Wild Flower Ch. 11


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"You are right." Josh sighed, getting up from the couch. "This is so not like him. Knowing Lambert, I would have said he was somewhere having fun with a fresh young boy but... right now I can't do that because we both know it's not the truth. Whenever Lambert was going somewhere, he would tell us but now... he is nowhere to be seen.

I just hope nothing bad has happened to him." Josh quavered. "This will prove difficult for us should anything happen to him."

"No!" Gabriel shook his head, looking at his father. "I am sure nothing has happened to him. He will come back."

"He better." Jack said hoarsely, clenching his fists. "He is the reason why we have so much power, influence and so many clients. He is the reason why our company keeps on expanding and expanding with his connections. We need him more than ever."

"No!" Gabriel sighed, chuckling softly. "Nothing can ever happen to Lambert. He is really going to come back. I have faith in him."

"I hope so." Josh shook his head. "I really hope so."

Gabriel and his family were really sad at that particular Lambert was a really important asset in their lives. They didn't want to lose him for any reason at all. They wanted him back, safe and sound. They really prayed for him to be alive.


"Yes! I want you to be really active, Mark." Miguel instructed. "You know exactly what is really going on here."

"Yes, mi senor." Mark said softly. "You know I would do anything for you."

"I know that." He smiled. "Thank you so much Mark. You have really helped me a lot and I would like to thank you."

"It's just part of my job." Mark said.

"Okay, Mark." Miguel smiled. "You may go now. I will call you when I need you."

"Okay." Mark bowed and quickly left.

Miguel had just arrived in his office and he was really looking forward to working that day. He was putting on a beautiful pink tight shirt with his chest exposed. He was also putting on a deep blue designer's skinny jean with white shoes. His hair was tied in a ponytail and it was looking really lovely.

It had been two days since Miguel had returned from Sumitria and in those three days he had just been staying at home with Brian. Now he was back and he was ready for action.

When Miguel sat down on his chair to start doing his work, his assistant came inside with a really bright smile. She had brought him his sweet coffee with some cookies.

"I am glad you are back sir." She gushed.

"Oh!" He smiled at her. "Thank you so much, Tania. I really missed work too."

"Okay. There isn't much work for you, sir." Tania said. "There are just a few documents that you need to sign and I will bring them for you."

"Thank you."

Tania left and Miguel took a sip of his coffee, enjoying his perfect day. He was having his coffee when all of a sudden he heard his phone ringing. He was hoping it was from Brandon with some news but when he looked at his phone... he saw it was just a number, a number that wasn't saved in his phone.

"Strange!" He thought. "Who could be calling with an unknown number?"

Miguel took a deep sigh and then answered the call.


"Hey!" A familiar voice gasped. "Miguel!"

"Yes!" He answered in a really curious voice. "This is Miguel speaking. May I know who I am speaking with?"

"It's... it's Jack." He said on the other end of the line.

Hearing Jack's voice, Miguel got really quiet. He was suddenly overtaken by anger, rage and hatred. His body started trembling and his mind took him back to the past. He clenched his fists hard, feeling them tremble. Oh! How he hated Jack with passion. He hated him so much.

"Jack?" he gasped. His heart was pounding. "How did you get my number?"

"Oh! I am really sorry." Jack apologized. "I got your number from one of your workers?"

"What?" He got up. "You came to my company?"

"Yes!" He sighed. "I came to your company about three days ago. Your assistant told me you had been out of the city so I got your number. I really needed to talk to you because..."

"Why?" He asked as if he was deeply concerned meanwhile he was really angry. "Is there any problem?"

"No! I just felt I needed to speak to a friend." Jack said softly. "I am really worried about something. One of my important clients has been missing."

An evil grin appeared on Miguel's face as soon as he heard that. He folded his arm on his chest and moved to the window on his right side. He didn't need to guess to know who Jack was talking about. It was obvious he was talking about Lambert.

"May I know who this important client is?" He asked, almost laughing.

"Well!" Jack sighed on the other end of the line. His sadness and sorrow was Miguel's happiness. The bastard deserved it all. "Haven't you heard about Lambert's disappearance?"

"Hmm," Miguel chirped, smiling brightly. "I am usually a really busy man but I think I have read about it online? Why? Do you have anything to do with it or..."

"No!" Jack chuckled nervously. "I really have nothing to do with that but..."

"Is he the important client?"


"Oh my God," Miguel gasped in fake astonishment. "I am sorry to hear about that. I never actually thought you deal with an important man like Lambert."

"Yeah," Jack's sadness couldn't be masked even through that voice. "He is the most important client. He helps in giving us connections, influence and power. You know how partnering with big businessmen is."

"Yeah!" Miguel grimaced. "I really do. After all, I only deal with important clients myself." He chuckled happily, rubbing on his temple. "But why should you be worried about that. You know how these businessmen are. He is probably chilling somewhere. He will show up real soon."

"You think so?" Jack asked happily.

"I know so. You shouldn't worry about that." He reassured. "Besides, I am sure you will find another big businessman like him."

"I highly doubt that." Jack sighed. "We've come a long way with Lambert. It's the reason why we are so close."

"Yeah!" Miguel thought as anger slipped through him. "You've really come a long way. It's time you took a break from each other."

"Hmm!" Miguel chirped. "I am sorry to hear that but I gotta go. I still have a lot to do."

"Okay. Thanks." Jack chirped. "Do you have some time to meet?"

"Hmm," Miguel rolled his eyes. "I don't think that will be possible because I have an important meeting in a few minutes from now." He was actually lying because he didn't want to see Jack's sorry and annoying face. He hated him so much.

"Okay. I will see you some other time then."

"Alright. Take care of yourself."

With an evil grin, Miguel cut his call and started laughing softly. For the first time since he had returned he was actually able to feel happy after hearing Jack's annoying voice. It was hilarious.

"This is just the beginning." He said, clenching his teeth. A glower appeared on his face. "Get ready to suffer you foolish idiots. It won't be long before I take back everything I had lost and make you pay for it. You just have to get ready for me."

With a groan, Miguel moved away from the window and went to attend to his work which was waiting for him on his table.


Christian came out of his room, toweling his hair. He had just come from taking a hot shower and was now heading for the living room. He had a smile on his face which had probably become a permanent part of him ever since he had come from Sumitria two days ago. He didn't want to lose it because it reminded him of the little passionate moment he had shared with Miguel that particular day.

All he could see was the image of him and Miguel kissing on that beach. He didn't care about what Miguel was doing in Sumitria that day but the important thing was that he had been able to kiss him and confess his true feeling.

Christian was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even realize that his best friend was coming towards him. When he saw him, he stood still and just watched him. George was surprised because nothing like that ever happened to his friend before. It was as if something had possessed him.

George shook his head and then moved to his friend. He brought his hand forth and quickly snapped his finger, bringing Miguel back to reality.

"What?" Miguel gasped, touching his chest. His heart was pounding and he was a little scared. "You really scared me man."

"What are you doing?" George asked. "Why would you be smiling at yourself? What's wrong with you?"

Christian grinned, shaking his head. "You don't understand what I feel man." He started heading to the living room and George followed him.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked in a really curious tone. "I don't understand you."

"And you never will." Christian sat on the couch with his arms crossed on his chest. "You can't understand the feelings that I have inside of him." He dropped his arms, clenching his fists hard. "They are really powerful and deep."

"What? No!" George shook his head, giving Christian fisheyes. He then sat with him on the couch. "Please, don't tell me that you are in love. Don't tell me that you have fallen for someone because I won't believe."

Hearing George's words, Christian beamed and looked at his friend. There was no denying it anymore.

"I just don't know what I feel anymore. I don't know if this is love or lust but..." He gave a sigh of relief as he dived into the past. "...I kissed Miguel while I was in Sumitria two days ago and man... it was really something else, a bomb."

To say George was surprised would definitely be an understatement. He was filled with a myriad of emotions that took control of his body at the same time. His mouth gaped and his eyes widened. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Please, tell me you are joking." George chuckled mockingly. "Miguel! Oh hell no! That's impossible. I thought you said he was a really rude and troublesome person. I thought you said he had his evil side and you didn't like him so how did that hatred suddenly turn to love. Can you hear yourself right now? You don't make sense at all."

"I know." Christian said simply. "I know I said all that but there is something about Miguel that just draws you closer to him. He is like a magnet that is pulling me and I can't resist anymore. I find myself attracted to him more and more. I can't get him out of my head, especially the kiss that we had shared in Sumitria."

"Oh!" George chuckled, getting up. "Now I know you are going crazy man. I don't think what you are experiencing is love. Maybe it's just lust or craziness. You need to see a doctor before..."

"I am not mad." Christian slightly raised his voice, getting up from the couch. Then he just started smiling again. "I am just a man who is being drawn to a sexy boy and I can't resist this feeling anymore. I just wanna embrace it for as long as I can."

"Hmm, you are really serious?"

"Have I ever joked about something serious before?" He gave a gloomy sigh. "The feelings I have are definitely true."

Christian felt like he was going crazy. There was just one thing that he wanted to do. He wanted to go and see Miguel but he didn't have the courage to face him and talk to him. But he was dying to do so anyway. He just wanted to see him.


Miguel arrived at his house and he was pretty tired after spending an entire day inside his office without doing anything else. He was dying for a hot bath... some delicious dinner and maybe a little chat with Brian before finally retiring to his room to sleep.

"Miguel!" Brian chirped, rushing towards him. "You are back home already. This is really nice."

"Hey, Brian." He smiled. "Are you not happy to see me home or should I..."

"Don't be silly, Miguel." He chuckled nervously. "You know that I am really happy anytime you are home. This house is really boring without your presence. It's the reason why I am always happy whenever you are home."

Miguel kissed Brian's cheeks, rubbing on them softly.

"Then don't stay at home." He suggested, dropping his hands to his hips. "Why don't you go out and have fun? You could try to do something fun or maybe go out and hang out."

"No!" He chuckled nervously, shaking his head. "You know very well that I don't have friends to hang out with and I am not an adventurous person like you are. I am an indoor kinda guy and..."

"No!" Miguel shook his head. "I have a lot of money for you to spend. Just go out and have fun instead of being all quiet and boring during the day. You are a young man and you still have a lot ahead of you. So..." He rested his hand on Brian's chest. "...you should just try to do it one day, okay?"

"Hmm," He took a deep sigh. "Maybe you are right about that. I will try it one day. Who knows..." He shrugged. "...I might just have fun."

"I know you will." He pointed, heading towards the staircase.

"Hey!" Brian stopped him. "Where do you think you are going?"

Miguel rolled his eyes, looking straight at Brian. "I am going inside to freshen up? Why? Do you have something to say to me?"

"Yes!" Brian came near. "The table is already set and I am pretty sure you are hungry. Why don't you come and have your dinner before..."

"No!" he shook his head. He chuckled when Brian frowned. "Don't worry. I will be down in just a minute. Let me just freshen up, okay?"

"Okay. Hurry up."

Miguel took a quick turn and started heading up the stairs. "I will."

Miguel went up the stairs and in no time he was already up in his room. He was really tired but he still had to have his dinner before taking his shower and sleeping.

Miguel heard his phone ringing and when he looked at it, he saw that it was his lawyer calling, Brandon. He rolled his eyes and then answered the call.

"What is it?"

"Hey! Is that any way to answer your friend?"

Miguel got really angry. "Why did you call me? What do you want?"

"I just wanted to tell you that I am having a meeting with Spencer tomorrow."

"Well! That's good then." Miguel didn't sound interested at all. "It's what I sent you to do there in the first place so..." He raised his voice. "...why the hell would you call me to talk to me about that?"

"Well! I just like giving updates, that's all."

"Yeah!" Miguel chuckled bitterly, clenching his fists. "That or you just wanted to annoy me this wonderful night."

"Maybe you are right." Brandon chuckled on the other end. "Maybe I just wanted to hear your voice tonight before I..."

"I don't have time for this no sense."

Without saying anything else, Miguel furiously cut the call and threw the phone on the bed. He couldn't believe Brandon had just called to tell him something so annoying. He didn't really appreciate it and he hoped it was gonna be the last time Brandon was gonna do something so annoying because so help him God... he was gonna be mad at him.

Taking a deep breath, Miguel took of his clothes and changed into fresh clothes. Then he went to have his dinner with Brian.


"Okay. Here are the documents that I want you to take to Mr. Chang." Miguel said, smiling at his assistant. "Take them to him because he really needs them."

"Okay, sir." Tania said with a bright smile. "I will take them as soon as possible, sir. You don't have to worry about anything."

"I am not worried." Miguel said. "I know that you will deliver them on time."

"Thank you, sir for putting your trust in me."

"It's okay." He pointed sweetly at her. "Just come back here as soon as you deliver those documents. There is still a lot of work to be done here."

"Okay, sir." Tania said. "I will leave now."

Miguel smiled and nodded. Then he watched as his assistant left the office. As she was leaving, Miguel heard his phone ringing. He quickly moved his eyes towards his phone and saw that it was Brandon calling. Hopefully, Miguel was sure that Brandon had some good news for him about Antonio and his meeting.

Miguel sighed and then quickly answered the phone.

"Tell me."

"Miguel, there is a problem with my meeting here with Antonio."

"What?" Miguel quickly rose from his chair, feeling his heart pounding. "What seems to be the problem, Brandon? I hope you haven't messed things up. Tell me you haven't done anything stupid?"

"What?" Brandon gasped in a really deep voice. "I gave you my word, Miguel. You are showing that you don't trust me."

"Of course, you know that I trust you. Why else would I send you on such an assignment?" He chuckled. "Just tell me what the hell is wrong?"

"Okay." Brandon sounded really pissed. "Antonio refuses to go with me."

"What? Why?" I thought I told you to tell him that it was I that had sent you."

"I already did that." He sighed. "But the idiot still refuses to do so."

Apparently, Antonio was not anywhere near Brandon and hence the reason why Brandon was talking about him like that.

Miguel on the other hand got really mad after hearing what had happened in Sumitria. He knew he had to think of something quick before his plan went into flames. He had to do something to bring Antonio to the capital and really quickly. He just couldn't have him roaming around.

"Okay." He sighed. "Is he anywhere near you?"

"Yes!" Brandon looked behind. "I am with him. He is just a little distance away from me and honestly this bastard is getting on my nerves." He said harshly. "I am going to kick his teeth in and then drag him to the capital if I have..."

"Don't do anything foolish, Brandon." Miguel said in a commanding voice. "Don't even lay a finger on him." He gave a sigh of relief. "Put him on the phone. I want to talk to him."

"What? You wanna..."

"Now!" He snarled.


Brandon took the phone to Antonio and it wasn't long before he was on the phone, smiling like a crazy idiot that he was.

"Mi don." He chuckled happily.

"Antonio!" Miguel chuckled happily. Meanwhile, he was dying to strangle the bastard through that phone. "Brandon has just told me that you have refused to come with him."

"Yes!" He enthused. "I am really sorry. But I can't make it to the capital."

Miguel rolled his eyes in frustration and put up a smile. "Why won't you be able to make it? I thought we had this arrangement when I came to Sumitria a few days ago."

"Yes! But I am really sorry." He apologized in an annoying voice that made Miguel really angry. "I have a lot of work to do. Besides, I don't have a change of clothes."

"Oh come on." Miguel said in a really seductive voice. It was almost a moan that completely turned on Antonio. "You don't require any change of clothes for what I have in mind for you." He chuckled seductively. "I promise that the deal we are going to sign will involve loads of cash and you are gonna be back to Sumitria this very day. The distance between the capital and Sumitria is just an hour's flight so come and I will be here waiting for you. You won't regret it I promise."

Antonio was quiet on the phone. Even though he wasn't saying anything, Miguel completely understood what the hell he was thinking. Antonio was so stupid that he was thinking that he was gonna continue what he had started back in Sumitria in that wash room.

"Okay, mi senor." He chuckled happily.

"I will see you in a few hours then right?"

With a soft chuckle, Miguel cut the call. Then a frown appeared on his face. He really hated Antonio. He remembered the tattoo, the rape and the painful words. He was gonna make him suffer for what he had done to him. He was gonna regret everything and it was a promise.

"You are probably thinking you are gonna get lucky this day." He chuckled in an evil tone. "Come on, Antonio. I will give you a warm welcome that you won't forget in a hurry."

Miguel chuckled manically, shaking his head like an evil warlord. He was gonna make him pay dearly for it.

Miguel went back to his chair and continued with his work that particular day. He just couldn't wait for another game to start. He was gonna enjoy every bit of it.