Wife Wants a Hall Pass Ch. 15


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I said, "Oh yes, I remember you, Bobby. My wife was trying to get in touch with you." I thought, "Linda is on the verge of running out of this room."

"I received a call two days ago, from your lady," he said. "Might you know what it was about?"

I laughed and answered him, "Yes Bobby, I know exactly what it was about. I would rather she tell you. Please hold a second, she is right here." Linda looked as if she were having a heart attack. I handed the phone to her.

She took the phone and put the receiver to her ear. She couldn't talk at all at first. Then she stammered and finally blurted out, "Luke has given me permission to sleep with you." I left the room. I couldn't hear from the patio, but I could see Linda through a window. She settled down after a minute and it appeared to me she was having a joyful conversation. That conversation went on forever. Finally, she hung up.

I went inside and asked, "Well do you have a deal?"

She answered, "No, not yet. He is very excited that I called and very much wants to see me."

"What is the problem then," I asked?"

She replied, "He has to see what arrangements can be made. He is retired in name only. He has gained control of the old family estate. He said it is about twice the size of our ranch. They measure land using the metric system in Scotland, whatever that means. He said the estate is a little over two square miles and that is a very big parcel, over there. He gained control because he is the only male in line for inheritance that had enough money to buy the other heirs interest. He also acquired a title. It came with the land. He is now, Laird Wilkinson. It means Lord, in English. He is Lord Wilkinson.

"Anyway," She continued, "He runs the place as a hunting reserve and he boards clients in the manor house. He said that it would be best if my visit was at a time when no other guests were scheduled."

I asked, "When will you know?"

She answered, "He will call me again in a day or two. There is something else. He does have a live-in girlfriend."

I said, "Uh-Oh."

Linda giggled and said, "This is the good part. She was the one who answered when I called the other day. When he explained to her who I was and our previous relationship she became curious about you."

I said, "I can't see me being curious about a sixty-something-year-old woman that lives six thousand miles away. I think I would rather stay here and go hunting on my own."

Linda Laughed and said, "Answer me honestly now. Would you have sex with Aunt Kay if you had the chance?"

My head snapped as I looked at her but I didn't answer.

Linda just laughed aloud at my reaction, this time. She said, "You don't have to answer." She finished her laugh and then went on, "Her name is Michelin and she is thirty-two years old. She works for the estate as head of the household staff. The staff includes a butler and his wife who is the cook. There are also three maids and two kitchen helpers who also act as wait staff when guests are in residence. There is outside staff but they don't live in the manor house."

I said, "Damn, it must be a big house."

Linda said, "I didn't ask about that."

I said, "Tell me more about Michelin. I am curious now."

Linda giggled again. "Okay," she said, "She sleeps with the boss from time to time but they are not exclusive. She is a single mother with a seven-year-old son. Bobby is not the father but he is what we would call a guardian. The boy is in boarding school and Bobby pays all his bills. He is said to be a ward of the manor."

I asked, "What does she think about you taking her place in the boss's bed for a week or so."

She answered, "I don't know but Bobby said that it wouldn't be a problem. I told him to be damn sure of that. I don't intend to spend a week sneaking around behind her back. He assured me that he would let us talk, before my trip. He said that we could set any ground rules that either of us felt were necessary. He did say that he had strong feelings for her and wouldn't do anything that would jeopardize their relationship."

I said, "Well, I need to go to work. Let me know what you work out." I pulled her off her stool and kissed her.

She said, "I love you so much, Luke."

I said, "I know. You have been holding your necklace ever since the phone rang. I love you too." I went to work.

Thursday, when I returned from work Linda met me at the door. She kissed me and I could feel the excitement in her body. She said, "Bobby called."

"Do you have a plan," I asked.

She answered, "Not quite. I need to talk to you first. Change your clothes and take me for a walk.

A few minutes later, we started down the path to the lake, together. She was anxious to talk this time. She said, "This is a truth time."

I said, "Okay. Tell me up front what you are concerned about."

She said, "The first thing I want to say is, I love you." She stopped me and kissed me. The kiss was deep. The word, sensuous, would have been an understatement. She was quiet for a time as we walked.

Finally, she said, "I am very excited about this Luke. I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would actually get to be with Bobby. Thank you so much for finding him for me." In a minute she continued, "I have some concern about leaving you here alone. You won't have anything to occupy your mind and I am afraid you will spend all your time thinking about me. I am afraid your imagination will run wild and you will be miserable."

I said, "Not so. I am looking forward to hunting on my own for a week. I think we can both have fun. We just won't be together."

She replied, "If you go off on your own then my imagination will run wild and I will be miserable. I want you to go with me."

I asked, "Do you know when this is going to happen?"

"Booby said anytime next month that is convenient for me. He said to give him as much notice as possible so he could arrange separate lodging for clients if need be," she answered.

I said, "I think it would be harder for me if I go as a third wheel. I don't want to lie alone in bed at night and know you are in the next room with him." Linda surprised me then. She giggled as if that thought amused her.

She then explained herself. She said, "It doesn't have to be that way. I also talked with Michelin today."

Suddenly my interest piqued. I tried to maintain my demeanor but wasn't completely successful. Linda squeezed my arm and giggled at me. I said, "Okay, tell me what plot the two of you have cooked up."

Linda said, "Really there was no plot but there was innuendo. We were talking first as if you weren't coming. She made the remark that she and Bobby might want me to sleep in the middle one night. Without saying it outright, she let me know she wanted in on the action. I told her that I would ask you to write a possible threesome into my hall pass. It sounded like she meant for both of us to do Bobby. He has passed sixty. It is more likely she wants to play with me while Bobby rests. Either way, I would be okay with it."

I said, "Hmmm, the plot thickens."

She giggled and went on. "When I mentioned you and the hall pass, she point-blank asked if I would give you a pass. I told her that I had done that in the past. She told me that it would be better on my trip if I had a traveling companion. She said I should bring you with me." Linda giggled again and said, "I want you to go with me."

I said, "That would be a serious risk. Neither of us has ever seen the other. I would hate to travel that far to meet someone who weighs three hundred pounds and is four feet tall."

Linda said, "Bobby told me she is two inches taller than me and he described her body as willowy. I told her that you were a most beautiful man and the best lover I ever had. I don't think Bobby lied and I know I didn't. Go with me."

I said, "I want to talk to Michelin personally before I make such a commitment."

Linda said, "That should be no problem. I have the phone number and she will probably be the one to answer."

I said, "I will call her tomorrow. If I am favorably impressed, I will call Ali and have her make flight reservations for us. When do you want to go?"

Linda answered, "The first week next month. Failing that, as soon as possible."

Then I asked, "What's for dinner? I'm getting hungry."

Linda said, "Let's order Pizza and then we can go to bed early." She smiled and batted her eyelashes at me.

We had completed our lap around the lake. Five minutes later, we were in the kitchen. I opened a beer for each of us and called in an order for Pizza. I ordered one large with extra cheese, with everything, except anchovies. Anchovies smell like a nasty unwashed pussy to me.

I had thought about going to Ted's Place for a while but Linda's batting eyes had changed my mind. My plan was to eat and take her to bed. I thought the pizza would never arrive but it did, finally.

We ate quickly then went to our bedroom. We helped each other undress and the fun began. I decided all the foreplay was in order. I started by gently massaging her boobs and tweaking her nipples as I kissed her. She was squirming like a worm on a hook. I moved down and took a nipple into my mouth. I slipped a finger inside her. True to form, she was already very wet.

I sucked the nipple and made circles on her clit with my wet finger. In just a minute, I felt a mini-orgasm make her shiver. I slipped farther down her body. I took her clit into my mouth and teased it with my tongue. I touched the roughness of the sweet spot inside her with my finger. She had another mini and then almost immediately a big one washed over her like an incoming tide. She gasped for air and moaned in pleasure but didn't scream.

I thought, "I can do better than that." I rolled her over and holding her hips from behind I raised her to her knees and slipped the monster into her. I slowly fucked her doggie style. She turned her head sideways and laid it on a pillow. I kept up a short deep stroke. She slipped away to that special place she goes when we fuck this way. We did this for several minutes.

She said, "Do me harder, Luke."

I followed her instructions and an instant later, her second big one engulfed her. Her vocalizations were better and louder but still no scream. I admonished the monster not to cum and we managed to hold off. Before she came completely down I rolled her over and fucked her fast and hard in the missionary position. A few seconds later I got my scream. She sounded off like the siren on a fire truck.

I went with her this time. My orgasm was glorious.

When I was finished, I immediately rolled off her. I was at the edge of exhaustion. She rolled with me and managed to keep my cock inside her. She gasped and held him with her pussy. She used her love muscles to milk the last drops of cum from me. I lay there and held her as the monster deflated.

My heart rate came down to the point where I thought I might live. I heard her whisper in my ear, "I want to do that again, sometime."

I held her close and replied, "We'll see."

Linda fell asleep in almost no time at all. I didn't. The thoughts of Michelin came back to me. I thought, "Is she another shiny object to distract me while another man performs evil magic on my wife?" Then I thought, "Don't let yourself become jaded, Luke. This man is not Karl Ziegler. Linda has wanted him for a long time. Kay says this is the thing to do.

I arrived at my office just before eight, the next morning. Alice and I had our ten-minute, "coffee to get the day started session," as usual. When we were finished, I said, "Please hold my calls until you see my line is clear. I have to make a long distance call and I don't know how long it will take." I paused and went on, "This is an important call, so don't let me be disturbed unless the building catches fire."

She answered, "Yes, Sir." I observed her as she went into her protect mode. She is very good at her job. No one will disturb me unless she loses a physical fight.

I sat down and called Bobby's number. A sweet voice came on the line and said, "Wilkinson Estate, Michelin speaking. May I help you?"

I answered, "Luke Bowman here. You are the person I called to speak with."

She replied, "How may I serve you, Sir?"

We spent the next several minutes getting to know each other. Our conversation became less formal and more personable, as we progressed. Finally, I touched on the subject of her relationship with her boss. I said to her, "Tell me about your relationship with Bobby Wilkinson. I do want to be a little nosy but I don't expect more than what you can be comfortable with."

She replied, "You go first, Luke. Tell me about you and Linda. I know the purpose of her upcoming visit." That was the first time she used my given name. We had reached a new plateau.

I said, "Well, okay. I think I will be very frank with you. Ten years ago, Linda and your boss came extremely close to having an affair. Linda was strongly attracted to him and I'm sure the feeling was mutual. It didn't happen because we had not opened our marriage to others, at that time. I understand that it was also against Bobby's code to fool around with married women."

Michelin interjected, she asked, "When did you open your marriage?"

I replied, "Our first outside experience was several months ago. We had a threesome with another woman. Linda was bi-curious. She wanted to try being with a woman. After that, we did a full swap with another married couple. That is the extent of our swinging experience."

Michelin asked, "How did Linda's homosexual experience work out?"

I said, "You should ask Linda when you speak with her again." I paused and said, "Now, tell me about you and Bobby."

She giggled, much as Linda does. She said, "When you call him Bobby, it seems strange to me. I think of him as Laird Wilkinson." She hesitated a moment as if collecting her thoughts. She asked, "Shall I be very frank, as you were?"

I answered her, "Yes, please. Nothing you say will be repeated, except maybe to Linda." If she asks me about this conversation, I will be truthful."

Michelin said, "Fair enough. I grew up a ward of the manor. My family has worked for The Laird's family for at least two hundred years. The Laird is thirty years older than I am. He had gone into the world to make his fortune before I was born. I grew up on the estate and he visited at least once and sometimes several times a year. I can't remember when I didn't know him. All the young girls had a crush on him. He was a beautiful man. He still is, by the way. He says that I was the prettiest of the lot, so I became his pet. He always played with me when I was a child and he kept a watch on me as I grew."

She hesitated and then continued, "I will make a long story short. The Laird married when I was a young teen and his visits became fewer. His wife passed away in my twentieth year. The funeral was not at the estate. I did not see the Laird for two years and then he came to visit. I was twenty-two and in the flower of my young womanhood. The laird asked me to sleep with him and I jumped in his bed without hesitation. He was fifty-two but he was so beautiful."

I broke in, "He must have just left the states. He was fifty-two when he and Linda met."

She answered, "Yes, he spent the two years after his wife's death in the United States. He still traveled for his work after our first time together. Whenever he came home to visit, I took it as my duty to keep him warm at night. He always encouraged me to develop a relationship with a man closer to my age and to make a life for myself. I tried to do that twice. Neither relationship worked. I became pregnant with my second lover."

I commented, "I understand that Bobby adopted your son."

She said, "Well not exactly. The Laird has recognized my boy as a ward of the manor. That ensures that the estate will pay for his upbringing, including education for as long as he can pass his classes. The Laird has always willingly paid the boy's way as if he was a son but he is not an heir."

I said, "Okay, now I understand the difference."

She went on, "The Laird took possession of the estate about four years ago. He established residency here and made me head of the household. He pays me enough that I should be wealthy in my own right when I am older.

The Laird loves me and I love him. I, of course, wanted to marry him but he would not. He says he is too much older than me. He encourages me to be with younger men. I have little chance of finding a husband because my relationship with the laird is well known. He is a very powerful man and all the younger men fear him."

She paused, and then continued, "I sleep with him most nights but our arrangement has never been exclusive. He has had several short-term lovers in the past four years and I have had two. There was a long pause before she asked, "May I be blatantly frank here?"

"Sure, I said, "Please."

She said, "The Laird has told me that he wants to sleep with your lady, very much. I asked him if I could invite you to my bed while Linda is here. I want you to become my lover for that time. I wanted to know you could at least be tempted before I asked for Linda's blessing. She called you an alpha and said you were beautiful. She also said you were the best of lovers. I need someone like you, Luke. Come with Linda to visit us."

I said, "Linda has already asked me to go with her. She has also given her permission for me to have you. You impressed her. She also noticed your comment about having her sleep in the middle. Did you intend that to mean you wanted her to help you do Lord Wilkinson?"

She giggled and replied, "The Laird is sixty-two. He does not have the stamina he once did. Linda will wear him down quickly. One of my early lovers was a woman. I enjoyed being with her very much."

I said, "Enough said, I understand." I hesitated a few seconds and said, "I do want to meet you. I will call my travel agent today and tell her to make the arrangements. One of us will call and tell you when we will be there, as soon as we know."

Michelin said, "You make that call, Luke. We can visit some more. I want to know you as well as I can before you get here."

We had several more conversations. Linda and Bobby also communicated and the girls were on the phone with each other, constantly. We exchanged photographs by mail. Michelin was not a raving beauty but she wasn't hard to look at either. All of us were living in unbearable anticipation. Time seemed to drag on.

Sixteen days later, Linda and I touched down in Edinburgh, Scotland.

To be continued...

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