White Wives Visit Africa


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Satisfied that they had covered every part they could reach, the girls then instructed by the use of gestures and sign-language that their 'subject' should lie down on their front. They discretely looked away as swelling cocks were positioned to be made more comfortable.

Once settled the girls returned to their task and beginning with the soles of the feet and toes resumed careful washing to progressively work their way up to the point they had cleaned when their man had been kneeling. Great attention was paid to the buttocks and legs were pushed apart so that swollen testicles could be properly cleaned.

The soft singing of the girls was accompanied by sighs of contentment from their appointed guest.

Abioye once again inspected their handiwork and he nodded his satisfaction which was the signal for them to guide their subjects to roll over. A chorus of giggles at the sight of three very stiff bobbing cocks confirmed that they were pleased that they were doing their work very satisfactorily.

They once more picked up the washcloths and to the disappointment of all, they studiously ignored the fat long penises which were being presented so brazenly and instead went back to the feet where again the slow ritual of cleaning began.

Toes were parted, insteps massaged, ankles then calves dampened and washed; oh so slowly was the journey made toward the throbbing cocks. Knees, aching thighs and eventually the groin was reached and, at last, the long-awaited touch of native girl hands was felt.

The washcloths were put aside and each girl lathered up her hands with the oiled sweet fragrant water. There didn't seem to be a set ritual to the next phase of the ceremony for any pretence of the order was forgotten as the girls gasped and began to stroke the impressive erection of their guest.

It was clearly something of which they were very practised for they needed no further instructions from the watching Abioye as they expertly wanked the fat cocks.

There was no sense of it being a contest to see who would be the first to squeeze out a climax but there was a squeal of triumph from Zaire's girls when he grunted as his spunk fountained from his pulsing soapy covered cock.

The Bishop and finally Oskar followed suit and the air was filled with cries of satisfaction from all as the waves of their orgasms pulsed beneath the hands of their young attendants.

The girls were much impressed at the evidence of their good work and the washcloths were retrieved so that the pools of cum and the sloppy softening cocks could be finally cleaned off.

Abioye pushed his way through the mothers who had been looking on approvingly from the doorway, so proud that it had been their daughters who had been selected for the honour of supplying the ritual cleansing.

He clapped his hands to dismiss the girls and once more inspected the prone bodies of the visitors. Satisfied with what he saw he then said in his broken English, "Gentlemen you have now been cleansed of your foreign ways; welcome to Lerotica."


The visitors settled into their various quarters, the women into the unmarried female huts; the brothers in the men's compound and the principals, Oskar, Zaire and the Bishop, in the more well-appointed Guest lodge inside the King's compound.

In contrast to the original arrival of the research group they were all welcomed without any suspicions or animosity by their temporary hosts, especially toward the excitable western women who in their 'schoolgirl uniforms' looked to be a curious sight to the young native girls in the hut who had never seen anything quite like them and who were itching to be allowed to try the provocative clothes on for themselves.

The Brothers were a little more reserved in their demeanour but, nevertheless, were afforded the respect that they expected from what they regarded as their potential recruits to the church's teachings.

The unmarried tribesmen in the hut initially viewed their guests with more curiosity than anything else but when on changing out of their dusty travel clothes it was revealed these strange western men had cocks that rivalled their own impressive dimensions (unlike the silly little nubbins of the white 'boys', Ian and Herb) an instant bonding was felt between these black men.

Chloe led Simone to the corner of the hut where she shared a bed with Lucy and showed her the cot that had been prepared for her stay. Simone was charmed that so much trouble had been laid on by her daughter and told her so.

"It's lovely and so wonderful to see you again. Look at you; I can't believe you look so well. I thought that you would be living in some kind of squalor and here you are living in the lap of luxury. I hope that your Dad has been keeping an eye on you," she said with knowing smile.

Chloe laughed, "Oh Mom, it's hardly luxurious but it's been wonderful and we have everything here that we need and the people are lovely; so friendly and so helpful. Lucy and I couldn't have made better friends. The girls in the hut really have been looking out for us all the time we have been here and we have learned so much and I'm sure that Dad and Herb have been having a good time in their own way too."

It was then that Simone realized she had yet to see Chloe's erstwhile inseparable companion Ingrid. "Where's your Swedish friend; hasn't been abducted has she?" she said with mock horror.

"Ha, sort of; she spends most of her time with the King. He took a shine to her since the day we arrived and although she was very much the Professor's 'special girl' he said it would be a good idea and a courtesy if she went and stayed around him rather than living here. She's been having the best of times and she has only occasionally been sleeping here. That's her bed you've got."

All the while they had been talking their strange western way of speaking had been listened to intently by a gaggle of curious native girl onlookers. The half-naked young girls waited for the conversation to pause and then when Simone looked around to see them standing there they took that as a signal to move in and 'help' her undress and divest herself of those odd looking western garments.

The 'helpers' were equally fascinated by the different fastenings that held the clothing together, the buttons, zips and especially the clasp of the front fastening bra. They were even more fascinated by the pure whiteness of this older lady's skin and the fullness of her breasts. Simone made no protest as black hands pored and stroked over her tits.

No, no protest at all. She decided that their short stay in Lerotica would be very comfortable indeed. Soon the new arrivals were clad only in the traditional wide wrap-around belt masquerading as a skirt that tied at the waist and ineffectively failed to come below the pussy of the wearer. A few rows of beads around the neck and soon they were indistinguishable from their curious hostesses.


In the guest lodge, the girls were called away by their mothers leaving the professor and his guests to get dressed.

They went out onto the veranda where they laid out refreshments and soon the men emerged into the afternoon sun to find drinks awaiting them.

With the agreeable sight of the half-naked young girls and their bare-breasted mothers tending to domestic tasks before them Oskar, Zaire and the Bishop settled down to listen to an update on what had been achieved regarding the study into racial attitudes between different cultures.

The professor was quite enthusiastic as he reported on different aspects.

How the women had been more accommodating toward each other than the men; how the tribesmen had initially had reacted when they saw the overt 'gayness' of the two white men but had accepted and embraced this new type of relationship; how all the tribe had been fascinated by the technology that Tyrone had introduced and installed around the village; how, despite this assault and exposure to western ways, that their strict codes of conduct had remained intact.

He emphasized that the cultural clash hadn't been all one-way for his report would be reflecting on the insistence of maintaining virginity before marriage but, curiously, how masturbation was encouraged particularly mutual masturbation between same sexes. He had a section in the report devoted to the exquisite carving of sex toys by the women who produced the most realistic looking cocks of all shapes and sizes that could be used by the females of the tribe to satisfy their needs and ease frustrations.

Oskar's ears pricked at hearing this; sounds like a business opportunity for the specialist department of the Rhino store back home, he thought.

"However, the main thrust and conclusions of the study have been the total domination and influence that the King has on his people and they are all in thrall to his wishes and his guidance.

"There is no such thing as democracy as we know it and it has been seen as a perfect example of acceptance of black dominance by an alpha male.

I need to conduct further studies of the data we have collected but I believe we shall gain some valuable lessons on how to conduct ourselves with regard to spreading the Rhino culture on our return home.

"Anyway, that's enough about work, let's settle down and enjoy our last few remaining days here. I can assure you that tomorrow and the celebration of King's Day are going to be quite the thing and will give you a few special memories to take home with you."


'King's Day' dawned and the village awoke filled with excited anticipation at the thoughts of the celebrations that would be held later when the sun would be tracing its path back to the horizon.

The day began much like any other in the various huts and compounds.

Regardless of it is a day of celebration Menfolk still had to arise early to go and tend to their cattle; Mothers still had to awake their sleeping daughters to get them to attend to their father's wishes before they left the huts; the same mothers would playfully chide their sons for playing with their cocks rather than getting out of bed to help with chores.

In the unmarried men's' hut Ian and Herb were huddled together feeling drained after having spent another night of entertaining their hosts and over in the female huts there was an atmosphere of calm and contentment as the young girls and women helped each other prepare themselves in the most intimate fashion for the day ahead.

Simone was still in thrall to the way her daughter and her friend Lucy had fitted in so well to this alien way of life and she understood why they would be sad to leave this paradise behind.

The professor was awoken in his usual fashion by the soft hands of his two pretty attendants. It didn't take long to jerk him awake and as he felt his cum splash onto his heaving stomach his following thought was how he would miss this attention once he had returned to Hawksville.

As they dabbed at the mess they had created he mused as to whether there might be a way to promote these delightful young ladies to come back home with him on a sponsored educational program. He reluctantly dismissed the idea at the same time as he told them to go and wake Oskar, Zaire and the Bishop.

In the King's bedchamber, another ritual was being played out as Ingrid straddled the fat thighs of the horny King and impaled herself on his big strong massive cock.

She wriggled and shimmied and let herself down to swallow up the stiff black penis into her wet pussy, a pussy that was still wet from the copious amount of spunk that the King had sent her off to sleep with the night before.

He was insatiable and for the past couple of months had whenever a gap had appeared in his busy schedule had summoned her to come and attend to his needs and satisfy his fascination for this blonde white Scandinavian girl.

She was his every dream and he couldn't get enough of possessing her; feeling and sucking on those big tits, licking and nibbling her stiff nipples, feeling her trying to suck in his huge cock by her red-lipped mouth and, ultimately, for her pink shaven cunt to envelop his ever-ready stiff penis.

For her part, the gorgeous Swedish bombshell often reflected on how she had become a massive devotee to big black cock. Her arrival in Hawkville with her father at just nineteen years of age seemed an aeon ago, and now she thought of nothing but black men, black cock and the many men she had been with since Oskar had tired of her.

She now reflected on becoming Queen of Lerotica. Indeed the King had often suggested such a promotion after he filled her with black seed, and they lay exhausted following another round of lovemaking.

He called her his 'Princess Ingrid' and she was very much playing the part.

The King's attendants who were standing by the bed watching Ingrid performing her 'wake-up duty' had mixed feelings about her.

On the one hand, they were fascinated at the sight of watching the King's black cock sliding once more into the contrasting white pussy of this western beauty and their fascination was belied by them playing with their own slippery slits and tits as they listened to her sighs of pleasure but, on the other hand, they would be glad to see her gone so that once again they might get a greater share of the King's attention.

Since he had taken her as his favourite their role had changed to become mere 'window dressing' and to provide him with stimulation by entertaining him with displays of lesbian love. Nothing wrong with that but, oh my, how they longed to feel once more the delight and pleasure of that royal shaft.

Unsurprisingly, the King did not share his attendants' wishes and his thoughts as she expertly caused him to blast his cum into her willing womb were more in the direction of how he would cope without the presence of this foreign white female being at his beck and call.

Such a dilemma and typical of the knotty problems that he had to deal with on a daily basis as leader of the tribe.


The scene was set and the throne was placed centrally on the Dias overlooking the large open area in front of the King's palace. Everyone had dressed in their best clothes which in truth didn't look much different from their everyday wear maybe just a little more elaborately decorated.

The women had draped themselves with every item of beaded jewellery they owned; the men had donned the penis gourds which with their rich decoration only served to emphasise the size of their impressive black cocks.

The visitors had also made an effort and the professor, Oskar, Zaire and Seydou were similarly dressed in cotton linen pants which were loosely tied to allow freedom of movement. The Bishop and the Brothers wore their clerical robes and looked magnificent; the ladies had washed and smoothed out their 'uniforms' and with their hair dressed in bunches and pigtails really looked the part of being schoolgirls (Oskar was most impressed); Simone, Chloe and Lucy had adopted the native -style of dress which amounted to little more than a wide brightly coloured Pussy-Pelmet and a profusion of beaded necklaces which draped over their bare breasts.

"My Mother has really embraced and got into the ethnic way of life," thought Chloe.

Herb and Ian who were standing at the back of the group of westerners had both been commanded by Simone to put on their best frilly French Knickers so that should they have to remove their shorts at any time that everyone could see them for the Sissy Boys they really were.

On his throne sat the King who looked upon the gathering throng with an expression of disdained amusement. As ever when he settled his considerable bulk on any kind of seat he sat with his legs spread and it was of no surprise to any of his subjects to see his equally massive cock dangling down between his pudgy thighs. Indeed, it was a matter of protocol that he exposed himself such in order for the villagers to be reminded from time-to-time of his stature and status.


Weeks earlier, The King had welcomed his favourite nephew home from his university studies in the US. The young man had excelled and the King fussed over how he could give him a present of recognition, which was clearly called for.

At precisely the same time his two regular native women were distraught at all the time Ingrid was spending in his bed, denying them the pleasure of his royal, long hard black shaft. Before it came to a head, he presented Ingrid to his nephew for a weeks excursion to his private cabin on a lakeside deep in the country.

They were to take Ian and Herb to act as bodyguards, cheap labour and to cook and clean. The King reasoned that Ingrid would return, refreshed and relaxed and that he needn't worry about his prized possession getting fucked by the sissybois.

Ingrid was secretly thrilled as she needed a change between her legs, and this handsome, virile black student was just what she needed. But she told the King she was sad to leave him.

The trip also afforded her a chance to bestow some kindnesses and joy to the two 'men' who, it seemed to her, were always downtrodden and ignored.

She told Ian and Herb that they were to be treated as equals and the nephew who had many gay friends in his university dorms, agreed with her completely. In fact, he would have agreed that the moon was made of cheese just to bed the stunning Ingrid, which she did not even pretend to resist.

In fact, she fucked him with such intensity he soon became a slave to her sexual hunger.

At dinner, one night, perfectly prepared by the gays, she was astounded to learn that Ian had been a hair stylist in his past life, and Herb had worked as a time in a Korean Nails salon. She encouraged them to practice on her.

The next morning while the nephew went hunting with a guide. She called the two to attend to her needs. Emerging naked from the outdoor shower, she was a vision of loveliness. Her skin glowed with many hours in the sun without the encumbrance of clothes.

She slipped a thin see-through white negligee over her head.

It made her breasts stand out, her nipples thickened in the cool morning breeze and she sat.

"Ian, before we start on my hair, please come and kneel in front of me and trim my cunt hair while Herb starts on my nails.

"Now, explain to me how you two met and became lovers, I am terribly interested."

Ian and Herb stumbled through the story of their past in servitude to their women who had completely been won over to the Rhino black cock worship. It was something she suspected but had never had articulated to her.

She made them relax, as much as any man could with a nearly naked blonde with huge tits and a well-fucked pussy could do.

After her nails were done, and her pussy trimmed just right, she stood up and ordered Ian to eat her out.

On his knees, he kissed and licked happily at her clit and her pussy lips Not wanting to forget Herb she said:

"Oh, Herb, please stop staring at my nipples like they are China. Come kiss and suck them and then get on your knees behind me.

"Now, pull my ass cheeks apart and lick my anus, push your tongue in.

"Yes that's good, oh yes, don't stop, both of you - harder, deeper'

"Of sweet fuck, I am cumming, don't stop, don't stop."


Princess Ingrid had secretly engaged two women of the tribe to create a robe of such elaborate majesty for this day she knew she was the star of the show. She wanted to demonstrate to the King how lovely she was and she had Ian and Herb spend hours on her makeup and her hair. The two men even dressed her in a cream coloured pushup bra that made her breasts seem enormous.

She had deliberately not chosen the bare-breasted look.

She felt It was so ordinary.

With her blonde locks piled on her head, she wanted to look like a bride.