Wife Turns Mistress & Mate for Boss

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Satisfying wifes' urge to be with my boss.
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My boss Dave in Denver was unable to visit Pune on account of his personal tragedy in his wife succumbing to cancer. He was only 52 and was an active, industrious guy. I felt sad for him and consoled him on his loss. It is also unfortunate that he had married late and he did not have any children of his own. Dave and his wife were considering adoption of a child, but for some reason, he confided in me that it never worked out.

I have been updating him of the factory operations and taking directions from him. He has meetings with me on video on some days, usually when its night 10:00 hrs at Denver which is daytime in India.

Dave likes India and had bought majority shares in our Engineering company in Pune which manufactures automobile parts.

During his previous visit, Dave had accompanied me, when I had gone to Deepa's house to ask her hand in marriage from her mom.

Deepa had no Dad and her mom was happy and pleased that I worked for an automobile company of repute and the fact that my boss himself had accompanied me, for asking her hand in marriage. What surprised me was that her mom was equally beautiful and strikingly sexy looking even at the age of 54.

Deepa likes to dress in a sexy manner and I was excited to have her by my side as she accompanied me in our dating sessions for well over a month, until we finally decided to get married. She was an object of lust with her tight fitting blouse and the sexy way in which her tits filled her blouse and showed deep cleavage. She always choose to wear light semi transparent chiffon sarees with falls and sometimes her colorful petticoats showing behind her sarees.

Dave used to be intrigued and mystified with the way saree is worn by indian woman, so much that during his stay in the five star hotel, I took Deepa and asked her to demonstrate the way saree is worn to Dave in his hotel room.

I some how felt excited and proud to display my fiancé before Dave and felt a tingling sensation in my loins, as Dave got to see her semi naked beauty when Deepa stood before him in just her bra and panties, showing him how she got into a petticoat - long skirt, tying it on the sides, wearing her blouse and then wearing the saree.

Earlier, when i suggested that Deepa demonstrate wearing a saree before Dave, I was actually surprised at the way she agreed instead of making a fuss about it. I guess the handsome physique and charming personality of Dave had an effect on her. She admitted later that she felt it was a privilege bestowed upon her to show herself before her fiancé's boss, and more so, she also admitted that she was attracted by the fact that he was a foreigner with a charming behavior. Dave was also telling Deepa of how he and his wife had practiced an open marriage, swapping themselves with other like minded couples. I had already heard these episodes from Dave earlier and thought that it would make Deepa also more open minded if she hears them from Dave.

My thinking proved right when I rang up Deepa that evening, " Hai Deepa, How did you spend your day today."

" Did you go out with Dave?"

"When Dave wanted to take you out for shopping today, I told him to call you directly and check up with you. Did he call you, Deepa?"

I could very well understand the deprivation and void in Deepa's life as she lost her dad early in her childhood. Dave showing interest in Deepa actually made her feel closer to Dave.

If my guess was right, Deepa would have liked to go out with Dave.

While these thoughts were going on in my mind, I heard Deepa respond enthusiastically, "Haan Rohit, Dave came in his car and I went with him. He insisted on getting me silk sarees and salwar suits for our wedding."

During the last two days before Dave left for US, it was Deepa who took Dave on a tour to Mumbai, which was not far from Pune. Seeing them become so close, I was also happy to see that Deepa was in fact relating to Dave as her surrogate Dad. I jokingly told Dave that at this rate it was he who will give Deepa in marriage to me.

Over the next few months, I had the opportunity to visit Deepa and her mom several times. I recalled the day Deepa rang up during her two day trip to Mumbai with Dave, when they were about to check in to a Hotel.

I felt considerable excitement in Deepa's voice as she called up and said, " Rohan, i know you love me a lot and so do I. But can I say something, to which you should promise me to give your top of the head response candidly and honestly."

Even before Deepa voiced her thoughts, I knew what she was going to ask. I had seen Deepa getting more and more attracted to Dave and had seen her holding his arms and on many occasions pressing her boobs on his shoulders.

She also liked standing close to him, and felt excited when his arms went around her hips or held her in hugs, even as Deepa was engrossed in explaining to him the way street foods in India tasted better than dishes served in the hotels or why indian dresses were worn in so many different ways or the significance of why married women wore sindoor, bangles, metti in their toes or some such aspects of indian customs and traditions.

For quite a few days, I was myself pondering over how to deal with these developments. Eventually, I came to terms and reconciled that it will actually be ok if Deepa gets intimate with Dave. We will be more like a family and it will also mean that I will have the confidence of Dave, my boss.

So when Deepa rang up and hesitantly told, "Rohan I must be honest with you, as you are my fiance. I have started developing feelings for Dave and of late, behaving more like his girl friend than the likes of a daughter".

"I feel like i am being so unfaithful to you, even before we get married," she emotionally let out her pent up thoughts.

Being away from me and alone with Dave and more so about to check in with him in a Hotel, I could understand her emotions. In a way, I was also responsible for the current development, as I had never indicated my resentment to Deepa behaving the way she did with Dave even in my presence.

I blamed my own liberal thoughts and mindset for this which got developed with me reading a lot of sex stories, wife swapping porn, incest videos. My relationship with Deepa has been open and honest. I had also shared many of my inclination and openness with her in the past, including my fixation with porn and thoughts which would be taboo to many. Indirectly, I may have also influenced Deepa in her behavior towards Dave.

In any case switching back to the present, I calmly told Deepa, "I can understand your predicament Deepa. But to me your happiness and feelings, matter to me more than anything."

"My manly pride or possessiveness, should not ruin your expressions of love, lust or desire. If such feelings give you excitement and happiness Deepa, I would very well understand."

"In fact to be truthful and honest Deepa, on many occasions, when I saw you with Dave, enjoying closeness with him, I could feel the sensations that would have gone through your body, as it pressed on his physique."

" I was myself feeling excited to see you gripped with such attraction for him."

"I also feel it important to tell you Deepa, that me and Dave have spoken about your relationship with him."

"I told him that you Deepa, was taking out your unquenched, pent up desires on him, your deprivations, in not having a male member in your family to relate to in your upbringing."

"In fact, you should know that Dave was very hesitant and withdrawn when relating to you, until we had this conversation."

Let me relate to you what transpired between me and Dave, Deepa in detail, so you would get the real understanding.

On the day Dave was to return back to US, me and Deepa decided to see him off. I told Deepa to go ahead and help Dave pack his suitcase, while I hastened to finish some paper work on which Dave's endorsement were required before he left for US.

Dave became emotional while we saw him off at the airport American express lounge. Before we started to leave the lounge for security, you will recall Deepa, he came over and hugged you, Deepa.

You responded and even went ahead to give him a kiss on his cheeks seeing that we had privacy in the airport lounge, where we were practically the lone occupants. Your hug intensified for well over a few minutes, so much that I had to excuse myself and leave mumbling some excuse of getting some parting gifts packed for him.

I actually could not resist hiding and seeing what you would be both upto.

Dave had initially been hesitant, but gave in to the situation and responded by pulling you towards him, feeling your hips and ass, hugging you and on a few occasions, realizing that both of you were alone, he even held your face to admire your expressions and lips before sliding down his hands over your tits, slightly holding for a moment to feel its contours. Your saree paloo had actually slipped to reveal more of your tits and surprisingly the top two hooks were off, revealing the raw contours of your tit flesh.

I tarried my movement to rejoin you and was carried away by what I saw. At one stage your fingers sought and entangled his fingers, as your face moved closer to his face, while your lower hips involuntary inched forward aligning with his genital member, which I am sure would have risen up to the occasion, to get acquainted with a potential eager desirous companion.

You know Deepa, on the day you took Dave to show around Mumbai, I was playing and fantasizing intimate scenes of you with Dave in my mind, as I sat in front of my computer system and keyed in the words "wife fucks foreigner" and clicked on a 10 minute porn clip, showing an Indian woman giving pleasure and being pleasured by a foreigner who looked old enough to be her dad.

I was engrossed in the scenes and imagined you with Dave. The young woman was enjoying, - caressing, holding, tugging and grasping the thick erect member of her mate, while pressing and moving on him, aligning her tits to his mouth, as he ravished them.

She opened her legs and moved one leg over his body, wriggling and squirming to give him stimulations that made him more aggressive in devouring her tits. The foreigner was striking and slapping her ass, and with a strong grasp with both his hands on her ass cheeks, scooped her to hold her pussy pressed on his eager pulsating dick, making its vibrations resonate with the cunt and making it ready to be plundered. It was lovely to see the sexual bliss and shuddering orgasms they experienced as the intense fuck session climaxed, making me absolutely mesmerized.

No sooner did my hand grip my dick, coinciding with the foreigner shoving his hardness inside the indian womans' pussy, I was lost in a trance, so absorbed in the passionate expressions of the women that I almost missed Dave's phone which came in.

As I paused the video on the screen, I heard Daves' voice "Rohan, you must feel very offended by my behavior with your fiance today."

He continued, as if he wanted to get it out of him the emotional conflict which I sensed in his voice, quite unlikely of the Dave I knew from his ever confident poise, "You do know my penchant and liking for Indian woman and the way Deepa related to me, I was carried away and went beyond limits."

"As your fiance, I should not have entertained and led myself to behave the way I did." he went on.

I had to intervene, as I found that it would be embarrassing for him to go on in such apologetic manner.

"Dave, you are like a dad to Deepa and I myself fully understood her lavishing love and affection towards you."

"You also do not have a daughter and I can well understand that this intimacy and loving relationships would have thrown you overboard."

"Let me reassure you that I do not for once regret, Deepa getting close to you and relishing in the warmth of her relationship with you."

"I have somehow come to believe that in allowing her to seek the happiness and intimacy she desires, I am also expressing my love for her."

"You have hardly related to me like my boss Dave, you are more like a family to me and Deepa now."

"What is ours is also yours."

"In fact, I was myself thinking of calling you to help you settle your mind."

"Dave, I am not ashamed to tell you this, that I actually want you to give Deepa what she desires and fulfil your desires for having her."

"I would like to think that you have as much right over her, may be much more, considering that she desires you."

"As far as to how I would take it, you will be surprised to know that me and Deepa have actually spoken of experiencing open relationship. She knows that i would not be opposed to wife sharing. I told her how i like family sex, incest and dad-daughter thing."

"you and Deepa being intimate will remain a secret between us."

"I will only love Deepa more than ever, considering that she accepts my beliefs, desires, as much as i accept her desires."

Dave was overwhelmed as he heard this from me.

I related all this to Deepa and pre-empted her conversation with me as I said, " Now, Deepa, go ahead. You can clear up everything in your head and just act out from what your heart and body desires."

"I have spoken to Dave and told him to give in to whatever you need."

"In fact he would be delighted to have you."

"Even before our marriage Deepa darling, let me be the man whom you will know, more as your mate, who will actually support you in your quest for every form of happiness."

"We are both fortunate to experience what we desire, even before we commit ourselves to each other."

"So my dear Deepa, let Dave be the father figure in your life. Release yourself and imagine all the kinky things you would have wanted him to do to you, if you had a dad who is after you."

"Show him how you can please him and be his girl."

"Get your virgin pussy be fucked by him as your dad figure and make you crave for more from him."

"Talk to him dirty as his dick plunges your cunt, show him that your pussy is a quick learner, that it will suck in his pervert dick and keep caressing it, while escorting and allowing it to make deep explorations inside your cunt."

"And Deepa, keep reminding Dave that I have allowed him to fuck you, my fiance, as his dick is buried in your cunt."

"There is no need to go around the city tomorrow Deepa. Just stay in the hotel room and let Dave explore every contour of your body, lucky bastard, he has beat me to it. "

"Deepa when I marry you, we will both know that you have already given yourself to be mated, by your Dad."

"We will have Dave as our audience when we fuck and relay the camera feed to him to view us live and guide us."

"Any how bye for now. Enjoy..Deepa.."

I hang up on Deepa and called Dave.

"Dave, Deepa rang me up to tell me that you will be staying overnight in Mumbai."

"I want to thank you Dave, for treating Deepa like you want to. I have given Deepa the go ahead to offer herself to you, to be used."

"Make this a night she will never forget. I have asked a medical shop owner whom i know in Mumbai to give you some blue pills. I know you are sturdy and an alpha male. But it will also help to go through the long night."

"you never know, women like Deepa with their pent up passion, can be very demanding. Give her my love. "

I could see Dave smiling at the other end. "Thank you very much Rohan, is all he said."

Dave took the key from the reception as he saw Deepa come towards him. The hotel manager wished Deepa and congratulated her, as he handed over the registration slip for her signature. Deepa just nodded not knowing why he was congratulating him and as she signed she saw that Dave had entered her as his wife.

A tingling sensation crept in her pussy, as she signed up and turned to take Dave's extended hand.

The moment they turned the corner and were alone near the lift lobby, Daves' hand enveloped her hip drawing her towards him.

Deepa stuck her chest forward to crush her titties on his broad chest, as he pressed the lift button.

As they entered the lift, Dave's broad strong hands encircled and cupped Deepa's tits. She brought her face close to his as his mouth closed on hers, sucking her lips in a deep kiss, as she was suddenly jolted with Daves' hands coming over her to grab her ass and jerk her ass cheeks in an aggressive shove pressing her pussy into his groins.

Looking into her eyes, Dave said, "I have Rohan's permission to make you mine Deepa."

"Yes Dave, Rohan likes you in our relationship. I have been told to offer myself in service to you as your lover, daughter and Rohan's fiance."

As we reached the floor, we noticed that our suite was in an isolated corner with just two other executive suites, probably booked occasionally.

No sooner had we entered the suite, a room service manager brought us a complementary champaign and flower bouquets and two exquisite wine bottles and gave us also a packed gift box, saying that it was delivered at the reception to be handed over to Dave. Dave knew it as the blue tablet that Rohan mentioned in his conversation.

Dave said that he would order room service later. As the door closed, Dave hung a Don't Disturb sign.

"Dave, I am going to freshen up, in fact take a hot shower." So saying Deepa unpacked her suitcase that had arrived and took out the front open nightie, fresh pair of bra and panty and walked into the shower.

Deepa came out fresh and looked 'fucking hot' with her semi transparent house coat and partially visible half cup bra revealing the shape of her tits and areola. Dave enjoyed seeing Deepa in her sexy attire., but hastened to also go into the shower to get rejuvenated.

He called out to Deepa to get him a boxer shorts from his suitcase. While Dave was just finishing his bath, he saw Deepa coming to hand over his boxers.

Deepa had the first glance of the male member she was required to patronize. Dave's dick was definitely 7 1/2 inches long with more than 2 inches thick making Deepa concerned that it could grow to 8 inches easily.

Deepa still had wet patches on her body making her nightie cling to her body stretching over her tits, augmenting its attractiveness. The discarded petticoat (the long underskirt), used panty, bra were spread on the couch along with Daves' clothes. Deepa savored the sight, as he came out of his bath.

Deepa offered to wipe Dave as she took the towel from him. She took time to dry him and could not ignore the noticeable bulge in his boxers.

Deepa's young charms could drive any man on the borders of extreme lust, keeping him excited with the images of her well shaped tits, hips and the contours of her ass. She had a beautiful face with pouted lips, which when seen with her cleavage would give any man a hardness that would last for hours.

Dave liked Indian women, especially with their partially covered blouses and sari which they wear half concealing and half revealing the luscious tits.

Dave, could not believe the situation he was in, with Deepa equally eager in offering herself.

Dave took in the seductive poses of the women young enough to be his daughter, who in fact revered him like a dad figure. Deepa was pleased to see her dad ogre her deep cleavage, her sexy midriff and pussy area contours visible through her satin lingerie worn without underskirt or panties.

As she wiped Dave, her hand moved over his hard on and she could not help wrapping her hand around the thickness, with which she will become increasingly familiar. She felt proud of holding her dad's hardon. Dave lifted her up even with Deepa's grasp tightening on his hardness, held her face and kissed her deep and hard as he gasped and said, "fuck Deepa you are beautiful"

Deepa said, " Dave I would want you to take me as your girl."

"Fuck me Dad.. use me as your slut."

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InfosaugerInfosaugerabout 2 years ago

Dave loves Deepa, Deepa loves Dave, why shouldn't they marry? I see no reason for Deepa being married to Rohan.

26thNCuck26thNCuckabout 2 years ago

5 Stars

Loved it.

-26thNC Approved

Hardik_8INHardik_8INabout 2 years ago

I enjoyed reading your story. The words used were very arousing. I feel this story should have more than said. Keep up your good work.

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