Wife & Husbands Business Partner

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A Viagra mix up leads to a cuckold situation.
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I sat in my house office, which is actually not much of an office, but more so our dinning room table, looking over notes and schematics. In two days my business partner, Derek, and I have an important pitch meeting with investors regarding this device we want to launch.

My names Jeff, and I'm 35 years old and have gone through many different career paths/failed entrepreneur ideas. However, I really feel like this next project is the one to set us up on the right path.

"Honey, its late, come to bed," Jennifer, my wife, pleaded as she walked into the dining room wearing her robe.

"I know, I will, I will, I'm just stressed for our pitch meeting tomorrow," I said slumping into my chair, "I'll be up in a second."

Jennifer walked back to the bedroom. Not too long after far I did end up getting up to go to sleep.

Surprisingly, entering the bedroom I saw my wife had put on a candle and laid on the bed in a revealing night gown.

"You have been working so hard honey, I just wanted to show you how much I appreciate you and take your mind off things," she said seductively before crawling over and unzipping my pants.

"Oh honey, your amazing!" I let out before she engulfed my placid penis with her soft lips - however, I never got hard. This was not due to Jennifer at all. My wife Jennifer is 34, brunette, with a body better than some twenty-year old's. See Jennifer has two careers if you will -one being a teacher at a masseuse program and the other a part time yoga instructor.

"Is something wrong honey?" she asked still holding my placid penis. If a penis could ever look sad - my penis at the moment would be the poster boy. "Here lay down," she instructed.

She tried again stimulating me, but nothing. I could tell she was looking defeated like somehow this was her fault. "I... this... honey this isn't you I promise. I just have been so overwhelmed by this upcoming meeting. I would think pounding it out would destress me but I guess not."

I couldn't believe this had happened. We laid side by side without saying a word. Starring at the ceiling I recalled it had actually It's been two or more weeks since we last had sex. Gosh no wonder she initiated sex.

Tomorrow we leave for Vegas as our meeting with our potential investors happened there. While she slept, I searched the web seeing what I could do. I wouldn't be able to get a Viagra prescription overnight, but there's always ways around that. I was shocked at how easy I found a dealer in Vegas on the web.

That morning Derek, my business partner met us at our house to carpool to Vegas. Derek was the same age as me 35 but a bit more built and charismatic he was more the pitcher of this pitch meeting.

After a long drive we arrived in Vegas pretty late around 10pm - late for my wife and I anyway. Entering the hotel lobby, "Gah, I forgot my phone in the car, go check in ya'll and I'll meeting you all in the lobby," I said as I slipped away to meet the dealer outside. Everything seemed to check out even though I was kind of taking an enormous gamble taking a pill from a stranger a day before the most important meeting of my life. I put the pills in a migraine medicine bottle to conceal them from my wife.

Entering the lobby I found my wife, "Where'd Derek go?" I asked.

"Hitting the bar and the machines," she replied, "What's the plan honey?"

With a smirk on my face, "Lets hit our room and destress before tomorrow."

"Oh really?" she smirked back, "You're not too tired or stressed?"

"Not a chance," I quipped back.

I popped one of the pills without her looking and my gosh I had never been so hard in my life. Walking out from the restroom from freshening up he eyes were transfixed on my saluting member.

"Jeff, holy shit!" she said surprisingly and giggling looking my my saluting member, "Did you see some showgirl's downstairs or something?"

"Nope all you honey!" I responded, "I kept thinking of you the whole ride here."

Without any foreplay I toppled onto her onto our bed. Fumbling we took off our pants. Her pussy never felt so ready, I slipped in quicker than I had ever experienced before. It was so easy to slide in and out.

"I like this side of you honey! Fuck your pussy honey! It's all yours," she let out.

"That's right I own this pussy," I said with my face buried in a pillow as I laid on top of her pounding her pussy vigorously. My balls slapping into her. We were fucking like rabbits - normally I would have for sure have cum by now. Not only was I hard as a rock but another seemingly a side effect was I lasted longer than I had ever lasted in my life. We must have fucked for an hour!


Waking up the next morning I felt so accomplished and knew this meeting was going to go well.

"I need to figure out where Derek's room is so I can go over this meeting again with him," as I got out of bed. Jennifer still laying in bed in her pajamas.

"Oh that's easy his rooms right there," Jennifer said pointing to the door on the wall separating our room from the next as she laid on the bed.

"Well, that worked out nicely," I said before yelling through the door separating the rooms, "Derek you up?"

I faintly heard back, "I'm up I'm up."

"I'm going to shower then let's meet up to go over the pitch again," I yelled back before getting in the shower. Something about the shower made it sink in ever more how much this meeting met to me and my future.

After getting dressed I anxiously knocked on Derek's door. "Derek, c'mon man we got about 40 minutes I wanted to go over the meeting notes one more time."

"Uh, give me some time," I heard vaguely come from his room.

"Well, how much time you thinking?" I annoyingly asked.

"I uh, it's hard to tell. Give me five minutes," he responded, but by the tone of his voice I could tell he had no idea how much time it was going to take him to do whatever he was going to do.

I watched the clock and gave him ten minutes before I knocked on the door again, "Derek, can you give me an update?"


"This isn't the morning for games" I said turning to Jennifer, "Can you help me with this tie?"

Shortly after I heard footsteps coming towards the doors before the door unlocked and creeped open. Derek stood there bent over giving Jennifer and myself an embarrassed look.

"Derek, are you okay?" Jennifer chimed in worried. Derek then stood straight up to reveal a huge erection imprinted in his pants. I could tell that his pants were doing their best to hold his penis down. I even made out his penis head imprinted in his pants. His dick must have been 8 inches and super thick as the imprint on his pants was impressive. I could tell he was larger than myself. I mean after the shock of seeing a penis the second thought rushes to comparison.

"Woah uh..." Jennifer shockingly reacted, "That is not what I expected." She politely extended her hand to cover her gaze.

"Dude," I said with disappointment. "This is what's been keeping you? ... Just go rub one out really quick and let's go."

"I've TRIED!" he exclaimed, "I've been trying and trying, but I'm spent. Seriously, I have never had this hard of an erection before."

He could tell I was just as confused, "Look, I'm not going to lie, last night I heard you all getting it on..."

"You did?" Jennifer said embarrassed.

"Yeah, the walls are kind of thin it turns out, and I must have jerked off 3-4 times last night. This morning I had a migraine from all the drinks I had last night. While you were in the shower I knocked and asked if you all had anything." I asked for some meds and boom erection city! Jeff man, I swear I've tried watching porn, but for some reason I just can't cum! Maybe its knowing I have a time crunch or something cause I know our times limited... Seriously I'm trying," Derek explained.

"You got medicine" the pieces starting to come together, "what medicine?"

"Yeah, he came in and I gave him some from this bottle," Jennifer added.

Coming clean, "Crap, that's... honey, I used that as a false container that Viagra."

"Are you shitting me?!" Derek exclaimed, "I'm a little relieved this isn't my fault anymore."

"What do you need Viagra for?" Jennifer angrily looked at me.

"Last night you remember how stressed out I was," whispering towards Jennifer, "and couldn't get it up so I got some assistance, but I didn't want you to know."

"Well, from what I'm experiencing and from what I heard last night it works pretty well" Derek inserted, "Can we though talk about what I'm going to do now?"

I put my hand over my eyes squinting like I had a headache now, "One of the side effects seems to be prolonged ejaculation."

"Well, that's just great," Derek sighed.

"I have an idea..." Jennifer said timidly breaking up the silence. "I get a lot of patients who sometimes get excited during their massages..." She could see my eyes become curious as to where this was going.

"No, I never touch anyone down there, gross, and I wouldn't do that here. What I'm saying is why don't you sit down and I give you a massage while you, ya know, and maybe that will help relieve the tension for you to finish. I'm just volunteering this because I know how important your meeting is today. A penis is a penis, right? Every guy has one it's not that big of a deal."

Derek looked towards me for approval. "Fuck," I muttered as I did a small pace in the room.

"How much porn did you watch? Did you really try?" I asked.

"Dude, I've been doing this since I was a teenager... I've tried, but I've never had a pill that's actively working against me," Derek responded.

Sighing, "We really don't have a choice right now and the sooner we get this done the sooner we can move on with this and our lives, "I said to the room, but really trying to convince myself.

"How should I..? Where should I..?" Derek began.

"Get naked and sit on the edge of the bed," my wife instructed. I threw a hand towel to Derek.

As I sat at the desk chair - I really didn't want to watch this, but I also didn't want to leave. Derek tugged his pants off and his cock stood straight up. Seeing his cock in full and not just an impression did make me feel a bit insecure for how big it was. I could tell from Jennifer's gaze, or her show to me of trying not to gaze she noticed it too.

She got up behind him and began rubbing his much more muscular neck and back. Again, I could see her eyes every once in awhile peak down to look at his dick.

"How's that Derek?" she asked. "It feels really really good as he stroked his cock.

My gut felt odd watching my wife in this erotic situation we found ourselves in and my palms sweating. A few minutes went by and nothing. "How's it building up? Any closer?" I asked with an annoyed tick in my voice.

"Fuck, Dude!" as he buried his hands in his face. "This is still stressful as fuck. How much time do we have?"

"About 20 minutes" I replied.

"I'm sorry, I'm usually able to jerk off within 5 minutes or so if need be, but again since I jerked off so many times I think my cum levels are low and need more to be aroused or something " Derek stumbling added, "What if we put some porn on or... I saw some titties or something?"

Jennifer stopped massaging and looked over at me. "Excuse me?" I added a little upset.

"Fuck, man, I'm just throwing out ideas at this point. Maybe you can just do the presentation alone?" Derek added giving alternatives.

"I've thought about it, but you're really the pitch man while I know more the numbers," I added.

"We can do this," Jennifer chimed in again, "And after this I'm going down to the bar and getting early morning drunk."

She then got up from behind and stepped off the bed kneeling down between his legs massaging up his legs and upper thighs. Her hands close to his dick but never touching. This sight, should have made me upset, but suddenly I could feel blood rushing to my dick growing harder.

"About 15 minutes before we have to be downstairs," I let them know.

"Fuck it," Jennifer added as she unbuttoned her pajama top and let it flow to the ground revealing her size b-cup tits.

Derek's eye's widened and jaw dropped, "Oh shit, your tits are... wow."

"Thank you," Jennifer replied.

"Seriously, amazing!" he continued.

"Jennifer?" I questioned as she was clearly blushing.

"What? We need this guy to cum and if seeing the girls helps so be it, plus I don't know you always say they are nice, but you seem them all the time - hearing it from someone else feels nice," she said without missing a beat. "Jeff, in my bag in the side pocket you'll find massage oil in a pinkish looking tube. Can you get that?"

Before I turned to search the bag, I see Jennifer fix her hair into a pony tail. Which told me she was really about to put in some effort. Sure enough, exactly where she said I found the massage oil. Turning around to hand over the oil I felt blindsided seeing Derek's hands were now all over my wife's tits. Cupping, feeling her up and gently rubbing and twisting her nipples perking them up.

"How much time do we have?" she asked. "About 12 minutes," I responded.

With the oil in hand she poured it onto his dick. From my angle I could see her tan fit back muscles working as she massaged Derek's balls. "C'mon Derek! Your balls are telling me they want to burst," she encouraged.

"That does fucking feel good," Derek said closing his eyes and looking up towards the ceiling taking in the pleasure of feeling my wife's tiny hands cupping and massaging his balls. I had such a mix number of emotions, butterflies fluttering in my stomach. Half jealous half totally aroused.

"Babe, you're so hot," I found myself saying to the room. Sitting back down I couldn't hold my dick anymore I could almost feel the precum of my own hitting my leg within my pants. I sat down, unbuckled and let my member sprang out. As I started rubbing my penis so many thoughts going on in my head - one of them of course doing a size comparison with Derek. His dick head had to be twice the size of mine and he had an inch or so of height on me.

Jennifer peaked her head around to see me rubbing my dick which seemed to give her permission to slid her hands up along Derek's cock with the massage oil. She gazed at me before focusing on Derek's member. Her masseuse technics were definitely coming into play as she was jerking and twisting in an upward motion with both hands. Almost like sets, she switched off between a flat palm one hand going in circles on his penis head while the other jerked up and down to both hands jerking in a twisting motion on his thick shaft.

"I see I found a way to get you hard without Viagra," she joked, "I'm not sure we can do this every time honey. This is a I'm drunk in Vegas situation yet I'm not drunk."

"That feels nice," Dereck interrupted.

"I need to make you cum," Jennifer said with determination.

I looked at my watch, "We have less than 10 minutes left before we have to be downstairs, worse comes to worse I can do the presentation myself, don't feel to much pressure on yourself honey," I let her know. Though time was nearing I slouched further down in the chair to get a better jerking position for myself.

Sighing, Jennifer added, "It's not that... it's also for me, Derek, if you don't cum I'm... I just need to make you cum or else I'm going to feel like a failure..."

"No, don't feel that way! That feels so fucking good, my GAWD!" Derek exclaimed.

"You're doing so good honey!" I added with encouragement. I could see the determination in her beautiful brown eyes as she gazed at his glistening cock.

"I know, I just need to do this for myself too! You're hard now but you admitting you needed Viagra was a kick to the ego and this would make up for it in my mind to show I still got it. C'mon Derek...Cum...Cum...Cum," Jennifer added with her eyes zeroed in on his cock. I had never seen this look of hers before - then suddenly shoving her head down on his lap. Her mouth engulfing his cock half way before I heard her gag.

In total shock, I let out a, "Honey!"

Coming up for air, "He needs to cum!" she barely made out before her mouth dove back onto his cock. Her ponytail bouncing with ferocity. Gluck Gluck Gluck is all I could hear from her saliva of her mouth bouncing up and down.

I had never heard her make such sounds on a cock before! My toes in my shoes were curling from this erotic sound. I kneeled down from my chair crouching behind her feeling up her back before my hand moved to her breast. I couldn't believe it she pushed me away! With my pants down between my ankles at this point I fumble sat back in the chair.

Again, gasping for air she came up, "I can't be distracted," before bobbing her head back up and down on his cock. Gluck Gluck Gluck.

"How are you doing Derek?" I asked.

"So close, how much time do we have?" he barely made out.

"About 5 minutes, if we still want to be on time," I replied.

Jennifer, stood up - well she tried more bent over - because her mouth never detached from the head of his cock. She slipped her pants down giving me a great view of her bikini tan ass. Her legs were golden, but had a bikini tan from a previous weekend beach trip, left a white tan on her ass. Which I find incredibly attractive - knowing the white untanned portion is just for my view - well now for Derek as well... My view gave me a great look at her pussy lips while she was bent over before her mouth let go of Derek's cock.

She turned around now facing me. "It's only cause I love you honey," she said looking straight at me as her hand reached down and grabbed his cock guiding it inside her. Derek let out an amazing sigh as his tip of his penis spread my wife's pussy lips entering her warm juicy pussy that I've previously called mine. Her pussy was clearly not used to taking something so big.

"Jennifer! I don't know how I feel about this!" I let out.

"This is for you and our future babe," she quickly responded before looking down at the cock entering her, "God damn, this is big."

Her yoga flat stomach muscles were engaged as her hips thrusted in reverse cowgirl on Derek. It made me really appreciate the effort she's done in taking care of her body all these years.

She said it was for me, but looking down I saw my wife's hand - HER WEDDING RING HAND - vigorously rubbing her clit. Derek was now ball's deep in my wife. Both his hands grasping my wife's butt cheeks for dear life.

Transfixed on her face her mouth wide open, but eyes shut closed then slowly her mouth closed biting her lip. She was in full ecstasy.

"I'm going to cum," Jennifer exhaled.

"Fuck, me too me too," Derek let out, "Jump off I'm going to cum".

"I'm on birth control just cum in me," she let out as her face stressed as her body began shivering, toes curling, I could see the goosebumps all around her body as she continued to rub her clit. Her body now pulsating as if she was having a seizure. I've never seen my wife have such an orgasm.

She collapsed towards Derek and he grabbed her tits tighter holder her on him. Looking down at his shaft and balls pulsating there was no doubt he was unloading into my wife.

The sight of my wife's orgasm caused me to go overboard I jerked my cock unloading ropes and ropes of cum onto the floor.

Breathing heavily, I felt I had just run a sprint or a marathon of some sort. I wasn't the only one. Though no one said a word our three heavy breathing filled the ambiance.

Breaking the heavy breathing silence. "Fuck dude! You got some on my shoe," Derek yelled towards me.

"Derek, you got some in my wife!" I astonishingly chimed back.

Jennifer slipped up off Derek and collapsed on her side on the bed. I could see the cum dripping out of her, "You boys better nail this pitch meeting."

"Shit lets go Derek!" I let out as I tugged up my pants. The both of us scrambled to look presentable. Jennifer lifted up her hand in tiredness to try and get our attention, "I'll be at the pool bar," we heard before rushing out the door.