Who is Tony

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Wife calls out wrong name during sex. Not a BTB story.
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Who is Tony?


I had said that I would not write any more stories for Loving Wives and I haven't. I recently purchased a new computer and found this story hiding in my old computer while transferring files. It is unedited but too good to delete so I will post this as my final LV story.

This is not a BTB story.

Background Information:

I am Jim Reynolds. I attended the University of Colorado after high school and graduated with as a Nuclear Engineer. I had been in ROTC during college so I entered the US Army after graduation where I was a 2nd Lt. in military intelligence. My first two years were training (Jump school at Fort Benning and Intelligence training at Fort Bragg.) but last two years I got to do some actual intelligence work and was promoted to 1st Lt. I enjoyed it so much that I signed up for a second 4 years. Of course being offered the rank of Captain and an increase in pay did not hurt either. During that time I did some deep intelligence with two "spooks" from the CIA, who later became good friends. They always dressed in black suits and wore mirrored sunglasses, so I called them my personal "Men in Black". When I left the service after 8 years, I set up my own consulting company and continued to do work for the Department of Defense (DOD) and the CIA. I also do some consulting work for the suppliers to the military. My wife knows very little about my actual work because most of it is classified.

I met and dated my wife Ann at the Engineering College during our senior year. She graduated with a degree in Architectural Engineering. We married after our graduation and just before I went into the Army. She moved back east with me while I was in the service and worked for NIS. When I left, we move back to Colorado where I set up my company. She found a nice job with a large architectural firm in Denver and she loves her work.

Ann is a beautiful woman and I often wonder exactly how I was able to convince her to marry me. She is average height and is a strawberry-blonde redhead with C cup breasts and a lovely butt. We have always had a great sexual relationship. Ann had dated (and slept with) several men during college until we started dating in our last year of college. Her main interest is to give blowjobs. She loves sex and will do anything that I have asked of her. She even loves anal sex!

We never had any children because of our careers. We both realized that we had not time to give to children and that it would be unfair to bring them into our relationship.


It was a perfect day even if it was a Monday!

Work is perfect because I own my own consulting firm which means that I don't have a boss. I built an addition onto our home for my office so that I can work from home and not fight the traffic getting to work in the city -- another reason for it to be a perfect day. My wife of twenty years, Ann, came home from her workplace today and fixed us a wonderful dinner. She is still as beautiful as the day I married her and she doesn't look her age of 42. Yes, it is a perfect day.

To finish off a perfect Monday, I was planning to have a night of making love. Well, at least I thought that making love would be the finish of a perfect day.

We used to make love 4 or 5 times a week at the beginning of our marriage, but over the years the frequency has diminished but the quality stayed very high. In the last three months my wife has cut it down to only Friday nights which does not make me happy or meet my needs. She also has become a real bitch during that time. Probably not enough sex!

I have not been getting enough sex lately so I decided that we would make love tonight to finish off a perfect day. I was not waiting until Friday! During dinner I had told my wife that we were going to make love that night.

"Ann, my body is in need of relief so we are going to make love tonight. I am not waiting for Friday night!" I said.

"I am very tired tonight. Maybe tomorrow night or the next night," my wife said.

"No! We are going to make love tonight," I said firmly.

"I think you should have more consideration for me. I work hard and am very tired when I get home from work," my wife said.

"My dear wife, I work as hard as you do. My blue balls have been building up for several weeks because of your 'Friday nights only' business, so tonight I am going to get laid!! Either you can do it with me or I will go into Denver and bring back a whore to do it in front of you. Either way I am having sex tonight! I am tired of you restricting us to only once a week. It is a wife's duty to keep her husband satisfied," I said.

My wife appeared to be angry but said nothing. She got up from the table and started collecting the dinner dishes then putting them in the dishwasher. I didn't want to put up with her attitude, so I got up and went to my office to finish up some work.

About 9:30 pm I had finished up some reports that were coming due. It is perfect day when you get all your work done. Now it is time for some sex. From my wife's attitude I could tell that it would be sex for my gratification only. I came out of my office and I found my wife watching one of her favorite TV shows. I walked over to the TV and turned it off. I am certain that pissed her off even more.

"Time to go to bed," I said.

My wife sat there giving me the "I am angry with you" look. I have had enough of her being a bitch.

"Upstairs now!" I said.

My wife got up and headed for the stairway and I followed her up. She went into our bathroom and slammed the door closed. My wife uses a diaphragm for birth control. She always wants to put it in behind closed doors - like it is a secret. I undressed and crawled into bed to wait for her. I usually take a shower before bed but today I took it before dinner so that we could get to bed sooner. I even shaved again to make certain that I didn't leave any whisker burns.

My wife came out of the bathroom and crawled into bed beside me. She didn't say anything but gave a big sigh. She was lying on her back with her legs apart. Certainly not very sexually exciting! She was making it clear that she was only going to do the minimum. I decided that rather than just get myself off, I would show her what our love making was supposed to be like. To finish off a perfect day, I decided to do everything that I could to give her the best sex that we have had in several years.

I moved between her legs and went down on her pussy. It is the tightest and most comfortable pussy that I have ever been in. I had a lot of dates in college so I know what a great pussy is like and Ann has the best one.

(When we had our first date, I gave Ann oral sex. My wife is a redhead, almost a strawberry-blonde red, and her muff was a thick one made up of the same red hair. I explained to her that a thick muff made giving oral sex difficult. On our next date she had shaved it all off. After we married, she had all her pubic hair lasered off. That makes for perfect oral sex!)

I gave my wife oral sex for about 5 to 6 minutes before Ann had a loud orgasm, however I did not stop. I continued with oral sex and decided to insert my finger and rub her G spot. It did not take long before she was having her second orgasm. This one was a very intense one for her because she was bucking her hips all around and grabbing my head with her hands. This orgasm lasted much longer than her first one and she was very vocal. When it passed, she collapsed on the bed breathing hard.

I was so horny that I immediately moved up on her and entered her in the missionary position. I started stroking in and out of her pussy slowly which drives her crazy. God, she felt so good that I could do this for hours. At dinner, Ann had said that she was too tired for sex but she was really getting into it now. She was moving her hips in sync with my stroking, her face was flushed and she was breathing fast. It was going to be a perfect night after all.

"Oh God! You are so good!" my wife said gripping the sheets with her hands. I felt her wrap her legs around my back.

I could tell that Ann was starting another orgasm so I sped up my stroking.

"I'm cumming! Oh God, it is so good! Fuck me hard, Tony!" my wife said.

Wait! Who is Tony?

I immediately stopped stroking and stared at my wife. She opened her eyes to see why I had stopped fucking her.

"Honey, why did you stop? I was ready to cum!" Ann said.

"You just called me Tony. Who is Tony?" I said angrily.

I pulled out of my wife and sat on the bed staring at my wife.

"Oh God! Honey, it was just a slip of the tongue. It is nothing!" my wife said.

"I asked you who the fuck is Tony?" I said.

My wife sat up in bed and had a confused look on her face. Ann can be very stubborn and I could see that she wasn't going to tell me, so I got out of bed and grabbed my clothes. I headed down the stairs and straight for the kitchen where I dressed. I found my Crocs by the patio door and put them on.

My wife came down the stairs and walked into the kitchen naked.

"Honey, please come back to bed. Neither one of us got to cum. Please! Let's go back and finish," she said.

"When I asked you for sex tonight at dinner, you were too tired and now you are begging me to fuck you. That isn't going to happen and I am not Tony," I said angrily.

I walked over to her and held her by the shoulders.

"Go back upstairs and put some clothes on. We are going to have a little talk here at the kitchen table," I said calmly.

She looked at me with a frown and didn't move.

"Ann, go get dressed.... Now!" I said firmly.

She slowly turned around and headed up the stairs.

I hurried to the laundry room. Every day when my wife comes home, she always puts her purse on the counter in the laundry room. I found her purse exactly where it always is. I searched through her purse... keys... lipstick... pill case. At the bottom I found her cell phone so I put it and her keys in my pocket. There was a zippered pocket on the inside of her purse. I opened it and found a strip of condoms - seven in total. I grabbed the condoms and headed for my office.

In my office I opened my briefcase. My laptop was all charged up and tucked in the briefcase ready for my field work. I put my cell phone, my wife's cell phone and her keys on top of my laptop, and I put the condoms in my pocket to confront my wife.

We have a landline mostly for my work at home but some of our friends call us on it in the evenings and weekends because we don't answer our cell phones when we are not working. We have two wireless phones for the landline - one in my office and one in the kitchen. I put the one from my office in my briefcase and closed it. I hurried back to the kitchen with my briefcase. I grabbed the wireless phone from there and put it into my briefcase which I then set under the kitchen table.

I sat down at the kitchen table and waited for my wife. Ann came into the kitchen dressed in jeans, a sweatshirt and bobby socks.

"Fix us some glasses of iced tea and let's have a little talk," I said softly.

She made two glasses of iced tea and put a glass in front of me and put one in front of her as she sat down at the table.

"We are going to have an adult discussion. I am not going to get angry or yell and I don't want you to start in with your bitching. I expect you to tell me the truth," I said quietly and calmly.

My wife just stared at me and said nothing.

"Tell me, who is Tony?" I asked

Ann looked down just staring at her glass of tea and said nothing.

"We are going to sit here until you start talking with me even if it is until tomorrow morning," I said.

"I have to get some sleep because I have to go to work tomorrow," Ann said.

"I don't give a damn about your work. Ann, tell me, who is Tony?" I asked softly.

When I am really angry, I get very calm and I talk softly. It is a skill that I learned while I was in the Army when I was interrogating people. Tonight may be another interrogation but with my wife this time.

We sat quietly for several minutes. Ann was staring at her glass of tea and I was staring at her.

"Ann, since you won't talk to me and since I need to calm down, I am going for a short drive. I will be gone about one hour. During that time, I want you to get your head together so that we can discuss this serious matter. When I get back, I will ask you some questions and I want answers from you, not silence. I have your car keys and all our phones so that you cannot leave and you cannot call anyone, especially Tony. Just sit here and prepare to tell me about him," I said calmly.

I grabbed my briefcase and headed for the laundry room. I walked into the garage and got into my car. I drove away and headed for a park that was several blocks away. There were no other cars in the park so I parked in the first spot.

I sat there practicing breathing techniques that I use to lower my blood pressure and to calm me down. Who am I angry with? I was angry at my wife because she has never been one to even look at other men, so why fuck around now? I decided that I was mostly angry at this Tony person because he seduced my wife. All I could think about was making Tony "disappear" when I find out who he is.

I opened my briefcase and took out Ann's cell phone. I was surprised to find it locked. She had never locked it before. The phone required four digits to unlock so I tried our address... then I tried the last four digits of our landline phone... then I tried her birthday... finally I tried the last four digits of her Social Security number. Bingo! It worked. I looked at her phone call record; there were none and none in the trash folder. Next I checked her texts; there were none and none in the trash. She is keeping her phone clean and locked up. Something is afoot!

I took out my laptop and started it. I need to get on the internet. There were several hotels in the area and I found one with free WIFI. I connected to the internet and I logged in as Ann. (Ann has a company laptop which she keeps at work so all her personal social media is done on my desktop computer. Since we both use my computer, I can see all her passwords.)

I checked Ann's contacts list but there was no Tony. I looked at her emails and there were none from a Tony. Next I checked Ann's Facebook page. The first thing I saw was that her "Messenger" icon was lit up so I clicked on it. Up came a message from Tony Martin dated this morning and it said, "Thur 1" I scrolled back to the beginning of the "Tony messages" and found that they started about 8 weeks ago. The first few messages appeared to be compliments to Ann, but about 5 weeks ago the subject matter in the messages changed. There was a message about how good lunch was and how much he enjoyed the "special". Following that message, some different messages appeared. The first of the newest messages appeared to be just an address "3450 Ridge Ave # 122, 12" and a time maybe. The rest of the messages were days of the week and numbers which I figured out were times for those days. So Tony must be her lover and he is telling her the days and times to meet him at the address, probably his address. It appears that she has met him at his place 6 times and generally at 11:30 am or 12 noon. From the last message, it appears that she is to meet him this coming Thursday at 1 pm. I intend to not let that happen.

Just then a car pulled in behind me and spotlights were shining in my back window. I looked in the rearview mirror and saw a policeman approaching the side of my car. I rolled down my window and greeted the policeman.

"Good evening. What are you doing here at this hour?" he asked.

"My wife and I had an argument and I came here to calm down," I said.

"Yah, I have to do that too sometimes. You cannot stay here all night; it is against the city ordinances," he said.

"I will be here in about half an hour more and then I will go home and face the music," I said.

"Good idea. Even if you are right, just tell her you are sorry. It works for me," he said and then returned to his car and left the park.

My wife works for a large architectural firm in Denver so I went to their webpage on the internet. I found the 'Key Employees" page and started looking for someone named Tony. I saw my wife's photo and her brief bio. She is the Manager of their research group; they check out vendors and their products. The very last person in their "Key Employees" list was a Tony Martin who was hired about 3-4 months ago from a Dallas firm to manage the tenant finish design group. His photo showed a very handsome man with black hair and dark eyes. He was clean shaven and looked to be younger than my wife and I by maybe 10 years or more.

I looked up "Tony Martin" on Facebook. There were several but only one was an architect. His cover photo showed him standing beside a new black BMW. He had no photos of a wife or kids on his page. That is odd. I looked under "About" on his page and found out that he was married to a Linda Martin. It was a hot link so I clicked on it. Her Facebook page showed that she was a very attractive redhead with two red-headed young boys. It showed that they lived in Dallas, Texas. There were recent photos of the boys at school so his wife apparently had not moved to Denver as yet.

I opened Google Maps and put in the address from Tony's message to Ann. The address was for an upscale condominium complex. It is all beginning to tie together.

I turned off my laptop and put it back in my briefcase. I picked up my wife's cell phone again and looked up her telephone contacts. There was no Tony or Martin but I found a "TM" with a phone number and address. The address matched the address in the Facebook message from Tony. I have a burn phone that I keep in my glove compartment for my work. I took it out and called the number for TM. A sleepy sounding man answered the phone.

"I am trying to reach Tony Martin," I said.

"I am Tony Martin," he asked.

"Do you know Ann Miller?" I asked.

"Yes, she works with me. Who is this?" Tony asked.

"I am your worst nightmare, Asshole!" I said and hung up.

This is definitely the guy who is fucking my wife. I put his phone number and address into my cell phone.

I had calmed down a lot sitting in the park... I realized that making Tony disappear was a bad idea. I decided to fuck with him and then teach him a lesson. I would use some techniques that I learned in the army. First was sleep deprivation. It makes a person unable to concentrate and makes them easily upset. I could do that by calling him a lot at night. Also I would do small things to irritate him. Hopefully the two techniques would cause him to believe that someone is out to get him. When the time is right, I will do something painful to him when he least expects it.

I felt that I knew enough about my wife's lover now so I headed back home. I had been gone a little over an hour. When our overhead garage door opened, I saw the door leading into the laundry room open and Ann was standing there. I got out of the car with my briefcase and met her at the door.

She gave me a quick kiss and said, "Honey, I was afraid that you weren't coming back."

"There is no way that I am going to leave you alone so that you and your 'Tony' can fuck all the time," I said and moved to the kitchen.

I sat down at the table and waited for my wife to sit down. She brought a pitcher of fresh tea to the table and sat down.

"Are you ready to talk to me now? I want you to tell me the truth. If you lie, I will know it and the consequences will be very harsh. Do you understand?" I asked.

She nodded her head yes.

"So, tonight we were making love and you said, 'Fuck me hard, Tony'. Do you remember saying that, Ann?" I asked.