Wife Wants a Hall Pass Ch. 20


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She giggled again and said, "Luke." There was a long pause. She put her lips close to my ear and whispered, "Luke that was the best fuck I ever had. It was the best fuck in my whole life. I thought I had gone to Heaven."

I chuckled and felt very relieved. I couldn't help but feel a boost to my ego. I said, "That makes me feel better. I thought I had hurt you."

She said, "I think it might have happened partially because you were letting me talk dirty."

I said, "If that is what caused it, we should always talk dirty when we are alone."

Her musical giggle made me feel happy inside. She said, "Okay."

We had cooled enough. I pulled the covers over us and we snuggled close together. We had about a half hour left. I just wanted to hold her.

After a moment, she said in a low sweet voice, "No one has ever fucked me like that. I didn't know something like that could happen. I think I really did go to Heaven. What am I going to do after you leave?"

I said, "I don't want to think about that right now. How are you going to get through your double fuck exercise this evening?"

She said, "I'm not going to miss that. I want you and The Laird inside me at the same time. I might be a little sore but you can fuck me like I'm a two pound, Piccadilly whore if you need to." She giggled and went on, "I think a little soreness is a cheap price to pay for having sex with you." She said, "I will bear that cost. Hell, if you stayed here a little longer I could get used to being sore all the time." She giggled again.

A minute later, she whispered in my ear, "For the rest of my life, I will always want to have sex with you and I want you to always bring me all the energy you have. Someday, I want to have another fuck like the one we just had. I don't care how much you hurt me." After a short pause, she giggled and said, "I'm going to put it on my bucket list."

We both got all sparkly and met Linda and Bobby at eleven. Michelin could walk, pretty well. I found another full Scottish breakfast at my place. It was similar to the one I had at Loch Ness but a little different."

Linda came to me and kissed my lips sweetly. She came close to my ear and whispered, "I get to sleep in your bed tonight. I can't wait." I seated her and sat beside her as soon as Micheline sat down.

Michelin had walked around the table to where Bobby was standing. He seated her across from me and sat beside her. I saw Michelin put her hand in Bobby's lap as soon as he sat down. He flinched and she smiled at me. Linda was squeezing my cock in her hand. I thought, "Neither of these girls ever thinks about anything else. Bobby and I are very lucky to have them."

We began to eat, and Bobby brought the meeting to order. He said, "I asked you here so we could make some small plan about how and when we should switch partners for the evening. I would suggest we meet in the great room about six."

I said, "That sounds great to me. I would like to have a couple glasses of your fine whisky." I waited for just a second and added, "If it could be possible, I would also like to see the girls dance together again."

The girls giggled quietly in unison. Linda squeezed my dick.

Bobby made some kind of harrumph sound. "He recovered and said, "Yes quite. That is settled then." He turned to Michelin and said, "I have an errand for you to run about four o'clock. Linda and I will be in my room. Please meet us there. There will still be plenty of time for you and Luke to dress for drinks."

Michelin said, "Yes Laird." I think she squeezed his cock.

The food was good. I was hungry.

Bobby spoke again. He said, "Luke, you mention wanting to purchase my green Triumph. Have you thought what price you would be willing to pay?"

I was surprised at his question. I thought a minute and said, "The car is worth thirty thousand dollars." I continued, "I have driven it and know it to be special. I already have some wonderful memories associated with it."

I remembered the echo in the mountains.

I continued, "I would pay a premium for it. Maybe, I might go as high as fifty thousand, delivered to my home."

Bobby had to catch his breath. I could see him doing calculations in his head. He said, "The exchange rate is roughly 1.9 to 1. That is dollars to pounds sterling. The numbers you just mentioned workout to approximately fifteen thousand, eight hundred pounds. The premium price would be a bit over twenty, six thousand." He looked at me and said, "That is quite a lot of money."

I asked, "Are you considering the sale of the car?"

He tilted his head and shook it. He said, "Oh no Luke. That car will not be sold as long as Chauffeur is alive."

I asked, "Well, why did you ask?"

He answered, well. For the kind of money you are talking about, you might talk Chauffeur into building another like it. He is probably the only man in the world who could do that. You know, he rebuilt a Spitfire once."

I thought, "Why didn't I think of that?"

Bobby went on, "For you and Linda, I would give him the use of my shops and tools. He would have to do the work on his own time but he loves this type of work. Any profit in the deal would be his. I think he would probably build it for you."

Micheline broke in. She said, "He is my uncle. He loves me and he likes you, Luke. He will build the car if we ask him."

Linda said, "You would have to come test drive the car after it was finished. I mean you couldn't ship it home without testing it. That would give us an opportunity to visit again." Her face blushed crimson as she spoke. We all laughed.

As I laughed, I said, "I will talk to him. Do you think I would find him in his office?"

Bobby answered, "It is a work day. He will be in the garage somewhere."

We sat eating in silence for a few minutes. I said, "Let's talk a minute about Linda's comment of a few minutes ago. Are we going to visit again?"

Bobby said, "Let's leave it up to the girls."

Linda spoke first, she said, "Luke always makes my decisions for me, but I want to see you again Bobby." She giggled and soon added, "And you too Michelin." She turned red again and said, "Maybe, we can dance for Luke this evening."

I leaned over and kissed her cheek. I said, "Oh hell yes." The blush she does is fake. She learned to make herself do that at will, years ago. She uses it to extract attention from her companions. When it comes to attracting attention, Linda has great skills.

I leaned over to her and whispered, "You are so beautiful and I love you so much." I decided to talk dirty and try to shock her. I said, "My need to be alone with you has been building all week. When you come to my bed tonight I'm going to fuck you half to death." I should have known I wouldn't shock her.

She smiled her golden smile and said, "See that you do." She spoke just loud enough for me to hear.

My attention went back to the question on the table.

Michelin said, "I want to visit with you both again. I have started a bucket list of my own. The first thing on it is to visit with Luke, at least one more time."

I said, "I'm for it."

Bobby said, "That is settled then. Must we decide when and set a date?"

Linda piped up and said, "When Luke's car is finished, or whenever the two of you want to visit us."

Bobby looked at Michelin and said, "It could be that a trip to America is in order. I would like to show you the way American's live."

Michelin threw her arms around his neck and said, "I love you, Laird Wilkinson." She kissed him enthusiastically." He made that, "harrumph," sound again.

We had finished eating. I said, "Lord Wilkinson, Would it be possible for me to borrow the services of your beautiful Head of Household. I am about to negotiate with her uncle and having her allied with me will be to my benefit."

He answered, "Of course Sir. I am sure she wishes to accompany you but please remember to see that she is in my room at four this afternoon."

I rose from the table and bent to kiss Linda's cheek. I said, "I love you and I will see you later."

Her hand went to her pendant. She said, "See that you do." Her smile was radiant.

I helped Michelin from her seat. She gave Bobby a quick good-bye kiss and we left the room holding hands.

I asked Michelin, "What is your uncle's name?"

She answered, "His given name is Artair. I think it is the old name, which later became Arthur in England. His last name is Campbell. That old name is purely Scottish. He would probably rather you call him Chauffeur."

We walked into the garage and the TR3 was nowhere to be seen. Then I saw what I thought was it, parked against a far wall. It had a dust cover over it.

Artair Campbell approached us. He said, "Good day Mr. Bowman." He looked at my young escort and bowed slightly as he said her name. "How may I serve you? Do you desire the use of the TR3 again?"

I answered, "Would that be possible, Sir? I have come to know the importance of that car."

He answered, "The Laird has instructed me to allow you access to any vehicle here. I do have the authority to countermand his orders in this garage." He continued, "In your case Sir, I would opt to give you the use of the car. You have impressed me. You seem to know the value of a fine piece of equipment and you took very good care of her the last time you took her out." He laughed and said, "The other reason is, Michelin would cut off my hug supply if I offended you."

I said, "Heaven forbid."

Michelin kissed his cheek and said, "Do what he asks Uncle Artair, as a favor to me." She walked away to give us some privacy.

He looked at me and chuckled. He said, "Well Sir, I guess I have my marching orders. How may I help you?"

I said, "First of all. I would like you to address me as, Luke. Please make yourself comfortable calling me by my given name. Secondly, Michelin has informed me of your name, Artair Campbell. I wish to have you tell me how you prefer to be called. We are about to have a negotiation and I prefer that we stand here together as equals.

He said, "I have no preference. You may address me in any way you like." He seemed a little cold with me. He squinted his eyes and asked, "Please tell me. What business do we have together?"

I decided to use some psychology of my own. I would kick him in the groin, figuratively, then make my proposal. My proposal will be at least the lesser of two evils in his mind.

I said, "I spoke with Lord Wilkinson last evening. I proposed to buy the Green Triumph. For quite a bit of money, I might add.

The old man looked at me as if I was evil personified. Visibly shaken, he started to speak and I could tell he had ugly words in his mouth.

I held up my hand to quiet him. I said, "The Laird informed me that the car was not for sale at any price. He said it would be like selling one of your children." I paused and said, "If had known about your feelings I would never have made the offer."

He relaxed and said, quietly, "The Laird is always loyal to his retainers." His face became a little more threatening. He said," Damn it, Luke, you did that to me on purpose."

I smiled at him and said, "You just called me, Luke."

He smiled back at me. With his Highland accent in full bloom, he asked, "Would Ye take a wee dram with me?" We were friends again.

I answered, "Yes Sir. I would be honored." He escorted me to his office. That's where the whisky was.

He poured each of us half a tumbler of cheap Scotch. I said, "I thought you said a wee dram."

He replied, "A wee dram is for sissies and little boys, Son. Drink your whisky.

He walked to a window that looked to the interior of the garage. He nodded his head toward Michelin and said, "That is my favorite little girl in the whole world. I raised her from a pup." There was a long pause. He asked, "What is your relationship with her?"

The question stopped me in my tracts but my mind went into high gear. I knew that he must know what was going on. I made my answer come quickly enough to make it seem I didn't have to think about it.

I said, "I love her." I waited long enough to let him wrap his mind around that. I continued, "I traveled six thousand miles to be with her for a few days." Then I threw a kicker in that would make him think the gossip might be wrong. I said, "It is my intent to see her married to Lord Wilkinson."

I said, "That last piece of information is privileged. Don't make my task harder by talking about it. Not even with Michelin."

His jaw dropped open. I drank the last of my whisky. He flopped down in his chair and stared at me for some time.

Finally, he said, "You may call me as Michelin does, Uncle Artair." He went on staring.

I decided to bring him back to Earth and get down to business. "Let's talk about cars for a few minutes," I said.

He snapped out of his trance. He asked, "Do you want to use the TR3?"

I answered, "Yes for a few hours but that isn't what I wanted to talk to you about.

He pushed a button on his desk. He said, "I thought that was settled. The car is not for sale."

I said, "I have accepted that but you could build me one just like it. Lord Wilkinson said that for the money we talked about, it could be done. You might be the only man in the world that could do it."

He looked at me and his forehead furrowed in thought.

A young man stuck his head in the door. He nodded at me and said, "Sir." He looked at Uncle Artair and said, "Did you buzz for me, Sir?"

The old man never took his eyes off me. He said, "Make the TR3 ready."

The young man said, "Sir!" He hurried across the garage floor toward the little car.

Uncle Artair said, "I could build the car."

I thought, "It's going my way. He is interested." I said, "Lord Wilkinson, said that in deference to me and my wife Linda, he would allow you to use his shops and tools free of charge. He did say you would have to work on your time but of course, any profit from the project would be yours."

The old man said, "That would solve most of the problems and make the project possible." He asked, "What is your relationship with the Laird?"

I answered. "He lived in my community in Texas for two years. He was my son's soccer coach. We became friends. Actually, he became friends with my wife. She spent more time with the kids on the soccer field. He and I became friends later."

He said, "Your wife is the pretty blond girl that The Laird took driving the same day you and Micheline went to Loch Ness."

I said, "Yes. Lord Wilkinson coached a soccer game that day. Soccer is a common interest for them. Michelin was kind enough to take me sightseeing."

He said, "Both trips were overnighters."

I said, "Let's get back to the car. Michelin asked you to do this for me."

He acted as if he didn't hear that. He asked, "How much money are we talking about?"

I answered, "We are not ready to talk about that yet. We have to agree about at least the major portions of the deal." I looked out the window. The little green Triumph was parked just inside the building and pointed toward the open door. It looked bright and shiny. I asked, "Will you at least think about it. My wife and I are leaving Saturday morning. I would like to know something by then."

The old man looked at me. He answered, "Luke if the money is right, I will build your car. It will be better than that green one sitting out there. It will take most of a year.

I thought, "Those are all the major portions. It was time to shit or get off the pot, so to speak. Forty thousand dollars should do it and allow Uncle Artair to make at least fifteen thousand in profit but probably closer to twenty including his labor." I did the conversion in my head and rounded it in my favor. I said, "Twenty thousand pounds sterling, for a left-hand drive TR3, delivered to my home in Texas, in like new condition but upgraded with up to date technology."

The old man looked at me and stuck out his hand. He said, "Done." He offered me another drink.

I refused, saying I would be driving later.

He said, "Quite so, good man."

Micheline walked in the door. She said, "I saw you shake hands. I assume you struck a deal." She hugged her uncle.

She said, "I heard some of your conversation about the Loch Ness trip. I want to come clean, Luke. Uncle Artair is not only my favorite uncle, he is also my confidant. I have been taking my problems and my joys to him since I was three years old. There is no way for you to fool him. He has known about each of my lovers, starting with the first little boy who played doctor with me. He knows about the big Texas cowboy I've been sleeping with all this week." She came to me and giggled as she kissed me. She whispered, "Everyone knows and everyone knows that Linda sleeps in The Laird's bed."

The old man was looking at me. He had such a shit-eating grin on his face.

I said, "Damn it Uncle Artair, you did that on purpose."

He laughed and said, "We are even. You scared the shit out of me, talking about buying the Triumph." He looked at Michelin and said, "Did you notice? He never lied to me. He just wasn't telling the big truth."

Michelin smiled and said, "He was protecting my honor."

I looked at Uncle Artair and said, "We can talk about details any time over the phone. How much money do you need, up front?"

He said, "Half now and half the day you accept delivery in Texas."

I said, "Wow, that's not the way I usually do business."

He grinned and said, "Take your fucking project elsewhere."

I shook my head and wrote him a check. Scotsmen are hard to deal with.

Michelin kissed her uncle again and said, "Take me for a ride, Luke."

Uncle Artair said, "Yes you two go have fun. You are lucky to have this time together. Don't waste any more of it here with this old man."

I held her hand as we walked toward the Triumph.

To be continued...

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