Wife 2.x.x Intro and Ch. 01

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The complexities of being a divorced dad.
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I gave the manuscript to my first book to Deidre on my thirty fifth birthday, Sunday. We were on my boat sailing the lake with my daughters and Elizabeth, Deidre's daughter. Elizabeth's birthday the day before had been exhausting with the hotel going for a birthday celebratory weekend for Friday and Saturday that had seen us all running and a culmination of Elizabeth playing Beethoven's Fifth Piano Concerto with an orchestra of musicians the conductor of my hotel's chamber orchestra had brought together. The black tie function had gone on longer than wanted and we were all just taking it easy.

Deidre paged through the book and lifted her eyebrows. There weren't tables of statistics, pictures of academic interest in what ideas looked like, process diagrams, or anything else to show a well researched academic work as she probably expected. Instead there was dialog and descriptive paragraphs.

"A novel! It's unexpected, I thought you would write a text book about infiltration or interrogation."

"There are in fact lots of those. Most are classified, the very good ones protected as well as the Vatican Archives. You would be lucky to sell five copies per year. It is about infiltration though. It's a novel based on my last assignment."

This got the attention of my two daughters. I had never said a word about my job for the government in more than sixteen years and now there was a book called No Need to Stress. They perked up but were lazing in the sun and it was going to take a lot for them to get up. Elizabeth was on the cabin roof driving every red blooded male with a pair of binoculars wild in her bikini, with B cup breasts, flat tummy, Barbie doll legs, pitch black hair. She was being shaded by the sail and yardarm which helped show her pale skin and a body toned from months of ballroom dancing with my daughters and me as her partner. She rolled over to look down at Deidre and I.

"Pops, what is the story about?"

"It's about the modern slave trade. How they pick their victims; how the industry works. And then about a guy who went into the industry to get one victim out. I wrote it as a warning."

"I thought Abraham Lincoln ended slaves." Nicole said.

She was turning thirteen in a few months and had a thirteen year old's view of history despite Deidre being a college professor in exactly that. That she had made a comment showed she in fact deeply interested that her older sister Cathy had not made a comment showed interest there too.

"Oh, Abraham Lincoln made owning slaves illegal but he did not stop it. He was not the first to try. Efforts to end slavery can go back to Cyrus the Great of Persia. In fact the USA was one of the last countries to outlaw the slave trade in the nineteenth century." Deidre said.

"Remember girls for every law there is a crime and somebody prepared to commit it." I said.

"Yeah, how many have you committed pops?"

"A fair share. In fact that novel could be considered part of a crime."


"In a way Beth. This is the first part of a dowry payment for Nick to marry you, if it gets published." Deidre said.

That got reaction! Elizabeth took a leap off the cabin roof into my arms without seeming to get up. Cathy and Nicole sat up with their mouths hanging open. They knew that Deidre and I were lovers. Deidre had explained it very accurately, she was my private whore. Marrying Elizabeth was a strange thing to do, even for me.

I had not bargained on Elizabeth actually approving, she was generally sensible and level headed. Having her mother arrange who she married and liking it was a surprise. She grabbed the manuscript and looked at the title page then she read the author's note: Names changed to protect the guilty.

"Shouldn't it be to protect the innocent?" Elizabeth asked.

"No, why do the innocent need to hide and be protected? The guilty... now they need protection all the time."

"So who are the guilty people to be protected dad?" Cathy asked.

"Me for a start."

Chapter 1

Elizabeth had not cared about anything much except having my hand inside her bikini top while Deidre read the terms of our prenuptial agreement and dowry. She put my hand there but she was stiff and nervous while I toyed with her nipple. I figured it was probably a first for her.

Then I explained why I was one of the guilty and how that could be a deal breaker.

In rescuing three American college students of a slave market in Ghana I had needed to buy two slaves. Unexpectedly one of the two was an American citizen, the other Austrian. They were now asking Uncle Sam to unite them with their owner. Ordinarily this was not a problem, the military had facilities for people like that.

The trouble was that the girl was Anne Hanson, daughter of Congressman James Hanson. The Austrian was Dieter Gimesi, brother of Heinrich Gimesi who was a Very High profile journalist with a huge audience. He mostly wrote about geopolitics and international trade. Both were starting to make unhappy noises about their family members and it was only a matter of time before they made uncomfortable facts public knowledge. It was only a matter of time before the two wannabe slaves recognized me because they were at the Hanson family residence with access to news. My current business profile was too high and I would become a known public figure if my business trajectory continued.

Additionally the DOD had another problem, they were in possession of ninety rescued slaves. They were too many to keep quiet and it was only a matter of time before somebody else asked an embarrassing question in an oversight hearing. Thus the DOD had decided to front foot it in their way. They ordered me to use Anne and Dieter to find a publicly acceptable solution. That I did not say.

Deidre being the adjudicator of the situation pointed out that there was an additional partners clause in the prenuptial agreement that she had insisted on. As such it did not violate the agreement as I was not hiding it from my future wife and Elizabeth was delighted.

My daughters had a problem though. They were not going to accept Elizabeth being their step mother because they were already friends and basically sisters. They had no problem with me sleeping with Elizabeth or even marrying her but she was not going to be their mom. They didn't say that but it was clear there were going to be issues if Elizabeth tried to get parental.

"Daddy? Why don't you make Dee your slave and she can be our mom." Nicole asked.

Elizabeth was Deidre's second child. Her oldest had been conceived by her pimp when she was a hooker in New York. That child had died soon after being born from her pimp kicking Deidre for going into labor instead of turning a trick. She had raised Elizabeth on her own after getting pregnant by her sociology professor at Cornell. He had got her through their doctorate program fast and arranged a job at the college where she was now the dean of the faculty. He had shitted her off and stayed far away for fear of the divorce his wife would put him through. All this meant that Deidre was extremely afraid to have more children, I wasn't going to put her through that.

We shelved the question because as far as the four females on the boat had been concerned I was doing damn well. with peace on the boat maintained we carried on sailing.

The peace had not lasted long. I needed to go to Washington to facilitate Anne and Dieter coming to me, I said. This meant I would need to leave my daughters for a few days. This meant calling the EW's father and then getting his youngest daughter to baby sit for a week. Deidre and Ruth did not get along well because Deidre was a whore and Ruth went out to be the perfect pastor's daughter or wife.

She promised to come through on Monday and I would then be able to go to DC on Tuesday. Her condition was that Deidre stay away from her. Something her father did not get because he loved Deidre's company.

Deidre was not happy with Ruth either because Ruth was obedient to her father and trying to take the EW's place. This was a direct assault on Deidre's earnings because I did pay her for sex. I also knew that in a way she would never admit to she felt Ruth to be way too prudish to stick around for long with me.

I walked into the local US Marshal's office at nine the next morning and asked to speak to him. He agreed for the sheer novelty of it. He was more used to trying to track operatives down to serve arrest warrants than to have us come to him. Him and I also went back a little because he had arrested the EW's lawyer for entering classified documents into evidence during an open court case with my divorce.

"You might not be aware but my hotel guests are subject to security screening." I started.

"Yeah I know, you busted two of my deputies already."

His deputies had lied about who they were and nobody had yet tried actually asking me to help them. I considered responding and decided against it.

"In the course of doing a background checks a consultant, Jerry Dorfling, came upon evidence of serious crimes... Jerry not being very fond of Law Enforcement asked me to get this to the appropriate authorities."

"Alright, nice bullshit story for document one. You've hosted some of the biggest crooks in the world in that hotel of yours already. So why won't you protect this guy?"

"I have no problem with crooks who are honest about it. I have massive issues with anybody who comes to my hotel hiding something important like his real identity. Now, this person who is a problem is Congressman Hanson."

"Huh! This had better be good."

I had done my own investigation when I received the orders because it had struck me as strange that the congressman would agitate to have his daughter be my slave. I had found a lot of reasons why he was keen to lose his oldest child. The most obvious had been that Anne was not his child, neither were the other two children in the Hanson family.

Anne couldn't be his daughter because she was O positive blood type while her parents were B; positive for the Congressman and B negative for his wife. Anne had unmistakably Thai or Vietnamese features while the Hanson parents were classically West European. Having a look at the other children the visual cues just got more glaring with the second oldest, Jessica being obviously Hispanic, and Steven being overtly Nordic.

I put the five pictures down and the marshal stuck his head out of the door and called all his deputies to have a look at the pictures. They all agreed that those two adults were probably not the people who had made the children.

"Convince me they're not adopted."

"All all their birth records were created on the same day at the same computer terminal by the same civil servant. Between four months an a month before those kids appeared there were three missing persons cases lodged in Fresno County, California. One for Anne Davies, half Vietnamese, half Caucasian. One for Esmeralda Montoya daughter of legal Hispanic parents from Spain who were expert in Viticulture. One for Harald Nilsen, born of Frances Nilsen out of wedlock." I said putting copies of the police report down.

"Get me that admin." The marshal said to one of his deputies.

"He died three days after manufacturing those records in a DUI where he fell asleep in his car across some train tracks." I said. "Jerry tried to get hold of him already."

Nobody believed it was an accident.

"Get me the lead officers on these cases then."

"You might be advised that the congressman's wife is in fact his sister; half sister, same father different mothers." I said putting the documents down.


"Anne was kidnapped for four years, for three of those we thought she was dead. In turns out that she did not catch the one ton bomb dropped from a Russian bomber although the archeologist, part time wet worker who was supposed to kill her in turkey did, along with the ISIS sell who were struggling to get the congressman to even entertain paying a ransom."

"Fuck me, how did she get back?"

"This is where it gets a little illegal."

"That's like saying my wife is slightly pregnant." A deputy piped up.

"The reason the congressman wants to come to my hotel is to give his daughter to Jerry to be his slave."

"Fuck! What the fuck will this cunt not do?" The Marshal asked.

"Oh his daughter is pushing for it probably. You see she spent at least three years in a camp that brainwashed people for a variety of purposes. A main one was to turn them into happy, well adjusted slaves who would love the people who bought them. In rescuing her Jerry had to buy her off a slave auction."

"We will send him to prison Nick!"

"No you won't."

"We will find him and watch him until he fucks up, believe me."

"Well, get popcorn, you'll have to see a show at least. Or you could score some shine. Jerry wants the congressman, the DOD want to now how much damage has been done to national security from the congressman, and Jerry has been asked to generate a situation where the congressman can be asked without anyone caring how he gets asked. He wants all three children back with their biological families; after that we can sort the Anne issue out. The deal is this; you get the biological families and build a case against the wife. He takes the Congressman down, you catch the shine and he walks away to entertain himself with the lady boys in Thailand."

"What about national security?"

"The congressman is chairman of the Defense Intelligence Oversight Committee. He had PSV before being elected from running a small armaments company and his PSV renewal was basically done on autopilot. That is how the children got past FBI checks, it is thought. The DOD would like you to check that out too please."

"Deal, does he have a plan?"

"Oh yes almost certainly. It will be going down in the next two weeks though."


"Because Anne was part of an auction lot of two people. The second person was Dieter Gimesi, brother of Heinrich Gimesi. Heinrich will be a guest at my hotel in two weeks time which is probably when Jerry will get you the kids."

"Jerry Dorfling sir? It says here three sanctions for excessive violence on the enemy." One deputy said looking at a computer screen.

All the law enforcement officer looked at the deputy expressionlessly wonder how the fuck you could be excessively violent to an enemy. Then they shuddered as they thought of the kind of violence Jerry could generate being turned on them.

"Bad idea to fuck up with him then. Get the families, DNA testing ready whatever, one charge to arrest the wife on. Jerry will deal with the Congressman."

"Gimesi... Doesn't he write about how bad American business is for world trade?" A deputy asked.

"He writes about how First World business demands are very different to other countries. He usually focuses on business ethics. He writes about how bad the USA is at working with other cultures, yes. How uniformed Americans are. How litigious, greedy, and how stupidly argumentative Americans tended to be. He has also written a lot of very positive pieces on American generosity. In all Gimesi is a very well balanced journalist and he is starting to ask difficult question as it regards his brother."

"Why doesn't his brother just go home?" Same deputy.

"Anne and Dieter formed a strong bond in the brainwashing camp; nobody quite understands whether Anne persuaded him, helped him afterwards, or castrated him herself. What we do know is she was involved and that both insist that Uncle Sam unite them with their owner. The DOD considers that deprogramming them is not realistically feasible so the best option is for Jerry to sort his shit out."

There was a moment of shocked silence at all the information in that. It was true, mostly, almost. It was true enough for now and this company.

"That is not our problem. We have evidence to warrant further investigation on the children and at least the congressman's wife. We need to find those families and get a charge that an AG will prosecute. We have two weeks! Lets move people drop everything else, this is highest priority. If for no other reason we know this Jerry Dorfling is going to do something fucking horrible."

I walked out of the office satisfied. The Marshal was probably going to find a lot more than I had in a day spent merely looking at records. I had other things to do. I had spent a large amount of money on preparation for this operation, it was time to put preparations into action.

Jerry Dorfling was in fact me, very illegally so. I had forged his existence in the DOD databases and kept him going for years to have a back door in if needed. Now he was going to be prime target for the near future. The book was written as Jerry Dorfling and had been cleared for publication by the DOD. I had an advisory in my orders to work with Jerry and use the book as part of my operation plan.

The next stop was at the apartment that Deidre and I had for having sex in. Investigation into Jerry would lead to this apartment as being where he lived. I sanitized and put enough investigation material in the apartment to show that Jerry had been working on the Congressman and researching the book. then set a communications relay up and activated a very nasty burglar alarm.

From the apartment I went to the jeweler who was the one my hotel called when guests wanted trinkets to have wives not mind they had a girlfriend or for a girlfriend to not mind being the woman her boyfriend ran home from. I had ordered jewelry for Anne and Dieter and got an updated to progress. He was still going to be ten days before finished but he was doing well. I asked for a few more items and we discussed designs. I had no objection to him throwing the work onto an apprentice and he promised delivery the same day as all the rest I wanted.

I was done in time to pick Ruth up from the airport. She greeted me and presented her cheek for a kiss before we collected her luggage. She was openly curious about why I would need to go to Washington for a week and did not buy that I was going to advise about a situation in my area of expertise.

I told her about the situation with Anne and Dieter without saying anything about who they were related to, or that I had bought them off a slave auction to rescue them. I simply said two people had been rescued and insisted they belong to a DOD operative as slaves and that it tied in with a book I had written and the DOD wanted answers. She stared at me and then did a double take that I had written a novel based on my experience.

"Dad is still using you as sermon parables. Man, he's going to have a time with this!" She said.

"Yeah. He's going to be pissed too."

"Oh? Why?"

"The novel, if it gets published, is the first part of a dowry to marry Elizabeth."

"As long as you're married! He does not like single parent families. With Elizabeth married he might chase after that harlot."

I considered Ruth using the word. She was twenty six, had done a college degree in event and project planning with majors in political theory and theology. Essentially she had studied to be a pastor or politician's wife. She worked hard to keep her opinions and so far no young pastor or politician with a sense of morals had turned attention to her. She strongly believed the man was the head of the house, as long as she was in charge. I had never challenged that idea of hers, I had nothing to much to lose by doing that now.

"I might still offer to marry you too." I said to get her upset.

"Nice try, dad would say no."

"There is a tradition of polygamy in the Bible. Isaac had two wives, Moses had two, David had eight. Solomon went overboard, Ruth in the Bible was a daughter in law, not even a Hebrew and took a wealthy man as second husband. Esther was the fourth wife of the king of Babylon."