Wild Flower Ch. 03


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"Sexy!" Angelo moaned softly, slowly opening his eyes. His lips were definitely swollen and in need of more kisses. "Hot! Captivating! There are just so many words that I can't describe all of them, my love."

"I am glad." Gabriel let go of him. "Now go and have a great day at work, okay? I want you to be happy and remember my kiss."

"I will." He moaned softly, chuckling to himself. "Thank you so much. I love you."

"I love you too. Goodbye."

With a loud moan, Angelo pulled away from Gabriel and slowly walked to his car which was already open. He slowly entered the car, waving at his husband. The guard closed the car and when he entered, they drove off to work.


When Angelo entered his company, Angel Rodriguez group of CL, he got really surprised at what he saw. Many of the workers had their phones with them, looking straight at them. Some were talking with others and others were busy with work, one or two.

He slowly started walking elegantly inside when he realized that the people had their eyes on him, all of them. They were looking at him as if he had just grown another head or he was doing something really disgusting. It was surprising to see them looking at him like that. He had his eyes on all of them and they were not even afraid to stare at him.

Then as he slowly walked towards the elevator, the people started whispering something to each other, something that he couldn't get quite clearly. He could just hear them whispering but he didn't need to give a wild guess because he knew they were talking about him.

With a loud groan, Angelo took a quick turn. He looked angrily at them and to his surprise they just continued whispering which made him mad. He couldn't believe that those people had the nerves to speak when he was staring at them.

"Okay. What the fuck is going on here?" He snapped, looking at all of them. "What's with the gossip? Would any of you care to explain?"But they just looked at him without saying anything.

"Okay. I am only going to ask once and I demand an answer." He roared. "What are you gossiping about?"

"We are so sorry, sir." A woman on the left desk said with fear in her voice. "We were just talking about what everyone is talking about."

"Hmm," Angelo crossed his arms on his chest, grinning at them. "And may I know what that is?"

"Err..." She paused, looking at her colleagues. "...it's about you and the politician, sir."

"Oh!" He furiously nodded his head, looking angrily at her. "Is that the reason why you have chosen to abandon your work and concentrate on foolish things?"

"But sir..."

"Along with that stupid story, did you hear about what had happened to the three workers at the food company?" He grinned and then his face got seriously. "If you really don't wanna lose your jobs then I suggest you throw that damn phone, erase every stupidity from your mind and concentrate on your work." He moved his eyes to the rest of the people. "All of you." He yelled, pointing towards them. "I will not repeat myself. If I find any of you or even hear that you are acting stupid," He chuckled, striking fear into their souls. "Consider yourselves out of this building in the next few seconds because I only want to deal with serious people." He warned. He could see that the people got the warning as they dropped their eyes to the floor.

"And you better be done with all the work here otherwise, you are gonna regret it. Do I make myself clear?"

The people nodded, sitting back on their chairs sadly.

"Now I don't want to hear about this foolishness ever again in this company. If I even hear anyone whispering about it, I will make that person pay." He knew how to threaten people and it actually worked. "Now get back to work."

As the people started doing their work once again, Angelo groaned and made a quick turn. He rushed to the elevator and then went to his floor. When the elevator door opened, all the people on that floor got up and bowed their heads, greeting him. Now that was respect. Maybe they heard his warning and he was happy about it.

Taking a deep breath, Angelo started walking elegantly to his office while moving from side to side. He just wanted to go to his office and start his work immediately. As he was going, he met with his assistant who was dressed beautifully in a grey suit. She was wearing a wonderful smile on her gorgeous face.

"Good morning, sir."

He didn't even answer. He just continued going while she followed him behind, giggling and smiling brightly at him.

"Any reports, calls, meetings..."

"Err... sir, you have received a number of calls from the media. They wanted to speak to you about the incident."

Angelo didn't care about anything else. He didn't give a hoot about the media. "Well! I don't want any media to come here so tell them to stay clear. I don't wanna talk to the media or anyone else."

"It is fine." The assistant said with a smile. "Plus, there are a lot of documents that need your signature."

"Any meetings?"

"No! There are no meetings, sir."

"Okay." Angelo chuckled. "Thank you very much. That's all."


The assistant remained out while Angelo went inside the office. Reaching the office, Angelo sat on the chair, taking a really deep sigh. There were quite a number of documents on the table and he knew there was just a lot that he had to do.

"Fuck!" He sighed. He didn't want to feel stressed or anything at all. He just wanted to do his work smoothly without feeling stressed.

Angelo took his jacket off and then took the first document which he began reviewing. He knew it was gonna take him some time to finish with all the documents but he had a lot of time to do them. He still had a lot of things but as it was, he first had some signing to do.

"Here we go."


It was already afternoon and Angelo had just had a wonderful lunch in his office. He was full and now he had to focus his entire energy on finishing up his work. It was almost 3.pm and there were still about two documents which required his signature. He was glad he was gonna be done with that. Now all he had to do was just to check on the progress of all the things in the last two days.

Angelo continued with his work and he was glad he was done before 3.pm. Just when he had put the signature on the last document and yawned, he heard an impatient knock on the door. With an angry growl, Angelo moved his eyes towards the door, trying to understand who the hell had the guts to knock on his door like.

"Come in." He literally yelled, clenching his fists.

At his words, the door opened and his worried looking assistant came rushing inside the office. She was looking as if her end was near.

Seeing her, Angelo furiously got up. "Why the hell would you knock on my door like that? What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"I am so... sorry, sir." She gasped, getting a little closer. "But we have a situation, sir."

"A situation?" Angelo couldn't understand any of the words that had been uttered. "What are you talking about?"

She gulped, taking a deep breath. "There are many reporters and media people outside this building and..."

"Didn't I tell you I don't need any person from the media to come here?" He barked, hitting his hands on the table. The assistant trembled, taking a few steps behind. "Which language do I have to use so that you idiots can understand?"

"Sir, we've tried to send them away but..."

"Of course," He chuckled bitterly, dropping his hand to his hip. "What else can you do apart from excuses? That is not my job. That is the security..."

"They've tried everything but nothing is working. They insist on talking to you and that's... the only way they are gonna leave. We have tried everything and..."

"How's that supposed to be my business?" He rolled his eyes in frustration. "I pay those idiots to do a simple job and they can't even do a simple job."

Angelo was really mad. He didn't like attracting the attention of the media and now they were here because of that foolish politician. He really loved the fact that they hadn't come to his house or it would have been really bad for them. He hated them so much. He didn't want...

"Can I say something..."

"Speak!" Angelo snapped, giving her a cold look. "What do you want to say?"

"Thank you." She said in a serious tone. "I suggest you go and see them, sir. They won't leave until they talk to you."

"And I don't..."

"But they are disturbing the peace of this company." She complained, trying to get to him. "We cannot work properly because they are making too much noise outside. Please." She put her hands together. "For the sake of this company... just come and talk to them or rather tell them to go away. They have been coming here since yesterday."

Angelo moved his eyes to the assistant, clenching his teeth. He didn't know what to do in that situation. He just wanted to have peace but he also didn't wanna face the media. But she was right... he needed to get rid of them somehow because they made his blood boil.

"Fine!" He sighed, dropping his fists to the table. "I will talk to them."


When Angelo got out of the elevator on the first floor, he could already see through that glass door that the reporters were quite many. They had their cameras, microphones and phones ready for the interview. Seeing them just made him really angry. He hated stuff like that but he knew very well how to handle them without causing a scene.

Taking a deep breath, Angelo started elegantly walking towards the exit. Almost all the workers were up, staring outside at the reporters who seemed really impatient. They couldn't see him because the glass was tinted and he could see that the security guards were really doing a great job by keeping them from entering the building.

Angelo's guard quickly opened the door and he got out and stood at the door way, staring at the reporters who didn't seem to see him. They were busy with what they were doing but Angelo wanted to be done with it quickly.

He just stood there with his guard, staring at the reporters and the guards that had blocked them. He had his hands on his hips, grinning brightly at the situation. He didn't like the media people but he knew very well what he was gonna do with them. He wasn't gonna allow them to take advantage of him because he knew how they operated.

A loud scream was heard from the reporters when one of them actually saw Angelo. He screamed to his friends and they got their cameras ready but the security guards blocked all of them even though they were shouting at the top of their voices. He really like how in power he felt. He could really call many other security guards but he had an idea.

Angelo slowly started walking towards the media people. When he was a little near, he stopped and then looked at all of them with a smirk on his face.

"Let them..." He commanded all the security guards, slightly raising his hand.

The security guards moved from the way and the reporters came rushing towards him with their cameras ready. They came and completely surrounded him, getting all their equipments close to him.

"Mr. Rodriguez..." All of them said at the same time.

"What do you have to say about this situation?" One of them asked.

"Why did this happen?" Another one asked.

"What led to you doing that to a powerful politician like Mr. Lambert?"

There were microphones, cameras and phones on his face. Different questions were coming from all directions, coming towards him like a flaming arrow. He knew exactly what the reporters wanted. They wanted to trap him.

"What do you have to say about Mr. Lambert's promise to deal with you?"

"Is it true that you did that to him because you are crazy like he says?"

Hearing those questions, Angelo just chuckled nervously, raising his hand in the air. All the reporters went silent because it meant that he was now ready to speak to them.

"I know that all of you are very interested in the story." He said confidently with his hand on his hip. "I can also see that you definitely don't know anything about this story. But... all and all, I don't have anything to say to you. Whatever had happened is between me and that politician. However, I am not mad to humiliate someone like him without a reason so those of you that are asking stupid questions better watch it. You don't have facts to this story so I suggest you try to find out before you actually start asking questions."

"Mr. Rodriguez, what do you have..."

"I am not afraid of anything or anyone." He said confidently, looking straight at the camera. "I am not afraid because I am fearless. I did what I did because it was necessary. I am not a weak man and I fear no one, not even those from above."

"Mr. Rodriguez, can you actually tell us what really happened? Why did you choose to do that to someone as powerful as Mr. Lambert? Are you not afraid of..."

"Afraid?" Angelo laughed softly without fear in his voice. "That word is not found in my vocabulary. We are all humans and we have the same power. Why should I be afraid because of something like that? As for your questions, I suggest you go to Mr. Lambert because he has more facts for you than I do. Ask him the reason for the humiliation because you are not gonna get anything from me."

"Mr. Rodriguez, can you..."

"I don't have anything to say to you anymore. I just want you to leave here as soon as possible. Never come back." He said with warning in his voice. "I suggest you leave this premises and ask those questions to the politician who has chosen to remain silent. I think he will give what you want. Why has he chosen to remain silent? He should tell you exactly what had happened and the reason for his humiliation. I suggest you leave and never come back here."

With those words, Angelo turned to leave but the reporters were following him behind, giving all kinds of stupid questions which he definitely ignored because he knew some of those workers were paid to trap him and make him look bad in the story. He was ignoring all the questions that they threw at him until one question which made him mad,

"Mr. Rodriguez, could it be that you were trying to seduce him for power and money? Could it be that you decided to make him look bad when he turned you down?"

"Yeah," They agreed. "We all know that having a connection with someone like Mr. Lambert is really beneficial but did you do it because you were tuned down?"

Angelo instantly turned around and found the stupid reporter that was asking him stupid questions. He was a tall, thin man with glasses. He had the microphone held close to Angelo's face, probably waiting for him to answer.

But Angelo was silent, looking straight at the man who had asked him the stupid question. It kept ringing in his mind, filling him with intense anger which was about to explode to the surface. His entire energy was focused on that same man. His blood was boiling. The smirk on his face faded, replaced by a frown which he hated. Angelo was so caught up in his anger that he didn't even realize that he had been staring at the man for a really long time.

"Why are you silent, Mr. Rodriguez?" A question snapped him out of his mood. "Are you that type of man?"

"Could it be true?"

"Did you really try to seduce the politician and then made him look bad? Why did you do it?" They were insisting. "Don't you know that it is wrong? Did you actually think he would give in to your demands?"

Angelo chuckled bitterly, giving the man a cold look. "Only a stupid untrained reporter like you can ask a foolish question like that without getting any facts. What is that question really for?" He shrugged. "Where did you even get that question if you don't have your facts?" He actually yelled at all of them. "I think all of you have overstepped your boundaries. You are starting to get on my nerves and you don't wanna get on my bad side."

"Mr. Rod..."

"Enough!" He snapped. "If you don't the truth about this story then when did you get those stupid questions? I wonder which of us was naked and I am sure that you have eyes and you could see through the pictures. Surely, I was not the one that was naked. If you saw the pictures then you wouldn't have asked that question. If I tried to seduce him then it actually worked because he was naked." He vented out his anger. "He is no less than a..." He paused, shaking his head. "It is like they say, 'you can wash a pig... you can put perfume on a pig... you can dress it as best as you want it look. But a pig will always be a pig which no amount of cosmetics will ever be able to change."

He took a really deep breath. "Look at all you here. Your only job is to mislead people and give them what they want to listen to and what you want them to believe. But guess what, you are not going to trap me. I am far smarter than you actually think. I suggest you go back to that pig that sent you and tell him that the trap didn't work. I know what's going on here."

The reporters all remained quiet, dropping their eyes to the ground. They actually couldn't make eye contact with him. That was also the same time he knew that they were working for politicians to make him look bad. Now he had gotten to them.

"What now?" He chuckled, looking at all of them. "Why are you all quiet? Did I actually speak the truth? Of course, I was actually right. All of you are here to trap me so that I can look bad to the rest of the people but guess what... that will never ever happen."

The reporters couldn't anything. They looked as if they were scared or even afraid of what was going on.

"I see what's going on here. Look at you," He yelled at all of them, pointing at all of them. "Look at all your foolish faces. I can't believe you even came here to ask me foolish questions like that. What do you think of yourselves... investigators?"

"But sir, we are only doing our jobs. Why are you angry at us? Is it because it is the truth?" The same guy that had started all that foolishness asked. He had the nerves to even ask that to Angelo when he knew he was mad. "There is this..."

"You still have the energy to ask me stupid questions?" He snapped, getting closer to the man. "You really don't know me that well, young man. I am far more cunning than the idiot that had sent you to come here. You don't wanna mess me because your own humiliation will be far much worse than his. I just hope you have some extra clothes with you. Just because you carry a camera, a microphone and a paper and you decide to come here dressed like you are coming to the 'fashion disaster of the century' doesn't mean you can ask me foolish questions. You better watch out because you might just lose that little job of yours."

The man tried to speak but closed his mouth once again and dropped his eyes to the ground.

"I know you were sent here by that stupid man who calls himself a politician." He chuckled nodding his head. "I really know how well you reporters are manipulated into doing something like this. I know how the minds of politicians work."

He laughed. "Come on. Drop another stupid question at me. Go on. I dare you." He moved his eyes, looking at the all of them. "Does anyone else have another stupid question?"

But they just dropped their eyes. "Well! It looks like we have figured this out. And will you move these disgusting old things away from me?" He snapped, pointing furiously at the reporters. "On second thought," He chuckled. "Guards!"

The guards rushed towards him as soon as he called them. There about ten guards altogether and they were all armed. "Yes, sir."

Angelo first looked at the reporters and then their equipments. Then he just got madder. He was gonna deal with them in the least way they expected.

"I want you to get all their equipments and..." He paused and glowered when the reporters raised their eyes to stare at him. "...destroy all of them. Now..."
