Whose Fault Was It Ch. 03


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Just about dark the two were on the beach enjoying the water. In bathing suites and barefooted they walked in the surf holding hands. It was a moment that made Mark feel at peace for the first time in years. That night in Julies bed Mark explored more of his beautiful lover. He even sampled her tight ass. She moaned and groaned but it was all pleasure as he entered her tight hole. It did not take long for Mark to fill her ass with another load of cum. He had not had a lot of anal but he knew she was tight and had not been violated there in a while.

Things were going good thru Sunday afternoon. Julie, who was a gourmet cook, was putting some chocolate icing on a cake when Mark walked up behind her. He snuggled to her, letting his lips nuzzle her neck as his hands moved down the front of her shorts. Soon his fingers were deep in the folds of her lower lips and massaging her clit. Julie closed her eyes and drew her hand up across her breasts and to her face. The result was a small dab of chocolate icing on her cheek. When Mark broke the embrace Julie led him to the sofa. She stripped of her clothes and said to him, "You can't start things you are not ready to finish!"

Mark quickly stripped and lay with her. He smiled at Julie and said, "Hold still." She did and he slowly bent forward and licked the dab of chocolate off her cheek with a slow lick of his tongue. Mark shivered a little, then settled down to enjoy this incredible woman again. He could not get enough of her.

He spent the week with her and every night they enjoyed something different. He even spanked her once playfully. She wiggled and giggled as Mark turned her bottom cheeks bright red. When he was finished he stood her and bent Julie over the back of the couch. He used his finger in her pussy to lube her tight ass.

"I see you're a dirty boy that likes to take a poor girls ass. Well what can I do, just be gently," she laughed.

Mark was gentle and was soon all the way into Julie. He felt his balls on her wet lips and his lower stomach felt the heat from the spanking.

When they adjusted Mark began to work in and out of Julie. "God that feels good, do me good...fuck me Mark."

That was all Mark needed in the way of encouragement. He began slamming into her with a vengeance. Julie was moaning and Mark was breathing heavy as they mated. With one last lunge Mark buried and filled her ass with yet another deposit of man jam. Pulling out, Mark helped Julie to her feet. When he did he pulled her close and kissed her hard.

One night Mark tied Julie to the bed and took her like a rape. Julie enjoyed that too. It was good to be with her but there was something in the back of his mind that made the moments after completion just a little sad. Mark ignored the feeling, and tried to enjoy the time he had. Mark knew he had to be heading out at the beginning of the new week.

On Sunday Mark had enjoyed Julie in the shower. Afterward he was down stairs looking out at the ocean. It was then it hit him. What had been wrong surfaced in Mark's mind. It was the chocolate icing. He was looking at the Pacific but that was not what he was seeing.

He was seeing Janet lying on their bed. She was tied spread and Mark was dripping chocolate syrup on her naked body. He had coated her nipples and almost all her breasts before striking a trail down to her navel. From there he trailed on down to her wide spread lips. He had learned a lot that night. As he cleaned the chocolate from her body he realized he had used too much. Mark had to spend too much time licking her clean rather than enjoying bringing her sexual pleasure. It was not bad but it could have been better. Mark always vowed to himself to never use that much chocolate again. He had learned it just took taste on the nipples so there was more time to enjoy her flesh.

Then he knew it was not the chocolate he was thinking about, it was Janet. It had been five years, did she ever think of him. Should he call? She was a beautiful woman; she would have no problem finding another man. And Jeremy had said three years ago that Janet had stopped asking about him. He suddenly felt lonely.

Just then Mark felt Julie standing beside him. "What you thinking about?" she asked with no emotion.

"I was just... it was the ocean...it is so... peaceful and... well hypnotizing...but guess you know that." Mark stuttered.

"Who is she? You have become a little more distant each time we make love. No matter what we do. I tried about all I could think of to see if it was just a kink you wanted. I don't think that's it."

"Really Julie, I was thinking about the ocean. I was from Tennessee and we don't have any views like this."

"Nice try but your car has Washington plates. They have the same ocean there as we have here." Julie countered still not angry.

"Honest Julie I was thinking about work, I have to go tomorrow and I'll miss you. Guess that is it, I was regretting that's all."

"Mark I don't believe you, you have a regret, but it is not about leaving tomorrow. It is deeper than that. I like you and think we could have a future. In spite of all I told you about what I have done, I still have had just a few lovers. You were, no, you are special. I will not ask again but I know I can't fight a ghost. You are welcome anytime, but do call first. But I know I can't have you till she turns you lose. Now let's eat breakfast."

Mark headed out on Monday. He had fond memories of Julie but was a little relieved to be gone. Mark rationalized he was afraid Julie would tire of him and shatter his ego. That was the best excuse he had.

Janet had not dated much in the five years since Mark had gone. One reason for her lack of dates was the wedding ring she wore. Second she insisted on being call Mrs. Parker and even had her cards printed with Mrs. Janet Parker on them.

Janet had concentrated on her work and that had rewarded her. She was working toward a vice-president position in upper management. One reason she had given for still wearing her wedding ring was to make sure men didn't try to 'hit' on her to get a sale or extra consideration. And she felt it gave her more authority. The management didn't care if she called herself 'Attila the Hun' as long as she continued to obtain all her projected goals and exceed them.

On one occasion a man did ask Janet out and she accepted. They had a nice dinner and when he brought him home she was actually thinking about letting him spend the night. Perhaps he felt her first desire for he just wouldn't take 'no' for an answer. Janet invited him to leave but he said she was a tease and needed to be taught a lesson. Janet hit the panic button on her alarm system. All the bells went off. Janet killed the noise with the key pad. Just then the phone rang.

"Hello this is Security, we received a panic alarm, are you ok."

Janet looked at her guest. "Well to tell you the truth, a tom cat stepped on the key ring remote. I was just showing him out when it went off. I think he is ready to leave now so it should be ok."

"Ma'am can you give your pass word?" the female voice asked.

"I'd rather not, and I would like you to call me back in 10 minutes. By that time the tom cat will be gone or I won't answer the phone. Will that be acceptable?" Janet asked to the tom cat as much as the attendant.

"Ma'am that is unusual. But now that I have you on the line, I can't call back."

"OK to make sure I am ok you can give me five choices of my pass word. Make sure you give both words," Janet continued to barter.

"Ma'am we are not to do that."

"Then I will tell you it is ok now and if I can't shoe this tom cat away I will hit it again. I have it in my hand now."

"Ma'am I need you password."

"I would rather not say it now because I am looking at the tom cat. But if you can't do my request just send the police." Janet conceded.

The man raised his hands, "I'm leaving. And I won't be back. Hell, you probably got clap anyway."

"You have 30 second to go and the close door on your way out," Janet stared him down.

"Can you give me 30 more second?" Janet asked the voice.

"Yes ma'am, but that's all."

Janet carried the cordless phone to the door and set the dead bolt. With that secure she set the alarm. "Thank you for your help, Lane is the password, I didn't want to say it with him listening. I am sure it would have been much uglier if I hadn't had the remote."

"You're welcome and I will notify the police of a suspected prowler in your neighborhood. It might help."

"Thanks again. May I ask your name, I will write your supervisor about the quality of your service."

Janet checked the house to make sure all doors and windows were locked. She was a little more mindful that night. When she felt comfortable she was safely locked up Janet went to her bathroom. She filled the tub with water and added bath crystals. True the tub was not as large as the one in the master bath but the smaller size somehow made her feel a little more secure. Janet didn't know if it was the ghost of Mark in the master suite in general or just the feeling the times they had been in the tub together that made her avoid it.

After washing several times, especially her sex and breast Janet got out of the tub and dried. Slipping on a gown and panties she went to bed. She was still a little anxious so she tried to read. It was no use, she saw the print but couldn't make sense of the words. Turning off the light Janet looked at the clock. The time was almost 11p.m. She laid her head on her pillow and tried to go to sleep.

Sleep finally found her in the wee hours of the morning, but not for long. Janet awoke with someone on top of her. His weight pinned her to the bed. She tried to fight but he was too heavy, too strong. Then she felt it. His erection was between her pussy lips. He forced himself into her with one lunge that took her breath. She tried to scream but she had no air in her lungs to make a sounds. She fought to inhale. She fought to push him off. She kicked but all her legs did was frail the sheets. She looked at the man but couldn't see his face, or rather make out his face. It was not that he wore a mask it was that her eyes saw only a blur where his face should have been.

Exhausted Janet gave up the fight and looked at her attacker. The face slowly began to form. It was Steve! Steve Hill was the one raping her! He was naked and calling her vile names. Janet screamed and rose to a sitting position. It was a dream. No one was in the bed, it was just a bad dream. Then she heard sounds. She got up and crept out of her bedroom. There was light coming from the hallway to the master suite. She didn't want to go but she had to. She crept down the lighted hall and looked into the master bedroom. What she saw made her gasp and put her hands over her mouth.

The room was as it had been 5 years earlier, on that very night. The overstuffed chair was empty but the confinement straps lay on the floor. And there she was, Janet was seeing herself in the middle of their bed. The bed she had shared with Mark. The bed she had given away rather than look at. It was back and she lay on it. Not just lying there, but nude with legs splayed one hand on her breast and the other toying with her pussy lips and clit.

Then she heard more noise. It was the sound of packing. She moved into the room then looked into the master bath. At the far end of the master bath was the master walk in closet. Mark was there. Janet ran to him. She tried to talk to him. She begged him but he did not seem to hear her. Then a scene was burned into her memory. Mark looked into an empty drawer as he took of his wedding band. With no delay he dropped the band in the drawer and pushed it closed.

Janet would remember thinking that could not be, for when she had found the ring it was in the center of the drawer. It would have had to have been placed there and the drawer closed gently, but all those thoughts would come later.

Mark walked past her not noticing or caring she was there. He had three bags in his hands, Mark was leaving. Janet reached for him but her hand passed thru him and she couldn't get a grip. He disappeared around the corner heading out of the suite. Janet ran to her own image still laying spread legged on the bed and masturbating. She screamed, "Get up, get up, he's leaving, get up, stop him, oh god please get up and stop him". But the Janet on the bed paid no heed.

Desperate now, Janet reached to grab the figure and pull her from the bed. But her hand went thru the image as if she too were a ghost. Then Janet heard the front door slam. Not a hard angry slam, but a solid closing. She ran to the front door and looked thru the glass. Mark was backing out of the garage. She had to stop him. Janet tried to open the door but it was locked. By the time she got out the door he was in the street. She screamed his name. Janet finally awoke from the dream.

Sitting up in the bed Janet looked around. She was cold and wet. Her first reaction was she had wet the bed in fright but then she felt her hair was damp. Her gown and her face were wet. The sheets were wet and tangled. No it was not urine that soaked the bed.

Looking at the clock it was just past 3 a.m. Janet was wide awake from the shock of the dream and fear of going back to sleep. She got up and found a robe. It helped warm her body; she was still clothed in the wet gown. Janet walked thru the house and headed to the master suite. The hall and room were dark. She hesitated at the door to the master suite. She wanted to turn on the light to verify it was how she had left it earlier that evening. But she was also afraid it might not be.

Finally pushing the light switch the room came to full illumination. It was as it should be. The new furniture, the new paint and all the remodeling features were as she had directed. And the overstuffed chair was gone and in its place sat the low brown leather modern chair. She was relieved.

That was not the only time Janet would have that dream or similar ones, just the first night. The worse one was yet to come.

Janet made coffee and remained awake. When she went to work her assistant noticed her appearance. "Janet, I know you had a date last night, but I don't think it went well."

Janet gave her a half smile and said, "It didn't, but it wasn't all his fault." Her day was busy and she had lunch brought in. She was glad for it kept her mind off the dream and it tired her so she could sleep that night.

Mark had no idea how hard Janet had sought him. Jeremy would give no assistance but she managed to trace Mark to Chicago. When she found his employment it took several months to connive the information as to the division that Mark was assigned to. Janet had called Seattle several times but each time was greeted with the statement the company would not relay personal messages to employees. "The company feels it is better to stay out of the private lives of our team members," was their policy statment.

Janet assumed it was Mark's doing and even tried to contact another sales rep. That was met with the same stone wall. It was nothing to do with Mark or Janet. It was policy that had resulted from a law suit that had cost the company several hundred thousand dollars in settlement and legal fees.

It seemed a married salesman that was a known philander used the card of another sales rep when he made a conquest. He did this because he knew if his wife caught him again she would leave him. The trick had served him well on more than one occasion. But on one of his one night stands a pregnancy resulted. When the women set a letter to the company it was forwarded to the address of the unsuspecting and innocent sales rep. The wife of the innocent man got the letter and opened it. When she read her husband has impregnated another women she moved out and filed for divorce. It took a blood test to prove the child was not his. Still the damage was done to the marriage and the divorce went thru.

This resulted in a law suit filed by the sales rep for 'liable and slander'. Since the pregnant woman had nothing to take his attorney attacked the company viciously. Seeing her ex-husband's case filed the wife also filed a suit against the company for 'alienation of affection'. Both cases were settled but it was costly. It was then the pregnant woman filed suit. Her lawyer claimed 'mental anguish'. Soon that case was facing the company. Her lawyer required a photo lineup of all sales reps and soon the culprit was identified and proven with a blood test. This leant way to one more suit, the wife of the adulterous salesman filed for the embarrassment and humiliation she suffered with all the publicity. Both those cases were settled but with less expense for there was some blame on the parts of the filing parties. Thus the company policy became no personal correspondence was allowed for any employee.

All these fact were unknown to either Mark or Janet. Mark thought Janet had made a new life and Janet thought Mark was still avoiding her. Life seems to play such dirty trick on a person sometimes.

To be continued

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

4 stars. In much need of editing and spelling check. But Janet was a woman of means and could have easily hired a PI to get his address and phone number and email address. Piece of cake once she identified the company and the region (Seattle).

Rancher46Rancher46over 2 years ago

The whole series seems out of order, after finish reading whose-fault-was-it-second-half-ch-05?page=2 the end, whose-fault-was-it-ch-02-05 the detail of what happened to Janet and Mark I realized that the series needs to be reorganized. The last 4 chapters whose-fault-was-it-ch-02-05 should have been integrated into the beginning of the story. At any rate it was a good story and I gave it 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

If you want to be a writer, you must have an editor. Spellcheck is insufficient. In a story with multiple legal threads, it is unconscionable to use the word 'liable' when you mean 'libel'. It is annoying and breaks the flow of the story. You have a decent (if thin) plot and engaging characters (especially Hilda) so please pay attention to the details. Thanks for writing. JPR

silentsoundsilentsoundover 7 years ago
Still no retribution

The stupid cunt needs to be paid back as well as Steve.

This is a flop.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Geez how stupid can Janet be?

Mark isn't hiding. A PI could have found him easily. Social security number, Driver's license in Washington, Internal Revenue Service. All could be searched by a decent PI and Mark would have popped up. No problems. They don't need to find each other and they shouldn't. All it will do is bring up past memories that are better off left alone. PLEASE do not have them reconcile. It would make no sense.

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