Wife Cums Clean Ch. 04


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"Last night was awesome," I said.

"Yeah, it was hot as hell," she agreed.

"My roommate is going to be back in the apartment tonight. Would you like to go up to my room?" I propositioned.

"Yeah, it would be a lot more comfortable than this couch was last night," Alissa agreed.

Once upstairs, she went immediately to the bed. I sat on the bed and called her over to me. She was wearing a short spaghetti strap dress that didn't require any effort for me to get my hands in, around, and under. I reached around her legs and slid my hands up under her dress to feel her perfect firm ass. What I found underneath was amazing. She had on tiny g-string panties. I had to search to find out if she had anything on at all underneath her dress.

"Damn! You are so hot!" I said.

She pulled my shirt off over my head and ran her fingers through my hair while my hands roamed under her dress. She stepped back a few steps and slowly pulled her dress up over her head and dropped it onto the floor.

"What do you think?" she asked.

This shit was on another level that I wasn't used to. She wasn't wearing a bra and she had a perfectly fit body. I wanted to enjoy every inch of it. Her small g-string covered only her snatch. I couldn't see any hair poking out around the edges, if she had any hiding under there. I pulled her to me.

"You are so fucking hot!" I complemented her.

I reached around grabbing her ass again and I started sucking on her nipples. She put her hands on my shoulders and let me enjoy her body.

"Lay down," I said.

I moved over to the middle of the bed so she could lay down on her back next to me. I surveyed her body and let my hands glide over her soft skin. Her panties were black and lacy. She reached for my button on my jeans.

"I don't know how to tell you this, but my dick is fucked up from last night. You did some serious grinding on it," I told her.

"Aww, did I hurt the poor guy?" she teased.

"Yeah, I'm not complaining and my dick isn't either, but it needs some recovery time," I explained.

"Maybe I can make it feel better?" she asked with a devilish grin.

She tugged at the button on my jeans until it popped open. She rolled onto her side and turned toward me as she slid her hand down the front of my pants and into my boxer shorts. I felt her small fingers grip my member and softly pulse her grip before moving lower and cradling my balls with her hand.

"That doesn't feel too bad," I smirked. I held her close to me while she softly sized me up. We kissed and I caressed her soft, bare back.

She started to stroke my dick with a bit more vigor, and I was feeling pain that was uncomfortable because of how sore I was.

"Oww, I think you're going to have to leave me alone down there until I heal. It hurts pretty bad." I said while cursing the universe.

"Believe me, I want your hand down there more than anything, but I'm too sore from last night, really," I explained. "Let me show you a good time. You are my guest."

"Ok, let me see your hospitality," she said as she slowly pulled her hand from my pants. "I really did want to get to know HIM better though."

She rolled over to her back and I moved on top of her. I kissed my way down from her lips, to her neck, down between her tits, over her toned stomach, past her little belly button, to the top of her panties. I halted there and looked up at her.

"May I show you my gentlemanly hospitality?" I asked.

She lifted her ass off the bed in response. I grabbed the thin string that crossed her hips and slowly pulled down. Her panties slid slowly down to reveal a completely bare pussy. I could see her inner lips barely poking out.

"You are beautiful," I told her.

"Thank you," she replied.

I lowered my mouth to her pussy and started prying open the prize with my tongue. I started pushing at the top to find her clit. It wasn't hard to find because it was swollen and hard. I lightly flicked it with my tongue.

"Uhhhhh," she responded.

Jackpot! I moved south to explore her pussy lips and continued to come back to her clit to keep her fully satisfied. I licked her up and down and tasted her juices. She was extremely wet. I pulled up my hand an slid a finger into her pussy while I licked her clit.

"Ummm Uhhh," she urged.

I added another finger, stretching her open a little more and I started massaging the inside of her pussy, looking for her g-spot. My tongue on her clit and my fingers in her snatch was too much for her and she raised her ass off the bed in ecstasy. I was doing something right! This always worked for Jessica.

"Yeah! Yeah! Right there!" she moaned while I finger fucked her.

My dick was extremely hard and extremely sore. I wanted to slide between her legs so bad and sheath my dick in her wet snatch. I was dying to do it, but I could feel the soreness every time I pushed my dick against the bed. It would be absolute torture.

I decided I was just going to make it all about her and maybe she would come back for more later when my dick was in full working order. I put both my hands under her ass and pushed my tongue into her pussy. I sucked on her lips and lapped up the wetness.

"You are fucking amazing. You taste so good, " I told her.

Once she had another orgasm, I kissed my way back up to her neck. Her juices were all over my mouth. She didn't hesitate to kiss me deeply.

"I do taste good!" she exclaimed. I almost jizzed right then and there.

I put my fingers back in her snatch and finger fucked her again while we kissed. It was fucking hot!

Once it had gotten extremely late, she put her clothes back on and we said our goodbyes.

"Thanks for a fucking crazy night," she said.

"It was my pleasure," I said.

I slapped her on her ass as she turned to walk out the door to her car. Again, I was left with a hard dick and my balls full of jizz and aching...literally! I was extremely sexually frustrated but satisfied as the same time. I had thoroughly enjoyed Alissa's body.

The next night she called to tell me that she was having dinner with family and couldn't come over again. That was the last night she was going to be in town. I played it cool and told her that my dick wasn't ready to see her anyway. I was hoping to get back together with her, but it wasn't meant to be. Summer ended, school started back, and I saw Jessica out one night and fell in love again. Did I mention that Jessica is a fucking hottie?


That night, Jessica called again and I decided to pick up the phone.

"Hey, baby. How is everything going?" she asked.

I could tell she was tentative and trying to feel things out.

"It's going," I said.

"Well, I'm having a good time with Sara. We went to Coronado Island today. I hope we can go back together some time. You know that is where the Navy SEALs train, right?", she said.

"Yeah, I know," I answered.

"What did you do last night?" she probed.

"I went out with my coworkers and got shit faced, and you know what? I'm tired of this small talk. Why did you call me?" I pressed her.

"I'm worried about you! You are there all by yourself and I know you are depressed after what I told you," she said.

"Well, I guess you didn't pick the best time to go on vacation. I didn't really like how you took a shit on my life and ran off to sunny California for happy-fun time with your sister," I said.

"Well, I needed you to tell you everything because I couldn't carry the lie any longer. I needed you to know," she said.

"I hope you feel better, now that you got it off your chest. Are you sleeping OK, now?" I asked.

"I did this for us!" she screamed.

"I did a lot of things for us and I also did NOT do a lot of things for us. For instance, I have always wanted to go to a strip club, but I didn't because I knew you wouldn't want me to. I've dreamed of seeing some bare-ass, naked girl on a stage shaking her tits for me!" I yelled.

"Well, maybe you should go do that! If that makes you feel better, then go do it, but I never thought you were that kind of guy," she replied.

"I'm not that kind of guy, so I didn't do it! And I never thought you were the kind of girl that would fuck my best friend! By the way, I have a confession for you. Remember when we weren't dating that summer in college? Well, Alissa came to town and we made out two times!" I said.

"Did you fuck her?" Jessica asked.

"No! We only made out. I'm not like you," I said.

I could tell she was pissed because of the silence on the phone. She didn't have a leg to stand on after what she just told me about her and Chris.

"How far did you go with her?" she asked.

"Not far enough knowing what I know now," I answered. "All I can say is that my tongue has never been so tired."

"Fuck you," she yelled.

"You already did, multiple ways," I responded and then I hung up the phone.

I wondered if she even cared about getting hung up on. Maybe Jessica only called out of obligation and she really didn't really give a damn. After all, she was in California on vacation with her sister.


The next morning I woke up with one thing on my mind. Today was the day that I was going to get the entire story from Chris. I was way too messed up the last time I called him to try to have a real conversation. I wouldn't trust anything he told me because I knew he was a lying bastard, but I could maybe get more dirt on Jessica and find out if she is still lying to me or not.

It felt like the day went by very slow knowing that I was going to confront Chris that night. Should I drive over to his house? I would like to see the look on his wife's face when I confronted him. Chris' wife knew all of us since college, too. I wondered if she knew what had gone down between Chris and Jessica. I knew that Chris wasn't dating Kris at the time, so she wouldn't really have a stake in the betrayal other than to find out that her husband was a piece of shit with no morals.

I didn't think that seeing him face to face would end well. I would probably end up going to jail, so I decided to call him on the phone. In the early evening, I grabbed my phone and pulled up his contact information. I knew that I would be deleting it after this call. I couldn't be sad. All I felt was hatred and the pain of betrayal. I have to admit that there was some shame in there too because I had been taken advantage of for so long.

I dial the number and waited for Chris to pick up.

"Hello," he answered.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey," he replied.

"It has been a few weeks since we talked last. I wanted to call you and get your side of the story," I told him.

"Ok," he said.

"I don't trust anyone right now and probably never will. I want to know why you did this to me," I said.

"I wish I could take it back," he said. "I tried to tell you that you shouldn't marry her several times. Remember when I said I wasn't going to be in your wedding if you married her?"

"I remember all that. You could never tell me why, so I didn't take it seriously. I thought you just didn't like her as a person, or thought she was too emotional or something. Now I know you were covering up your own lies, and I know that you didn't want to expose how you betrayed me," I said.

"I never thought she was right for you. She did things behind your back that I never wanted to tell you about because I thought you would hate me for telling you. Friends always get the short end of the stick when they get in the middle of another friend's relationship and tell them the truth," he confided.

"What other things did she do behind my back?" I asked.

"Do you really want to get into this? It was so long ago," he said.

"Yes. I need to know everything," I said.

"Well, do you remember that story about Josh and that girl that he made out with on Halloween that came to the party at our apartment?" he asked.

Josh was our other roommate for the four years we were in college together.

"Yes, I remember. You guys said that he came down stairs in the morning and had glitter all over his face. That party happened after I started my job and had already moved out," I said.

"Yeah, that is the story. Well, we gave him a hard time because the girl he went upstairs with was wearing a very low cut top and she had glitter all over her chest. The glitter girl was Jessica," he said sadly.

My mind was reeling! Had everyone of my roommates made out with my wife? If Josh had glitter on his face, then he had probably motor-boated Jessica and sucked on her tits all night.

"Did he fuck her?" I asked directly.

"I don't think so. He didn't tell me that and I didn't hear anyone else say anything like that after that night," he said.

"What else did she do?" I pushed.

"I think there were some other times where she would flirt, but I don't know of anything else like that," he said.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"Fuck no! Everyone has betrayed me like it was some Julius Cesar shit! I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do." I yelled.

"I think you should call some of your other friends for support. I'm sorry this happened and I wish I could take it back. It was a very bad decision," he said.

"Call some friends? I think all my real friends are bastards now. I can't trust anyone." I said. "I want you to know that this has changed me at my core. I am no longer the same person and I never can be who I was," I said. "I also found out about the second time you hooked up with Jessica. She told me about the time at her apartment, in the middle of the day, when no one had been drinking..."

"I was going to tell you about that, but I wanted to protect you from that if Jessica wasn't going to tell you," he said.

"Jessica told me that she gave you a blow job. Is that true?", I asked.

"Fuck man! I don't want to have this conversation with you. Yes, it happened. I regret it every day. We were so stupid to do that," he replied. "I have one last thing that I want to tell you to get everything out in the open."

"Here it comes, tell me," I said.

"Remember when we would go swimming at night in the apartment pool?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"Remember that time that it was just you, me, and Jessica?" he asked again.

"Yes," I said.

"Well, there were several times that night that when you went under water, Jessica flashed me," he said. "We had all been drinking, so she was a more uninhibited than usual. She flashed me like five times."

"What a slut!" I said.

"One time when you went under, she grabbed my hand and pushed it under her top, and one time she pushed my hand down the front of her pants. I didn't touch her pussy. I just felt her bush," he confessed.

"Fuuuuucccckkkk! How could you pretend to be my friend?" I screamed.

"I don't know if you can understand this, but I tried to end our friendship after Jessica and I hooked up. I couldn't look you in the face and I felt so bad that I didn't want to be around you. You kept being friends with me even though I was trying to stay away. I'm sorry you have to hear this. I'm just telling you everything, like you want," he said.

"I don't ever want to talk to you ever again. If you see me, walk the other way. Stay away from me and my family. You are a truly worthless human being...Bye", I said.

"Bye," he said.

I hung up knowing that was going to be the last time I would ever talk to Chris.

I rolled over on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I wanted to blank out my mind and go numb, but all I could see was Chris getting a show in the pool and groping Jessica's tits and pussy. Once again, he had lived a fantasy that I would have enjoyed.

When I thought of Jessica flashing her beautiful tits, I felt my dick stir. I remember how she looked in the glow of the pool lights at night. Her toned, tanned, and wet body glistening in the night. That summer she had a blue bikini that she wore. The top was nothing more than some strings and triangles. The bottom was the same. I had probably fucked her that night after Chris had groped her in the pool. I wondered if she was horny from having Chris touch her without me knowing it?

I got up from the bed and went to take a shower. As I stripped off my clothes, I started thinking about Jessica and Chris naked. Chris' cock hard as a rock and Jessica's pussy wet with anticipation. I started imagining myself in Chris' position. Sliding my hand down the front of Jessica's bikini bottoms in the pool. Touching her firm stomach and feeling her bush slide between my fingers as I touched the top of her slit; feeling her hard cold nipple under her bikini top and the squeeze of her large breast.

I started stroking my dick. Fuck, he had a great time with her! She came into his room, took off all her clothes, jumped in the bed with him, and let him fuck her from behind. She got on her knees and sucking him until he blew his load in her mouth. I pumped my dick harder and harder. He fucked her bareback and blew his load in her hot, wanting pussy. When I imagined Chris burying his cock as deep as he could into Jessica's pussy and filling her with as much sperm as he could, my dick exploded and I had one of the best orgasms of my life. My knees almost buckled.

As soon as I had cleaned up the cum from my hand, my leg, the wall, and the floor, the shame and hatred started to creep back into my mind and heart. Why did I just do that? Why would thinking about another guy fucking my wife make me cum that hard? Was it because I wanted to be Chris and have those experiences with Jessica? Was it because I was objectifying Jessica again and only saw her as a piece of ass? Was I one of those guys that liked being taken advantage of? Any way I looked at it, I knew it wasn't good and it wasn't something I ever thought would happen to me.

to be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This story is about some seriously fucked up people. He should have put a chastity belt on his old lady before his old lady went on vacation. Actually he should just divorce her by now. If she was dumb enough to bring all this up, she should be on the street with her clean conscious.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Not the point of before they were married. They were dating and the guy was his best friend and now she did even more with him and maybe cheated with the other roommate. . She’s a dirty cunt . Divorce her and get it over with . Tell her to stay in LA . She probably is fucking the navy seals as they spoke . Lying , cheating etc and most likely has alway cheated on him . All that and the times they all spent together and he was the only smuck that didn’t know what happened, even at his own wedding. His next call should be to confirm with the other guy she may have fucked. Trick him call see how’s he doing and say that he was talking to his wife and. He was saying how you guys fucked at the party that time. Make it like it’s a joke and let him spill . Than call her hit her with everything than tell he to stay in la your done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Need more chapters like this

5 stars.

WhackdoodleWhackdoodleover 5 years ago
What a fucking pussy!

His girlfriend cheated while they were only dating but had been faithful since before they got married. Cry me a ducking river. Maybe he should get used to jerking off because she doesn’t need another pussy in her life when she already has a better one between her legs.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Why Continue?

The execution is all that is missing and each of us can write our own, because their relationship is obviously over.

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