Wife Wants a Hall Pass Ch. 22


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I experienced Déjà vu. It was as if we had been together previously. I felt completely familiar and comfortable with her. I enjoyed being with her that first time very much." After a moment I said, "My turn. What did you enjoy most about having sex with Bobby?"

She answered, "He totally dominated me, Luke. His style is not like yours. You are always conscious of my needs and so willing to satisfy them. You are soft and gentle with me until I ask you to give me more. He just took me when and how he wanted me. He was dominating and I submitted to him every time. I could have served him just as well if I had been a rubber, blow-up, fuck doll. All I had to do to please him was be there. Deep inside, I really am a submissive. He didn't always fuck me the same way."

Linda continued, "The first time he made sure, I was wet and penetrated me deeply. He fucked me slowly but forcefully at first but faster and harder as his orgasm grew inside of him. I could feel it happening. He took a very long time. I had my first orgasm sneak up on me. It happened just a minute or so after he entered me. It was strong and good. I was quiet. He acted as if he wasn't aware that it had happened. He just kept fucking me his way, for the next half hour. I think I had three more big ones before I felt him swell and throb inside me."

When his spasms started, I exploded," she said. "That one was the mind-blower. I know I screamed. It was wonderful Luke. We had satisfied our lust for each other. We became closer after that and I became very comfortable with him. The sex was over for the night. He held me and we slept. That first time was definitely the time I enjoyed him the most. My lust waned after that. I know I made it sound as though Bobby just used me as a receptacle. That's not how it is. His style excites and arouses me. I have orgasms easily with him and usually more than one. I truly am a submissive."

I asked, "Did you just tell me that Bobby made you have five strong orgasms the first time you were together?"

She giggled and asked, "Are you jealous?"

I answered, "Damned right, I'm jealous." I had to tell her the truth. This was a truth time.

She snuggled closer to me and said, "Luke, I am multi-orgasmic. I have been that way since I was very young. I remember one time when I had nine orgasms with you in one night and I've had more than five with you many, many times. I have lusted after him for ten years. I was extremely aroused when I finally found myself in his bed. It was very easy for him to make me cum. If he had fucked me the way you do, I might have had more."

I thought, "She always knows what to say to make me feel better." I tried to snuggle closer.

After a moment, she said, "You found him for me and you brought me here. You gave me a pass to be with him. Don't be upset because I enjoyed having him. My experience with him was a gift from you. You gave me that gift because you love me. I know that because I read my pendant." She giggled. In another moment, she asked, "How many times did you help Michelin cum that first night?

I had to think about. I played the whole encounter through, in my mind. I remembered twice the first time and three times a little later. I answered her. I said, "Five."

She said, "See? We are even." She cuddled with me and we had a little laugh together. I felt even better. She said, "I knew the answer to that last question before I asked it. Michelin told me. She said you were un-fucking-believable." She laughed again. I felt better still. Both of my heads swelled a little.

I said, "I thought you would tell me you enjoyed the butt fucking the most."

She said, "That was very good the first time but that wasn't with Bobby, it was with you. If you remember, you and I were making love. All he did was shove his cock up my ass to enhance our enjoyment of each other.

I said, "You seemed to enjoy it immensely. You came very hard."

She replied, "I did enjoy it very much. Bobby enhanced my enjoyment. You gave me the orgasm. That was the first time you and I had sex since we left home. Having you, as part of the experience, was very special to me. Bobby was just fucking me while you and I made love."

I said, "You said that was the first time, did you allow him to have you anally again?"

She answered, "Yes later that same evening when we were alone. He was very excited and wanted to have me that way, without any distraction. I might not have been able to stop him but I didn't want to anyway. In our excitement, we did it without a condom. I'm sure he enjoyed that part more and I know I did." She paused, and continued, "The physical act was not what I expected. I had read that anal sex was not an act of deep penetration. A couple inches or only one would be enough. Bobby worked his entire cock into me both times."

"He was careful not to hurt me and he made it a pleasurable experience for me," she said. "When he was sure that I could handle it, he moved his cock around inside me for a long time. Bobby really got into it. He would pull almost all the way out then slide back inside me. He varied his strokes. It felt like he was wallowing around inside me. I felt so full. It was so good. He had his orgasm and I became very aroused when I felt his cock throbbing and twitching inside me. I helped myself by fingering my clit some and had a nice orgasm of my own."

She went on, "We bathed and cleaned ourselves thoroughly. He took me back to bed and we cuddled and talked for about an hour. He told me how much he had wanted me when we first met and how deep his disappoint had been when we couldn't have each other. He held me, kissed me and let his hands explore my body. He touched all of my magic places."

Linda continued, "I took his cock and sucked him for a few minutes. He surprised me. He became very hard. I had thought our sex was over for the evening. He took me vaginally without warning. It was an unexpected pleasure and we both had a satisfying cum. After that, we slept. That was the only time we had sex three times in one day."

I said, "That was Wednesday. Had you and he not had sex earlier that day?"

She answered, "No, Bobby is not a morning person. We didn't play in the mornings like you and I do and that day, I think he was saving himself for our threesome in the evening."

She continued, "Don't misunderstand. I want to do this again. I have enjoyed this trip immensely. Bobby and Michelin are both wonderful people. The truth is, the way this has worked out is perfectly okay with me. I am happy for both of them. They will be happy together and I think they love each other more than they know." She hesitated.

I broke in and questioned her. I said, "Do I sense a, but, coming?"

She laughed and said, "But, by sleepytime Wednesday I was ready for this encounter to be over."

I said, "You mentioned that this morning."

She continued, "I had covered all the bases by then. I had experienced everything I had come here to do and my need to be with Bobby was fulfilled. The roaring fire of lust for him that I carried in my belly had burned down to a few cooling embers. I think I will want to be with him again in the future but just for fun. My need for him will not be there, as it has been. I will be glad when we come back to inspect your car."

"The highlight of my day on Thursday was dancing with Michelin in the Great Room," she said. "That is until you brought me up here and fucked me half to death." A moment later she added, "That was so special Luke." A moment after that, she said, "The sex we had this morning was mystical. Have you noticed how that happens more often when we are having one of our escapades?"

I answered, "Yes."

We lay quietly together for a while. She rolled over to face me snuggled her head into the hollow of my shoulder. This is another of our favorite cuddle positions. She drapes an arm over my chest and a leg over my thigh. She can rub her sweet pussy on me if she wants.

I said, "Tell me about the soccer game."

She replied, "That was an experience. We drove in that big old boxy car that he had used to pick us up in Edinburgh. He took me to the field and introduced me to his team. They were all well-built, virile and athletic young men in their early twenties. I have dreamed about a crew like that gangbanging me." She giggled. "They were beautiful to a man." Bobby was showing me off to them. I thought about Karl and the three young men in the boat. It wasn't the same. There was nothing sinister here. Bobby was just proud to be seen with me. He never flaunted me or treated me with disrespect."

She continued, "Bobby assigned two of the young men to be my protectors. You would call them, bodyguards. He told me that it was a medieval Scottish custom, to proactively protect the Queen."

I broke in and asked, "Did any of them flirt with you?"

She laughed and said, "All of them were perfect gentlemen through the whole game. I got the impression that they were afraid of Bobby. One got a little frisky with me later. Under other circumstances and of course, if I had a hall pass, he would have scored. He was definitely a young alpha." She giggled.

I said, "I want to hear about what happened later."

She said, "Okay. The boys won their game. We drove to a large pub to celebrate the victory. Did you know they drink warm ale here?"

I said, "Stay on subject. I want to hear about, Frisky."

She laughed but continued her story. "Bobby danced with me first and then several of the young men asked me to dance. I noticed that all of them asked Bobby's permission before they dared approach the Queen. I was definitely the prettiest girl in the room. I was the only one. I thought I would be completely worn out if I had to dance with all of them."

Her story went on, "Frisky walked up to me. I was thinking of him as, Sir Lancelot, by now. My God, he was beautiful. He asked me to dance and I don't think he had talked to Bobby. I let him take me to the floor. He danced very well with me. In a minute, he drew me closer to him in a turn and I felt his hard cock touch my belly. It felt like he had a fence post in his pants. I acknowledged that I had felt it. I smiled sweetly at him and laid my head on his shoulder. He blatantly pulled me in close and rubbed his cock against me. I parted my legs enough to get one of his legs slip between mine. I rubbed my wet pussy on his thigh. I was so wet."

She was rubbing her wet pussy on my thigh as she told her story.

She continued, "I let him lead me into a dark corner where we were out of sight. I placed one of his hands on my boob. He bent to kiss me and I let him. I parted my lips for him and he explored my mouth with his tongue. We were being very naughty. I held his cock in my hand. We stayed on the floor for another dance.

I glanced across the room at Bobby. He was laughing boisterously and cutting up with four or five of the boys, at the bar.

I let our dirty little dance continue for another minute or so. I was very close to cumming in my pants. I wanted so much to cum for him. He was close too. I squeezed Lancelot's cock with my hand and whispered in his ear, "At another time, I would give myself to you. Tonight I am with Laird Wilkinson. I will think of you while I am fucking him. I kissed his cheek and walked away."

"I went to Bobby and got his attention," she said. "I whispered in his ear, "If you don't take me to bed right now, I'm going to ask Luke to take me back to Texas. He hadn't missed me while I was with Lancelot but I had his attention now. As we walked out, I held Bobby's hand. I looked back at Lancelot. He smiled at me and winked. I gave him a smile and wiggled my butt a little extra for him.

Bobby and I left and drove about two miles to the inn where he had reservations."

I asked, "Did you think of Lancelot while you fucked Bobby?"

She said, "Hell yes. I will probably think about him while I'm fucking you, sometime. He was so beautiful Luke."

She lay quietly for a short while then asked, "Why didn't you find a way to watch me while I was with Bobby? He's the second man you have given me. You watched me with Karl.

I answered, "I didn't want to watch you. I never quite trusted Karl. I do trust Bobby to protect you and treat you with respect. I wanted to allow you to have him privately. You have wanted him for so long. The four of us will play together in the future. I can watch at that time. I think you will want to be close to him for a long time."

She said, "I have one other thing to tell you before we have to meet our hosts."

I asked, "What?"

She said, "Michelin ask me to offer you her rain check for the blowjob she owes you. I told her I would stand in for her and pay that debt today. She laughed at me."

She said, "Linda, you know you are going to suck his cock anyway. I want him to look forward to the first time Bobby gives me a hall pass. Please, tell him he has a rain check.

Apologize to him for me."

Linda said, "One other thing I wanted to tell you. Michelin gave me a couple bottles of her orange blossom douche to take home with me. She said you liked it very much. She made me promise, I would use it for you sometimes."

I kissed her forehead and said, "I do like it." I chuckled to myself and let it go at that.

Linda took my cock into her mouth. The monster slid right down her throat. I am a very lucky man. I am very happy to have my Linda back.

Linda wasn't trying to make me cum. Her intent was to savor the taste and texture of the cock that made her feel at home. The one with which she was familiar. She wanted me to have the pleasure she could create with her mouth.

Hard banging sex with violent orgasms is only one of the ways we enjoy each other. We like to have soft sweet loving times like this when just being together is most important. If I have an orgasm this way, she doesn't feel left out. She feels pride in accomplishing her goal of giving me pleasure. I love this girl and the way she thinks.

I lay on my back and enjoyed her efforts. After twenty minutes or so, I decided to repay her.

I rolled her over on her belly. She knew my plan. We have done this before. I knelt between her legs that spread by eighteen inches or so. I took her hips in my hands and lifted them from the bed. Her knees flexed and moved forward to support her. This is her favorite position. She loves to be doggie fucked.

As her bottom rose in front of me, I had the opportunity to check her ass hole. It appeared to be a small, brown star-shaped, tightly closed pucker. I think I expected to see it slack and gaped open. What do I know about butt fucking? I could see no change from what it was like before I brought her here. I thought, "I guess she survived in one piece." I felt relief. I couldn't help but wonder, "What would it be like to fuck her there?"

She was lying face down with her boobs on the bed and her ass in the air. Her head was on a pillow and turned to one side. Sweet sounds of anticipation bubbled up from deep within her chest.

I rose up on my knees and brought the monster to bear. He was anxious. I slipped him into her pussy to her deepest place. A soft moan was the only sound she made. Under her breath, she whispered, "Oh Luke." Her soul moved away to some dreamy place. She likes to go there for a few minutes when we fuck this way.

I fucked her slowly knowing she would tell me when she wanted more. Her soft vocal expressions of pleasure moved me closer to the edge but I knew I could maintain control.

I fucked her this way for at least the amount of time she had sucked my cock.

I felt her pussy squeeze the monster and hold him for a second. She did it again. I knew that she had returned from her private place.

I bent over her so I could whisper in her ear. I said, "Cum for me, Sweetheart."

She whispered, "Fuck me harder but don't cum with me."

I doubled my efforts. I fucked her longer and deeper. I fucked her faster and with more force. It didn't take long. She must have been close to the edge. Less than a minute later, she came for me. Her whole body convulsed and quivered with her pleasure. It was a soft and gentle orgasm accompanied by low moans and whimpers. I kept fucking her.

I knew she had something in mind for when this was over but I didn't know what. I continued to fuck her.

Her orgasm ran its course. I felt her as she came down from the climax. She relaxed. I held her in place and fucked her slowly and gently.

She said, "Don't stop Luke." Her voice was conversational as if she was saying good morning to a fellow passenger on a bus.

She had another orgasm. It was more than her minis but very soft and pleasant. I fucked her a little harder while it made its way through her body. It ended.

She took no time to recover. She moved away from me and guided me down to lie on my back. She immediately kissed me. The kiss ended too quickly for my taste. She whispered, "Cum for me Luke.

The monster was back in her mouth and going deeper. Her motions were more authoritative. I looked down and watched as my cock moved in and out of her face. Her lips sealed around my shaft and fluids from both her pussy and her mouth glistened on it.

My mind formed a picture of her sucking Bobby's cock this way. That picture dissolved away and I saw Michelin's smiling blue eyes looking up at me, as I fucked her pretty face. I held that image as long as I could. It was a beautiful picture. It faded slowly and I saw Lancelot. He was wearing full armor. His dick was encased in steel but Linda was sucking it anyway. I laughed, that was silly.

I came back to the real world. I looked down. Linda was aggressively throat fucking me. Her face crushed against my pubic bone and then my whole shaft was visible for a fraction of a second before she swallowed it again.

I couldn't stand that. I came like a free range stud horse. Some of my juice went down her throat and some didn't. The violence of my orgasm overwhelmed her. We lost our sync. My juices spurted in her mouth and on her face. I didn't know I could cum that much. I had emptied myself this morning. It was an illusion. I had sprayed everywhere but there really wasn't that much of it.

Linda was hacking and coughing. I couldn't remember anything like this happening in our years together. She rolled away from me and had to fight for breath. She gagged and sputtered. I felt so guilty. I reached for her but there was nothing, I could do.

She began to gain some degree of control. She gasped and began to draw air. She breathed deeply and her coughing subsided. She tried to laugh but had a shallow gagging spell instead. Finally, she said, I'll be all right.

Another minute passed and she eased out of bed. She smiled and headed for the bath. I started to get up she motioned for me to stay. She was gone for ten minutes. It seemed like an eternity. I heard her turn the water on in the shower. She came back to the bed. She took my hand and said, "Come with me."

Linda led me into the shower and turned to me. She put her hands on my shoulders and kissed my chest. She looked up at me trying to stifle a giggle. She said, "Oh Baby, I am so sorry I messed that up for you. It was going so well and you were enjoying it so much."

I broke in and asked, "What happened?"

She said, "I was blowing you and I blew it. She laughed at her little play on words and continued, "I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying close enough attention. Your first spasm surprised me. It went down the wrong pipe. Some of it went into my bronchial tubes. I thought I was going to choke to death."

I said. "I thought you were going to choke to death. I felt helpless."

She giggled and said in her little girl voice, "I'm so sorry. I promise to do better next time."

I let myself relax and laughed with her as we held each other.

I kissed her. She tasted of cinnamon toothpaste and smelled of strawberries. We rinsed and went back to bed.