Wife Wants a Hall Pass Ch. 03


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She said, "I'll make breakfast, if you will walk around the lake with me after we're done."

I stood and said, "All right, I'll go up and get a quick shower and get dressed." I walked over, bent down, kissed her forehead and said, "We still love each other too."

I showered. The water felt so good I stayed until I started to wrinkle. After I shaved, dried my hair and brushed my teeth, I dressed. Blue golf shorts, a white polo, white running shoes and white socks. I went commando too; you never know.

Breakfast today was pancakes, with butter and maple syrup. There was also sausage, orange juice and a fresh pot of coffee. Like yesterday, the food was properly prepared and very good. I spoke to myself under my breath, "I love this woman. There is no way I'm going to let that dip-shit fuck her. What is she thinking?"

When we were both finished eating, she rose and came around her chair to me. She took my hand, tugged me to my feet and said, "Let's go."

We quietly walked down the path to the lake trail hand in hand. I was determined to let her start the conversation. When we got to the trail and turned left she said, "Just walk quietly with me and hold my hand Luke. I am trying to make a decision and I need your strength. You can think too. I am going to ask you some questions in a few minutes and I will need the absolute truth, like you told me yesterday."

I said, "Okay."

We walked about a quarter mile, and we saw Maria drive up to the garage. Linda asked for my cell phone. These things were brand new and handy as a pocket on a shirt. She knew I always carry it for business reasons. She waited until Maria went into the house, and then called our home line.

Maria answered, "Bowman residence, Maria speaking."

Linda said, "Maria, its Linda. Luke and I are walking around the lake. We are going to be home all day. Please clean up the dishes and make up our bed. You can have the rest of the day off if you like.

Maria responded, "Ah-ha, you don't want the old cleaning lady around while the hanky-panky is going on."

Linda laughed a little and said, "You are so perceptive. Oh, make up the bed in the pool house. We did the hanky-panky in there too."

Maria said, "Okay Boss Lady, thanks for the free time.

They said their goodbyes and hung up. Linda handed me my phone back.

We walked another quarter mile. Linda had me sit on one of the benches scattered around the path. She took my hand in hers and said, "Luke, you are fighting dirty. You accused me of that yesterday and I was guilty. Not like you though. You are really over the top."

I feigned innocence.

She went on, "You said if I spilled my guts totally I would be mentally off the hook. You said you would make the decision about what to do, and I agreed to abide by it. Then you gave me the damn card. Next you told me I could give the card back if I wanted to. That drops the decision-making back in my court. That's unfair.

I answered, "Linda they say all's fair in love and war. For me this is love and war both. I love you so much I can't even stand the thought of you being in bed with the asshole you want to sleep with. We both know there won't be much sleeping. I truly hate the bastard and I have never had a conversation with the son of a bitch. You should have known I would fight dirty.

She said, "Luke, please stop talking about Ben that way. It serves no purpose. He really is a fine man. If you and he had met under different circumstances you could be great friends.

I said to myself, "Hu-uh." Then to her, "Okay, reprimand accepted. Let's move on to the next question."

She said, "I am about to make a decision; one you should have made. Are you willing to abide by it?"

I answered, "Yes, I do have some conditions. They are mainly for your safety and my comfort. We can talk about them now if you like, before you make your decision. You and your friend will both have to agree."

She asked, "What are they?"

"I am concerned about disease. I will require that he have a blood test before Friday."

Her response was, "There is no need, because he has told me that he has been exclusive with his wife for twelve years. He carries no disease."

I said, "Okay, if that is true I will consider that you're in compliance. Next is hygiene; this is mostly for you. When I deliver you to him you will be freshly bathed and in clean clothes from the skin out. Your bath is to include a thorough douche. I want you to be clean inside and out. When he returns you to me, you will be in the same condition. Take clean clothes and whatever toiletries you need to make this happen."

She replied, "Agreed."

I went on, "The time frame indicated on your pass will be thoroughly adhered to. You and he may be together at, or after 6 PM Friday, and you shall be returned before 6 PM, Saturday. Do not be as much as one second late."

She said, "Agreed. Just give me all of them, I'll stop you if there is a problem."

"Okay," I replied, "Here goes. No means no. If he requests an act you are not comfortable with, you can comply if you want, but if you say no it will not happen. Next, he shall not mark you in any way. There will be no bruises, hickies, love bites or any other mark on you when you are returned.

"Further, you will at all times have access to your cell phone. I will not call you but you will be free to call me at any time. We will set code words to indicate if you are in any distress, or need rescue. I will always know where you are, and you will make the reservations. I suggest a nice little bed and breakfast In Gainesville.

"No one is likely to know you there, and it is less than an hour away. I will always be close by but you will never see me unless you need me. The last thing, and this is not negotiable, this will be over Saturday at 6 PM. You told me he asked you for only one night, you asked me for one night, and I offered you more when I made out the pass. It will be over Saturday. That's it.

"If the both of you comply, I will have no further problem if you decide to go through with this," I said. "If you both comply, you can go to him with no reservation, and no guilt. I promise I will never hold this against you and I will always love you. It will be painful for me, but I am strong enough to handle it, and I am truly convinced it is the lesser of two evils. Don't get the wrong idea. I am not trying to talk you into doing this. I wish you wouldn't. The longer I think about it though, the surer I am it's not the wrong thing to do.

"Luke," she said, "You are being overly cautious. Ben would never hurt me and he has accepted no several times already. To ease your mind I will agree and I'm sure he will to."

She asked, "Why did you decide to throw the ball back in my court?"

"Several reasons," I said, "Do you want to hear them all?"


"Number one, the only way for me to know we are doing what you truly want to is for you to make the decision and for me to agree to follow it beforehand. We have done that.

"Number two, twenty years ago I promised if this happened, I would give you a hall pass. When you made me remember that, I realized it was a real promise and was important to you. I had to accept that debt or risk losing you. I chose to make the promise. I try hard to keep all my promises; especially to the woman I love.

"Number three, the way you explained to me my not getting credit for the easy orgasm. It made me understand how much you need for this to happen.

"Number four, the story you told me about Bobby Wilkinson. I cannot stand the thought of you having more regrets. Regrets are painful, and they will last the rest of your life. Any regret from this episode will not be on me, if you make the decision.

"Number five, I am willing to suffer the pain generated from this if you decide to go through with it. It will not last a lifetime as your regret would. It is the lesser of two evils. I know you will help me get past it.

"Number six, I don't believe you love or will fall in love with this guy. I know that you will not run away with him.

"Number seven, the fact that you always resisted going all the way with him proves to me the depth of your love for me. I know that is what is most important, and I know this sleep over is not going to change that. If you didn't have that love for me, the fact of you having all the way sex with him would be a part of history by now."

She was quiet.

I said, "Sweet Heart, I love you so much. When you say nothing bad happened, I know that what you were really saying is you didn't go all the way. I believe that is the truth. The other truth is a lot of bad things did happen. I'm not going to list them all, but I do want to talk about the worst two.

"First, the picture I have in my mind of, you on your knees licking his cum from his cock is very painful for me. It is truly terrible. I almost threw-up when you told me. As far as the pain, I didn't know I could hurt, that much. That was especially true when you said it made you so happy inside when he smiled at you for doing it. It will haunt me for a while. I will get past it.

"Secondly and most damaging to me, is the fact that you didn't come to me with this the first second you knew you were in trouble. I think you probably thought that you could handle it alone like you did with Bobby, but this time you couldn't put the genie back in the bottle. I know you were afraid. Don't ever leave me out of the loop again. Besides Gus, I am the only person on this planet that will always do what is right for you.

"These things have been forgiven. That's what the spanking was for. I believe they both happened because you were caught in a trap. I didn't really enjoy spanking you. I just told you that. I hope it never happens again, but that is up to you. There will be things I will not tolerate from here on."

She became quiet, and sat there holding my hand for a time. She said, "Walk with me." We continued our journey in silence.

When we returned to the house. She asked, "Luke, may I be alone for a while? I can't think about this anymore if I am with you."

"Yes, I have to go to the office for a couple hours anyway." I held her for a minute, kissed her softly and said, "Don't leave here while I'm gone and do not communicate with Ben. I want to be the first to know what your decision is."

She nodded.

To be continued.

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HighBrowHighBrow2 months ago

I think she’s right. He should kill her. It has been going on her entire marriage and will keep coming up now. Honoring a hall pass promise, talking about a two-year assignment, ridiculous!

Busman19639Busman196392 months ago

This guy is setting himself up to be her cuckhold. He needs to man up and take control but I don’t think that he has the balls.

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore198110 months ago

In real life there divorced and she's out the door but I have read the last chapter and he was turned into cuckold bitch by his wife

HighBrowHighBrowabout 1 year ago

This is the wordiest Femdom agitprop story I have ever read, but… I believe the author put some serious thought into the tropes, so I am going to hang around to seem where he’s taking us. I’m along for the ride.

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