Wild Child Pt. 01


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"I'm not actually sure what you mean."

"I show you tonight."

The Queen Bee crooked her finger at the two women. They got up and sat on either side of the matriarch of the prison. She first addressed Rina. "So how did my new pet do?"

"Very well, ma'am."

"Tell me."

"She make me cum. That hard to do for me."

"Indeed?" Queenie turned to Brooke. "So tell me, my pet, how was it to eat your first pussy?"

"I enjoyed it ma'am."

"I'm happy to hear that. I like to have Rina train my new pets so she's paid you a handsome compliment. I can't wait until you're ready to come to me." She stroked the underside of Brooke's chin with the tops of her fingers. "Soon."

Queenie turned back to Rina. "Give her the second lesson tonight."

"Yes ma'am."

Brooke whiled away the rest of the day, now eagerly awaiting lights out. She spent most of her time following Rina. Rina had a set routine. First the library. Rina was an avid reader, and read exclusively in English. The library was a small room with a handful of rows of bookshelves and a reading table. Rina took the book she was reading off the shelf and sat down to read it. Brooke was delighted that the library had a copy of Pride and Prejudice. She hadn't re-read that book in a couple of years. She settled next to Rina for the next hour.

Rina took her eyes off her book.

"You read Jane Austen."

"I love Jane Austen," gushed Brooke. "So you like to read?"

"Honey, I'm Russian. I was born to read."

"Of course. I always dreamed of ..."

"... being Elizabeth Bennett?" Rina said, completing Brooke's thought. "I read all of her books."

Rina's delicate hand travelled up Brooke's thigh. "I like this better."

Brooke parted her legs slightly, allowing Rina to brush the palm of her hand against the rough fabric covering Brooke's mound. "So do I."

Rina thought it best to go elsewhere. If they got caught doing anything with each other they would get in trouble. "Miss. Let's go back to our cell."

They walked back down a long, narrow corridor to the dining area. As they entered the wide open area, Rina spotted one of Queenie's bodyguards. The Russian pointed her eyes upward toward her cell. The burly woman nodded and followed the two up the stairs. The bodyguard stopped halfway down the walkway and turned around to keep others away from Rina and Brooke's cell. Brooke and Rina climbed into the lower bunk, away from the prying eyes of the nearest surveillance camera.

"You take clothes off."

Brooke stepped out of her jumpsuit, wearing only a prison issue bra and panties. She leaned forward, taking off her bra as she lowered her panties, stepping out of them. Rina did the same, and then ran her hands the length of Brooke's body.

"No lie Miss, you have a beautiful body." She lifted up Brooke's arm, kissing the forearm and then working to her armpit, licking the shaved surface with the flat of your tongue. "I want to make love to you."

Brooke wrapped her arms around Rina, pulling her tight and kissing her, first softly, and then hard against each other, with a sense of desperation. "Show me."

"You get on your hands and knees Miss."

Brooke got on her hands and knees.

"Now you use hands to spread the cheeks of your ass."

Brooke planted her face into the rough surface of her blanket and used her hands to pull apart her ass cheeks.

"I show you how to make love to a woman's ass."

Rina planted light kisses on each cheek, following each kiss with a nibble that sent chills through Brooke's body. She reached ahead, grasping each of Brooke's breasts and lightly twisting each nipple, and with each twist eliciting a gasp for the young blonde's lips. Then she pushed her tongue into the small gape in Brooke's anus.

"Ohhhhhhh," she moaned, loud enough to be heard by the bodyguard, who raised a faint smile.

Rina sucked, licked and nibbled the brown, crinkled opening, making Brooke arch her back. She then hardened the tip of her tongue and started to slowly fuck her ass while using the palm of her hand to massage her clit.

Brooke had never engaged in ass play like this (one of her boyfriends tried to fuck her in the ass, but was stopped), and certainly nothing approaching this level of pleasure.

"I'm ... I'm so close," Brooke panted, her breath laboring.


"Please, Rina."

"You no ask nice."

"Please Rina. I beg of you. Please ... I'll do anything you ask."

"You ask better." Rina pushed her tongue in the small gape she created in Brooke's ass.

The feel of Rina's velvety soft tongue in her ass put her over the edge. Her orgasm ripped through her, enough so as to make her lose track of time or place. She could just feel, and the wet tongue in her back passage and the deliciously busy hand massaging her sex made her cum over and over until her knees gave out and she lay prone on the bed, gasping for breath.

"Oh Rina ... I never ...".

"You rest Miss."

Rina moved to the head of the bed, putting Brooke's head in her lap and playing with the young woman's wavy hair with her fingers. Rina waited patiently until Brooke's breathing became normal.

"Now you try lick my ass."

The young inmate wanted to do it, almost desperately. Brooke was surprised at how much she enjoyed it. Rina's ass had a subtly sweet taste, with a hint of a tang. She felt the thick anal muscle contract around her tongue each time she pinched Rina's clit. She loved the feel of the outer edge of that muscle, so well defined, and smooth walls beyond it. She pressed her middle finger inside, lubricated with her spit, drawing it out and then back in as she strummed Rina's clit with her thumb. As Rina arched her back, muscles stiffening, Brooke moved her finger sideways to create a gape between her finger and the anal wall. She stuffed her tongue in that opening while she continued to finger fuck her ass.

"Oh Jesus Brooke. You killing me." The Russian started to buck her hips, but Brooke wouldn't surrender her position in Rina's ass. Rina's ass pulled tight against her lover's finger, holding it in place as she came, and thrusting her hips to maximize the friction of Brooke's thumb against her rock hard nub. Brooke didn't stop until Rina was wrung out.

"You too good of student Brooke." Rina fell asleep. Instead of waking her, Brooke carefully climbed into the top bunk and was asleep there until morning.

The next morning was Sunday morning. Sunday was special because they served pancakes for breakfast, and good ones at that. Brooke was given the heads up when she arrived and was up at 6 a.m., hungry from the previous night's activities. Rina, conditioned to prison time, also awoke before 6, so the two of them were first in line for breakfast. They both got a large stack of pancakes and were happily carving away at their pile of food when Queenie arrived with her retinue. Queenie waved for the two of them to join her.

They picked up their plates and went over to Queenie's table. She motioned for the bodyguards to take away their plates.

"Hey!" said Brooke. "I'm not done yet."

The burly woman ignored Brooke's protest, and unceremoniously dumped the pancakes into the garbage can.

Queenie laughed. "Don't eat that prison crap. Let me share my Sunday breakfast with you."

Two of the prison kitchen staff came out with a stack of Belgian waffles, a bowl of fresh strawberries, and a can of whipped cream, placing the mélange in front of them, accompanied with real plates and silverware.

"Enjoy," said Queenie. Not another word was said until the last waffle was gone.

Now sated, Queenie took Brooke's hand in hers. "Tell me honey, what are you in for?"

Brooke recounted the whole incident, closing with the ride in a squad car that smelled like barf. Queenie was amused by the story, which made Brooke even more endearing to her.

"So you have a lawyer?" Queenie asked.


"You can't use a court appointed lawyer. Let me call mine."

Brooke was relieved to hear it. She didn't want to be thrown to the wolves using a court appointed attorney. "Thank you, ma'am. Thank you so much."

"I take care of my pets. Don't forget that."

"I won't"

Turning to Rina, Queenie asked, "How did she do last night?"

"Better than the night before. She a treasure."

"I'm so glad to hear that. Is she ready for the last one?" Queenie asked, not concerned that Brooke was listening to the interchange as if she wasn't there.

"I think so."

"Teach her."

"I will."

"Make sure she makes her arraignment on time. My lawyer will meet her in the holding area at 7:30."

"Yes ma'am."

Both Rina and Brooke sat there awaiting further instruction.

"You can go now," Queenie said.

They went to the library again, but this time there was another inmate there reading at the table. The two women went into the stacks of books, each finding a book they wanted to read. They were reading for about half an hour when Aleisha breezed into the library.

"Hey, I've been looking for you two."

"Why?" asked Rina, putting a bookmark on her page. Brooke put her book down as well.

"Hey Brooke. How'd you end up here?"

Brooke told the whole sordid story again. Every time she told it her anger against Nicole rose. She was about to finish when Aleisha interrupted.

"Ya mean Nicole, that whore. I know'd that cunt. She stole $20 out of my wallet one time when she thought I's asleep."

"So you know Nicole ..."

"Yeah, that bitch usin'. Nothing but no fat ass junkie."

"Junkie?" said Brooke, not hiding her surprise. Nicole swore to her that she was clean for the past four months. Brooke had told her purported best friend that they wouldn't continue as friends if she was still using. Brooke realized that Nicole wasn't thinking straight, and her eagerness to make a score put her best friend at extreme risk. Now Brooke was facing more prison time and Nicole was probably running free. That sucked.

"Fucking Nicole," Brooke spouted.

"Fuckin' Nicole," Aleisha said under her breath. She shifted her weight on her feet. "Oh yeah, Queen Bee told me that she wants to see the two of you after the arraignment."

"OK," the two of them said, almost in unison. Brooke's anxiety level was already high. This made it higher.

"Now you girls don't get in trouble now, you hear?" Aleisha laughed as she walked away. Brooke could hear her giggles as she sashayed down the hallway.

They spent most of the rest of the day together, going to lunch and dinner together and then back to the cell. It was only then that Rina finally broached the subject of the last night of training.

"You must learn to submit. It's more than begging. You must feel it inside. That you want it. That you give yourself to me."

"I want to try Rina. I do. I've never felt this way before with anyone."

Rina had touched something dark and hidden in Brooke, something that hadn't been disturbed in her twenty-five short years. Even Rina's half-hearted attempt to make Brooke beg for her orgasms made her realize that the transfer of control to another excited her in ways she didn't know were possible. She wanted to explore the depths of her desires, and she thought of no one better to do it with than Rina.

They waited until lights out.

Brooke was shaking with excitement and anticipation. "Please show me."

Rina sat Brooke down on the lower bunk and sat next to her. She stroked Brooke's fine blonde hair, twirling a strand of it around her finger.

"So pretty ..." she said, as she drew the back of her hand lightly across the young woman's cheek. Brooke trembled as Rina carefully unzipped her jumpsuit, the cool air hitting her braless chest and causing her nipples to become erect.

The Russian retrieved two clothespins they used for their wash and also a clean rag. She covered Brooke's eyes with the rag and tied it behind her head. "You think about how you feel. Just feel. Let your body tell you what to do."

Rina laved her nipples, and with Brooke now sightless, the sensations felt like little explosions of pleasure as her lover licked the underside of her breasts. The licks became nibbles and the pleasurable pain made Brooke arch her back and tighten every muscle in her body.

Suddenly the excruciating pleasure became excruciating pain as Rina clamped her nipple with a clothes pin. Her mouth opened and a scream came bubbling up her throat.

Rina clamped her hand over Brooke's wide open mouth. "You not make any noise."

Brooke squelched her scream, gagging instead. As she started coughing Rina affixed the other clothespin to the untended nipple. Now Brooke was forewarned not to make any noise, and the blinding pain manifested itself in a bit lip. There was a trickle of blood running down Brooke's chin.

"You did good," said Rina. "Now it get better."

Brooke started sobbing softly as the pain pulsed in her body. But the pain soon became a prickly heat, and every nerve ending was on high alert. Rina knew the look. She trained other submissives for the Queen Bee, but she was also a submissive herself, and more than once her Mistress would torture her nipples. She knew her limits of pleasure and pain.

"You a good girl," Rina whispered in her ear. To Brooke it sounded like a shout. Her body was shaking in anticipation of what was to come. Rina licked her finger next to Brooke's ear, then traced it down Brooke's side, then over to her pussy. As Brooke felt the finger move toward her pussy she tried to get away. She knew it would be intense and that she would have to suppress her scream and her orgasm.

Rina flicked the tip of her index finger across Brooke's clit. The unexpected move took the her breath away. She was one touch away from cumming. Now Rina wanted to test Brooke's submission.

"You not cum without permission." Rina waited for a response.

"I can't ... wait," Brooke panted.

"You have to."

Rina started stroking Brooke pussy lips, coating her finger with her slippery essence and smearing it over her unhooded clit. Brooke was not only trying to control her scream, she was trying to control her body from wriggling off the bunk. Her breaths became short and quick.

"Please Rina. I ... I beg of you," she said between crescendos of pain, "Please."

Rina took off one clothespin. In Brooke's darkness, it suddenly became a blinding light as fresh blood flooded into her nipple, making every nerve ending hitting a "10" at the same time. Brooke grabbed the pillow next to her and covered her mouth, the muffled screams still audible outside their cell.

Rina, being a submissive herself, took pity on her young charge as she screamed away into the pillow as she battled the orgasms that were breaching her defenses.

"OK, now, you cum." Rina pulled off the second clothespin as she finger fucked her.

Brooke quivered as if possessed. The metal feet of the bunk bed shook as Brooke came. Tidal waves of pleasure washed across Brooke's nubile body as the nerve endings in her nipples and pussy were firing continuously . Brooke's teeth chattered as she felt extreme sensations of hot and cold. She fought to regain control of her breath, while at the same time wanting to remember how she felt at that exact moment.

Brooke was always casual in her attitude about sex. It was fun. She had the body to attract anyone she wanted to have sex with, always on her terms. But it was just fun. This was beyond fun. It was a reveal of her sexual identity. Even Rina's weak attempt to dominate her was enough to expose that dark spot in her heart. The spot that needed to be nurtured by someone practiced in that art. And tonight was the night that Brooke knew, without doubt, that she wanted to submit to another.

"Now I take off blindfold and you kneel in front of toilet, naked."

Brooke was still enjoying the remnants of her orgasms when she steeled herself for kneeling on cold concrete. She remained naked, and swung her feet onto the floor. She refocused her eyes, and after being blindfolded, even the weak light looked like broad daylight to her. She knelt in front of the toilet, as if she was praying. Rina straddled the toilet in front of her, so Brooke's face was only inches from Rina's pussy.

There was silence until Brooke could hear the hissing of urine hitting the steel bottom of the toilet, the distinct smell making her nose crinkle. The stream became droplets, echoing off the metal surface. Brooke felt Rina's hand on the back of her neck, keeping her in position.

"You lick me ... now."

Brooke didn't hesitate. She bent forward and put her hands on Rina's back, feeling her ribs. She pushed her lips against the Russian's vaginal lips, licking between and then above them. She tasted the remains of the acrid, salty urine, suppressing her instinct to retch.

"That's good," murmured Rina as Brooke's tongue was working its magic on her clit. "Now you make me cum again."

The briny flavors gave way to a cloying sweetness, as Rina's honey seeped out of her pussy.

"Yes ... yes ... Miss ... don't ... stop."

Brooke had no intention of stopping. Rina bit her tongue as her orgasm crested, preventing her from screaming to the heavens. She used both hands to push Brooke away as the pleasure became unbearable.

Brooke sat on her haunches next to the toilet, enjoying the unique feeling of satisfaction that true submission can bring.

"Did I do good Rina?"

"What you think?" asked Rina, as she leaned forward on the toilet and kissed Brooke full on the lips.

"You my best student."

Chapter Three


Promptly at 6 a.m. Rina perched on Brooke's bunk and shook her awake.

"You go to court today," she said, her voice taking a serious tone.

Brooke rubbed her eyes and kicked over her shopworn blanket. She put her head on Rina's lap. "I don't want to leave."

"You have to go to court." There was no room for doubt in her voice. "Don't worry, Queenie take care of you."

"I hope so," said Brooke, now getting up to ready herself for a long day.

She washed her hair in the sink and let it air dry, then donned her orange prison garb. Rina showed her the way to the holding area where they were to meet Queenie's attorney. They arrived a bit before 7:30, and all of the prisoners who were using court appointed counsel were already there. Most were sitting by idle, waiting for their three-minute consultation before the arraignment hearing. Rina spotted the lawyer, waving to her. She was a statuesque ginger redhead who could have been a model instead of an attorney.

"Karla!" Rina called out. The lawyer turned her head and spotted Rina, waving back. Rina pulled Brooke by the hand to meet Karla Thoresen, a Dane by heritage, although she was the third generation of her family in St. Louis. Her father, Pieter, was a Federal district court judge, and her mother was a lawyer in a small law firm along with Karla.

"Rina, it's so good to see you," she said, hugging her client. "Only two more months until your parole hearing."

"I feel good about it."

"So do I. Four months of good behavior. You should be a shoo-in for parole."

"Thank you Karla."

"Just keep your nose clean for the next two months. Can you do that?"

"I try."

"So who do you have with you?"

"My new friend Brooke."

"Hi Brooke. What's your full name?"

"Brooke Ashworth."

"Right." She flipped through file folders in her briefcase until she found Brooke's. "Ah yes, Queenie told me to take extra special care of your file."

"I just want to tell you that I don't have any money."

"Don't worry about that. Queenie has you covered," she said. Brooke's good looks weren't lost on the attorney. "Unless of course, you want to give me a tip." She winked.

Brooke was too nervous to pick up the innuendo. "So what happens today?"

"Well, I read your police report. Given the patrolman's report, you were arrested with stolen electronics in your possession. At this hearing the judge only wants to know if there's enough evidence to hold you over and to set bail. We're not going to argue about whether you did it or not. That's for the trial."