Whites Can't Compete

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African exchange student teaches cocky white boy a lesson.
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NOTE: The students represented are all of 18 years of age. This story takes place in a student's senior year of high school.

WARNING: I tend to use the "n-word" in my stories quite a bit. If you cannot handle reading that word, then this story isn't for you!


What can I say...life is great! I've got the hottest girl in school and every guy wants to be me. As the quarterback of the football team, I've got this school wrapped around my finger. I can pretty much get anything I want here at school. Oh...and did I forget to mention that I've got a big fat cock. I can't tell you how many of these girls have taken a ride on my 9 inch dick. I've got a reputation around school as being a big dicked alpha stud. Everything was going great in my life...until one fateful day.

I was sitting in class one day when our teacher introduced a new student to the school. "Students, please welcome our new foreign exchange student." She pointed over towards the door, as a huge black kid walked through. The force of his steps made a slight 'boom' noise that rang throughout the room. Even though he was wearing a shirt, I could still make out the massive ripples of his muscled chest through the fabric. He must have been at least 6 and a half feet tall, which is pretty damn big for a high schooler.

He stood beside our teacher, completely dwarfing her in size. "His name is Zareb, and he's from Africa." I looked around and noticed every girl staring at him. I couldn't blame them; his height alone was freakishly tall. He seemed like a nice guy, but I just couldn't bring myself to like him. I guess it goes back to what my father used to tell me. When I was a young boy, my father always used to tell me 'Stay away from niggers. All they do is cause trouble, and try to steal all the white women for themselves.' Nevertheless, it didn't matter to me. He may have been freakishly tall and muscular, but I was the big dicked stud that everyone knew and loved. A couple months later, my girlfriend came up to me and gave me a big hug. Her huge tits squeezed tight against my muscled chest.

"Hey, babe! I'm glad I found you. I just wanted to let you know that I'm not coming over tonight. I've got other plans."

"What to do mean? What are you doing instead?"

"Well...you know that new kid, Zareb? I figured I'd help him get accustomed to this country. You know, show him around a bit." I was a bit thrown off by what she was telling me. My girlfriend never used to ditch me for someone else.

"Oh...well, okay. I guess that's okay." A big smile appeared on her face as she jumped up and locked her lips with mine.

"Thanks, babe. I knew you'd understand." I tried not to dwell on this too much. After a couple days, though, I noticed a problem with my relationship. My girlfriend never wanted to have sex anymore. Knowing her...this was crazy! She used to love fucking me. She always told me how she loved big dicks, and would never let me go. Another month passed and I still didn't get anything from her. If that wasn't weird enough, there seemed to be a huge jump in pregnancies in our school. At least half of the entire female student body was a couple months pregnant.

I didn't give it much thought; I just figured that my fellow football players were hard at work fucking all these sluts. My relationship with my girlfriend started to degrade to the point where I hadn't seen her at all in a couple weeks. As I was about to turn the corner one day, I heard a familiar voice; It was my girlfriend! Curiosity got the best of me, and I just couldn't help but eavesdrop on her conversation. She was talking to a couple other girls, both of whom were clearly pregnant. I leaned my head out past the corner, trying desperately to hear what she was talking about.

"Is he really that good?" The second she asked the other girls that, they both just laughed and started rubbing their large pregnant bellies.

"Oh...he's better than any little dicked loser at this school, I can guarantee that." The other girl looked up with a smile on her face.

"Fuck yeah! I can't tell you how many times I squirted on his massive cock. I used to think that your boyfriend's dick could make me cum...but this monster had me dripping wet in seconds." I leaned my head out to look at her. I could see the internal struggle in my girlfriend's eyes.

"But...but I really like my boyfriend. I don't know what to do." The one pregnant girl put her arm on my girlfriend's shoulder.

"Trust me...once you let this horse hung nigger inside of you, you won't give a shit about that pencil dicked loser anymore." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I'll be dammed if my girlfriend gets fucked by some filthy nigger piece of shit. I wasn't just going to take this lying down. I knew just where to find Zareb, too. I marched my way to the guy's locker room. As I turned the corner, I saw the giant man that was ruining my life. He was standing at his locker with a towel wrapped around his waist. His muscular back was still glistening with water from his shower. He must have heard me walk in, because he turned to look at me. I won't deny that I was stunned for a brief second by the incredible amounts of muscle on his chest. I like to think that I'm a pretty muscular guy for my age...but he was bigger than most full grown men.

"Hey, little boy." His comment threw me off a bit, considering that we're both the same age.

"Listen, Zareb. I don't want you hanging around my girl anymore, got it?" He just looked at me for a second, dumbfounded. Suddenly, he erupted in laughter.

"I don't take orders from little white losers like you, boy."

"I'm not a 'boy'. We're the same age, idiot."

"We might be the same age, but I'm still better than you in every possible way. To me, you're just a weak little boy." He put his arms on his waist and puffed out his chest. For a brief second, I couldn't think of what to say. I was too impressed by his rippling muscular chest to think clearly. I broke myself out of whatever strange trance he had put me in.

"Well...I...ugh, I don't want you seeing my girlfriend anymore. Please, Zareb?" I don't know why I said 'please'. I was so infuriated with him before that I wanted to scream at him...but now, I was a little scared of him. There was something about his size and strength that made me feel so weak and powerless. The longer I stood in his presence, the less angry I felt with him.

" 'Please'? That doesn't sound very demanding. Are you sure that's what you want?" He took a couple huge steps forward. I felt the room slightly tremble as his massive feet slammed against the ground with every step. He stood directly in front of me and looked down at me, almost like he was a grown man. I couldn't help but notice that he must have been about a foot taller than me. My eye level was now dead center on his ripped abdomen. His body reminded me of those Greek marble statues that I would always see in history class -- something that I had always aspired to be.

"I...ugh...I just want you to leave us alone." It was getting hard to even speak anymore. Just being in the presence of Zareb seemed to completely drain my confidence.

"I guess you're afraid that once your girl gets stretched out by my fat cock, she won't even be able to feel your little prick, huh?" He looked down at me with a disappointed look, like the kind that a parent would give to an unfortunate child.

"No way, man. She'll never find someone bigger than me." Zareb just laughed to himself as he slyly smirked at me.

"You've got to be kidding me! Do you seriously think that you can measure up to me?"

"I've got the biggest dick in the school...so, yeah!"

"That's because this place only has weak little white boys. I bet you didn't even have any serious competition. You USED to have the biggest dick in this school." An inquisitive look came upon his face as he sized me up with his eyes. "Why don't you prove it, bitch?" I was sick of the way he was talking to me. It was time to end this once and for all.

"Fine! If that's what you want. Just don't come crying to me when you feel inadequate around me." I reached down and unzipped my pants. I shoved my hands into my underwear and yanked out my flaccid dick in one big pull. I felt it waggle about a couple times before resting against my jeans. I looked down to admire my notorious cock. It was about 6 inches while flaccid. Even my dick, while soft, was bigger than most of the other student's cocks when hard. Little did Zareb know that when this beast became hard, I could get up to about 9 inches. I looked up at Zareb. He had a confused look on his face. I began to feel a little embarrassed. "It might not be that impressive now...but just wait until this thing gets hard." Zareb rubbed at his chin for a minute, as if pondering something.

"Then why don't you get it hard. If you've really got such a big dick...then prove it!" By now he was practically shouting at me. I reached down and grabbed my dick with one hand. I tried my best to think of my girlfriend and her huge floppy tits to get my dick nice and hard...but it never happened. I couldn't help but become fixated on Zareb's glistening abs. His body was what I had been trying to achieve for years now; it's what I have been looking up to since I was a young boy. His physically prowess is everything that I ever wanted for myself. Suddenly, I snapped out of the mini-trance I was having and looked down. My dick was rock hard and throbbing like crazy. I guess I had been jerking it the entire time I was admiring Zareb's body. "Is that all you got, little boy? I thought you said it was big?"

"Well...it is pretty big, isn't it? You can't tell me that you don't think this is big!" I rocked my hips back and forth, letting my 9 inches of rock hard meat slap against my legs, side to side. I looked up at Zareb and noticed an unimpressed look on his face.

"I guess it's big...for a white boy. You're still nothing compared to me." He reached out and put his hands on my shoulders. As much as I tried to resist, I could stop him from pushing me down to a kneeling position on the floor. I was now eye level with his waist, which was still covered by his towel. My throbbing dick was now lying against the cold tile floor. I saw him raise his leg in the air and suddenly thrust it down to the floor, slamming the sole of his foot against my hard dick. I screamed out in pain as a smile crept across his face.

"AHHH! Fuck!" I threw my hands against his muscular leg, trying desperately to release his death grip.

"That's right, little white boy. Now you understand what true strength is." He was right; as much as I tried, I couldn't lift his huge leg off of my cock. The tip of my cock that stuck out past his foot was starting to turn purple.

"Please...please stop!" Zareb chuckled to himself ever so slightly.

"You really are a worthless piece of shit, aren't you? I can't believe that you're begging me! REAL men don't beg." He twisted his foot in a circle, only adding to my pain and discomfort. "But I knew that you weren't a real man from the second I looked at that tiny little white dick you've got." I saw him reach down and grab at the edge of his towel. "You wanna see a REAL cock, loser?" He stared into my eyes with a look of disgust and hate.

"Please, anything! Just get off my dick!" My purple colored cock was starting to go numb.

"That's what I thought. This is what a REAL man looks like!" In one rough pull, he yanked his towel downward, all while keeping his foot firmly planted on my cock. I couldn't help but drop my jaw at the throbbing beast that hanged before me. It seemed to go on forever as I ran my eyes down the entire shaft. The tip of his monster cock nearly reached down to his kneecaps. He reached down and grabbed his cock at the base. He swung his soft shaft side to side, loudly slapping it against his thighs. "Do you still think you have a big dick, loser?" He asked, laughing slightly to himself.

"I...I..." I couldn't think of anything to say. I couldn't even feel my cock anymore, for that matter. The only thing I could think of was how this boy grew a cock so unimaginably large. All my life I wanted to get bigger, both in physically strength and in cock length. My already large cock was never enough for me. I was obsessed with getting bigger, bigger...bigger! And now, dangling before me was a cock that was bigger than mine could ever hope to be.

"Speechless, huh? Yeah...my horse cock seems to have that effect on white losers." I couldn't even really pay attention to what he was saying. I just watched intently as his flaccid beast swung from side to side.

"Jesus Christ! Just how big is this thing?"

"It's about 13 inches soft. Just wait till this monster gets hard, though...I can get it up to 18 inches if I'm horny enough." He smiled suddenly, as if a great idea had sprung up in his head. "Why don't I get this beast hard so you can really be impressed?"

"Well...I don't know. Isn't this kind of gay?" He just laughed at me, while rubbing his hand back and forth on his massive shaft.

"I thought you were curious about how big it gets? And besides, it's not about 'gay' or 'straight'...it's about dominance. The man with the bigger cock is the better man. You must know this. For years you had the biggest dick in the school. Every boy respected you, and every girl wanted you inside of her...but all that's over now. Now that I'm here...you're just a worthless, little dicked, white piece of trash."

I couldn't even hear the words that were coming out of his mouth. I watched in awe as he started to quickly jerk off his flaccid dick. The soft, plump meat seemed to squirm around in his wet hands, almost as if it had a mind of its own. Still on my knees, I stared as his cock was starting to swell right in front of my face.

The harder he jerked it, the longer and thicker it became. I could see every inch being added to his already massive cock. After a couple minutes, I noticed that Zareb's fingers couldn't even touch anymore. Even Zareb's huge hands weren't big enough to completely reach around his beastly cock. Suddenly, he released his hands from his cock and allowed me to view the monster in all its greatness. My jaw dropped as I mindlessly stared at the 18 inch horse cock before me. Huge, plump veins ran all over the throbbing shaft. With every beat of his heart, huge amounts of blood rushed into his dick and caused it to jump around a little bit.

"I...I can't believe it. It looks incredible!" I had always wished that I would have a cock as big as this. My cock, while large in its own right, wasn't really getting any bigger. It seems the only cock this big that I would ever see, was the one throbbing in front of me.

"You'll really think it's impressive once you feel it for yourself."

"Oh, I don't know. T-That's just wrong...isn't it?"

"The only thing wrong here is that tiny little baby dick under my foot." I had completely forgotten about Zareb's death-stomp on my dick. I looked down and saw that the tip of my cock, which stuck out past his foot, was completely purple and swollen. I was far too mesmerized by his monstrously huge cock to even realize that I was in pain the entire time. "I guess you've learned your lesson. It should be pretty obvious by now that you're nothing compared to me." He lifted his foot up and I could feel blood finally rushing back to my dick. I reached down and rubbed at my shaft, trying my best to ease the pain and discomfort.

"If you want to rub a REAL cock, I've got one for you. That little shriveled mess isn't going to bring anyone pleasure anymore." I raised my head back up and my eyes met the tip of his still throbbing cock. Without even thinking, I reached my hand out and laid my open palm against the top of his shaft. It throbbed as blood flowed through the massive shaft. I moved my open hand back and forth, feeling every bump and vein.

I finally clamped by hand shut, squeezing tightly against his huge member. My fingers were even further apart that his were when he grabbed his dick. I couldn't decide which statistic was more impressive: the horse sized length; or the girth, which was as thick as my wrist. I rubbed my hand forward and backward, watching in awe as the bulbous shaft swung around in front of my face.

"How does this thing ever fit inside of anyone? I can't even get my hand around it." I eyed the monster up and down, all while jerking it furiously.

"It finds a way." He said, with a clever grin. "The better question is: how will you find a way to make it fit?" My eyes sprung up and I stared at him with a fearful look.

"Oh, I don't think so. Admiring and touching is one thing...but this beast isn't going in any of my holes. Besides, I'm not gay." Zareb just laughed again.

"It's not about being gay...it's about control and dominance. I've had girls gush like a fountain from their pussies...just from sucking on my cock." He leaned down until his face was almost touching mine. "Isn't that what you want, little boy? Don't you want that incredible feeling of pleasure?" Just having his face near mine made me start to tremble and quiver. Deep down inside, where I can't deny my true feelings, I wanted that pleasure. My own big dick had always brought me incredible pleasure.

I had always dreamed of bigger and better dicks bringing me pleasure...I just always imagined that they would be mine. I looked down at my now soft and shriveled prick. There were still indents and prints from where Zareb had stomped his foot down on it. It just lay there, lifeless and limp. I looked up at Zareb's cock, which was dangling only an inch from my face. It was throbbing and pulsating on its own. It was twice as long and twice as thick as anything that hung between my legs. It was at that point that I realized that if I wanted to get pleasure from a bigger cock than my own...I would have to use Zareb's.

"What do you want me to do?" I said, with the most timid and calm tone I could muster. Zareb's eyes widened as if he was surprised.

"Now that's more like it, bitch. Open up that useless white mouth and we'll see just how long it takes you to come with me inside of you." I opened as wide as I could, as the tip of Zareb's massive cock dangled in front of my mouth. He grabbed his cock at the base and positioned the head right against the opening to my mouth. I was amazed to see that the girth of just the head was slightly bigger than the widest I could open my mouth.

He pressed the head tight against my mouth hole as hard as he could. I slightly groaned as the giant head started widening my mouth even further. "Don't worry, bitch. We're gonna make it fit." He kept pushing as hard as he could until the entirety of his head was jammed into my mouth. I couldn't believe how sore my mouth was already. I could feel how pushed out my cheeks were, like a chipmunk who jammed too many nuts in his mouth. There wasn't any more room for any of his cock. I knew there was no way I could ever give him a blowjob if just his dick head filled my entire mouth.

"Please...I can't take anymore" I tried my best to speak with a mouthful of cock.

"I figured with all the talking you do, you'd have a much bigger mouth." He chuckled to himself while forcing as much of his shaft as he could into my mouth. I couldn't even take an inch of the shaft. His soft and fleshy cock head filled every crevasse of my mouth. "Hmm...I guess I'll just have to make do with your tiny little mouth." He began thrusting his hips forward and backward, thrusting the head of his cock in and out of my mouth. Each time he reached the back of my throat, the shaft of his cock bent upward from the force of his push.

He mercilessly pumped in and out of my mouth, getting quicker with each thrust. Every time he filled my mouth with the head of his cock, I tried my best to hold back my gag reflex. I could feel strings of spit and saliva dripping out of my mouth as he fucked it, as if it was a pussy. Without even thinking about why, I could feel my cock starting to get hard. I reached down without a second thought and started jerking it off furiously. When I finally realized what I was doing, I was appalled. I was jerking my big dick while gagging and choking on a cock that's twice my size. Even though I knew it was wrong, I couldn't stop now; it felt too good.