Wife Gone Wild

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Girls night out becomes a cheating night out.
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Wife Gone Wild

By Buster2U

Warning // Cuck Shit // Warning // Cuck Shit // Warning


Please guys, stop condemning me with the 1 bombs because this

isn't a BTB. There is Plenty Warning Up Front. Thanks, Buster2U


"I will have the Ribeye sandwich and a Bud Light please," I (Roy) said.

"And you Sir?" asked the waitress of Paul.

"I will have the same, please," said Paul.

"And you Sir?" asked the waitress of John.

"I would like the Ruben and a Corrs, please" said John.

"And you Sir?" asked the waitress of George.

"I would like the Club and coffee, please," said George.

The waitress walks away, and we four guys from work sit to chat, eat dinner, have a drink, and will enjoy watching all the people dancing when the band starts later.

"It was nice of you guys to bring me out with you tonight after my wife, Dale, announced that she was going out with some of the women from her work," I said.

"Well, We are glad to take you out. It is about time you spent some time with the guys! Yeah, how long you been her now, Roy?" asks Paul.

"Well we've been here in Silicon Valley for almost a year now. It is sure a lot bigger than anywhere we have ever been before. And It is good to be here with you guys, instead of just sitting home while my wife is out having fun with her girl friends" I explained.

We are sitting at a booth along the one side of a big nightclub and bar restaurant, A bandstand is above and behind the bar that is straight ahead of me, and there many tables all around the edges with a dance floor towards my left. I am sitting on the outside of the both basically looking in the direction of the bar.

20 minutes later the food comes and another round of drinks. We are just sitting and chatting and eating.

Suddenly there is some commotion by the bar and 5 scantily-clad young women arrive whooping and hollering, obviously looking to have a good time. Mini-skirts and crop tops these women are heading for a wild time tonight. I hear laughing and giggles as these women take over a table directly in front of the bar close to the dance floor.

l intend to keep an eye on them, especially since the tallest one is a very busty blonde and looks very similar to my wife. LOL though my wife doesn't dress in mini-skirts, I don't think she even owns any mini-skirts or crop tops. My Blonde wife always dresses very conservatively.

The bartender brings them drinks and something about the tall Blonde woman catches my eye. I can see that she has a tattoo on her right calf, very similar

to what my wife, Dale, has. LOL, that is a strange coincidence I am thinking.

I try to follow the conversation with the guys while I keep an eye on the young women. Finally, the band starts up and all five of them go onto the dance floor together, all holding hands and dancing as a group. Safety in numbers I guess, so that the men don't get in their panties yet, maybe. LOL

I keep glancing at the women as they dance and the one that looks like my wife is dancing very provocatively. Like Strippers do. Holy Moly, she is hot. Then she begins to strut around her group, strutting her stuff, thrusting out her big breasts, holding her shoulder back, and tummy in, which make her breasts look even bigger than they are.

Now, she is going through some of the typical stripper moves where her whole body moves like a snake, or like a wave, top down, very sexy. Then she struts around the group of women like a stripper on stage wiggling her ass and thrusting out her tits again.

Wow, if she gets any hotter I'm going to have to get closer for a better look. LOL Wow, now she is twerking for the men at the bar. Then she is rotating her hips horizontally and shaking her ass again. Whoa!

"So Roy, what are you watching over there, that has all your attention?" George says to me.

"Well there is this group of young women that came in a few minutes ago and one of them is really 'HOT' and looks a lot like my wife, Dale. But my wife wouldn't be acting so slutty out with her girlfriends. LOL, and she keeps doing that snake type of movement that looks so sexy, then it looks like she is almost having sex!" I replied.

"Oh yeah, I see her, She is Hot!" says Paul.

"Where is she? " says George

"Oh, yeah! She is Hot!" Says John,

"You think that might be your wife, Roy?" George says.

"Nah, not unless I don't know her and she wants a divorce!" I said.

About then 6 black men show up, standing at the bar and are focussing on these young women, as they watch them dancing to the music. The tall Blonde notices and really starts doing her moves with much more enthusiasm. She is giving me wood. LOL

Now, I can't believe what that blonde is doing! She is obviously taking her panties off, from under her mini-skirt in front of the whole bar! While she is just standing there staring at the black men, then she just puts them in her purse. How she did it without flashing her pussy, I will NEVER know.

Then she moves by rotating her hips horizontally, very sexy. Now she is rocking her hips like she is thrusting her pussy onto a cock, and moving her arms like she is pulling her lover deeper into her pussy. Whoa!

Oh, My Lord this woman is 'over the top' sexy! She keeps staring at that group of Black Men, and working her hips. Now she is moving her arms and pelvis like she is having sex and acts like she is thrusting her pussy on a cock.

Now she is slowly rotating her pelvis horizontally, oh my Lord. Whoa, now she is working her hips like she is having sex. Oh, My Oh My. She keeps staring at the black men while moving so sexy, this is unbelievable. I have never seen anything as sexy as this before.

"So Roy, is there any chance that could be your wife?" George asks.

"If that is my wife, I don't know the real woman I married, because this woman is a lot sexier than the woman that I married. I would have to completely rethink our relationship if this turns out to be my wife." I laugh.

"Yes, I would too. I sure would never divorce a 'hot woman' like that, even if she was a complete slut!" admits Paul.

"I have to agree with Paul. If that is your wife, I would NEVER let that slut go! Man she is the sexiest thing that I have ever seen!" agrees John.

"You guys are crazy. How could you ever control a slut like that? She would be fucking the neighbors as soon as you left for work! I couldn't ever handle anything like that. She is 'too hot to handle' if you ask me." argues George.

I thought she was wearing a crop top but it was really just a regular button shirt that she had tucked up somehow. Watching her, it looks like she is just staring at the black men at the bar as she slowly unbuttons her shirt one button at a time while she continues to dance so sexually suggestively and slowly waving her ass so suggestively.

Now her entire shirt is unbuttoned and I can see her red bra underneath. Holy Moly, now she is doing that number that all women can do, taking off her bra without taking off her shirt! Whoa. She is still just staring at the black men while she dances provocatively.

"I'm sorry guys, I've got to get a better closer look at this woman who looks so much like my wife because she appears to be stripping in front of everyone!" I said.

"Where is she now?" George says.

"Right over there, I just can't see that far very well. If it is my wife, there will be 'hell to pay' for acting like a slut! Probably at least a divorce." I said, wondering how a woman can slither like a snake and then rotate her hips and make it look so sexy.

"It must take a lot of practice to get those moves just right." John opined.

She appears to still be focused on the small group of black men at the bar, so if it is my wife she doesn't see me coming their direction. I walk toward the dance floor in a perpendicular direction to the young women. That way I will be approaching them from their side, and hopefully less noticeably.

I get out to the dance floor and begin working my way between the tables towards the women. The closer I get, the more she looks like my wife Dale. By now she has completely removed her bra and tosses it onto the table and continues to dance around with her shirt completely unbuttoned which occasionally flashes her breasts to the crowd watching her.

I am getting closer and only two tables away. She sure looks like Dale, she sure sounds like Dale. If she wasn't focused on that bunch of black men at the bar she would have noticed me by now. I am beginning to think that this is my wife but she seems to have gone 'wild' tonight, I hope she is not on some kind of drugs. If she was on some drugs, that would explain her actions. Otherwise, she has 'no excuse'!

The band changes songs and she keeps dancing staring at the group of black men. I need to move a little more towards the bar so that I can see how much of her breasts she is showing. Holy Moly, she stares at the black men and holds her shirt open to show her breasts! OMG, I better take a picture with my phone, like all the other men are!

I can see both her breasts as she dances and holds her shirt open. I can't believe Dale would act so slutty. She once told me she had worked as a dancer before, but I never thought she was a 'stripper' dancer, i had assumed that she had been like a 'ballroom' dancer! LOL, what a fool I have been. She is dancing more like a stripper!

Dale is doing her sexy moves again. Her shirt flaps open but she doesn't bother adjusting it open or closed. She keeps staring at the black men. One finally walks towards her and holds out his hand and she takes it and holds it to her bare breast.

Then she turns and walks him toward the center of the dance floor. It is a slow dance now, and he is rubbing his package against her pussy, and he holds her bare breast with his hand. It is about time I figure out what I am going to do about my wife going so crazy tonight. Should I stop her, should I ignore her, should I just wait till she fucks all these black men and she finally gets home tomorrow to tell her I am divorcing her?

I go back up to the table of my buddies I work with and sit down.

"Well Roy, what is going on? Is that slutty woman your wife? The one that is flirting and stripping for the black men over there? She sure is Hot, if that is your wife!" Said George.

"Yup, pretty sure that is my Dale. I never knew that she could act so slutty. I have never seen her act like this before. We've only been together for 5 years, with 3 married. We were supposed to start a family after we got here, but I don't know now. Looks like we'll be raising some black kids if I don't get her under control soon." I said.

"What are you going to do?" John asked

"To tell you the truth, I don't know what I'm going to do. Those black men probably won't take too kindly to me interrupting them getting some 'HOT' blonde pussy tonight, as hot as my wife's, and she looks like she is so spaced out she won't recognize me anyway." I said.

"Roy, you should go talk to the other women at her table and verify that that is your wife Dale, and get them to help you get her under control," said John.

"That's a good idea. I'm going to do that right now. Keep an eye on her meanwhile, will you? I don't want her slipping outside with these guys." I said as I started back to talk to her friends.

Working my way through the tables.

"Hey ladies. Do you all work with Dale?" I asked of the women.

"Oh yeah! She is our new Supervisor, so we came out to celebrate her new promotion. Do You know her?" the short cute brunette asked.

"Yes, I am Roy, her husband. Does she always get so loose like this when you go out?" I asked.

"Yes, I am sorry to say, she always does, alright! We've been here at least 6 times when she said her husband was out of town on business trips. EVERY time she ALWAYS picks up black men and ALWAYS has sex in the parking lot." the Redhead says.

"Yeah, sometimes we don't see her again until a couple of days later! She sure gets wild, but we all like to have a good time." the taller and bustier brunette said.

"Are you mad at her for acting like a slut tonight? You aren't going to divorce her, for acting so slutty tonight are you?" the short brunette asked.

"Well, I am NOT happy about the way she is acting. I thought we had a good marriage. But she is just acting like a complete slut tonight." I said.

"Yes, she does seem to get carried away when we go out to have a good time." the Busty Redhead said.

"Well, if she comes back to the table tell her that her husband is here and that she is 'busted' I hope I can get her under control before she disappears into the parking lot for sex with these black men," I said.

"Ok, Roy, We will let her know to keep her clothes on because her husband is here! LOL," the Busty Redhead said.

"Thanks, Ladies!" I said as I walked back toward the table with the guys, but George met me halfway there.

"Roy, your wife is getting very close to the back door. If we don't get closer she could escape through the back door outside into the parking lot!" George exclaims.

"Ok, if you guys want to help follow her, I sure would appreciate it. I'm going to go directly towards them and you guys could go out the other doors to head them off whichever way that they go outside. Maybe one of you guys should keep an eye on the rest of the Black Guys, I am sure that they know where their car is and will probably all meet there to have sex with my wife!" I gasped.

George goes back to our table to explain the plan, I briskly walk around the dance floor towards my slut wife and her black dancing companion who continues to hold her bare breast in one hand.

Actually, now, it looks more like they are having sex on the dance floor! Her short Red skirt is lifted up between his cock and her pussy. They couldn't really be having sex in public, could they?

About that time, the music stops. He zips up, and takes her hand leading her to the back door and into the night. I am in the midst of many people and can't run to follow them out the door. But I hurry as fast as I can and bust through the door looking everywhere for them.

I have lost them, I run towards the majority of where the cars are parked. Still No sign. I grab my cell phone and call the guys, tears filling my eyes making it hard to call. I feel like I have lost everything, like there is nothing left to live for without my treasured wife that has turned into a slut tonight.

"I lost them when they slipped out the back!" I panicked, tears starting to fill my eyes as I feel more and more hopeless. That my marriage is over, that I couldn't save my wife from being a total slut tonight. I can't stop her from getting black cock and stretching her pussy so she won't be satisfied by me anymore.

"I am sitting here watching the other 5 black men sitting at the bar. They just got a call and they are all excited it looks like. I will follow them when they leave encase they are all meeting at their car to do your wife also." Charlie calmly explains.

"That is a good idea! Are the other guys searching outside for them?" I ask.

"Yes, they went out the front door and were supposed to try to find them and help you looking for them." Paul said.

"OK, Thanks for the help, Paul. I will keep looking, let me know if you see or hear anything." I said as I disconnected.

I quickly try to scramble through this big parking lot in the dark watching as best that i can. I have lost my wife out here in the dark somewhere. Surely she is getting fucked by that black man by now. His Big Black Cock defiling my innocent wife completely, ruining her pussy for my smaller white dick. I have probably lost everything important in my life now, I realize, as my eyes fill with tears.

Tears are running down my cheeks, I feel like I have lost my wife and the love of my life. How could I take her back after this? Heck, would she even want to come back to me, after she has Big Black Cock, stretching out her pussy and satisfying her way more than I ever could?

How could my wife act like such a slut? I have NEVER seen her even hint that she could act like this before. I am crushed. I am confused and frustrated wondering what am I going to do, as I keep walking down the rows of vehicles realizing she certainly has a big black cock deep in her pussy by now. Is her pussy ruined for me now, and forever, I wonder?

Looking out into the distance, then I climb up a little higher to see further, on a parking lot concrete light pole base. Nothing. I can't see them walking anywhere. I do see my buddies off in the distance and wave at them, they wave back.

I try to hold the tears back, but my heart is broken, my marriage is over, my wife has disappeared. Walking toward the other guys I hear a woman's moan come out of an older Caddy as I pass.

"Fuck me, Jamal, Fuck me Deep. Give me all your cum. Give me your Black Baby tonight. Fuck Me, cum deep in my pussy, Lover. Knock Me up tonight with your Black Baby. I want it so bad! Please, Jamal, give me your Black Baby tonight." My wife Dale moans. I know it is my wife, I recognize her voice.

I see where the windows are open in the Caddy, typical for a hot summer night like this. I keep walking a few more cars over. I realize that it is too late to stop her defilement tonight. It is way too late! What am I going to do now? Have I lost my beautiful wife? Was she drugged into acting like a slut? Why would she do what we all saw her do tonight? What can I do now?

I guess all that I can do is wait until they are done to take her home. What else can I do? I realize that if she wanted to have sex with the Black men, It isn't my place to stop them. Besides, it is too late now anyway. His Big Black Cock is certainly all the way into my wife's pussy now. She is enjoying it completely, why would she ever even want to come back home to be with me now? Obviously she doesn't love me.

Then I see my co-workers coming my way and I stop them before getting all the way to where the couple is fucking.

"I found them," I said quietly. Not wanting to draw the attention of the couple fucking in the old Caddy. Looking towards the front entrance way I see the rest of the black man group slowly walking our way.

"Are you going to do anything, Roy?" John asks.

"There is nothing that I can do now, they are already fucking. She already has a big black cock filling her pussy. In the pussy that I thought was only mine, forever. Plus another 5 black men headed this way to do her next. I don't see how we can do anything about it at this point." I sadly said, realizing that my marriage was likely over. The woman I loved was a secret slut and that she must NOT have been happily married to me anyway.

"Yeah, You have a good point there, Roy. All these Black Guys are probably all looking forward to fucking the blonde slut and I doubt that we could change their minds whatever we do," agreed John.

"Well we can hang around in case they try to hurt her," George suggests.

"I agree, we can stay out of their way, but continue to just hang around close by," I agree.

Meanwhile, the 5 blacks walked right past us with a nod, toward their Caddy and stand outside watching the couple fuck. We are a couple of cars over and can still hear my wife moaning since all the windows in the Caddy are down and open.

I tell the guys to just wait here, as I walk over to the black men standing outside the Caddy.

"Hey guys" I said as I approached the group of young black men.

"Can we help you dude?" one of the Black Men said.

"Well, me and the guys were wondering, if we could fuck your whore when you guys get done with her. Maybe we could even pay you for the privilege if you want." I softly said with a smile.