Who Knew


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"After eight." He told her. "I better get home. My wife will be calling home soon. The realities of life were back, and had to be dealt with. He held up his hands and shrugged his shoulders, then dropped them down, one on her hair and one to his side.

Marla had been watching him closely, studying him. "After EIGHT! After eight! I don't believe it? Wife? You're married?" There was too much information to process in her lingering sleepiness.

"Yes, yes, and yes. You have a husband too, remember? Isn't he due in?" Roy was still smiling and casually speaking.

"Mark? Yes, I mean no. He is on a business trip, until Thursday. He goes to the west coast every week." Why was she telling this man everything? Why was his wife calling him at night, not home?

"Ohhh? Every week! Hmmm…" Roy was holding his chin in a "Thinking Man's" kind of pose. "My wife is a flight attendant. She flies to California every week too," He considered this, "On Tuesdays." He was deep in thought now. "Then she does a short hop to Denver and back, and a long flight home on Thursdays."

Marla's mind was sharpening. Both their spouses left for the same state on the same day each week. The association was ludicrous of course. There were eight million people in New York, let alone the many more millions around the area. It was impossible to know all the neighbors on one's own street, let alone in the entire city. This was no small town. "So when does she get home?" Stupid question. What right did she have to know this? Why did she care? This was a one time thing, not a courtship. Marla was confused again.

"Usually about eight in the morning, why? She does a short hop each week to Chicago too, and back a few times, but she is home those nights." Roy was surprised at how he had rattled on, telling her so much. "Listen. I have not had this good and free a time since I can remember. I hope you enjoyed it too." He waited for her to nod her head affirmatively. "Well, maybe we can do this again? Maybe?" He was childish in his meekly stated question.

Marla fell for him in this role and nodded again. "I would like that, Roy, very much." Then a frown came over her face. "I am going to have to sort this out though. We have both, just committed adultery. I hadn't set out to do that. Had you?"

Roy looked at her sympathetically, "Hell no!" His response was a little too firm for Marla's taste. "I mean, no, I just saw you, and couldn't take my eyes off you. I'm not a peeping Tom, but when I saw you leave the curtains open, for me, something came over me. When we had finished, well, something just pushed me right over here. I am blown away by you, Marla, but I am not in love with you. I am in love with my wife. Yet somehow, during our marriage, I have felt this increasing urge to have more, not that my wife is any less pleasing than ever, but I have just been wanting more, something different."

His sincerity could not be denied. His similar desires were too good to be true. "I have felt the same way! That is what prompted me to keep that curtain open, to stay in front of you, even to let you in here. It's amazing we felt the same feelings." She smiled and propped herself up on her elbow. "I would like very much to do this again, Roy, very much, but I have to think about it first." She looked at the hair on top of his head as he let it fall with the disappointing news. Reaching out and placing a hand on the side of his face she added, "Keep an eye out your window."

This had the effect she had desired. She knew there was no way she could deny her needs now, especially the need to satisfy them with this man. If she weren't married, she would be pursuing this new man in her life in an entirely different way. They exchanged phone numbers and email addresses and parted for the day, satiated, happy, more eager than ever for more.

Inter-Continental Hotel, Los Angeles, Room 1712

Room service knocked on the door to the suite. Mark had been released from bondage and just finished a shower with Beth when they heard the door. He put on the hotel's white terrycloth robe and opened the door. Only at the last second did he remember to close the bathroom door. Beth was standing directly in the middle of the doorway, glisteningly wet, feet apart and hands on hips. She was not going to budge if he'd not remembered the door. Mark wondered what she might have done next had the door not been closed on the bellman.

Over dinner, both dressed in robes, they talked a lot about their sexual encounter. This was totally different than the conventional sex they had been having since the affair started three months before. They were both amazed at the intensity of their feelings, the utter abandon with which they had approached the act. They had done things that they hadn't done before, ever. They had both felt so emboldened that they knew their lives had suddenly been expanded.

Beth knew, more than Mark, and fortunately for both of them, she had to carry the ball in this conversation to make sure the right spin was placed on what had happened. If it went one way, she knew this delightful man, man that he is, might panic and not come back. By the same token, she knew now that if she played her cards right, she had a sex partner, no obligations at all, who would fulfill her every dream and fantasy. He was worth the extra effort in this conversation.

Beth's life had been a roller coaster ride. A cheerleader in high school, an idealist in college, her experiences had gone from the object of admiration and desire to the object of ridicule and rejection. She'd dropped out of college as a result of it and fell through a variety of circumstances onto an opportunity to fly. The chance to set an example of confidence, while serving her passengers equally, or as equally as they deserved, seemed to enable her to exercise most of her ideals while receiving the attention of her constituents. The mix improved over time and she knew she'd found her place.

They talked about the news and little things through dinner and until they feel asleep. Funny she thought, how they had so mutually decided not to discuss their home life. It was obvious to her that Mark lived in the New York area. Why else would he catch the JFK flight each week? But then again, that area could be defined by tens of millions of people in many square miles and three states. She also knew from his short conversations, him not one to talk all that much, he was even more uncomfortable than she was discussing his wife or everyday life. It mattered not to Beth. She felt her own pangs of guilt, and didn't really want to talk about home or her husband either. This relationship was sex, bodies and sweat and fantasies, and nothing more. It served a purpose, hurting no one, and she was happy to leave it at that.

Beth had seen fit to ensure they coupled one more time that night, in their more traditional ways, to relieve any remaining tension. They would be fine, she was convinced, and their new found openness, and adventurous desires were about to explode their lives into new delights. And all these new delights were at no expense to their marriages.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy International Airport, United Airlines Domestic Terminal

Beth saw the passengers off and completed the paperwork to close out the flight from Los Angeles. It was Thursday at seven in the evening, a full twelve hours after their scheduled arrival time. "Equipment trouble," Was the cause, according to the airline. If it weren't for it being the last "red-eye" out of LA last night, the passengers would long ago have deserted this flight and boarded another. But there was no other, and this flight was nearly full. It had been a long, hard night, and day, Beth now having been on the job for twenty-four hours straight. All she wanted to do was catch a cab and head home to a hot bath and bed. She didn't even feel her usual rush to make love to her man. She was simply exhausted.

She walked up the jet way and into the terminal proper. There was a mob scene, this being prime time for business travel traffic. Beth worked her way through the crowds and out into the main corridor and followed the flow of arriving passengers toward the baggage claim area where the taxi line would be as long as a snake. The trip into Manhattan was going to go just like the rest of this flight.

Much to her surprise, as she cleared security, her husband Roy leapt in front of her and hugged and kissed her like they were newlyweds. She was so taken aback by this she was a bit stiff in her response at first, but then let herself fall into the comfort of his arms. It didn't matter what had brought about this very unusual greeting at the airfield. It didn't matter what she must look like at that moment. It only mattered that she was suddenly and totally supported by her big strong man, and didn't have to worry about another thing.

Mark and Marla where arm and arm as they walked through that same terminal. Mark's flight was an hour late, but that didn't bother Marla. It wasn't often that she picked him up after his trip, but something inside her had told her this had to be one of those times. When he cleared security, she'd jumped up to hug him and planted her mouth on his with a zest he was unprepared for. She smelled terrific but the long flight from Houston had served to tire him out and leave him longing to get into bed for a good night's rest. He let go of his carryon luggage and hugged her back. As the moment drew on, he hugged her harder, then kissed her back, and they were suddenly embraced like they'd not seen each other in a year.

Mark finally broke their embrace and began to steer them through the crowd in the baggage area. The number of people was incredible. They could hardly move, and when they did, it was often not in the direction they wanted to go. Finally, within yards of the huge, motorized revolving exit door, he pulled Marla's arm and rushed the approaching open triangle.

Roy had had enough. This crowd was unbelievable and he began to feel trapped. He had to get them out of there. Able to see over most people's heads, he spotted the automatic revolving doorway. Each chamber was large enough for several people and there seemed to be a dearth of passengers trying to escape at that moment. He grasped Beth's arm tightly, and pulled her through the human mass. They surged into the open triangular compartment.

"Owe!" Mark said reflexively when his head hit something solid.

"Damn!" Roy said, letting go of Beth to rub his own head. Invariably the problem when two people try to occupy the same space at the same moment.

Mark opened his eyes and turned toward the man he'd just slammed into. His jaw dropped at the sight of Beth. At that same moment, ready to chastise the offending party, Roy turned and came face to face with Marla. He too stopped in his tracks, frozen in place. The revolving door hit them all from the side, knocking the men into their wives, but not detracting their stares.

A loud alarm sounded when the doors could no longer move against the solid mass, now obstructing their passage. Police were there instantly, hands on their weapons in case this was some kind of "incident," and looking through the array of glass to determine the problem. "You have to walk with the doors!" One cop said, wondering why the two couples seemed to be staring at each other.

Mark looked to his right in the direction of where someone was yelling. "Hey, I ah, think we better get outta here." The rest of the group looked outside and saw several officers, each with a hand on their holstered weapon. They all began to move and the doors resumed their rotation and the alarm finally stopped. The four people however, were still eyes on each other and silent.

Roy finally broke the ice and didn't even bother to try and sort the mess out, or try to act as if there was nothing to sort. "He simply said, I'll get us a car." When no one moved, or objected, he flagged one of the many roving limousine hawkers and issued his instructions. In less than a minute the man had used his radio and dispatched a "stretch" limo to their side. It was black, Roy noted, hoping it was not a portrayal of things to come.

Once inside the car, with Roy and Beth sitting in the forward facing seat and Mark and Marla facing them from behind the driver, there was silence once again. The driver had his instructions and began to navigate the maze of roadways that would lead them to the Van Wyck Expressway and on to Manhattan. They were all going to the same place, so the directions were simple.

The silence was heavy, and Roy would have no more of it. "It's obvious that you sir, know my wife." He let the words settle a moment before adding, "And that I know yours."

Mark looked up from the floor where he'd transferred his gaze to give himself less distraction and more concentration. His chin came out a bit more than normal and he said, "Yes, so it would appear." They stared at each other.

Beth saw this and looked at Marla, who'd had the same reaction. Something transmitted between them that communicated far more than the men would have ever known. It was as if they'd done a brain dump to each other, let each other in on their entire stories. Beth was the first to show any sign of intent. She smiled ever so slightly at Marla, then shrugged her shoulders barely perceptively. This was all Marla needed. It was obvious to her what had happened, as it was to Beth. They'd both strayed, and somehow on each other's territory. That was the important thing for now. There was no way to blame each other for what they too had done. Marla could not avoid a slight smile at Beth.

Beth then nodded her understanding and took charge. She looked at Mark, and then scooted up in her seat, turned toward Roy, and climbed up onto his lap, placing a knee on either side of him. She had hiked up her skirt in the process and settled down provocatively onto his groin. Immediately, she began kissing him full on the mouth, and grinding her sex into his pants.

Mark was dumbfounded. It was obvious that he and Marla were the more inexperienced couple in this car. He never would have considered fucking his wife in front of anyone else. But somehow, this particular fantasy had never crossed his mind before, either. Perhaps because it was so bizarre to think up, he simply gawked at the couple in the back seat. Beth had already begun to reach down and undo Roy's pants.

He looked at Marla to see what her reaction was. He had strayed, but then again, it looked like they both had. What the hell was next? He hadn't read this rule in the book.

Marla answered the question for him. She echoed Beth's movements and was quickly astride her husband, undoing his pants, and about to unabashedly fuck him in front of two unrelated people and the driver, presumably even more unrelated. The whole affair was too bizarre now to even contemplate so Roy let his stiffening shaft ride free of his pants and go where it and Marla wanted it to go.

The driver was busy with the traffic. TheVan Wyck was its usual nightmare, but with an accident reported on the third exit from where they were, it was hopeless. He glanced in the mirror to see if it was appropriate to break into conversation in the back and ask if they minded if he took a circuitous route to avoid the mess. What he saw blew his mind.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" Beth was letting everything go. She didn't know where it all came from, but she was so quickly into the act of purely fucking her husband, knowing he had somehow fucked the woman behind her, she couldn't, wouldn't hold back. She ground her clit into the combination of pants, zipper and occasional pubic mound of Roy until her orgasm was surging up within her. And when it got there, she had no intention of holding it back. On the contrary, she intended to let it fly, with abandon, and with freedom of expression. And then she felt Roy's first blast of sperm.

Marla was also lost in the mixed and heated emotions. She too was grinding herself into her husband's sex. She was moaning, though not as loudly as Beth, but more than was usual for her. Mark echoed the satisfaction, trying to lift back against her, timing his meager thrusts to coincide with her downward motions. He was quickly building yet another load of cum and about to squirt it into his wife. It seemed only minutes ago he had been in that lovely tall brunette across the car, and now he was pounding, no, being pounded by his redheaded wife, right in the "other woman's" presence. It was confusing, seemingly dangerous, and yet such a turnon as to drive him to drive her. He burst forth a stream of hot jism that he was sure made it all the way to Marla's throat.

Marla felt the blast and came like a lioness. She growled at her man with a mixture of anger and love that she had never known she was capable of. She ground her pussy into his lap and sucked his cock with her vaginal muscles until she thought she might cut off his circulation. Each downward motion was followed by a clenching of her pussy muscle and a drawing back of his skin and shaft until it was nearly free of her cunt. And then she would drop down on him again like a hammer. She could feel the combination of her fluids and his dripping out of her pussy and down on his groin and pants.

Roy burst with, "Ugh!"

Beth followed by pumping his cock like she had never pumped any cock before. She couldn't close her pussy walls tight enough. She flooded him on the down stroke and sucked him dry on the up. Then back again to the smashed groins where all the juices deposited in her hole on the last stroke were ejected onto Roy. It was a violent fuck and it seemed they were all getting back at each other, and yet loving each other at the same time.

The groans and motions were all free throughout the car. The driver had pulled off at the first exit and stopped, turned in his seat and watched the four people perform. He had his own little party in the front seat, stroking his cock to the tempo of the ladies in back. The other two men were expunged, drained, satiated beyond their surprise. The women both reached down, took a swath of the juices dripping from their cunts and slurped it up into their mouths. Then they kissed their husbands, and pushed at least half of the love-scented liquids into their partner's throat. The whole episode lasted no more than a few minutes, and yet lingered on for long afterward. It was so different, so new, so wantonly bold for all of them they collapsed in their seats, the women folding down where they sat on their husbands' laps.

The showdown had ended before it had begun. Some how, this wanton act had gotten them all through it. Somehow this moment of sheer abandon had eased the pain for all of them, the pain of cheating, of betrayal, of getting found out. Somehow, they were through all that now, and an entire new world had opened up. The future was suddenly very bright.

Apartment Visiting in New York

"This is your address, isn't it?" The driver was standing by the side of the car, holding the door open. Roy was the first to feel the cool air and hear the man speaking. The sounds of New York were next to his ears, and that is enough to wake just about anyone from a daydream. Someone behind them, prevented from getting down their street by double parked cars on either side, was honking angrily.

"Hey!" Roy said, stirring under his wife, "We're here. Hey you two!" He looked over the now moving shoulder of Beth at the two in the front seat of their cabin. It took a third notification to get them back to reality and they all began a slow exit of the limousine.

Once deposited on the sidewalk, bags in hand, they looked at each other from a kind of squared off arrangement. The limo driver waved at their formation, unknown to them, and drove off with not only a story to tell, but the largest tip he'll see that week. The angry driver behind him followed slowly behind, flipped the four people the finger, and screeched his tires in further heightened animosity when they didn't seem and react to his act.
