them down with her arms. "Laaaadies! Do you want to show these incorrigible, inconsiderate, insensitive young gentlemen your lovely tatas??"

I expected whooping and hollering from the girls, but they played a trick on us, one they must've planned in their little huddle. They were all like, "Nah, I'm good." "No, I don't think so." "They wouldn't appreciate it." Things like that. Meanwhile the guys were groaning and pleading, some guys directly pleading with their girls, and I got in on that action, giving Nia puppy dog eyes and pouting out my lower lip; she busted out laughing at me, but I could tell she was going to do it.

Kyla came to the guys' rescue: "Ladies, what's it gonna take for you to show your beautiful breasts to these pathetic little mama's-boys??" Money! Cash money! Them Benjamins! Guys started reaching for their wallets, let me tell ya!

"Hold up, hold up! Now these girls ain't strippers you just gonna tip like that! No sir! These beautiful, chocolate, sexy, educated women are Zeta Phi sisters—" the girls started hooting "—and you ain't gonna just throw one's at 'em like they's ho's down at AlleyKatz!" That got the guys woofing like they'd been to AlleyKatz a time or two, and the girls strutting and looking classy while shaking their heads nuh-uh and wagging their fingers no.

"But I believe—quiet down now!—I believe that if we called this a Fundraiser—" cries of joy and agreement from the guys "—to pay for the big Christmas shindig Zeta Phi puts on every year....why, I just believe these young ladies might—just might—show you their delectable breasts." She looked at the ladies, motioning like, right? And the ladies made a show of starting to cave.

"Okay, okay, so ladies, what would be a reasonable donation for the ZP Christmas Bash? Oh wait! Wait, wait, wait. What would be a reasonable donation for the Christmas Bash, AND for these young gentlemen (and I use the term very loosely) to see you gorgeous young ladies topless??" Dudes started cheering and waving money at them.

And the girls started hollering out figures: Fifty! A hundred! A THOUSAND!! Kyla looked at 'thousand' girl, openly appraising her, and said, "Girl, you know that's right! You WORTH a thousand! Now, I like men, but damn you stacked!"

Guys hooted and hollered, while 1k Girl posed and turned, squooshing her boobs together and jutting her butt out. She was one of the few who'd stayed bottomless, and stockings with garters made her sexy as hell.

"Alright, I think this what we gon' do: I count about, what, thirty, forty of you horny bastards? At just twenty dollars apiece—" and then she couldn't be heard anymore because guys were rejoicing at their profound good luck, while the girls were protesting that wasn't enough, etc etc.

"No, no, let's keep it fair. After all, we all broke college students, amIright?" Right. Uh-huh, right. You right! Mostly from the dudes.

"And six or eight hundred dollars is almost as much as we raised last year. So whaddya say, ladies, can we do it for 20 each?" Some of the girls play-acted like naw, that was way too little, while others acted like yeah, that was reasonable. While some you could tell would've done it for free (I think Nia was in that group; Gabby, not so much, but she was drunk enough to). In the end, I think they all wanted to do it, but the donation thing was fun.

"You, hand me that ice bucket. Okay fellas, you put a 20 in this bucket and stand over there, or you take your nappy ass up them stairs and don't let me catch you peakin'!" Guys lined up in a hurry and 20's started filling the bucket. "Girls, we got some fence-sitters: jiggle those boobs and give 'em a teaser of what they gonna see in the flesh."

The girls did, and there weren't no fence-sitters no more! Guys were begging their friends for cash, and guys were chipping in to cover other guys, but pretty soon all the guys were standing 'over there' and none had had to go upstairs.

"You gentlemen are alright! Thank you for this fine donation to a very worthy cause." She hoisted and shook the bucket, it almost overflowing with every bill from 1's to 20's, with even some silver change jingling in the bottom. (I was glad for that guy, that they'd been able to scrounge up enough money for him to stay. I even contributed $5 for somebody I didn't know.)

"DJ!! Play somethin' sexy!"

♪Hot in...So hot in herre!♪ My boy Nelly! Do you remember the words? You're about to, because the girls knew them!

The girls started dancing singly and in couples and all up on each other, coming out away from the wall toward us guys, into more of a group. Nelly raps a long verse, but the girls knew the hook that was coming up, and when it did: holy moly!

♪I am gettin' so hot, I wanna take my clothes off!♪ You could hardly hear the real female singer for all the ladies singing that at us. While pulling their bra straps down.

Nelly tells them again to take off all their clothes, and while singing the second ♪I am gettin' so hot♪, the girls who still had their pants or skirts on shimmied out of them, and all pulled down their bras a little bit more. Trey was next to me and I looked at him and said Got dayam! like he does.

Nelly rapped verse 2, and I saw a lot of talking amongst the girls; I knew what was coming up, and it seemed like they did too.

♪So take it off like you're home alone,

You know, dancin' front the mirror while you're on the phone,

Checkin' your reflection and tellin' your best friend,

Like, "Girl, I think my butt gettin' big!"♪

So here's what they did, I wish you coulda seen it: they danced facing us, lining up, then on Girl, I think my butt getting' big (which they said to their neighbors), they popped around, jutted their butts out, and pulled their panties down in back! Holy sh-t! Guys were whooping and carrying on, and the girls were eating up.

Another verse by Nelly, then on the next I wanna take my clothes off, the bras came off! Sweet Jesus God! Picture 25 18-22yo black girls (if you're into that sort of thing; other girls if you're not) dancing in just panties to Hot in Herre. I mean, sexy smiles and 'come hither' eyes, breasts swaying or bouncing as the case may be, and derierrers from pert to voluptuous gyrating primally. It was almost too much for this white boy!

But sadly it ended, and sweaty young women started putting various pieces of clothing back on; but not all put bras and/or shirts back on, and to those I saw walking young men who were apparently their boyfriends.

I saw Kyla hold a wait up finger to the DJ, then thanked the ladies for their "fine fundraising performance," and the fellas for donating, and then, "Now, that won't cover the whole cost of the Christmas gala, so if you want to, you know, work the room, that's up to you. DJ!! Play somethin' slow and sexy!"

♪Oooh baby, I'm hot just like an oven, I need some lovin'...♪ Marvin Gaye's smooth voice with Sexual Healing, which was perfect for the atmosphere as guys went to find their girls, and guys without girls went tried to find one. As I mosied over to Nia and Gabby they'd just gotten their pants and shoes back on and were holding their bras (several of the girls were already dancing with their guys sans bras, up close and very personal).

"You guys were incredible!" I kissed each on the cheek. "I mean, wow! Every guy in here was going nuts for you guys!" They got bashful and awwwwed and such, and Gabby started putting on her bra. Pointedly, Nia didn't.

"One of us is overdressed, don't you think, Gabby?" Gabby agreed, and when Nia started taking my shirt off up over my head, I guess she saw where this was going and stopped fastening her bra in back. She and Nia threw their bras on a nearby couch and white-boy sandwiched me again, making me the crème in their Oreo cookie.

And speaking of cookie... When were going to leave this party and get down to business? Though this had been incredibly fun, and being mashed between the soft breasts and smooth torsos of these two fine young women was a heavenly place to be. (And it didn't hurt that I caught a few envious looks from some of the guys, and maybe even a, I might have to try me a white guy look from a lady or two.)

Sexual Healing morphed into another slow, put-you-in-the-mood-for-sex song, and the girls held me trapped between them for another 4 minutes or so. "Gabby, watch how hard his nipples get," and she began to finger my nipples right there in front of God and everybody! But it was okay, because some of the guys had both hands on their girls' breasts, and many of the guys' shirts were off too.

Gabby watched transfixed as my nipples grew hard, then Nia cheated and wet her fingers: they got even harder and tighter, if that were possible. "Blow on them!" Gabby did, and the cool air made them harder yet. "Do you want to kiss them?" Gabby nodded vigorously, and with not much of a look at me for affirmation, dove in with a wet kiss on one that quickly turned into a tongue assault.

Nipples (mine or touching a girl's) are my kryptonite, sending that tickling sensation directly to the head of my penis, and I withstood the one, but when she moved to the other one and began to suck it into her mouth, I had to pry her off.

Nia from behind, unfairly rubbing the head of my dick through my pants, "What's the matter, Big Guy? Too much stimulation?"

I quickly spun to face her and said, "Let's see how you like it!" Then bending to take a breast in my mouth, while simultaneously jamming my hand between her legs and using the edge of my palm to frig her through her pants, I proceeded to suck and swirl and bite her nipple mercilessly.

"Okay, okay, I get it!" She squealed/laughed as she pulled away from me.

Then turning to Gabby, "And you, young lady! You should know better than to let this one lead you astray..." I bent toward her left breast (while lifting it towards me, which I couldn't do with Nia's) and gave her some of the same treatment. But I wasn't so forward as to put my hand between her legs.