Wife Makes the Car Payment

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Two payments behind, and somebody needs a spanking.
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"I hate this shit," thought Jesse as she walked up to the car lot office. Jesse and her husband were in financial trouble. She had lost her job, and her husband, Jake, was working double shifts to attempt to make up the extra. However, they just couldn't make ends meet. Now exclusively at home, Jesse became responsible for dealing with the creditors and bill collectors. It was bad enough that they were to the point where they almost had to claim bankruptcy, but the piece of shit car they bought from this car lot had been more trouble than it was worth.

They thought they were planning ahead when, seeing the inevitability of the repossession of their 2 year-old car, they purchased this piece of shit. They came to this 'no credit, bad credit' lot and purchased a 22 year-old car to have when the newer one was gone. Unfortunately, things had not worked out as planned. Jake had spent more time than not, trying to keep the stupid thing running. Twice already, it had been beyond his abilities and they'd had to take it to a mechanic to be fixed. This cost money they couldn't afford to lose. Without a choice in the matter, they had to miss one car payment already to pay the mechanic. Jesse was here now to explain that she had to miss a second one to get it fixed again. "Shit! Double Shit," she muttered as she walked into the office.

The owner was a gentleman of about 60 years of age. His name was Mr. Williams and he had a quick smile. He had been patient with her and Jake in the past while they were trying to pull through their problems. He had even fixed the car a couple times himself for free.

They had decided in the beginning to come clean with him and tell all. They felt that they had developed a rapport with him, and gave him a reasonable amount of trust, mainly because he was around the age of their own parents.

Jesse hated to do this again, and was afraid to make him mad, because she cared what he thought of them. She did not necessarily think of him as a father figure, but cared nonetheless.

At least she had dressed for the occasion. The last time she had been there she caught him taking sidelong glances at her when he thought she wasn't looking. Once, she caught him staring at her breasts in her tight shirt, but he played it off so well that she began to believe she had imagined it.

Regardless, he had agreed to them being a month late rather easily. Not so consequently, this time she came dressed to kill in a miniskirt and tight tank top. She hated to use sex appeal to gain advantage, but they were desperate. They could not afford to lose this car, no matter how bad it was. It, at least, ran 60% of the time, and someday may run longer.

"Hello Jesse," called Mr. Williams when she came into the office that was empty, save him. "How are you doing today?"

"Good, I guess," Jesse stated in a muted tone, feeling and sounding guilty.

"What's wrong Hon?" asked Mr. Williams as he stepped up to her.

"Mr. Williams," Jess blurted. "I'm sorry, but the timing gear went out on our car. We had to get it fixed and the mechanic charged $300." As the words came out of Jesse's mouth she saw his expression begin to change.

He stated "Jesse, you are already a month past due. Are you telling me that you're going to miss another one?"

Jesse felt her face heating up in embarrassment. Hanging her head in shame, a humbled "yes sir" was all that made it out of her mouth.

"Let me explain something to you Jess," Mr. Williams stated in a serious and aggravated tone. "You bought that car 'As Is', and that means whatever problems it has were bought along with the car. They are not my problems. I have already fixed it for you several times at no charge, I've let you be late on payments, but two months without a payment is something I just can't do. I'll simply have to repossess it."

Jesse lost a little of her embarrassment and got a little angry instead, "I understand that, but it spends all its time broken. I could make the payments if I didn't have to keep getting it fixed! At this rate, we don't have much more to do to it before we've replaced nearly everything! You can't take it from us now!"

Mr. Williams calmed a little and in a softer tone told her, "Jesse, what am I supposed to do? You are now two months late, and I don't know when I'll get paid. I can't do business that way."

In a shaky voice Jesse said, "I know, I know, but this should be the last time. Can't we get a deferment? Isn't there anything that can be done? The car is a lot better now and should keep us for a while. We can catch up, I promise!"

Angry again, Mr. Williams retorted, "I'm not a bank. I can't defer payments. They are how I make my living. If I can't get paid then I have to take the car back."

Jess was heart broken, "What can I do?"

It was like a slap to her face when his next statement caught her in the act, "You wore that outfit for me, didn't you?"

"What!" She said shocked.

He continued, "You wore that outfit hoping I would be so distracted that I'd let you off with a slap on the wrist, didn't you? How dare you try to trick me with that nonsense!"

Jesse finally broke down and cried. She knew her makeup was running, but she couldn't stop. She couldn't even figure out how she was going to pick Jake up from work now. They were new to the area and did not have a single set of friends. Their financial condition and his work schedule just didn't allow for it. "Yes" she squeaked out, "I caught you peeking last time and thought this would help out." Embarrassment didn't even describe how she felt now.

"Did you think you could wiggle your ass and flash your tits and I'd let you off for another month? You've either got a high opinion of yourself or you're stupid!" It sounded to her like he was yelling and everybody in a 3 block radius could hear, though in reality, it wasn't that loud.

She continued to cry and wondered what to do next.

He toned down some and said, "Do you want to keep your car so bad that you were willing to flaunt yourself in front of me?"

"Yes," she meekly stated.

Jesse heard the tone in his voice lower and get deathly serious when he stated, "Well, I tell you what, maybe we can work a deal after all?"

"Wh-What are you talking about? You already said I couldn't be late again." Jesse was confused and so upset she didn't see where this was going.

Mr. Williams just looked at her. She saw a look in his face that she had not seen before. "Was that lust?" she thought to herself. When the realization sank in, she started backpedaling. "No, no, no sir, I will not have sex with you! Not even for the car!"

"Sex isn't exactly what I had in mind darling," he stated with a mischievous tone.

Jess was confused, "What are you talking about then?"

He continued with that same tone, "Well, you've been a very bad girl. I think you need a spanking."

If Jesse's mouth was big enough, her jaw would've definitely hit the floor. "What the hell are you talking about? Are you some kind of pervert?"

His toned switched from mischievous to malicious, "That may be a name for it, but I don't apologize for it. You have a problem, and I have a solution. It is not so much sex, as you're giving me an outlet for my anger I feel at you." He continued in a more cordial tone, "You will not be forced to perform any sexual act. Let's put it on the table. You've got a very nice ass. I've known that since the first day we met. I've often thought about swatting it and seeing it turn red under the palm of my hand. If you let me spank you, I will give you another month to make a payment."

"You can't be serious! I may be young, but I haven't been spanked since I was a child, and you're old enough to be my father!" Jesse was disgusted by the idea, at least outwardly. Inside, she wasn't sure yet.

"Nevertheless," Mr. Williams continued, "that is the deal I am offering you. I know Jake is working late tonight, and you have to get home. You can do this, keep your car, and pick him up; or, you can leave your car with me and walk or call a taxi. It is your choice."

Silence reigned for a few minutes. Jesse looked at Mr. Williams defeated, "You spank me, and I get another month. Nothing else is required of me, right?"

"Right," came the reply.

"How and when would you do it? You can't do it here." She had a glimmer of hope that it would all pan out. They could set a date and time, and then she could figure some way out of it, while keeping her car.

"Right here, and right now. That's the deal, take it or leave it," he stated.

Silence again. It seemed that hours passed when in fact only moments had. Jesse could see no other way. After all, it wasn't sex. Perverse, yes, but not sex. It would let her keep her car that she needed so badly for Jake and herself. "Fine" came her reply.

Mr. Williams smiled and moved to a door in the back of the office. "Through here darling," he stated through a huge grin. He had won and he knew it.

"Just get it over with," was all that played through Jesse's mind as she walked through the door.

This room was smaller than the office, and looked to be a combination between a book keeping area and storage. A small desk, with a calculator, a desk calendar, and some assorted office supplies were haphazardly scattered around the top of the desk. There were also supplies such as quarts of oil, grease, and rags stacked in a corner by a set of full size file cabinets. The room was a little dingy, and none of the chairs looked comfortable.

Mr. Williams sat in an armless chair and without hesitation beckoned Jesse to lay across his lap with a wave of his hand.

Jesse, still very freaked out, decided just to get it done. She got on her knees and positioned herself over his lap. She was definitely freaked out, but very curious all the same. "What was the big deal here? Why would anybody enjoy spanking someone else?" she thought.

He started by rubbing her ass through her skirt. She wiggled and fussed, "You said a spanking, not a fondling!"

He shut her up quickly when he landed a full handed smack on her ass that was so hard she squealed in pain, "Ow! Fuck that was hard! Are we done now?"

"Not quite darling," he toned. "We've just begun. You see, I have a lot of frustrations right now, and you're going to get it."

He swatted her again. "Geez that hurt her ass," she thought.

He continued, and she found herself struggling to block his blows with her hands.

"You are not being a good girl Jesse! Take your spanking! You car is in the balance!" He yelled.

She responded, "I know, I know, but I can't help it. It hurts so badly!"

"Stand up," he snapped. "Do you want me to take your car?"

"No!" she replied aghast.

"Then you're going to get your spanking! Come over here." He walked over to the desk and with a sweep of his arm, knocked everything on it into the floor. "Bend over this desk."

"I-I don't want to," Jesse begged. "I can stay in your lap; I promise that I won't fight it!"

His toned implied arguing was futile, "It's too late for that. If you want your car, bend over this desk."

She meekly complied with his wish, and felt her short skirt rise up when she bent over. She was sure it hiked up enough for him to see the flesh of her ass cheeks, and maybe the thong running between them.

He wasn't content with her just bending over. He picked up a couple of cargo straps from the corner, and walked over to the side of the desk her head was hanging over, and started affixing them on her wrists.

"No, no, what are you doing?" she begged.

"This is for your own good. If you don't quit blocking the spanking then I'll be forced to take your car. With your hands and feet bound, you won't be able to block. Yes, it will hurt when I spank you, but when it is over, you get to keep you car. Do you understand?" He spoke gently and very fatherly, though that sounded strange given the situation.

"But you could take advantage of me. That would be rape." She gasped.

He replied, "Listen, I already stated that you would not be forced to do anything, and I meant it. You make yourself known that you don't want anything and you'll get out of here with nothing, but a stinging ass, of course. Do you understand?"

"Yes," she replied.

"Yes Sir," he corrected.

"Yes Sir," she said weakly.

"Good," he moved on. "Now don't struggle with this. I don't want you to get rub burns on your wrists and ankles. That might draw attention from Jake when he gets home, right?"

He continued to tie her down. He attached a strap to each wrist and tied them to the desk leg on each respective side. He then had her spread her feet apart, and attached another strap to each ankle and tied them to the desk legs on their respective sides.

He stood back to admire his work, and liked what he saw. She lay with her tits pressed against the desk, completely unable to move. Her ass was so young and so tight that he could hardly wait to wear it out. The skirt was up just enough to see the beginning of her ass cheeks hanging out the bottom. He leaned down to get a better look and saw the thong laced between her ass cheeks and wrapped around front to cover her crotch.

He thought, "Good, only the skirt between her ass and me."

"Please, please, let's get this over with," Jesse begged. She was humiliated beyond belief and wanted to put this in her past as soon as possible.

"Beg me to spank you," Mr. Williams requested.

"Wh-what?" came Jesse's reply. "You can't be serious, just do it."

"Beg me," He persisted.

Jesse felt she had no choice anymore, "Pl-please, Mr. Williams, spank me now."

"Call me 'Daddy'," he said.

"Call you what?" She must have misunderstood.

He got angry, "Call me 'Daddy' and beg me to spank you! Do you get it you stupid bitch!"

"Okay, okay! I get it! I get it!" Jesse was very upset now. She'd do anything to get this over with. "Spank me Daddy, please spank me. I've been a bad girl!"

"Yes, you've been bad," he replied. He raised his arm up high and SWAT! He landed a heavy blow on her ass.

She squealed, but understood her role now. "Please Daddy, I've been very bad. I need a spanking. Give it to me Daddy."

He swatted her 4 to 5 more times, before his hand got tired. With each blow she squealed like a little girl and begged for more. It may have only been his imagination, but it seemed that she was getting into it.

He removed his belt. If his hand couldn't take anymore, his belt could sure last awhile.

With the first lash of the belt, she jumped the best she could while strapped down. Letting out another squeal, she begged him to stop, "Please it hurts!"

"I said shut the fuck up!" he retaliated. Determined to give Jesse a good beating.

The lashing seemed to last forever. Jesse lost count of the swats. She was sure her bottom would be bruised at the very least, if not bleeding when he finally finished. It started with pain and her feeling of disgust for him and herself and the entire situation. Her calls for him to spank her were forced, and done simply out of desire to get the situation over with.

She wasn't sure when it began. She thought it was just habit at first, the way she continued to call for him to spank her and to call him 'Daddy', but soon, she discovered that while she still felt the pain, that it was affecting her differently. She felt it, but she began to like it. She began to anticipate each blow, and the squeals that were originally of pain, became squeals of delight.

Neither of them knew the exact moment that it happened, but soon with each blow, she was looking back at him begging, REALLY begging this time, "Spank me Daddy, oh fuck! Spank my little ass, I've been so bad!"

Mr. Williams realized it too, and continued with renewed strength.

"Lift my skirt Daddy, I've been very bad! I need my bare bottom spanked!" She called to him.

He readily complied and when he lifted her skirt, he beheld her beautiful ass. It was laced with handprints and belt marks. She would definitely be sitting lightly for a few days, but he didn't care. His dream was becoming a reality. He was spanking this beautiful girl's young ass, and she was begging him for it!

He continued to spank her. It must have lasted 20-30 minutes. The beating was brutal and intense. Her begging and him giving. Finally, he tired out. He just couldn't lift his belt one more time.

It was then he noticed his cock was rock hard. Oh fuck, it had been awhile since he'd seen his old friend. He walked to the side of the desk her head was on and looked at her. "Are you enjoying the spanking you little bitch?"

"Are you done spanking me Daddy? I want more, please?" Jess replied. Her eyes were bright with tears and her face covered with running mascara. Her face was a mask of lust.

"Daddy has to rest sweetie?" he replied.

"Please, more?" she continued to beg. She noticed the bulge in his pants. "Oh Daddy, your dick is so hard. You like spanking me don't you?"

He nodded an affirmative.

"Can I see it Daddy?" Jesse was hot and didn't care what she had to do to get release. She would do anything to be spanked some more. "It felt so fucking good!" was racing through her mind.

"Sure Baby," he pulled it out. "Have you seen one this big before?" It was fairly good size at about 7-8 inches long and a pleasantly fat shaft.

Jesse gasped, "It is so big, so big. If I suck it will you spank me some more Daddy?"

"This was just supposed to be a spanking, remember?" he replied.

Jesse begged, "I know, but I need spanked. I would do anything to be spanked. Pleaaaaase?"

Mr. Williams got an idea. He acted on it before she could change her mind and stepped over to an intercom by the door. He pushed the button and spoke into it, "Joe, are you in the garage?" He released the button and waited.

"Yes sir, I'm in here working on Mrs. Baxter's car. Do you need something?"

"I need you in the back office right away. Hurry!" he replied.

"What are you doing Daddy, aren't you going to spank me some more." Jesse was practically pleading now.

"You'll get your spanking darling," he responded.

"I want to suck you fat dick too Daddy," she was pouting now.

With that Joe walked in and stopped. Joe is about 6' 3", weighs about 225 pounds and is black as night. At this moment his mouth was wide open. "What the fuck?" he managed to stutter. "What are you doing to this girl?"

Mr. Williams responded proudly, "I'm spanking the hell out of her. The more I spank her the more she wants. I've got her wanting to suck my dick now, and my arm is tired. You spank her for awhile and we'll see what we can get from her."

"Daddy, please!" from the desk.

Joe was convinced. "That is one fine looking white girl. Look at that ass!" Joe moved over beside her and started kneading her cheeks.

Jesse giggled, "Please spank me Joe, please!"

Joe was no idiot. A pretty young white girl begging to be spanked isn't something you came across everyday. He took Mr. William's belt and gave her a tentative swat.

"No! Harder!" she begged.

Joe swatted her harder the next time and still harder the next.

"Yes! Yes! Spank my ass!" she called.

Mr. Williams stepped in front of her. "Do you want Daddy's cock baby?"

In between squeals she replied in gasps, "Yes, Daddy. Stick your big dick into my mouth!"

Mr. Williams stepped up and placed his cock in front of her. She was wincing with each swat. Joe was going slow and hard. He had a good pace. She leaned forward and started taking his cock into her mouth.

"Oh fuck!" He thought. How long had it been since his cock was in a girl's mouth.

She spit it out momentarily. "Let my hands loose Daddy, I want to touch it too!"

He couldn't move fast enough. He released the straps and both of her hands went to his cock.

"Mumpf, hmpf" noises were all that escaped her lips as she gobbled his cock like she was starving.