Wild Flower Ch. 01


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"No!" They breathed, dropping to their knees. "Please. Don't do this to us. We..."

"Oh..." He chuckled, shaking his head. "So you actually want to work? I thought you weren't getting enough time to spend with your family and your congregation. I am giving you that free time. You can now spend time with your families and congregate all you want. I don't need you. This is my company and it will survive with or without your services."

"Please." The woman on the right, the managing director pleaded. "You need our..."

"I need nothing from all of you. I can always employ better people." He roared. "There are many people, better and more qualified than all of you on the waiting list." He chuckled angrily. "I just want you all to get up and get out of my company and if I ever see you anywhere near..."

"Please." The accountant on the right, a tall Caucasian man pleaded. "We are sorry sir. If you fire us right now we will..."

"You will have a great time with your family and money will automatically fall on you." He chuckled manically, filling his voice in the room. All of them were on their knees, pleading with him so that he could reconsider his decision. "What will our families..."

"Well! You should have thought of that before actually trying to act stupid." He snarled, hitting his hands on the table. "Do you actually think that this company will work on itself and provide you with all the money you need? I don't need lazy workers that do nothing but complain."

From the seriousness on his face, the employees knew he wasn't gonna go back on his word. They were really scared when they thought about what was gonna become of them and their families. Some of them were actually crying and others were sweating. They had their hands held together, pleading with the young man who seemed not to care.

"This company wasn't built on laziness." He continued, warning them. "It was built on hard work and blood. Do you actually know how much work you would have accomplished? Do you expect work to do itself without you? So... why should my company suffer because of your foolishness?"

"Please." The people were sweating terribly. "Try to understand us, Mr. Rodriguez. Some of us are husband, wives, fathers and mothers. We just needed to spend some quiet time with our families so that..."

"Really?" Angelo chuckled bitterly, filling his voice throughout the room. "I have a husband. In fact, we've been married for only a few months and that aside, I am the owner of this company. If I can come early and leave late then who are you to question me, uh?"

"I am sorry," She bowed softly. "Please. Don't do this to us. We are really sorry for being... negligent and..."

"Stupid!" Angelo chimed in, chuckling softly. "Your stupidity and foolishness is what is controlling you. Every day that you fail to report here makes me lose..."

"It will never happen." One of them said loudly as if he was about to cry. "We will never ever do this again. We swear that we will always work even on public holidays. We had no idea that this would lead to this. We love our jobs and we will have a hard time trying to look for other jobs. Please... Mr. Rodriguez, we are on our knees. We don't wanna be jobless. These jobs provide everything..."

"Well! If you start acting stupid then what do you expect the outcome to be?"

"Please." They all pleaded. "Give us another chance and we will never disappoint you."

The people started pleading with him, bowing their heads. He could hear their fear through their voices. He could sense their fear too and he could see their trembling bodies. They seemed pitiful and they were actually afraid of him. Now he knew he was in power.

Angelo sighed, sitting back on the chair with his legs crossed. "They say you never know the value of what you have until you lose it. This is my company and I make my own rules and I don't want people to disobey me. You really don't know me that well and I don't want lazy people lying around my company or even me. That's why I really wanted you to pack your stuff and leave." They all whimpered, trying to be confident. "However, I will give you one last chance and let me warn you..." He raised his voice. "If any of you even tries this mistake again..." He chirped, looking at all of them. "... you are you are gonna regret ever working here. Thank your lucky stars that contract was signed otherwise, you would have all been street beggars."

"Thank you so much." The people in the conference room said happily, wiping their tears. "We will never, ever try to do this again. It's a promise."

The people continued with their praises, sitting back on the chairs.

"Enough!" He yelled. "Now I want you to go out there and make sure that you put double the effort. However, I will not just let you go. As punishment for trying to act smart with me..." He chuckled softly. "All of you are gonna work late today. You are all gonna have to go home after 9 tonight and come as early as possible tomorrow morning."

The employees couldn't argue with that. They just bowed their heads and said, "Yes, sir."


Angelo made a quick look around, staring all around the table. He noticed that something was still missing.

"Wait!" He slightly raised his finger. "Where is Mr. James?"

"We don't know." The secretary said softly. "We haven't seen him at work today. He hasn't reported to..."

"So he still has the nerves to not report to work today after not reporting yesterday at all." He laughed bitterly, crossing his fingers as he shook his head. "Hmm, I think all of you have grown wings." He looked at all their faces. "But I will cut those wings for you and trust me... it will be real soon. It is sooner than you think."

"We are..."

"Now get out of here and go back to your posts before I change my mind." He bellowed.

Hearing him, the employees quickly got up and started heading out of the room. Their hearts were still pounding and they were still a little scared. They had barely escaped that punishment. They knew how cunning and bitter their boss was. They didn't need to mess with him for anything. He was so young but he was scaring them like nothing else.

"And don't forget what I have told you today." He warned. "I have my eyes on all of you."

They all thanked him and started going out. Angelo watched them until they all left. They were really lucky he wasn't really that mad otherwise, he would have made sure all of them lose their jobs and pack out of his company.

"What no sense." He said angrily, picking up the documents that were on the table. "Let them mess with me again and I will show them why I am their boss." He hissed, getting up from the chair.

With an angry groan, Angelo headed out of the conference room.


Angelo was waiting at the elevator which for some reason had refused to open or rather taken longer to open. It just made him madder and he actually fumed. He wanted to get inside and yet it wasn't opening. This was the reason why he hated having many people using the elevator. Fuck! And he couldn't even use the staircase. That would never ever happen.

After waiting for quite some time, Angelo heard the elevator door opening. He breathed in deeply, moving his eyes up. But just when he raised his eyes, he met with the man he had been asking about earlier, Mr. James. Mr. James was a man in his late 40s, tall, a bit handsome, Caucasian, brown eyed, dark haired with strands of white. He was putting on a wonderful grey designer's suit and was one of the most important men in the company. He was actually the general manager and saw to all things in the company.

Staring at the man who was getting out with a smile on his face, Angelo crossed his arms on his chest and just stared at him with angry eyes. The man seemed to be smiling a whole lot and Angelo just found it to be extremely irritating.

"Angelo!" He said happily, getting in front of the handsome young man. "How are you this morning?"

Angelo gave a short, teasing smile. "Welcome! You are definitely welcome, sir."

"Thank you." Mr. James chuckled happily, actually thinking that Angelo was gonna spare him. "I just hope that you..."

"May I know the reason why you... are coming to work this late?" He said angrily. "And the reason why you didn't come to the company yesterday?"

"Oh!" He chuckled softly. "Actually, I have a friend, a very good friend of mine who is in the hospital. I had to pass by there and take very good care of him. He needed me."

"Really?" He nodded. "And what about yesterday?"

"Well! Yesterday was a public holiday and a Sunday. I actually spent the entire day with my friend."

"Oh!" He smiled brightly. "Looks like you are good friends."

"Yeah," Mr. James sighed, not losing the smile on his face. "He is my best friend, currently."

"Okay." He nodded. "Doesn't this friend of yours have a family?"

Mr. James chuckled happily. "He does."

"Oh he does." Angelo exclaimed and when Mr. James nodded, his smile turned into a glower. "So why the hell did you not come to work yesterday?" He snapped, furiously dropping his hands. "Why the hell are you coming to work at this godforsaken hour?'

To say Mr. James was surprised would be an understatement. He was more than shocked with what he was hearing. He still couldn't believe that was actually happening to him.

"Angelo, my son..."

"I am not your son." He warned, pointing angrily at the man that made him fume. "I don't have a father and I don't think I can have a father like you."

"Angelo..." He chuckled softly. "Your father used to be a really good friend of mine. You are like a son to me and..."

"But I am not your son." He chuckled, dropping his hands to his hips. "My father is already dead. But enough of that and answer the damn question."

The man sighed, taking a good look at the young man in front of him. "I already told you that I had to go and see a friend at the hospital. He is critically ill and..."

"And I heard you say that he has a family so... why the hell would you choose to neglect your work over such petty issues." The man lost his smile. "Did you actually know there was an important meeting that needed your presence? Did you actually know that there was a meeting that was just held for two whole hours and do you realize the time you have come to work?"

"Angelo..." The man gasped, still not believing his ears. "I never knew there was an important meeting otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?" He snapped. "How could you have known when you couldn't even pick up your damn phone?" The man tried to speak but was gestured not to say anything. "Besides, you are supposed to be here at the office the rest of the day, all days making sure that everything is going smoothly with the staff that you manage. That's your damn job and not to take care of some sick friend. If you wanted to take care of sick people then you should have been a nurse. You are employed under this company and therefore should be found in this company whole the time and not get disturbed over petty issues okay."

"Petty?" The surprise in the man's voice couldn't be masked. "That's a really serious thing, Angelo. I am talking about..."

"Would he have died if he didn't see you?" He asked harshly. "Are you his remedy? Did he get cured because he saw your face? Did you get paid or something? Did anything change and..."

Before Angelo even finished his sentence, Mr. James gave a loud laugh, nodding his head. "Can you just hear yourself? He is my friend and..."

"Well! Have you ever heard of the word, 'I don't care'?" He said, clenching his teeth as he slightly moved his head closer to the man. "Your job is in this company and you are supposed to be here the whole time. You don't get paid for just sitting around, moving foolishly from place to place. You are paid for doing your job which you are..."

"What?" The man sounded angry. "Did you actually talk to me like that? How dare you?"

Angelo gave a short bitter laugh. "Do you actually see anyone else here?"

"How dare you speak to me like that, Angelo?" He snapped, pointing at Angelo. "I am far much older than you."

"Well! I am the owner and president of this company. That makes me your superior. I don't give a damn if you are actually older than me. If you feel you are older then you are free to retire and go sit in the damn hospital whole day." He made it sound sweet and slow. "You can do that and take care of every sick patient in the hospital. But as long as you are in this company, you will listen to my orders okay." He pointed at the man.

"I have been working in this company for years." The man sounded really angry. "I have worked with your father before I started working with you. I know how to do my job very well. You don't have to teach me about my job..."

"Well! Then do your job really well." He emphasized. "Otherwise, you are gonna find your way out of this company real soon."

"What?" He shook his head. "Angelo..."

"Mr. Rodriguez..." He corrected. "In this company you are to call me Mr. Rodriguez and nothing else and..."

"You are really so arrogant." He said angrily. "Do you actually know that I am just your father's age? You are like a son to me and..."

"I am not your son and I will never be." He warned. "Stop all this no..."

"Angelo..." He shook his head. "Please. The man..."

"I don't care." He shouted, slightly moving away from the man. "Just do your little job right otherwise, you will..."

"I know how to do my job right. You are far much younger than me, Angelo. You are not even my elder son's age. I think I deserve some respect from you even though you own the company."

Angelo laughed softly, teasing the man. "If not for one thing," He shook his head, angrily pointing at the man. "I would have thrown you out of here. Thank your lucky for that one thing. However, do your job right or you will find yourself on the streets with your family? I don't care about how long you worked for my father."


"I will not repeat myself again." He raised his hands slightly, crossing them on his chest. An evil grin appeared on his face when the man looked angry. "You will either listen to my orders or you face the consequences. I hope we understand each other, Mr..." He paused, eyeing the man up and down as if he was looking at something really disgusting. "...whatever."

With a loud laugh of mockery, Angelo pressed the button and it wasn't long before the elevator actually opened. He moved his eyes the man one last time, the man that seemed angry.

"Goodbye... Mr. whatever,"

With those words, Angelo laughed loudly in mock, leaving the angry man all alone. He couldn't express what he felt. He didn't need to give a damn about the man's age. He was a business man and didn't give a fuck about who got in his way.

"I am the boss."


"Hey!" Angelo said sweetly.

"Hi!" Gabriel said sensually on the phone.

Angelo had been in the office the whole day just taking care of some work and signing some documents. He had missed Gabriel so much that he had decided to give him a wonderful call just to hear his sweet voice.

"What are you doing?" Angelo chuckled softly, moving from side to side on his office chair. "I really miss you like crazy."

"I am just watching a romantic movie, missing you like crazy." He chuckled on the other end of the line. "I am missing your lips like crazy and I can't wait to have you back here."

"Oh..." Aidan moaned softly, licking his lips. "Now you are making me miss you more. Why are you always like this?"

"Because I am in love with the most handsome boy out there and his love is driving me insane. It's overflowing and..."

"Hmm," he chuckled happily. "And who might this wonderful boy you are in love with be?"

"Hmm," Gabriel breathed. Even from the phone, Angelo could hear his husband's sensual breaths. "I am speaking to him right now and I really... really want him to come home right now and watch this wonderful movie with me."

"Oh, baby..." Angelo sighed. "I still have some things to do. But I promise I will be back to you, my love. I just have to do a few things, okay?"

"Uh..." Gabriel sighed. "Fine! I will wait for you, baby."

"I am sorry." Angelo felt he needed to apologize to his husband.

"For what, my baby?"

"For not coming as soon as possible... I promise I will try to finish this as soon as I can okay and I promise to come to you sooner than you think, my love."

"It's fine. Just finish up and then hurry home, baby. I will be here waiting for you."

A grin appeared on Angelo's face. His heart began racing miles and miles away. His entire body vibrated, making him breath harshly. He could feel his entire body catching a powerful flame. He was so crazy in love with the only man that melted his heart.

"Alright," He smiled even from the phone. "I will see you tonight. I really, really love you so, so very, very much."

"Oh!" Gabriel moaned softly. "I love you too. I will see you tonight."

"Bye!" Angelo kissed the phone and cut it.

He must have spent about twenty minutes or so just smiling and imagining how his cute husband was looking like. He was imagining his sweet lips and his super cute face. He was also imagining his cute smile and his wonderful body. Gosh! He could die just thinking about that man and the gorgeous body he possessed.

"What's wrong with me?" He thought, giving small giggles. "Why am I suddenly thinking about my husband?" But he couldn't stop thinking about him. "Okay. I really need to get him out of my mind."

With a deep breath, Angelo got up from the chair and got out of his office. He needed to forget about his crazy husband and just concentrate on the work. So to do that, he just decided to pass around the building and see how things were going. He needed to check how things were going around the entire building.

Angelo got into the elevator and then went to the 5th floor where all the produced goods were found. He needed to check on the completed shoes and the sketches which were made. Getting out of the elevator, Angelo started walking elegantly towards the shoe section which was really big. He had his eyes everywhere.

As Angelo was busy walking to his destination, he passed an office on that department and then heard giggles and laughs that seemed a little out of the ordinary. He couldn't believe people still had the time to sit down and laugh when there was still a lot of work to be done in that fucking company. He was a little mad.

Moving like a wounded buffalo, Angelo rushed to the office and without knocking furiously opened it. He was expecting to find at least two workers talking but what he found was pretty different. It was the assistant marketing manager, a tall beautiful blonde lady. But she had a guest, a male guest and they were kissing sensually. The man was tall and dark haired. He had his hands on her waist pulling her closer.

When Angelo saw what the hell was going on, he was absolutely furiously. Taking a harsh breath, Angelo threw the door behind, closing it with a loud bang. The kissing couple soon realized what was going on but it was too late as Angelo was still looking at them with an angry look on his face. He had his eyes on them and from that look... boy was he mad.

"Sir, I..."

"What the hell are you doing?" He growled, pointing at the two of them. "In this office and in my building..."

"Sir, he..." she quavered, pointing to the man. "He is my... my husband and he came to pay me..."

"Oh..." He laughed bitterly, looking at the man. "Does this office look like your marital house or your bedroom or even your hotel?"

"Sir... I..."

"And you." Angelo moved to the surprised looking man. "Don't you have respect for the place where your wife works?"

"Look I just came to visit her because I missed her. I don't see her that..."