Wild Flower Ch. 02


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"Don't worry about me. As long as I see you happy then I am really happy."

"Oh..." Angelo gripped his friend into a tight hug that made him feel warm as well. He felt really happy hugging his friend but he also wanted him to date someone special. He really deserved it.

Pulling away from the hug, Angelo just held him. He wanted to talk to him but before he did, he heard a voice coming towards them. When he looked, it was one of the workers in the house. He was holding a tray were there was a bottle of champagne and some glasses.

"Finally," Angelo breathed in deeply. "For a moment I was thinking this champagne wasn't gonna come at all."

"I am sorry," Joe apologized, smiling at Angelo and his friend. "I didn't mean..."

"Just serve us." He commanded.

Joe gripped the small table which was closer and then put the tray on it. He opened the bottle and started pouring the champagne for the two guys. But before he was done, his phone started ringing. To Angelo's annoyance, the guy actually picked up his phone and continued pouring the champagne while talking on the phone.

Angelo had never been as annoyed as he was at that very time. That was a really stupid move and it made him mad. He couldn't believe that the guy actually had the nerves to answer the phone... in his presence and when he had a guest. That smile and those giggles from the guy was the last stroll for him. He was now really mad, madder than he had ever been.

Angelo extended his hand to the guy who was serving the champagne. "Can I see your phone?"

Joe was surprised and it showed. But he knew better than to disobey his boss so he cut the call and then handed the phone to him.

With an evil smirk, Angelo gripped the phone harder. Then as if he was disgusted, he held the phone at the tip, moving it slowly towards the glasses. What followed next really surprised both Jack and Joe. Angelo dropped the phone inside the full champagne glass, making sure that it was completely submerged.

"What?" Jack gasped, looking at the phone which was in the champagne.

Joe on the other hand was surprised. He moved his eyes to Angelo with a frown on his face.

"Why would you do that?"

With a loud growl, Angelo furiously got up from the couch, nodding his head. Then with a groan, he raised his hand in the air and smacked Joe across the face as hard as he could. It left a mark and Joe actually held his hurting cheek as tears formed in his eyes. He took a few steps back, still holding his hurting cheek.

"How dare you question me?" Angelo chided, pointing at him. "What no sense? Don't you have manners at all?"


"Shut the fuck up!" He exploded, venting out his anger at the man who was just his age. "You have the nerves to answer the phone in my presence? Just what kind of village do you come from where they don't teach about manners?"

"I am sorry," Joe sobbed softly, rubbing the tear which had poured down his cheek. "It's just that the call was very..."

"Nothing is as important as me and the next time that you try to act like an idiot..." He chuckled bitterly. "...I swear you are gonna be in a coma."

Joe trembled at the tone of Angelo's voice. He couldn't do or say anything. After all, he was nothing in the house. "I am sorry, sir..."

"You better be." Angelo furiously sat down, still looking at the annoying guy. "And take back this no sense." He pointed at the champagne. "You have just ruined my mood."

"What's going on here?" Alicia asked as she rushed in the room. "I heard voices and..."

"Wow!" Angelo chuckled, moving his eyes to her. "It's actually good that you are here. Please. Teach your son some manners if he is to serve me."

"I am sorry." She apologized, moving to her sad looking son. "What did you do?"

"I am sorry, mother." Joe apologized. "I served Angelo and then my phone rang. I answered it and he..." He paused, gesturing to the phone in the glass.

"Oh, I am so sorry," She moved her eyes to the mad looking Angelo. "This is my fault. I shouldn't have..."

"Well! It has happened and nothing can be done about it. Your son has managed to ruin my mood and spoil everything for me. But tell him to act like a man when he comes here to serve me otherwise," he chuckled bitterly. "You won't recognize his face."

"I am sorry..." Alicia held her son and started going away.

"And where do you think you are going?" Angelo asked.

Alicia made a quick turn. "I am..."

"Take all this together with your son's foolishness." He snapped.

"Sorry." Alicia made a quick turn and then cleared all the things on the table. She apologized once more and then left together with her son.

Angelo groaned softly and then smiled brightly at his friend. "Anyway, I just wanted to know about how everything has..."

"Angelo..." Jack sounded displeased. In fact, he didn't like Angelo's behavior a few seconds ago. "For how long will you continue to treat your workers like that?" He asked. "They are your workers and they are..."

"Until they stop being foolish." Angelo bellowed, feeling a little angry. "I don't tolerate any foolishness. These workers just find ways for me to be pissed at them." He chuckled. "Can you imagine the nerve of Joe..."

"As far as I know," Jack sighed. "He didn't do anything wrong. He even apologized to you and you shouldn't have done what you did to him. He said the call..."

"I don't care even if that call was from God himself," Angelo couldn't have been madder than he was at that particular time. "He lives in my house and therefore must follow my orders. I will not let my workers act stupid in front of me. That will never happen."

"Angelo." Jack laughed softly, nodding his head. "You really are something else. For once, just..."

"They are my workers." Angelo said harshly. "They need to show me respect and I will not demand it from them. They know what exactly they have to do if they want to keep their jobs. Why would he disrespect me like that?"

"Okay." Jack said softly, gripping his friend's hand. "I think you are too harsh with them. I agree that they need to show respect but... you should be a little nice to them."

"I am nice, alright I pay them more than any worker in this country actually gets." Angelo smiled brightly and then lost it. "What I will not take is someone taking advantage of that." He smiled brightly again. "Anyway, let's just forget about that. Let's talk about something else."

Jack couldn't believe Angelo had just done that to his workers. In his own opinion, it was really harsh. The guy had done nothing wrong by answering his call. He couldn't believe Angelo was that bitter and cunning even to the extent of snapping at his husband. But what could he do? He loved his friend and didn't want to upset him.

"Okay." Jack chirped. "Let's just talk about something else."

"That's my friend and brother."

Angelo and jack just picked up a really interesting topic, forgetting about everything that had happened. The two of them just wanted to have fun and laugh their lungs out like old days. They wanted to be really happy.


Gabriel had just reached his home and it was really dark. He had gone to meet with some people in town and they had quite some time with some of his friends. The day had been so great that he had even forgotten about the time. When he really realized it, it was already dark. He had been driving himself because unlike Angelo, Gabriel loved to drive.

Gabriel slowly opened the door and started heading inside. He was dying to see his husband whom he hadn't seen for a number of hours. He was putting on a beautiful pitch black designer's trousers, white shirt and brown shoes. He had his hair gelled and he was carrying his big phone on his hand.

When he reached the living room, he stopped and moved his eyes forward. He saw Angelo sitting on the couch, busy looking at his tablet. He had a smile on his face and though he didn't seem to notice that he had arrived, Angelo was happy he had seen him. He had missed him like crazy.

"Baby..." Gabriel announced, opening his arms widely.

Hearing his husband's voice, Angelo quickly moved his eyes to the direction of the voice and saw him at a distance. He was looking really handsome and sexy. Those wide open arms were an indication of what his husband wanted.

Dropping his tablet on the couch, Angelo got up and rushed towards his husband. Reaching him, he made a quick jump and wrapped his legs around his waist. Gabriel on the other hand got excited when he felt Angelo's legs around his waist. He wrapped his arms around Angelo's waist, pulling him closer to his body.

"Fuck!" he moaned. "I missed you so..."

Before Gabriel even had a chance to finish his sentence, Angelo locked his lips with his? When he felt those hot sexy lips, he lost his mind and gripped his waist harder. Then he started kissing him softly, taking his lower lip in his mouth. He sucked on that lip like it were the last thing he was gonna do on this earth. He got so turned on and his entire body got hot.

"Ah..." Angelo moaned as he felt Gabriel's hot mouth sucking on him.

Angelo's hormones were getting out of control. Adrenaline took advantage of him and he couldn't help but moan deeply into that mouth which was sweeter than anything on earth. He tightened his grip on Gabriel's neck, responding to the kiss softly.

Gabriel on the other hand was simply going insane with the emotions that took advantage of him. He kept on bringing Angelo closer to his body. He wanted to make him a part of him. He wanted to feel his immense pleasures and his happiness. He wanted to feel more of his mouth and more of his moans.

Gabriel slowly started walking towards the couch and he slowly laid Angelo on it, getting on top of him. Angelo removed his legs from Gabriel's mouth, letting him between his legs. The feel of his husband's weight on top of him was probably the best thing that had happened to him that particular day. He loved having his husband on top of him.

Gabriel moved his hands from Angelo's waist and cupped his cheeks, rubbing on them softly. He stuck out his tongue and brushed it between Angelo's lips, demanding entrance into that sweet mouth which he had missed more than anything.

Angelo parted his lips, allowing Gabriel's slick tongue to have access to his mouth. Fuck! Gabriel's tongue slipped right through and was already at war with Angelo's tongue. A powerful, blissful vibration took control of their bodies at the same time. They both moaned deep into each other's mouths, a little louder than they expected. Their tongues vibrated when those gorgeous moans escaped their throats.

At that time, Angelo and Gabriel didn't mind about anything else. They didn't even give a damn if someone saw them kissing or if they heard their moans. What they were concerned about was the kiss they were sharing. They didn't want to pull away from each other's lips.

Angelo closed his eyes shut, grasping the back of Gabriel's head, pulling him closer. There was no space left between them. Their breaths seized as they kissed intensely, deriving pleasure from each other's mouths. They moaned even louder.

The more they kissed... the more they struggled to breathe. Their lips were getting swollen each second and their bodies were getting hotter. None of them could have denied that they wanted each other. They needed to feel each other's bodies.

They kissed for a number of minutes. Gabriel was sucking on Angelo's tongue, slowly nipping on it. Angelo felt as if Gabriel was about to suck his very life force out of him. He really, really loved him so much. There was no denying that.

The kiss they shared was hot... it was blissful... it was sweet... it was passionate... it was explosive... it was full of lust and yearn... it was captivating... it was breathtaking... it was mesmerizing... it was getting them blown out of their damn minds.

After what felt like hours, they pulled away from each other's lips, breathing as if death had come to them. They were panting and were a little sweaty after what had happened between them. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

"I don't remember the last time we kissed like that." Gabriel panted, trying to catch his breath. "Why do you always drive me insane with desire?"

"Hmm, I haven't noticed." Angelo ruffled Gabriel's hair. "What I know is that I missed you like crazy. I really, really missed you."

"Ah..." Gabriel moaned softly, getting off of Angelo. He sat properly on the couch. "But I don't think you missed me more than I missed you. I felt as if I was going insane out there. I am so sorry that I... I came home this late. I didn't know that it had gotten late and..."

"I am not complaining." Angelo rose from the couch. "What matters is that you really had fun."

"Yeah," Gabriel sighed. "But maybe you should have come with me. We would have great fun together, I know that."

"No!" Angelo wrapped his arm tightly around Gabriel. "I actually had a good time too. Jack passed by and we were just catching up."

"Jack was here?" Gabriel gasped, smiling brightly. "Hmm, it's been really long since I last saw him. How is he?"

"He's okay." Angelo chuckled softly. "He was also asking a lot about you."

"Yeah!" Gabriel nodded. "It's really been long."

"Okay." Angelo smiled. "Have you had your dinner because I was waiting for you so that we can have it together?"

"Now that you've mentioned it," Gabriel chuckled. "I think I might be a little hungry. Let's go."

Gabriel wrapped his arms tightly around Angelo's waist and the two of them set off to the beautiful dining table. Angelo and Gabriel were served by a maid and the food looked delicious but when Angelo took it in his mouth... he spurt it out quickly, taking a glass of juice as quickly as he could. Then he started coughing.

"Baby..." Gabriel who hadn't had any of the food called softly. "What is..."

But before he even finished his sentence, Angelo furiously got up, staring at the blonde maid angrily. He was breathing harshly, surprising both Gabriel and the maid. Both of them had no idea what was wrong with Angelo.

"What is it..."

"Who made this food tonight?" Angelo snapped at her.

The maid trembled, taking a quick glance at the food. "I did. But..."

"Oh, so you actually made this disgusting thing you call food?"

"Sir... I..."

"I want you to taste it and tell me how it tastes."

The maid bowed and then took a spoon to taste the food. She trembled even more as she chewed on the food, trying her best to act confident in front of her boss. She was visibly trembling and Gabriel who was just watching saw what was going on.

"Now tell me. Is that your perfect food?"

"I am sorry," She dropped her eyes to the floor, hiding her shaky hands in her apron pocket. "I didn't know the food would be too salty."

"You didn't know?" He growled, not even showing any sign of mercy. "What happened to tasting food before serving it? What if it was actually..."

"I forgot. Please..."

"Do I have to teach you to cook my meals?" He snarled, clenching his fists. "I wonder what's wrong with all of you. All of you are becoming lazy and stupid. This morning it was that stupid boy and this evening it is a dumb blonde." He raised his voice, shouting in her scared face. "I think you are getting tired of this job and..."

"Please." She put her hands together. "It was just a mistake."

"Yeah... a mistake that's gonna cost you your job."

"No!" She cried softly, kneeling down in front of him. "Please..."

"You are becoming useless to me. I think I have had enough of you. You were supposed to make my food tasty. How will I know if this food is not poisoned?"

"I wouldn't dare poison you, sir." She vowed, pointing towards the heavens. "You mean a lot to me, sir. Please, forgive me for..."

"I am not God who forgives every little thing. You are acting foolish and I am sorry, but you are gonna have to..."

"Angelo..." Gabriel intervened, slowly getting up. "What is it?"

"Can you imagine this stupid blonde just served me food full of salt when she already knows that I don't like too much salt." He growled. "I think she is no longer..."

"Go..." Gabriel said to the kneeling lady. "Clear all this from the table and go back to your work."

"Thank you, sir." The maid said, rubbing her tears. Then she quickly cleared the table and left while Angelo watched with anger.

"What was that for?" Angelo moved his eyes to his husband. "Why would you..."

"Baby... I am so sorry," Gabriel held his hand softly rubbing on it. "I couldn't watch while you fired the poor woman and..."

"So it is okay for her to insult me and..."

"Honey, she didn't insult you." Gabriel got closer to him but he moved away from him. "She was only..."

"So what do you call what she did?" Angelo sounded really mad. "She just insulted me by putting too much salt in my food. I will not stand for that and you just showed me that you respect her so much more than you do to me."

"No!" Gabriel gripped Angelo's hand, planting a soft kiss on it. "Baby, I love you and that's all that matters. The poor lady has nowhere to get her daily needs than here. Please, try to understand and..."

"Of course, I do understand what's going on here." Angelo chuckled bitterly. "You regard her feelings more important..."

"Please. Don't make a mountain out of a molehill." Gabriel was only trying to make Angelo understand the situation. "I know exactly why I did that. It was not because I..."

"I get it." Angelo gestured Gabriel to stop. He shook his head, getting really furious that his husband just did that. "I just can't believe that you did that."

With a groan, Angelo turned to leave the dining room but Gabriel gripped his waist quickly, tightening his arms around him. "Baby..." He breathed. "I didn't mean to make you upset." He kissed him on the neck. "Please. Don't you trust me? You are the only important thing in my life. I love you so much and I don't want you to be mad. Please. Forgive me."

Angelo took a deep sigh, slowly facing Gabriel. He didn't like him begging.

"I am sorry," Angelo apologized, holding his ears. "I didn't mean to shout at you or make you sad or hurt. You are the owner of this house and I should have understood that. You are my husband and I know that you love me so much and can't hurt me. I am sorry for disobeying you and getting mad at you. Please. Forgive me."

"Baby..." Gabriel took his hands in his. "What are you apologizing for? You didn't do anything wrong to me. I should..."

"I don't know what came over me. " He felt bad. "You just have to understand me at times, my love. I am really, really..."

"Of course, I do understand you. I love you so much no matter what."

"Thank you. I really love you too."

They kissed each for a few seconds and got rid of their problem. They weren't gonna let that get to them. All that they had to do was just forget about everything and concentrate on their love for each other.

"Okay." Gabriel kissed Angelo one more time. "Let's go upstairs and sleep."

Angelo nodded and the two of them went to their room. They made love to each other, sweet slowly passionate love. Then they slept in each other's arms.


Angelo came out of the mansion, fully dressed in the best outfit he could find. He was putting on a blood red designer's suit which was tightly fitted on his wonderful body like a second skin. He had deep red designer's shiny shoes on his feet which matched completely with his outfit.

Angelo had his hair tied in a wonderful ponytail, revealing his beautiful blue eyes. He had one of his hands in his pocket while he walked elegantly out of his house. There was an armed bodyguard right behind him who was also carrying his phone and tablet which contained important things. His face was serious and he just wanted to get to his company.

Reaching his car, the guard opened it wide and as he was about to enter his car, he heard his husband's voice. His husband was rushing to him in just his short and his tank top. He was wearing a gorgeous smile.