Who's the Boss


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"How dare you enter my office without knocking first? I am going to blister your ass for this."

"I am so sorry Miss Andrews, I didn't know you were err, busy."

"Linda, you can go back to your desk now."

When she stood up I could see her face was wet. "I guess it's your turn now Billie," Linda said with a saucy smile on her face.

"What is so important that you would barge into my office like that?"

"Now I know it's probably not true but I have been hearing rumors about sex parties you Frank and Linda are having with customers."

"Don't worry your little head about silly rumors. Hasn't sales gone up about 35% since Frank and I started running the company?"

I don't know where she got the idea they were running the company but I had to admit there had been a nice sales increase.

"Now why don't you get back to what Linda was doing before you interrupted us?"

I was taking the pill every day like Kathy wanted but I was starting to feel sick more and more often. Maybe it was anxiety over my coming wedding or the uneasy feeling about the relationship between Kathy and Frank. Several times I had to call in sick.

After one period when I was sick for three days Kathy called me into her office. "You being sick all the time is hurting the company. Since I have the Power of Attorney to make decisions when you are sick and unable to do so, I am taking over the company until you get better. I will take your office and you can sit at the empty desk outside my door. You are relieved of all your duties except programming and writing software. Since you sit right outside my door I will also use you as my secretary and Frank can keep Linda. So clean out your things this afternoon and your first duty tomorrow morning is to bring me my coffee. You do remember how I like it don't you sweetie?"

I didn't think I was that sick but I had signed the form and she was being extra nice to me on our Friday night dates. She said this was just a temporary thing and that I could go back to being boss when I was well again. That night after I sucked her off she let me watch while she masturbated. "Just imagine how good this is going to feel when I allow you to put it in. Would you like a free sample of what married life is like?"

"Yes, I have wanted to do it for so long."

"Then strip off your pants and shorts." It did not take long before I was nude below the waist. She took my penis in her hand and rubbed it lightly up and down her pussy. This was the first time she had touched my penis and it felt so good I was already on the verge of cuming.

"Billie I just remembered Frank is coming over tonight. We are going to discuss how much our salary should be raised and how much yours should be lowered because now you are just a secretary. Hurry and get dressed because Frank will be annoyed if he finds you here. Go home and jerk yourself off because I know you were ohhh so close."

Damn that Frank I know he is fucking her and he just ruined my best chance to do the same. That brief touch of my penis on her pussy lips and her soft hand had me fantasizing about how good it would be when we were married.

Several days later she told me she had found our dream house. I had told her that when we were married I would sell my condo and buy a house. She wanted me to buy it now because her lease was up and this way she could get a head start living in our new home. It was a nice house, a four bedroom bungalow with an outdoor pool, so I bought it for her. On closing day she told me I needed to stay in the office because I was behind in my work and Frank would help her move in.

One sunny afternoon shortly before our wedding, I thought I would leave work early and drop in and see Kathy at our new home. She had taken the day off to do stuff at our house and Frank was away somewhere so it was a perfect time to surprise her. When I drove up I could see Kathy's car parked in the driveway and Frank's truck parked in the garage. The house was empty so I walked through to the back and there they were by the pool. Frank was in swim trunks and Kathy was wearing bikini bottoms but no top.

"What is going on here?" I demanded angrily.

"Now Billie, just calm down and I will explain it all to you, Frank's apartment is being renovated and he needed a place to stay for a little while. It just made sense that since we work together this would be the ideal place for him. I didn't mention it to you because I knew that you and your stupid jealously would just get you all upset. Look Billie, I know you don't like Frank and you are jealous of him because he is fucking me while I deny you, but you need to worry about other things. The Peterson contract is overdue and you have not finished doing the software so why don't you go back to the office and finish it. Let me know how many hours of overtime you have to work and I'll add something to your paycheck."

We had a small wedding. Most of the guests were friends of Kathy's with a few from work. I didn't know who to ask to be my best man so Kathy choose Frank for me. Her maid of honor was Linda, that blond bimbo from work.

I started feeling worse after the wedding. We were supposed to leave on our honeymoon in two days and Kathy suggested I see her doctor. Her doctor said I had a virus that was giving me an upset stomach and diarrhea and I should not do any traveling for at least two weeks.

Kathy was very upset when I told her. "The airfare, hotel and meals are already paid for and it's too late to cancel."

I was still living in my condo; the game plan was I would move into the house when we returned. Kathy saw me the following day all smiles. "This morning on our way to work Frank had a wonderful idea. He is due two weeks holiday anyway so he is going to go with me to Jamaica. This way I don't lose all that money I paid and Frank gets his holidays out of the way for this year."

"There is no way I am letting Frank go with you on my honeymoon."

"But sweetie, the doctor has said you can't travel and this trip is not our honeymoon it's just vacation. We will still go on our honeymoon when you are better."

"I would be the laughing stock of the office if you go with Frank."

"You worry too much about what other people think. I have tried to reason with you but it's not working because you are too stubborn and unreasonable and jealous of Frank to think straight. Now you are just making me mad. I should give you a thrashing to beat some sense into you. If I get one more complaint out of you, that's exactly what I am going to do.

"Now I am going to tell you how it is. Frank and I are going to enjoy 2 weeks in the Jamaican sun. You are going to stay in the office and work. Since Frank and I are away, you are back in charge and you can get caught up on your work."

That was the last time we spoke before she left. She was angry at me and I was angry with her. While they were gone it occurred to me that I never used to be sick like I am now, before I started taking those pills so this time I went to my doctor and took the pills with me. When he came back from his examination he said, "You had better sit down for this one. Those pills contain tectroacimede, a slow acting poison. Taken over a long enough period of time it will probably kill you. You said your wife gave you these pills? It would appear she has a hidden agenda."

Back in the office the accountant brought me the company checks for signing because both Frank and Kathy were away. One was for forty two thousand dollars, payable to Ridgeway Motors for a new Cadillac ordered by Frank. "What is this?" I asked the accountant.

"You should know because you signed the authorization." He replied.

"I never signed any such thing. Show me the authorization."

When he brought in the form it was easy to see Frank had made a clumsy attempt to forge my signature. This was not only forgery but embezzlement of company funds. It was time to bring in the police. They were going to arrest both Frank and Kathy the moment they stepped off the plane from Jamaica. They estimated Frank would get 5 years in the state penitentiary and Kathy would get 2 years.

About a week before the trial I got a phone call from Kathy, calling from the women's jail. She started out by saying she thought they were vitamin pills, that she would never do anything to hurt me. She said she knew she had been a bad girl but now she was ready to be the loving wife I wanted. "My lawyer says that if you drop the charges against me I can be released. Then we can go on our honeymoon and I'll let you fuck me as much as you want; so can I send him to your office with the papers to sign?"

"I don't think so. You lied, cheated and humiliated me from day one, so now it's time you paid the price. I will do one thing for you though. I know it's hard for ex cons to get a job when they get out, especially someone with your limited skills, so I will give you a job as the office cleaning lady when you get out."

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