Who Would Have Guessed Ch. 03


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Dee, forever one to never hold her thoughts, said, "You seemed to like feeling up your sister."

Everyone laughed as Dave blushed and nodded his head. "It's more about who it is than what. I've never really been attracted to girls, not until today. When I saw Laura in her bikini, I was shocked by my reaction. Suddenly, I felt something new, something I never felt before."

"Is it lust or love, Dave?" I said.

"It's both. I love my sister but never thought about her as anything more than a sibling. I've seen sex videos before. When I watched them, I didn't find the women as exciting as the men were. Now, I find myself in uncharted waters. To say I'm confused would be an understatement," Dave said.

Once again, my sister couldn't hold her tongue. "So, what have you done with guys?"

Dave laughed and said, "Not much. A friend and I messed around, but other than some fondling and stuff, I haven't had much experience."

Laura laughed as she bumped against her brother. Dave looked at her and laughed too.

"I think there is a private joke," I said.

"There is. My sister caught me fooling around once," Dave said.

Laura laughed and said, "You weren't just fooling around, Dave. You and Bob were..."

"Okay, that's enough. Greg and Dee aren't interested in what I've done," Dave said.

Dee stood up. She smiled at me then said, "It's hot, I'm going for a swim."

Moving back, my sister removed the bottoms of her bikini. She laughed, ran across the raft, and jumped into the water. I got up, peeled off my suit, and joined Dee. She swam over to me, wrapping her arms around my neck. I did my best to keep us above water while she kissed me.

"This is fun," Dee said while we tread water.

"It's different, that's for sure. What are the odds of twins being gay?" I said.

Dee and I moved to shallower water so we could stand.

"I don't think Laura and Dave are gay, sweetie. They might be trying to sort things out. It doesn't matter to me." Dee gave me a kiss. "I'll even share you with Dave."

I laughed. "How do you know Dave's interested in me?"

Dee grabbed my cock, stroking it. "If Dave likes boys, he'd love your big cock."

Putting my hand between my sister's legs, I said, "No more than Laura would like your sweet pussy."

Dee and I chuckled while fondling each other. I glanced at the raft, noticing Dave and Laura were locked in a hug. When they kissed, I nudged Dee. "Looks like our friends are sorting it out."

"Yup, it sure does." Dee headed toward the raft, and I followed her.

As my sister climbed the ladder, I watched her bottom. She paused, wiggled her butt, and then climbed onto the deck. I got out, moved to my sister, and put my arm around her waist.

Laura and Dave separated and then looked at Dee and me. I watched as they scanned my sister's and my body. My cock was half hard from Dee's fondling.

Laughing, Laura removed the rest of her bikini. She posed for her brother while Dee and I watched. Dave shook his head, pushed his suit off, and then watched his sister.

"So, how do you two like the opposite sex?" Dee said.

"I like the view. I'll have to let you know about anything else later," Laura said.

"Is anyone else hungry?" Dave said.

We gathered our suits, but none of us put them on. Jumping into the water, we headed for shore. Dee passed out towels, and then she and Laura started laying out the food. Sitting at the table, we enjoyed the picnic lunch.

"What are you guys doing later? Our parents have something to do tonight. Greg and I planned to go out to dinner. Do you want to come with us?" Dee said.

Laura looked at Dave and smiled. "Do we have to get dressed?"

"Do you like being naked and skinny-dipping?" Dee said.

"This is the first time I've done it. It's very enlightening," Dave said.

Laura put her hand under the table. When Dave jerked, she chuckled. "It's incredible, Dee. I never knew how much fun skinny-dipping was. The best part is we're getting to know each other better."

"Does the idea of incest bother either of you?" I said.

Dee chuckled and said, "If I'm right, Laura is getting acquainted with her brother's cock. Does that answer your question?"

"To answer your question, Greg, I'm still trying to process everything," Dave said.

"Dee and I didn't have any problem with incest. If anything, we embraced if from the start. After we made love the first time, I knew I wanted her as part of my life forever," I said.

Dee gave me a hug, pressed her mouth to mine, and kissed me. When she pulled her head back, I saw tears in her eyes. "I love you too, Greg."

"Are you afraid of someone finding out?" Laura said.

"We're not afraid, Laura. Greg and I know we have to be careful, but we're willing to take the chance. Our love is stronger than the fear of discovery. Oh, and the sex is over the top," Dee said.

Chuckling, I nodded in agreement with my sister. "I feel our relationship is more than sex. While I love everything we've tried so far, my feelings run much deeper. No one knows what the future holds, but for now, we're going to enjoy the ride."

Looking at Dee, Laura said, "Don't you want to get married and have a family someday?"

"I'm not sure, Laura. Right now, it isn't something I think about. Greg and I have to get through school and learn about the family business. I have a few years before I have to think about settling down," Dee said.

The four of us sat at the table for another half hour. We changed the subject, talking about the rest of our summer. Dee suggested we get some sun and got up. She spread out the blanket so we could sit in the sun. Dave passed out cold beers. I told him I was cutting myself off when I was finished because I had to drive.

On the blanket, Dee sat close to me. Laura and Dave shared a few kisses and whispered to each other. When I asked about going to dinner, Laura and Dave agreed to go.

We dressed, packed up our things, and headed back to the house. Dee told Laura we'd pick her and her brother up in about an hour. Laura smiled and told her to make it two hours.

Dave and Laura pulled away from the house, driving toward the road. Dee and I went into the house to shower and get ready for dinner. As soon as we were inside, Dee wrapped her arms around me. We kissed as we walked toward our bedrooms.

I stripped Dee as she removed my shorts and suit. Naked, we climbed onto the bed and started kissing each other.

"Today was nice, wasn't it?" Dee said as she played with my balls.

Rubbing her breasts, I said, "I thought so. It was fun hanging around with Dave and Laura."

"It's weird that we're making friends with other people like us and we're leaving for school," Dee said.

"I think it's about an hour or so from A & M to Houston. Maybe we'll be able to see them after we move," I said.

Nodding, Dee rolled me onto my back. She straddled my body, lowering her pussy onto my cock. As she rocked her hips, I put my hands on her sides. After riding me for a few minutes, my sister bent over to kiss me. We flicked our tongues in and out of each other's mouths while relishing the closeness of our lovemaking.

I rolled Dee onto her back, knelt between her legs, and fed my cock back into her pussy. She hooked her legs around me, moaning while I fucked her. We didn't rush, taking almost a half hour before speeding up. Our climaxes came close together as we topped off a perfect afternoon.

Dee and I snuggled together for a little while before we went to take a shower. We stood in the spray, washing one another while sharing kisses.

"Do you think Laura is sexy?" Dee said.

"Yes, but not as sexy as you are," I said.

"I think Dave is cute too." Dee fondled me. "I don't think his cock is as big as yours is."

Laughing, I said, "I know Laura's boobs aren't as nice as these puppies." I bounced my sister's breasts in the palms of my hands to emphasize my point.

"Would you have sex with Laura?" Dee said.

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Would you?"

Dee stretched up and gave me a kiss. "If the opportunity presented itself, I just might. Would you like to watch me lick her pussy? Would you like to see her lick my pussy?"

"It sure sounds sexy, baby."

Laughing, Dee said, "I could do it with Laura while you and Dave got it on. We could have an orgy."

Dee and I laughed. We finished in the shower and dried off so we could get ready. While my sister did her hair, I slipped on my slacks and shirt. When she went to her bedroom to dress, I followed her.

I sat on the edge of Dee's bed, watching her pull a white lacey thong into place. She put on a light blue halter sundress, tying it behind her neck. After slipping into her sandals, she came over to me.

"Do I meet your approval?" Dee said as she twirled, causing her full skirt to flair.

"You look beautiful, sweetie. If we didn't have plans, I'd ravish you."

"We won't stay out late. When I get you home, I'll do anything you want me to," I said.

"Greg, I just need you to love me."

Hugging my sister, I said, "Dee, I don't think I could ever love anyone as much as I love you."

Dee nodded, gave me a kiss, and grabbed my wrists. She placed my hands on her ass, pressing against me. As we kissed, I worked the back of her dress up so I could feel her naked flesh.

"We better go get our friends. If we don't leave now, we may not go," Dee said.

We left to pick up Laura and Dave. On the way to their house, Dee kept her skirt high on her thighs, flashing her panties.

Following Dee's directions, I drove to Laura and Dave's house. I parked in the drive, honked the horn, and waited for them. A few minutes later, Laura came bouncing out the door, followed by her brother.

"Hi," Laura said as she climbed into the backseat. Dave slid in next to her.

"How's it going?" Dee said.

Dave and Laura looked at each other and then began laughing. I glanced at Dee, seeing the big grin on her face.

"Well, Dave likes eating pussy," Laura said.

"Yeah, and Laura likes sucking cock," Dave said.

"And neither of us are virgins any longer," Laura added.

"It sounds like it was a good day," I said.

"It's a fabulous day. Thank you so much for inviting Dave and me to your house. We've learned a lot about each other," Laura said.

"So, what are you guys going to do now?" Dee said.

Laughing, Laura said, "We didn't have much time to discuss our future. We were busy if you know what I mean. Dave and I have decided to see where it goes. Sex with a boy is way better than I thought it would be."

"I know what you mean. There is nothing like a nice hard cock stuffing your pussy," Dee giggled, "or your mouth, or your ass."

Dave put his arm around his sister and said, "Well, two out of three isn't bad for the first time."

"The first of many, baby," Laura said.

Stopped at a light, I glanced over the seat. Laura sat with her legs parted, Dave's hand up under her skirt. She had her hand resting on his crotch. Grinning, I thought about Dee and me, and how often we touched each other.

Before turning around, I said, "Don't forget her boobs. Dee gets pissed when I ignore hers."

Dave grabbed one of his sister's breasts, causing us to laugh. Dee leaned over the console and said, "You better believe it, baby. You're not paying nearly enough attention to my tits."

I ran my hand over my sister's chest, massaging her braless breasts. She laughed and told me how much she liked it.

When I turned into the parking lot of the restaurant, everyone adjusted their clothes. Dee waited for me to come to open her door, spreading her legs when she got out. Laura laughed, got back into the truck, and told her brother to open the door. When Dave did, she made a production of getting out.

"Are you two always this wild?" Dave said.

"This isn't wild. We goof around all the time. I love flashing Greg, and he likes watching me," Dee said.

As we walked toward the door, Laura moved next to me. She put her arm around my waist as we walked. "A girl I know works here. I think it would be better if we act like we're a couple."

I put my arm around Laura, chuckled, and said, "Who has to act?"

Dee laughed and took Dave's hand in hers. We went inside, stood at the host stand, and waited to be seated. A man led us to a booth, asking if it were okay. I nodded and stepped aside so Laura could get in.

The server came over to take our drink orders. While we waited, a girl stopped at our booth.

"Hi, Laura, how's it going?" The girl said.

"Hi, Kim, things are good. This is Greg. You know my brother, Dave, and this is Dee," Laura said as she pointed. "How are things with you and Gayle?"

"We're fine. Gayle and I are going to school together this fall. We going to UCLA," Kim said. Raising her eyebrows, Kim looked at Laura. "Are you dating? I heard about you and Megan."

"Yeah, Meg, and I decided to take a break. We're going to different schools and didn't want a long distance relationship," Laura said.

"I have to get going. I have tables to take care of," Kim said. "I'll try to stop back later."

"Okay, see you later," Laura said.

"Kim and Gayle, and Megan, and I used to hang around together," Laura said.

We ordered our meals. While we ate, Dee asked Laura about her friends, Kim and Gayle.

"They didn't go to Hartford. Gayle is Megan's cousin, that's how I met them. We used to go out together," Laura said.

"I didn't know you were into girls when we were in school," Dee said. "But then, we didn't really hang around too much."

"I didn't broadcast my relationship when we were in school. Megan and I talked about coming out, but we decided to call it quits before we did." Laura took a drink from her glass. "I'm not ashamed."

"Why would you be ashamed? It isn't anyone's business who you want to be with except the people you care about. It pisses me off when people judge you when they don't really know anything about you or how you feel," Dave said.

"You weren't ashamed when I caught you and Bill together?" Laura said.

Dave shook his head. "I was embarrassed, but who wouldn't be if their sister saw them having oral sex with another guy? While it was embarrassing, I never felt ashamed because of what I did."

Dee finished chewing her mouthful of food. She wiped her mouth with a napkin, leaned against Dave, and said, "So, is Laura as good as Bill?"

We all laughed at what Dee said. I started to tell her to mind her own business, but Dave stopped me.

"Laura did great, but I think she needs practice. I know I'm not as good at doing her as Megan was," Dave said.

"Honey, we're going to practice a lot," Laura said. She reached across the table, took her brother's hand, and smiled. "No more hiding, right."

"You're damn right," Dave said.

"Greg and I were talking about when we're all in school. You know, it's only about an hour between A & M and where we're going to live. You can come down to visit us," Dee said.

"I think it would be great if we could get together. You guys can come up to us too," Dave said.

"True, but you're going to be in the dorms. We have a four bedroom condo," Dee said.

Chuckling, Laura said, "What are we going to do with the two extra bedrooms?"

"When Laura and I picked our classes, we made sure we had Friday off. We could run down on a Thursday after school, spend the weekend, and head back in time for class on Monday morning," Dave said.

"We have to study too," I said.

"I know, we can study while we're resting," Dee said, and then she winked at me.

As the four of us talked, I felt we were developing a new friendship. The fact Dave and Laura would only be about an hour away from where we'd live meant we couldn't get together. I couldn't help wondering how Dee's and my cousins would fit into the dynamic. I decided I would talk to my sister. We could tell Larry and Sandy we were dating Dave and Laura.

We finished our meals, paid the bill, and left the restaurant. When we got to the car, Dee stood by the backdoor, waiting for Dave to open it for her. When my sister cocked her head toward the building, I saw Kim and one of her coworkers having a cigarette. Nodding, I opened the door for Laura, putting my hand on her back to guide her in.

Once we were away from the restaurant, Laura unfastened her seatbelt, laughing as she climbed between the seats to get in the back. Dee moved to the front seat, settling in, and then fastening her belt. I couldn't help noticing neither of the girls seemed concerned when their short skirts rose and exposed their underwear.

I pulled into Dave and Laura's driveway, parked the truck, then we all got out. We stood against the side of the vehicle, feeling the gravity of our day.

"I hate to see this day end. It was one of the best I can remember," Laura said as she stood next to her brother.

Dave intertwined his fingers with his sister's. "For me, it isn't the end, it's just the beginning. It was a day of discovery, love, and new friendships. I'm looking forward to what the future holds for us."

When Dave mentioned love, Laura smiled. She wiggled against her brother, twisted to look into his eyes, and said, "Who would have guessed I would find out I love Dave as much as I do?"

Dee nodded. "Who would have guessed we would share our virginity with our siblings? I don't know about the rest of you, but I think we're going to have a blast."

"Well, I hate to say it, but we should get going. It's been a great day. Dee and I will see you when we get back from Houston. Until then, have fun," I said.

Dave and I shook hands. Dee and Laura hugged each other, and we all said goodbye. When I opened the door for my sister, she hiked her dress, flashing her ass.

"Do you always open the door for Dee?" Dave asked.

Laughing, Dee said, "He does when I wear a skirt or a dress."

Dee and I waved to Dave and Laura as I backed out of the driveway. My sister leaned against the door, pulled her dress up to her waist, and said, "Take me home and fuck me."

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AkpervertAkpervert5 months ago

And it keeps getting better. I hope this isn't the end of the line for these two couples...and more.

Frankie1952Frankie19529 months ago

I would love to read more of this epic story. I wonder if the cousins are already in a relationship. It's a shame there will be no babies for Dee and Greg though.


Okay, first...🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠...this is developing into a series of epic proportion...your writing takes on a life of it's own, the content flows so easily...

The twins' sexuality is surprising, in the least...and that they gave up their virginity to each other so easily, that was touching...

I know, this will be unpopular...but I am not a fan of man-on-man sex...I guess too much issue with diseases and, just...ICK! Blowjob, so Greg can try it out would be okay...

I am with some of the other readers...the story has JUST ENDED, with nothing new posted recently...my prayers are with "Cindyforsin"...that she is still with us, and will show up again, soon...

bshell47bshell47almost 3 years ago
I was expecting Laura and Dave to be sexually active with each other.

However, both being gay was a shock.

Having them show as a loving couple was a fantastic twist.


I hope you will continue with some series swapping. I am not a fan of Dave and Greg having gay sex, but I hope that will be minor.

I hope you continue. I expected the cousins to be an incest cgouple. As well as swapping with Dee and Greg.

I look forward to where you guide this adventure.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Loved the story but was hoping for so much more. There are so many possibilities, exploring their bi sides, their parents, cousins, etc.

Hope you can continue this story at some point

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