White Wedding


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Percival, he'd guaranteed tighter than new too. He'd thrown in some cosmetic surgery as well, really prettied things up, so why not. Wasn't like Larry was gonna change his mind now, and nobody would blink, not even Larry, coz you know, once a girl had that ring, it was totally okay to fuck, even for really good Chinese girls. So when Larry tried to remove my panties for about the zillionth time that evening, my little black lace panties, well, I didn't stop him and off they came, but I made it slow and I, like, did my best to slow him down coz you know, virginal innocence.

Shy Chinese girl, reluctant surrender, all that crap.

Success stared Larry in the face.


Well, my pussy stared Larry in the face. My tight wet excited little Chinese-American virgin pussy, and Percival, he'd done a real good job. A beautiful job. Totally artistic, and if I say so myself, it was a pussy to die for. He'd tightened me up, coz well, used hard and I'd taken more than a few big ones coz I sure liked big ones and a girl does stretch a little with hard use so I'd needed a little tightening. Virginity restored, pussy sculpted to delicately pretty pink perfection and jeez, that Percival, he was pussy artist and he'd done an amazing job. I'd done the full waxing and laser thing too, always had. Part of that china doll image that gweilo guys just loved.

Not just gweilo guys.

Larry loved it too. His eyes widened, and his expression said, yeah, Larry totally appreciated perfection 'n I would've smiled except I was just about fucking screaming for it, which woulda created a bad impression.

"Trixie," he gasped, just looking, his hand on my inner thigh, stroking me and yeah, I was real wet and hot and just about screaming for him to stop fucking around and for god's sake give me his cock, but Jesus, I couldn't say that, could I? I wanted to, though.

I wanted to beg for his cock real bad.

"Nnnnnnnh," I whined, biting my bottom lip, shuddering on the couch, and it was all I could do not to grab his hand and put it where I wanted it coz fuck, it might have been work of art but it was there to be fucking used, not admired. Fuck, admire it afterwards will 'ya, that's what I wanted to say.

"Trixie, don't be scared," Larry breathed, his hand inching higher, and oh my god, he was thinking I was shaking because I was scared. Oh god. Noooo... noooo, just do it, please, Larry. Ram the fucking thing in. Pleeeeeease.

"Larry," I moaned. "Larry." Jesus, scared? What planet was he on? All I wanted was his frigging cock pounding my pussy like he was a jackhammer and I was something that needed drilling, and fuck, I needed drilling real bad. "I love you, I love you..." Well, yeah, I did. Closed my eyes, thought of zeroes and fuck, I loved Larry so much. "It's... it's okay, just... be gentle... don't hurt me..." As if. Just fucking give it to me, pleeeeease.

Fake it good, Trixie. Fake it real good, give him something to treasure so he'll never forget you. Paradise. That's what he's getting. Take him to heaven.

"Larry... Larry... I've never..." Never faked losing it before. Well, there was that once at the prom where I'd faked it so good, but now I was a virgin again and I'd never lost it this time round. Honesty's always the best policy. Just, sometimes it's better not to share the whole truth. Share just enough, and yeah, Larry supplied the rest with his imagination, and we were all good. Or we would be once it was in and he was giving it to me, coz he wasn't even close yet.

"It's okay, Trixie."

It wasn't fucking okay, coz it wasn't in and doing me and Jesus, his hand cupped my sex and yeah, I just about climaxed on the spot, and I was real wet, and yeah, I was real tight on his finger coz Percival was pretty good. Too good. He'd tightened me up like a vice, and Larry's finger sort of explored and Jesus, I needed that. A man's hands on me, except, well, I'd have preferred a man who just wanted to pound the fuck out of me, and I figured once Larry got it in and we got started, we'd be fine coz I'd make sure he wanted to pound the fuck out of me, coz I was real good at that.

Wasn't me that needed the coaching.

"Trixie... Trixie... I need you," Larry breathed, and fuck, I just about screamed with frustration coz, I mean, fuck, he needed me? I needed his fucking cock and I needed it fucking now-now. Like, right fucking now or I was gonna die.

Instead, his face was all over my boobs like he'd never kissed a girl's boobs before, and maybe he hadn't, except for mine, and he did like them. He was really enjoying himself anyways and god, he'd actually got his finger a lot further inside me and I was just about going crazy coz Jesus, it was soooooo good and his finger was touching me everywhere inside and I couldn't believe I was so tight on his finger, 'n Jesus I was so wet, 'n it really was like my first time and fuck, I wanted his cock.

"Larry," I moaned, squeezing his finger inside me, and when I did, I had one of those shivering little mini-climaxes that made me want more. "It's okay, Larry.... I love you... I'm yours, Larry.... I am... just please... be gentle."

Jesus, just fuck me, will 'ya, Larry. Screw the fuck outta me. Pleeeeease.

"I love you, Trixie," he groaned, and oh god, he was moving over me and I spread my legs like I was totally shy and hesitant and reluctant, and fuck, I'm telling you, the self-control that took, I was sobbing and he thought I was terrified.

"I'll be gentle, Trixie, I promise I will." Jesus, I hadn't even had gentle my first time, and what I really wanted to do was just spread wide as fast as I could and feel his cock ramming up inside me until he was in me to the balls and trying for deeper.

"Trixie," he groaned, and he was really getting off on me being shy and scared and innocent and everything, and yeah, I knew some guys did, but not the ones that'd fucked me. Those gweilo guys, they wanted hot china-girl pussy that liked a good hard pounding, and that's what they got. Larry wanted hot china-girl pussy too, but he wanted it shy and innocent and virginal for his cock and fuck, I had to give him what he wanted this first time.

"Larry," I moaned, kind of shyly reaching down to find his cock and stroke it and aim it at where it was gonna go, and it better not take too long to get there or I really was gonna die. "I love you Larry," and I kind of aimed it and he pushed against my hand, breathing hard.

"I'm scared, Larry."

Scared he wasn't gonna get it in before I died of frustration, coz there was this little problem I was just discovering.

Larry was a virgin and he didn't really know what to do. I did, I mean, I was a virgin again, but I knew what to do alright. I'd had a lot of practice after all, and I was real keen to get started. But even sobbing and moaning like a bitch in heat, I was cautious enough not to display too much familiarity with the process, although I was pretty familiar with Larry's equipment by then. Wasn't much different from any other guy. A dick's a dick, but don't let anyone tell you size doesn't matter.

Larry's dick was kind of average. Most are. Didn't matter, it was mine, and I was gonna get it.

It was kind of obvious where it went, so I kind of held on to Larry's nice hard junk with one hand and sort of looked at him all innocent and eager and let him figure it out slowly, cooperating like I was figuring it out too, and pretending to be shy and scared and timid and reluctantly excited and everything. Just the way a good little Chinese girl making out with her fiancée and about to go all the way, reluctantly and for the first time, should be. He moved over me and I kind of hesitantly spread my legs a little wider and Larry, well, he figured out he needed to be between them to stick what he wanted to stick where he wanted to stick it.

"Trixie," he gasped, looking, and not at my face. "Trixie, you're so beautiful."

His cock, Jesus, I held it in my hand, stroking it and I was just about dying to get it, and yeah, that cock looked beautiful to me. It'd feel even more fucking beautiful inside me.

"Larry," I moaned. "We shouldn't... we shouldn't." Oh fuck, yes we fucking should. We should, he had to, or I was gonna die, and my hand guided him to where we shouldn't and once he was there, well, I parted my legs a little more, and then some more, and then I slowly and jerkily drew my knees back further and further, like I wasn't sure about what I should be doing, and I guided that big hard thing I was holding to where I shouldn't be all wet and slippery and hot.

"Larry, no..." I moaned. "No, Larry... we're not married yet... we shouldn't..."

"Trixie, I love you.... We're going to be married soon..."

"No... no... I'm not... what if I get pregnant... you might give me a baby..."

"Oh Jesus," he groaned, and I guess thinking about knocking me up did something good to him coz he pushed harder and his cockhead pushed against me and yeah, I was so wet I was just about liquid and my hot little pussy might be tighter but it sure was just as wet and slippery and eager as it'd always been, and Larry's cockhead kind of pushed and I let go coz he was in the right place and my lips parted around him, and he slid inwards against that wet slippery tightness until he found my entrance, and God, I wanted to scream.

"Larry," I moaned, just shuddering, drawing my knees back slowly, all the way now, until my heels rested against his hips, and I was ready to take his cock in me all the way to the balls any way he wanted to give it to me. "Ohhhhh Larry... Larry..."

"Trixie... Trixie..." he groaned, pushing gently and oh God, he was actually pushing against my entrance and it wasn't going in and I wanted it to. I wanted it so bad and I was as tight as I'd been back when I'd lost it way back when I was in High School. Tight and hot and wet and ready, and it wasn't going in.

"Larry... Larry.... what if I get pregnant?"

That did it. He pushed hard, his eyes widened when he pushed against me and yeah, Larry was smart. Guess he felt that slippery wet clasp where his cock pushed at me and he figured it from there and oh fuck, he pushed harder. A lot harder. I stretched. He pushed some more. I stretched some more and fucking Percival, I'd said tight. I hadn't said tighter than a virgin's ass. Larry pushed harder and I stretched... and stretched... and stretched... and my eyes widened and I was, like, oh fuck, Percival, you evil little prick and Jesus, owwww, fuck.

"Oh Jesus, I love you, Trixie," Larry groaned, pushing hard, and then he hesitated. "God, I've got a rubber here somewhere," he gasped, trying to ease himself back but Jesus, I wasn't having that. I'd said that to get him going and besides, I hated rubbers. He was gonna marry me and anyhow, I'd been on the pill since quite a long time before I was popped coz I'd kind of anticipated that might happen and hey, Chinese, smart, no unexpected little Lee's wanted thank you very much, and I was still taking it, it wasn't like he was gonna knock me up, although yeah, well, I knew he liked that idea.

"Please.... Please don't stop," I moaned. "I love you, Larry.... I love you.... I want your babies." In about ten or fifteen years and hey, medical technology and everything, I was kinda thinking some sort of, you know, in vitro stuff and hire some girl from China or North Korea as a host mother or something. Let her do all the stretching and morning sickness and eating the right diet and stuff.

Might be hard to persuade Larry that was a good idea though, but once he was hooked on tight hot wet pussy, we'd see if he wanted to give it up for a while. Worst came to worst, Percival could always tighten things up again, although, you know, Caesarean. I mean, if it was good enough for that old blonde Disney Mousewhatever she was who sang that Baby One More Time song my Mom liked, it was good enough for me. The wonders of modern medical technology, I'm telling 'ya.

"Oh Jesus, Trixie," Larry groaned as I sort of insisted on holding him to where he should keep going and he pushed hard again and he liked that, and I was all slippery and hot and wet and so fucking tight where I was parting for him and I felt like saying oh Jesus Jesus Jesus again myself coz I was just about dying to feel him all the way inside me and I wanted him to do more than push. I wanted him to ram the fucking thing right into me as far as it would go and then drill for China.

Coz I wanted to be fucking drilled. Impaled. Shafted. Pounded. Hammered. Fucked. All of the above.

"Larry," I moaned, coz he was pushing much harder now and oh yeah, he was going in, and I just knew he wasn't going to get any sleep tonight, coz I'm telling you, after he was in and done, I sure knew how to get a guy hard again, and he was gonna want to fuck me again. And again. And again. He was gonna fuck me till his dick was rubbed raw. "I love you, Larry."

Like I said, I did love Larry. Fuck, yeah. I just thought about those zeroes on that last bank statement, and I loved everything about Larry, including those cute tires around his waist and those rippling man-boobs and that cute double chin. Everything, I'm telling you, honestly, coz I knew his net worth and hey, I was an accountant, even if I was a junior.

That net worth, well, let me tell you, I'd have loved everything about Larry even if he'd been one of those weird Chinese guys that has these strange fetishes. Larry's only fetish seemed to be knocking me up and hey, I could handle that one as long as he paid and I could work on the spare tire and the man-boobs and the double chin and the stamina.

Coz Larry was gonna work out real fucking hard from now on.

And right now, Larry was about to get that first installment of what he was gonna pay for for the rest of his life. Lucky Larry. Coz I have to say, a lot of Chinese-American guys, they want to marry a Chinese virgin and, well, they do. Problem is, neither of them know what to do, so once the guy gets his dick in and figures it out, he just fucks away like a maniac, coz it's his first taste of tight hot little Chinese pussy, until he shoots his load and its wham bam, done and his poor fucking wife, well, I feel for those girls, I'm telling 'ya, coz they know fuck all as well, especially the ones from China.

Good thing for Larry I knew what I was doing. Four years at college and that last half year at High School studying the practical aspects of serious fuckology, and I'd studied under a few masters, let me tell you. Studied on a few masters too, coz I'd been on top a good few times as well and some of those dudes, they knew how to train a girl real well, and I did like being trained. So yeah, I sure knew what I was doing and I hadn't forgotten much in eight months.

"Don't hurt me," I moaned. "I've never.... I've never...." Not since I visited that clinic and, you know, got Virginity Version 2.0 installed anyhow. Never since then, and fuck, I needed this so bad and yeah, Larry had the idea now and he was about to get to pop his loved one real good coz he was getting in and any second now....

"Guaranteed," Percival had said, looking up as he'd finished working down there and I bet he got off on his job the pervert, coz he had a frigging woody. Guess he really did enjoy his work. Jesus, it better be guaranteed, coz I'd told him, "Percival, it better be nice and tight coz this guy's frigging loaded and I want him to know he's getting totally virgin pussy when he marries me."

"Sure thing," Percival had said, grinning as he worked away. "He's gonna have to work hard to pop this one Trixie. You'll know you've lost it this time round."

"I knew the first time," I'd said, giggling. Coz yeah, I'd been, well, let's just say I'd been kind of barely legal when I lost it at that party way back when and those three guys, they knew they'd popped a cherry alright. Popped a squealer and I'm telling you, they sure made me squeal. Nosiest game of tag team I'd ever been involved in and Jesus, I'd loved it, but it'd been painful to walk for a week after that night. I sure knew I'd lost it that first time.

Even my Mom had asked why I was kind of walking funny, and I'd kind of told her "Torn a muscle, Mom." Wasn't sure if your hymen was a muscle, but it was sure torn, which is, you know, another example of honesty being the best policy. Note, I never mentioned which muscle, so yeah, I hadn't been bullshitting my Mom. Not at all.

Mom always believed me, coz she really didn't want to think about the alternatives, and I got pretty good at feeding her a story, coz, you know, she was my Mom 'n I didn't wanna hurt her, 'n when I did, well, she cried, and I hated that.

"Well, you're gonna be so tight this time that if he takes it too fast, you're gonna circumcize him," cousin Percival had said, and yeah, I'd giggled. I wasn't giggling now, let me tell you.

"Oh Jesus, you're so tight, Trixie," Larry groaned, pushing, and fuck, my eyes widened coz his cockhead was stretching me and he was actually feeling pretty big. But Jesus, back before, I'd taken bigger cocks than this and taken them easily. Now?

"Ohhhhh," I sobbed, my back arching and Jesus, he was right. Tight? Fuck! He was stretching me and what the fuck had that frigging Percival done? I was gonna go back to his clinic and circumcise that asshole and then jam my biggest vibrator straight up his ass. Without anesthetic or lube, and let's see how he liked that. Gay asshole probably would, he'd liked my fucking ass, that was for sure.

"Owwwww!" Jesus fuck, that hurt real bad. His cockhead was pushing up against something and fucking "Oowwwwwwwww", I sure felt that. Fuck did I feel it. That fucking hurt. Fuck fuck fuck this was worse than when I lost it the first time. Way worse. That'd been fast. This was taking forever.

"Trixie.... It's alright, Trixie..." and he pushed real fucking hard.

"Owwwwwwwwww..," Like fuck, it was alright, and what the fuck had Percival done? Turned my pussy into some kind of vice grip? I mean, I know I'd said tighten everything up, but fucking owwwww.

"Whhoowwwwww... owww... owwwww... owwww.... oh fuck... oh fuck... oh god... oh Jesus...." Jesus, fuck, I really felt it pop. Did I fucking ever. Fucking Percival, I swear I was gonna....

"Oowwwwwww." Christ! Fuck! Jesus! Tight? Oh fuck was I ever and Larry was just about going crazy working to get his cock all the way into me and he didn't seem to need any encouragement now, and fuck, I wanted to say slow down, and that'd be a first, but I was too busy squealing coz this was way more painful than losing Virginity 1.0, believe me, altho I don't give a fuck if you believe me or not, coz oh fuck. Owwww.

"Ohhhhh... oh Jesus.... Larry... Larrrrrrryyyyyy... slow.... Owwwwww... slow.... Oh god, Larry... Larrrrryyyyy." Oh god, he was in, going in further and oh god, oh fuck, his cock was stretching me inside and I'd never felt myself stretched like this inside and Jesus, I was just sheened in sweat, my back wouldn't stop arching and I was bucking and shuddering and kicking and sobbing and clutching at him and trying to slow him down and oh fuck fuck fuck that fucking Percival was gonna die the bastard. I'd said fucking tight, but fuck...


"Trixie... Trixie... I'm sorry, Trixie.... I love you... I have to... I have to, Trixie... oh Jesus.... Oh god... Trixie..." Jesus, he just didn't stop. He wouldn't stop and god, oh god, it was starting to feel good now that he'd popped me and Jesus, he was really going at it and I could feel myself stretching for him as he thrust and pushed and strained and oh god, yes..

"Ohhh... ohhh... ohhhh..." Yes, yes, yes, that was good now, and I wanted it bad.

"Uh... uh... uh..." So did Larry.

"Uhhhhhhh." I jolted as Larry scored for the US of fucking A or something, coz, fuck, he gave it everything he had and he went in all the way to the balls and beyond. Jesus, I'd always liked it hard but fuck, that hurt, and I hope to fuck he realized he'd gotten himself a virgin, coz fucking hell, that fucking hurt and he'd fucking got it, alright, coz his cock was buried to the balls inside me and oh wow, all the way and my pussy felt so good now.
