Wife Swap on the High Seas Pt. 01

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Two open minded couples rent a sailboat for their vacation.
11.6k words

Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 04/03/2017
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Two couples rent a large sailboat for their vacation. While out on the water they decide to trade spouses and try new parings.

Cast of Characters:
Mike Williams: Lifelong sailor
Carla Williams: Mike's wife
Sam Bean: Friend of Mike's
Erin bean: Sam's wife

Attention: Through the dance in Chapter 10 the story is told from the POV of Mike Williams. Beginning in Chapter 11, the POV from others in the story are interwoven.

Chapter 1 -- Introduction

My name is Mike Williams and I live in the stereotypical middle class housing with a middle class job doing middle class boring stuff day after day. Sam Bean, my best friend and golf buddy, are always thinking of things we can do to make our lives exciting, if only for a few minutes. We fantasize about all kinds of things, but never follow through. One of us, I don't remember if it was Sam or me, even suggested joining a group of swingers or just swap our own wives with each other. It was said in jest, but we both knew deep down it was more than a joke. We each loved our own wife, but found our buddy's wife to be very hot.

Our boredom was fast approaching the critical stage. We had to break out of the rut our life had become. It was more than just boredom, we were really depressed, or at least I was. Our wives are good friends and we get together as couples a couple times a month, usually on a Friday or Saturday evening. Our wives are very good friends and seem to spend a lot more time together.

Oftentimes we would sit around and talk, watch TV or even now and then play a board game or card game. We have lots of different games. Now and then our wives would find something new for us to try. Some were good and others were disasters.

We were sitting in our living room one Friday trying to decide what to do. Sam said, "I am so damn bored, we have to find something new but it seems we always fall back on the board games, cards or some of the other stuff we have tried. We need some new ideas and try something new that is outside our comfort zone. It should be something we have never done, or at least not recently.

As usual the women said they had no new ideas. I said, "How about the four of us heading to the lake and do some camping. As usual my idea fell on deaf ears. Erin, Sam's wife, said "I have an idea I have discussed with Carla. The problem is it is more than just a one night or even a weekend thing." I was ready to consider anything and told her. "Well, Carla and I were looking on-line and saw where we can rent a nice sailboat for a week. Mike, Carla said you have sailed a lot and could easily qualify to rent the boat. When we saw the site, the idea of spending a week on a sailboat sounded so relaxing and like a lot of fun. I have never been sailing, but a week on a boat sounds like a blast and those sailboats are so pretty. I browsed the prices and it doesn't look like it would too expensive. Most of the boats listed on the web site have at least two bedrooms. Mike, what do you think?"

"It would be a relatively inexpensive week. The boat is your room, and transportation. Sailboats are so peaceful and majestic as they slice through the water; but crewing and sailing a boat is a lot of work. You have to have a crew willing to work and follow directions, otherwise it can be miserable."

Erin said, "The boats they listed have plenty of room for two couples or even more. I think it sounds like fun. It is certainly something we have not done before. It would be an exciting adventure. If you would captain the boat the three of us would be your crew. Maybe even Carla and I could sunbathe naked on the bow. I bet you boys would like that."

When they wanted something the wives knew how to make what they wanted sound much more enticing. Their suggestion made it extremely difficult to refuse. With a little more coaxing I agreed to be the Captain. Sam agreed it sounded like fun and said he was onboard for the adventure. After all, I had always wanted to see Erin naked and maybe this could be my opportunity.

Chapter 2 -- Setting the Plan into Motion

The next day I contacted the charter company Erin had found and explained my experience telling the owner my credentials. He asked me to FAX the documentation to him and agreed if all checked out, he saw no reason we could not get a boat for a week of sailing and relaxation. He said he had a new 42 foot sloop that would be the perfect size for two couples. He said he needed me to take him or one of his people out to demonstrate I knew how to handle the boat, but he assured me it was only a formality. A sloop has one mast for the main. A second sail called the head-sail is attached to the bow. This style of sailing vessel would be easy for my inexperienced crew to handle.

I reserved the boat and our wives started making plans. They absolutely had to have new swim wear, meals had to be planned, ports they wanted to visit and the list went on. Sam and I turned them loose and let them have at it. We just wanted to kick back and relax while maybe getting a good look at each other's wife naked on the bow. We had never even played strip poker so our hopes were high this cruise held good possibilities of being a lot of fun.

On the day or our reservation, we arrived at the harbor and contacted the guy I had talked to, the charter owner. He was a nice guy and offered to check me out himself. He told Sam and the girls we would be back in an hour or two. He ran me through some very basic seamanship.

His questions were so basic they were a little insulting. I guess they were designed to weed out anyone who had never been on a sailing vessel previously, but any day sailor could have answered his questions. He wanted me to tie a couple knots used on boats and to point out stuff he would call out, such as a wench handle, spinnaker pole, reef points on the main and stuff that anyone who had spent over a couple of hours on a sailboat would know. I had to explain what a sheet was (no, it is not the sail fabric) and how to adjust the Cunningham and Outhaul.

Once he was satisfied, he had me motor out of the harbor. I raised the main and set the jib. It felt good to be back on the water with this beautiful boat under me. It had been a while since I had sailed, but it all came back just like riding a bicycle. It felt good to feel the ocean breeze on my face. We had a nice wind causing the boat to heel nicely. This was a nice boat and I was happy we had selected this size. It was a very nicely equipped 42 foot sloop.

Satisfied with my ability to handle the vessel, the owner had me take her back in. He was impressed as I furled the jib and lowered the main. We motored back to the same slip where Sam and the wives were waiting. They had used the time to stack coolers of food and bags of clothing, ready to load onto the boat.

Once the boat was tied off to the dock the owner told them they could load our stuff while he and I took care of some paperwork. After signing away my life I was given the keys to a boat worth well over $950K. Upon returning to the boat my able crew had everything loaded. With a full tank of diesel for the engine, we were ready to set sail.

I tried to explain the parts of the boat so they would know what to do when the time came. As usual, they were more interested in setting sail. The name of the boat, "Clothing Optional" brought a smile to both Sam and me. The wives jokingly said it was obvious a man had named her. Sam helped cast off the bow and stern lines. He helped guide her back as I had the motor in reverse, jumping from the dock onto the boat at the last minute. I switched the transmission from reverse and the small diesel engine effortlessly took us out of the harbor into the open sea. Heading her into the wind I had Carla hold the wheel steady as Sam helped me raise the Main and unfurl the Jib.

With the sails luffing I shut down the diesel and brought the bow around filling her sails with wind and putting her on a Beam reach. She really sailed nice and wanted to go fast. The day was beautiful with good steady winds it was a perfect day for sailing. We sailed along the coast for quite some time then I turned her bow out to sea. It was not long before we lost sight of land. The blue sea and cloudless sky made for a perfect day. The wives decided they were going to get a start on their tans and headed below deck to change.

Chapter 3 -- Captain's Orders

Both emerged a few minutes later in their brand new bikinis. Sam and I both enjoyed the fact these bikinis were constructed of very little fabric. Everyone knew Sam and I would have preferred they have nothing covering them.

I decided to try out my new authority as Captain. I told them as Captain of the boat, I had made a rule that no female onboard would be allowed to wear clothing. Sam was all for my rules and told the women they had to do as the Captain ordered. They looked at us and began talking to each other quiet enough we could not make out what was being said.

Sam's wife Erin appeared to be the spokesperson. "Captain your crew has a proposal, or compromise. The female crew will dress according to our handsome Captain's orders, but the men must switch cabins for the voyage."

I looked at Sam who shrugged his shoulders. "Let me get this straight, you are saying you want Sam to sleep in Carla's cabin and me in yours? Do I have this right?"

Carla spoke up, "Yes Captain. If you boys can live with our rules we will abide by you orders."

Again I looked at Sam and motioned him closer. He asked, "Are they bluffing thinking they can get out of being naked because we will not agree, or have they just proposed this become a wife swap cruise?"

"Hell, I have no idea. I am as surprised by this as you are. I know Carla has told me she would like to fuck you, but never dreamed they would do this. Has Erin ever said she wanted me to fuck her?"

"Yea, but I just figured it was pillow talk. I had no idea she was serious about actually doing it."

"Okay, let me try something. If they don't back down, are you okay with it?"

"Hell yes I am good with it. Carla is one fuckin hot chic I have always wanted to put my cock in her! No offense buddy, but you have to know how hot she is."

"No offense taken. Erin is just as hot and I would love to fuck her. Let's see how this goes."

Sam stepped away and nodded his head for me to make the pitch. "Okay, as we think we understand we will be sleeping in the cabin with each other's wife." They both grinned and nodded their heads. "We take it that all rights associated with sleeping with the other man's wife go with the change of cabins?" Again both women nodded their heads. "Do those rights of access to the other man's wife extend to 24 hours a day through the duration of the cruise?" This question did not appear to have been as anticipated as the previous questions. Instead of the quick answer they looked at each other as if communicating telepathically they spoke not a word.

Sam and I detected a slight shrug of the shoulders from each of our wives as if to say 'Why not' they both turned back to me and Erin spoke. "If we understand correctly you want to not only use our body in bed at night, but you want to be able to have the use of our bodies at any hour during the day?"

I answered and wondered if I had been successful in calling their bluff. "Ladies, and Sam, this boat is one hell of a vessel. She has GPS autopilot navigation, which means she will actually steer herself, but at all times when not at anchor, someone has to be on duty to watch for other vessels or identify any developing problems. This is easy and any of you can do it. If a problem is detected you simply come get me. I will also show you how to use the marine radio and how to read the instruments. This being said, we will be sleeping at different times. If, for example when Sam is on lookout, I am sure he would like to have Carla with him to keep him company. Not only is this a nice perk for the person on duty, it is also a safety measure in helping keep the person on watch awake and alert. We will take turns at the watch position so everyone can have fun. After all, that is what this is all about."

Erin and Carla looked at each other as if to confirm their previous decision was still how they felt. Erin looked at Sam then at me. "We agree to those terms. Mike, I will be your cruise wife with all the benefits that entails and Carla will be Sam's cruise wife with the same benefits. We do want to reserve the option that if we want to go back to our own spouse for an hour or even longer, we can do so. Also if this does not become the erotic vacation Carla and I have already anticipated, we go back to our own spouse and enjoy our vacation without any hard feelings."

I asked, how will this all work when the week is over and we return home?"

Erin looked at Carla and grinned. She looked at me and said, "The answer to that question depends entirely on how well you boys measure up to our expectations. Regardless of what the future brings, if you boys are able to keep up with us girls, we can almost guarantee you a fun week onboard."

I gave Sam a glance and wondered if he picked up on Erin's last statement. The women had planned this as a free sex cruise from the very beginning. Carla and I had known Sam and Erin for years. We had socialized, but never once had our friendship been anything sexual. Sure Sam and I had talked about how good looking and sexy the other man's wife was, but we never verbalized to each other our desire to fuck the other man's wife. I know I thought about it a lot, and figure Sam had done the same, but we never talked to each other about it. The only person I had said anything to was my wife, Carla.

On a handful of occasions when we were in bed and talking about our fantasies, I had told her I would never cheat on her, but if I was to cheat, it would be with Erin. She laughed and told me she had also fantasized about spreading her legs and letting Sam fuck her. It had never left our bedroom, or so I thought. Evidently Carla and Erin had talked and had planned this as an opportunity to live our fantasies.

"Erin, it looks like you and Carla are overdressed and in violation of your Captain's orders." Sam and I eagerly watched as the girls grinned at each other then proceeded to do a slow striptease for us. With just a bikini top and bottom to remove it did not take long, but Sam and I was both shocked when we saw our wives remove their bottoms. Both had gotten a Brazilian waxing removing all hair from their pussy and ass.

The girls were standing there naked striking poses for us. Carla was the first to speak. "From the large bulges in the front of those trunks you boys are wearing, is it safe for us girls to assume you both approve of our new bald pussies?"

Neither Sam nor I spoke, we both just nodded. Erin approached me and Carla went to Sam. Carla initiated the first kiss and had her hand on the front of Sam's swim trunks as her palm was pressed against his hard cock. Erin said, "Hey big fella, where is the autopilot thingy you said can sail this boat? Don't you think it would be nice to have it turned on while you are distracted with your cock being taken care of?"

I just nodded and engaged the autopilot for the course we were on. "Baby, are you disappointed Carla and I tricked you guys?"

"No Honey, this is absolutely a dream come true."

"I do have a question. Carla told me you think I am hot and you want to fuck me. I just want to know if you still feel that way after you have seen the package unwrapped?" She stepped back holding her arm out to her side giving me a full frontal view of her body, then turning slowly letting me see her ass and back facing me. "What do you think baby?"

"Erin, put your hand on my swim trunks and if you have any doubts what you are doing to me, I will explain how a man's body works." She grinned, and put her arms around my neck puling herself up to me. "I am sure Sam is going to enjoy your wife and I know I am going to enjoy being your cruise wife." She locked her lips on mine and I held her close feeling her hard naked nipples poking me in the chest. I looked around and saw Sam had already taken Carla down below the deck into the cabin. I turned my attention back to Erin who was looking at me. "Honey, I think you are terribly overdressed. Let me take care of that for you."

I felt Erin's hands untie the string on my trunks and pull them to the deck. "Shit, Carla was right. You are nicely hung. Your cock is even bigger than I have dreamt and these balls! I have wanted to taste and feel this cock in me since the first time we met you and Carla."

I sat naked on the Captain's chair as Erin took my cock into her mouth. The sounds of the wind in the sails, and the bow slicing through the water was a symphony being played as my cock was being expertly sucked by a beautiful woman I had only had fantasies about until now.

Chapter 4 -- It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This

Erin's ability to suck cock is unsurpassed. Carla liked to suck cock, but while she will swallow my cum, she never acts like she enjoys it. Erin actually appears to enjoy the taste of cum and likes showing me the pool of cum in her mouth after I cum. She shows me the pool of cum then wants me to watch her swallow it.

I could not resist as I grabbed her and pulled her close. I moved to one of the bench seats in the cockpit pulling Erin across my lap. "Honey that was the hottest and best blowjob I have ever had. Please teach Carla your technique."

"Mike, are you a bit of a voyeur?"

"I guess so, why?"

"Have you ever seen two women make out?"


"Do you think you would enjoy watching one girl make out with another?"

"Hell yea, of course I would."

"Would it bother you if I made out with Carla?"

"No, but have you two been together behind Sam and my backs?"

"I am not even sure if she will be receptive, but I thought I might try to make a move on her and see how it goes. That is if you don't mind."

"Hell no, I don't mind. That is hot! I can hardly wait to watch."

"Just so you know, I am an exhibitionist and love people watching me. If either Sam or Carla should stumble upon us when we are doing something, just keep going. I get so turned on when someone watches me. I promise you will be the benefactor of my heightened arousal."

"Erin, you are the hottest. Whatever you say or do is fine with me? Tell me, have you ever eaten pussy before?"

"Let me just say I am not a lesbian, but I do enjoy pussy and, as I said, I like being watched. I consider myself bi-sexual."

"You are an amazing woman. I had no idea you had this much sexual energy."

"You haven't seen anything yet. Just you wait and see. We are going to have lots of fun this week. Now you better get your trunks back on. I will certainly be very unhappy if you get a sunburn on that beautiful cock. I am going down below to get our stuff organized. By the way, Carla and I had already moved yours and Sam's bags into the correct cabins before we changed into our bikinis."

"So you two had this wife swap planned from the beginning?"

"Of course we did. Men are just so slow when it comes to figuring things out." She smiled and gave me a kiss, and I felt her hand squeeze around my cock and balls, just before heading down into the cabin.

I was naked and alone on deck with my trunks lying next to the helm. As I picked them up and slipped back into them, I was thinking this was going to be the absolute best vacation of my life. How could it get any better than this?


It was probably another hour before I saw Sam coming up the stairs carrying his own trunks. I had never seen Sam's cock before this. He was flaccid so I could not tell much, but we looked to be about the same size. I might be slightly longer, but I think he might have the edge on thickness.