Wild Flower Ch. 10


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Miguel cut the call and slipped his phone in his back pocket. Just when he was making a turn, he spotted a car coming from a distance. It wasn't a classy car but it wasn't inferior either. It was a black Mercedes Benz E-class which didn't look brand new but it looked good to Miguel's eyes.

"A car?" He gasped, moving closer to the road. "Maybe they can help me fix my car or give me a ride home."

Miguel stood closer to the road and started waving at the car. He continued waving until the car came closer and parked off the road. However, when the car came closer to him, Miguel got the surprise of his life when he saw the person that was inside that car. Before he even got out, Miguel saw his face completely. It was Christian Palmer, the guy he had just warned a few days back to stay away from him.

Seeing Christian once again, Miguel's heart started pounding and he somehow got a little irritated. He regretted stopping that car. He would have just allowed it to pass and then just waited for his driver. He hated it so much.

"Hello, beautiful." Chris chuckled happily, closing the door of his car. He had no idea why he got a little excited when he saw Miguel standing on the side of his road. "What's up? Are you okay?"

Miguel rolled his eyes, taking a deep breath. He looked at Christian carefully. The guy sure loved wearing a vest inside with his shirt unbuttoned. Anyway, he wasn't even interested in that.

"What are you doing here?" He asked harshly, sounding a little mad. "Get out of here before..."

"Whoa!" Christian raised his hands in the air as if he was surrendering. He got closer to Miguel and stood right in front of him. The first thing that hit him when he got closer to Miguel was his elegant and sexy cologne. It smelt wonderful. "Relax there, beautiful..."

"Don't call me that." Miguel warned, pointing his finger angrily at Christian. "I am warning you for the last time. Now answer the damn question. What are you doing..."

"Well! Last time I checked, I was going on this road when someone beautiful stopped me." He said teasingly. "You couldn't expect me to leave such beauty stranded, did you?"

"Well! Get out of here." He roared. "Had I known it was you then I wouldn't have even wasted my energy to stop you? So please, just get out of here, Mr. Palmer."

"It's good you remember my name, Miguel Powers." Christian chuckled which Miguel found really annoying. "But remember that I told you that I am a gentleman and it is not appropriate to leave such beauty all alone in such a place. So..." He took in a deep breath, looking deep in Miguel's eyes. "...what's the problem here?"

"What does it matter to you?" Miguel snapped, dropping his hand to his hip. He chuckled softly, shaking his head angrily. "It is none of your business so I suggest that you go on your way and leave me here alone. I don't need your help."

"Hmm, you really need to work on your attitude, my boy."

"What the fuck?" Miguel grunted, looking furiously at Christian. "Look, you don't own me so don't you dare call me your boy okay. Just leave me alone because..."

"I don't wanna do that." Christian slightly raised his voice, surprising Miguel. He had no idea why he couldn't just leave. After all, the guy was really annoying and so full of himself. "Is it your car?" He looked towards the car. "Is it broken down or something? I can help you so..."

"I don't need your help." Miguel said harshly, raising his eyebrow. "I don't need any help from anyone. I am fine by myself. I have always been fine."

"Look! Sometimes it is better to accept help from others." Christian sighed. "I just wanna check your car because it will soon be dark and you don't wanna..."

"Then let me worry about that." Miguel chuckled bitterly, moving away from Christian. "I don't really need anyone's help, especially help from you. I have people working under me, professionals. They will be able to fix my car so thank you but no thanks. I don't need your help so don't even think I am gonna allow you touch my machine."

"Why are you so bitter?" Christian followed Miguel, gripping his arm tightly. Then he pulled him closer. "I am just trying to help you out here."

Miguel moved his eyes towards the hand that was holding him. He looked at Christian and then pulled his hand away, releasing it from his grip.

"I don't need your help and don't you dare touch me, okay?"

"What's your problem?" Christian felt a little mad. "Why can't you just accept that you need help? Your car has broken down and I am here trying to help you out but..."

"And what's your problem?" Miguel yelled, trying to understand Christian's attitude. "Why can't you just accept that I don't need help from you or anyone else?"

"Because unlike you, I care about people and I like to help them."

"Wow!" Miguel chuckled bitterly, slightly clapping. "Should I reward you or something for that? I am not interested in whatever help you are rendering to me. Leave me alone. I am absolutely fine. I am perfectly fine."

Christian shook his head, trying to understand why Miguel was like this. He'd never met anyone as tough as him. It was as if the guy was trying to hide behind that bitterness from something that was terrible. Could something have happened in his past, he thought?

"This is what your problem is." Christian hit his head slightly, taking a deep sigh. "First you insulted me and you refused to apologize for it and then you insulted me and still haven't apologized for it and now..."

"Look!" He threw his hand as his face glowered. "If that's what you are here to get then I am sorry..."

"I haven't forgotten about that." He chuckled mockingly, nodding his head. "I still want that apology. But this is different. You are in need of help. It's getting late and I cannot just leave you here alone."

"Thank you." Miguel put his hands together. He then furiously dropped them. "But no thanks. I don't need anyone's help. My guard will be here to pick me up in a few minutes. Besides," He chuckled mockingly. "You had found me here all alone, didn't you?"

"Yes!" Christian took a deep sigh. "But you stopped me and that means you needed help. Let me help you. Please."

Miguel sighed, getting a little closer to Christian. Then he said,

"No! I don't need your help so I suggest you leave. Nothing is gonna happen to me. I can take care of myself. I am not some child."

Hearing what Miguel had just said, Christian gave a gloomy sigh. Had it been someone else, even someone nicer than Miguel... Christian would have left already. He just had no idea why Miguel affected him to some degree.

With a deep groan, Miguel took out his phone and dialed his guard's number once more.

"Boss!" He said on the other end of the line.

"Where are you?" Miguel said angrily. "I thought I told you to come as soon as possible. I am still waiting here and I need to get out of here."

"Sorry, boss but..." He paused and took a sigh. "I am still really far from you and..."

"What?" Miguel roared, moving the phone to the other ear. "I thought..."

"Don't be angry at me, boss." He apologized. "There is a lot of traffic this evening and the congestion is just too much. We are currently not moving. I think the road has been blocked or something. Just give me some time. I will be there as soon as this congestion gets a little better. I am sorry."

"Fuck!" Miguel cut the phone angrily, sliding it back in his pocket. He hit the car with his foot and groaned.

"Traffic, uh?" Christian laughed as if to cause Miguel even more pain. "Yeah, my friend told me that the traffic is terrible. It might take hours before he gets here and the bad news is..." He looked all around. "...it's getting dark and it will be a really dark night tonight."

Miguel moved his angry eyes towards Christian and just groaned. The guy was making him really mad and he was so annoying. It was really, really bad.

"But since you don't want me to fix your car, then let me take you home." He said, shaking his head. "It's the least I could do to help you."

"What?" Miguel rolled his eyes. "You expect me to go into your car... with you?"

"Yes! But it's not really my car." He chuckled nervously, moving his eyes towards the car. "It's my friend's car so..."

"I didn't ask for the background of that car. I am just not going in it with you." He said harshly. "I have a lot of problems as it is so..."

"Hmm, so the mighty Miguel Powers has problems too?" Christian chuckled mockingly, shaking his head. "I thought you were perfectly happy..."

"I don't have time for this." Miguel put his hands together, literally begging the man beside him. "Please. I am sorry for stopping you now can you please leave me alone because I don't wanna see you. Please."

"Hmm, if that's what you want." Christian sighed. "But I must really tell you that this is a really dangerous place. It might get dangerous for you and I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Oh! So you are concerned now." Miguel chuckled, rolling his eyes. "I can take care of anything because I am not scared of anything. I can handle any danger until my guard comes to pick me up." He took a quick glance at his watch.

"Those are really confident words." Christian smiled brightly, shaking his head. "But I am really serious about this one. This place is filled with armed robbers, gangsters and even rapists." He lost the smile on his face when he said that to Miguel. He had no idea why he got really scared. "Seeing a beautiful man like you will attract them to you. Please, try to understand."

Miguel shook his head, taking a deep sigh.

"I had experienced the worst rape three years ago what could be worse than that?" He said in his voice barely above a whisper.

"What?" Christian said, moving his head forward. "What did you say?"

"Nothing," Miguel chuckled, moving his mind away from all those things. "I am not scared of them. Believe me, I am tougher than you think."

"Okay." Christian groaned. "You wanna stay here all alone then fine." He dropped his hands furiously. "You can stay here but don't blame me if anything happens to you."

With a loud groan, Christian made a quick turn and started walking away from the arrogant young man. He had no idea why he was feeling the way that he felt. The more he walked away from the boy the more scared he got. He had no idea why. He hadn't been joking when he said that the place was filled with a lot of dangers. He was really scared.

Miguel looked at the furious going man and he just gave a gloomy sigh. There was just a lot that he wanted to do at home, especially with checking up on work and Brian. He knew that his guard was probably gonna take long to come back so...


Christian stopped as soon as he heard that sweet voice. He had no idea if it was his mind playing tricks on him or if it was actually reality. He quickly made a turn and then went back to the bossy looking boy that was standing a bit from him.

"What was that?"

Miguel smirked, losing it as soon as possible.

"I am coming with you but only because I have something really important to do." He said in a bossy tone. He was really mad for saying that but he had no choice but to do it. He got closer to Christian and prodded him with his finger. "But you are gonna take me home because you got me into this. You are gonna make sure that I reach home safely. Do you understand?"

Christian somehow felt really happy after hearing that from Miguel. His heart started pounding deep in his chest, making him somehow tremble. He felt as if luck had just come to him and he had no idea why that was so.

"Anything that you want, mi senor." He chuckled nervously. "I am at your service."

"Good!" Miguel moved away from him.

Miguel slowly walked to his car, got out the keys and locked it. Then he quickly dialed his guard's number and told him to pick the car up when he got there with the mechanic. He went back to Christian and took a good look at him.

"Are you ready?"

"Whatever?" Miguel said as he started rushing towards the car.

Before he even reached the car, Christian rushed towards the door and opened it for him. Miguel rolled his eyes and then entered the car. It wasn't that bad but it wasn't excellent either. He buckled his belt and then waited until Christian entered. The guy seemed to be really happy that evening and Miguel had no idea why.

"I hope you don't mind." Christian said as he buckled up. "My car isn't as luxurious as yours. But the most important thing is that it will take you home."

"Well! I am glad you have said that but I don't care." He sighed. "Will you just start moving? I have a lot of things to do."

"Okay. But I have no idea where to take you."

"Oh!" Miguel raised his eye brows. "Do you have a paper?"

"For what?"

Miguel laughed out loud, forgetting that he was even in that man's car.

"Very funny." He chuckled teasingly. "You don't expect me to be directing you, do you?"

"What? Well..."

"I will not be talking to you." He said in a really serious tone. "Just give me a paper and pen and then I will write it down for you unless you..." He cleared his voice. "...you don't know how to read and follow what..."

"Look! Don't insult me just because I am here assisting you and..."

"I didn't ask for your help, did I?" He asked. "You forced me into this so just give me something to write on because the last thing you can expect from me is giving you directions."

"Okay." Christian sighed, looking all around. But there was just no paper and pen. But he got a really great idea. He quickly got out his phone, new phone and gave it to Miguel. "Here. You can use my phone to type the address. I think it will be easier."

Miguel took Christian's phone and then switched it on. He tried to start his things but there was a password.

"Your phone is..."


Miguel shook his head and put in the password. The first thing he found when he had put in the password was a really beautiful picture of Christian. He was shirtless, looking really cute and he was just gorgeous. Not that Miguel cared or anything like that. He just wanted to... anyway, forget about it.

Miguel found himself staring at the picture and he had no idea why. Christian on the other hand saw this and he just smiled.

"What? Do you think I am sexy?"

"What the..." Miguel furiously raised his face and looked at Christian with a surprise on his face. "...look, Mr. Palmer, I have a lot of things to do than staring at you."

He took a deep breath and then typed his address. He quickly gave Christian his phone back. Chris took the phone and looked at the address.

"I will take you there. I just hope the route I will use isn't congested."

Christian started the car and then they were on their way. He was driving a little faster as it was a little dark. But he had no idea why he took a glance from time to time at the boy that was quietly seated on the other seat. He was looking really sexy, really young and really beautiful to Christian. He had no idea why he wanted to talk to him so much. The guy was arrogant and bitter but he just wanted to talk to him.

"So... do you live with someone in your house?" He asked, hoping that Miguel would respond nicely. "Do you have brothers, sisters or uncles and aunties?"

Miguel gave a gloomy sigh. "What the fuck is really your problem, uh?" He groaned. "I didn't enter your car for you to interview me so..."

"Sorry, I just thought I'd talk to you and..."

"And what?" He chuckled bitterly, folding his arms on his chest. "Look, buddy... just drive me home okay. I don't need an interview. By the way, why would you want to know about my family? Are you planning on robbing any of them or probably kidnapping..."

"Don't insult me simply because I am really poor." Christian said in a serious tone. "I am a generous man and I don't involve myself in things like that. I thought I told you I am a gentleman..."

"...who does nothing but to follow me." He rolled his eyes.

"I don't follow you." Christian responded softly. "We just meet by coincidence and yes..."

He sighed. "...I only did that for you to apologize. It's just to show you that when I am set on doing something then I never back off."

"Hmm, with the way you've been following me I just hope you won't do it again."

"Maybe or maybe not." Christian said simply. "It all depends on the way that I am. You did insult me out there and..."

"And you should have left me all alone." He argued. "I don't need you following me around. I have a lot of important things to do."

"And you don't think I have things to do?"

"If you did then you wouldn't have been following me around like a dog." He chuckled manically, looking out the window. It was already dark and they were already starting to get closer to the main town. Miguel was just hoping that there wasn't that much traffic anymore. "Maybe you are following me around because you really want to be around me. I know how men like you are."

"Me?" Christian chuckled nervously. "I think you've got me mistaken for someone else. I don't want to be around you. You are bitter and you care about no one else."

"You can't say that because you don't really know me." He said harshly. "But I am really glad you think that. Now stop following me around. Let this be the first and last time you will ever follow me around, do you understand?"

Hearing Miguel's warning, Christian just shook his head and chuckled softly. There was just a lot that he had in his mind and he couldn't quite explain it. He looked at the boy and just laughed softly. He had no words for him anymore. But he was gonna drive him to his house. After all, he was also dying to see the place of the beautiful man.


Christian's car parked right in front the beautiful huge gate. He slightly raised his head and saw the huge mansion behind that gate. It looked really beautiful even though he could only see it from outside.

"Wow!" He shook his head, looking all around. "This is a really nice place that you've got here. It's really huge that it looks like a five star hotel."

"Yes!" He looked at Christian. "Thank you for bringing me to my place anyway."

The whole ride to Miguel's mansion took almost an hour and an half. It had been 90 minutes of just driving and looking outside. He had no idea why he felt like not talking to Christian. But it finally paid off. He was really happy that he was able to arrive home although it was really late.

"You are welcome." He smiled, gripping the driving harder as he looked at the boy. "So are you gonna invite me in or what?"

"For what?" Miguel shrugged.

"I don't know. I was just thinking..."

"You've already brought me home and I have already thanked you." He chuckled softly. "What else do you still want from me?"

"Well! I am really sorry about that." Christian cleared his throat. "Anyway, I am glad I was able to bring you safely to your house."

"Huh?" Miguel sighed, looking at the man's handsome face. "I have to go now. Thanks again."

"Okay." Christian nodded. "I will see you later."

"No!" He opened the door, unbuckling his belt. "I don't wanna see you again, okay? Leave me alone."

Christian sighed, looking at the young man's handsome face. "Are you ready to apologize now?"

"What?" Miguel gasped, getting out of the car quickly. "You are not really serious. Just because you gave me a ride home doesn't make me stupid. I will never apologize to you so get that into your thick skull, okay?"

"Then you also know my answer, beautiful."

"You know what." Miguel got out and held the door tightly. "You can go to hell and burn to ashes for all I care."

With an angry groan, he furiously closed the car and started knocking on the gate as hard as he could.

"Goodnight," Christian shouted out the window. "I will see you another day."