Wild Flower Ch. 16


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But they had both settled it because although the police was really corrupt, Darren was an exception. He always did his work even better. Christian had told Darren about the videos he had found but...

"I didn't see anything out of the ordinary." He had told Darren. "It was a dead end."

Of course, he couldn't just say that Miguel was in that video. He loved him too much to put him into trouble. If anything went wrong then he would never forgive himself for it.

But now he was at his house, missing him even more. He loved him so much and just wanted to love him for the rest of his life. When Christian arrived, he had been expecting Miguel to throw him out but he got surprised when the maid told him to enter, that Miguel was expecting him.

When Christian entered the living room, he found Miguel seated on the couch with his legs crossed. He was looking really sexy, dressed all in red. He had his red sexy hair on. He was dressed in a beautiful blood red shirt which was tucked in a blood red designer's trouser and was wearing red shoes. He was looking like a model and that beautiful face just got Christian out of his mind. He wanted him so much but he was not sure Miguel was gonna allow that.

Miguel on the other hand just looked at Christian and whatever the guy had come to do, he was more than ready to confuse his head. He really loved him so much though and wanted him to be around. Just seeing his pretty face got Miguel's heart jumping and his body vibrating in pleasure. How he wished he had still been with him.

Miguel got up from the couch and looked at Christian. "The last we talked..."

"I told you that I would look for you and that's what I am doing right here."

"Oh!" Miguel grinned, shaking his head. "What accusation do you have for me now? Spill it out."

"By the way, I saw your partner's car outside leaving. What did he want here?" Christian was just curious.

Miguel rolled his eyes and gave a gloomy sigh. "What do you want here, Christian?" The tone of his voice was really harsh and grating.

"First of all," He got closer and when he smelled his cologne, he just went crazier. "I want you to talk to me like Miguel, my love and not with the tone of La don that you have now."

Hearing Christian's words, Miguel burst into laughter, looking at his man. "It's interesting that it's you who is asking when you mistrust me as La don, Miguel or any other."

"This is different, Miguel." He gave a sigh of relief, looking at those sexy inviting lips that he wanted to suck with his entire strength. "I am only asking because I was curious. I have heard that he is corrupt man and I just don't want you to get into trouble."

"Really?" Miguel chuckled, shaking his head. "What does it matter who I deal with? It's none of your business, Christian okay."

Without saying anything else, Miguel made a quick turn and started walking around the room. Christian followed him because he needed him to understand.

"Look, I am really sorry about this, Miguel."

"Oh! So now you want to apologize?" He chuckled bitterly, making a quick turn. "You came here and accused me of Antonio's disappearance and now..."

"I had talked to detective..."

"Once again, you trust the words of others blindly." Miguel was definitely running out of patience with Christian. "So did he also tell you that I killed Antonio or I am involved in his disappearance?"

"No! I...I only asked questions and it didn't even involve you, Miguel." He said sincerely, trying to get closer to him. But Miguel moved away from him because he didn't him want him coming any closer.

"Great!" Miguel raised his hands furiously. "I also want to ask a question but no! It seems like you are the only allowed to ask questions here. Did you come to interrogate me again because I am suddenly the prime suspect?"

Christian didn't know what he was gonna do. Miguel was just too angry to even understand what he was trying to say to him. He didn't wanna lose him because he loved him so much and just wanted him closer and closer to him. He loved him too much.

"Okay, I just wanted you to tell me the truth." Christian said simply. "I only asked because of what I saw, Miguel."

"You always mistrust me."

"Why do you say that, my love?" Christian spoke softly.

"Because I didn't do what you were accusing me or what you are still accusing me. I told you what I had gone to do there but it's still me who has all the information about that bastard, right? What type of person do you think I am?"

Without even looking at him twice, Miguel made a quick turn and started walking away.

"Okay." Christian said, following behind. "I promise you that I won't ask any more questions."

Miguel grinned and made a quick turn. Then he looked at Christian with a serious face. "But I have a question..."

Miguel went closer to Christian, grabbed his waist and pulled him closer to himself, really close to his lips. Christian felt as if he had just been connected to a cable of electricity. His body felt really hot and his hormones started getting out of control. His eyes connected with Miguel's and those lips, fuck, he wanted to suck on them with his entire strength.

"...and I want you to be very honest with me." His voice sounded really seductive, travelling to Christian's very soul. "Can you really love a man whom you mistrust so much, Christian?"

Christian moved his hands and slid them on Miguel's waist. He pulled him even closer as their breaths became really harsh. The way they were staring into each other's eyes... the way they breathed... the way their noses were brushing on each other's... the closer their lips were and everything was simply sexy and amazing.

"Listen to me, Miguel..." he massaged on his waist, licking his own lips. "I have never desired a man as badly as I desire you."

Miguel's lips were just too close and Christian just wanted them on his. He leaned down to kiss Miguel but got disappointed when he met with Miguel's cheek instead. He planted a kiss there and although what he wanted were those lips, he liked every part of Miguel's body.

Miguel moved his face and looked at him with seriousness in his eyes and everything else.

"So it is merely attraction, something physical?" He asked and boy he had never been so serious in his life. He was gonna hurt Christian if he chose to answer yes to that question.

Christian's hands caressed Miguel's back as fire burnt both their bodies. It was really hot and Christian wanted to be with Miguel.

"Your body desires my body..." Miguel chuckled bitterly, getting closer to Christian's lips. "...but in your heart there is only mistrust."

Miguel pushed Christian away and he stood at a distance, looking at him angrily. Christian didn't know how to make Miguel understand what he felt for him. It was more than he had just asked because Christian really loved Miguel, more than he had ever loved anyone in his life before.

Christian went close to him but not as close. "It's not easy for you to understand what I feel for you Miguel." He chuckled. "When we first met, you were really rude and cunning. You insulted me and I had hated you so much at that time. I thought you were just this bitter, cunning boy that was really spoilt and evil, manipulating the poor."

Christian was now playing with his hands around Miguel's neck and caressing his hair. "You were also involved in Antonio's video and now look where we are. I love you so much Miguel and I know you think I want your body but I have never loved anyone before. I don't know if you are on the wrong side of the law like other people say but I love you."

Miguel just stood there quietly, looking at his handsome man. He didn't know what to say to him. He loved him so much too but he also knew that Christian had mistrusted him. He grabbed Christian's shirt and directed his hands to his waist, enjoying being in his arms again. He got closer and went ahead to do something crazier. He bit Christian's upper lip and heard him moan in pleasure.

Christian on the other hand was on fire. Just Miguel's bite was making him go insane with pleasure and desire. He wanted a real kiss but Miguel was teasing him.

"Of course," Miguel moaned, letting go of that delicious lip. "...like you are the law and it's forbidden to love a man like me?"

Christian couldn't take it anymore. He pulled Miguel closer and took his lips. He kissed Miguel and boy, his body was burning all over. He wanted more of that kiss but he wanted to say something to Miguel too.

"No! I love you, Miguel and I trust you so much."

Miguel smiled brightly, feeling as if his heart was about to burst out of his chest. He really loved the man and wanted him. He smiled and they started getting closer, their hearts beating as one and their lips twitching and yearning for one another. The space in between them was closing, getting even closer to each other's lips. Just when their lips were about to touch... Miguel heard his phone ringing and he quickly pulled away and looked towards the table near him.

"Miguel, don't!" Christian moaned. "Ignore it."

"I have to take it."

Miguel moved away from Christian and quickly rushed to the table. When he bent over to take the phone, Christian checked him out and he was looking really sexy in that outfit. It showed his bubbly ass and Christian wished to make love to him again. He loved him so much and just wanted to be with him.


"Boss?" It was from Mark. "I just wanted to inform you about Jack and his husband."

"Oh!" Miguel glanced Christian who was looking at him. "That man."

"What man?" Christian wondered, hoping Miguel was not up to something that was gonna get him into trouble.

"Tell me."

"According to my source, they are doing well but it seems like they are in need of a powerful and rich business partner since they haven't been the same after, you know who disappeared." Miguel was really happy and he knew Christian was listening to him. "I can see them right now and they are meeting with one of their clients and I am actually hiding. I don't think it's ideal for me to be at this place any longer."

"Yes!" Miguel spoke softly so that Christian wouldn't hear him. "I also think it's dangerous for you to be at that place. I want you to leave and come back here." He then chuckled, pretending to be talking to someone else. "Everything that you have said will be very helpful for the company."

He hanged up and went back to Christian, looking at him suspiciously.

"I am pretty sure you are going to ask what the call was about." He chuckled, folding his arms on his chest. "You probably think I want to threaten someone or worse, kill someone."

To say Christian was surprised would be an understatement. He couldn't understand any of what Miguel had just said to him. "No, baby, you are just exaggerating."

Miguel smiled and pulled his man closer. Christian wrapped his strong arms around Miguel and pulled his body closer. He took his lips and they started kissing each other like their lives depended on it. Miguel's lips had never tasted sweeter and lovelier. It was what Christian had been dreaming about. He loved that man so much.

"You probably would be afraid that I would kill you while we are making love." He moaned, trying to control his breaths.

Christian thought Miguel was joking with him because how could he even think of something like that? He didn't appreciate it at all but he found it a little funny that Miguel thought about it. He rubbed in his beautiful red hair and kissed him softly on those lips.

"I can never be at peace when am with you." He chuckled softly. "I always think about kissing you and holding you in my arms forever. Maybe that's the manner in which you kill me."

Miguel made Christian tighten his arms around his waist as the two plunged into a really passionate and hot kiss. Christian slipped his slick tongue right into that wonderful mouth and started sucking on his tongue, exploring his sweet mouth.

"Ah..." Miguel was on fire once again. He had his eyes closed and his arms tightly wrapped around Christian's neck, pulling him even closer. His body was vibrating and he was being filled with hormones that were making him desire Christian unlike before.

Their tongues were at war with each other. Their bodies were closer to each other and their moans were all over the living room. Both of them didn't care about who was listening to them. All they wanted was to devour each other's lips. As the kiss got more intense, both of them tore away from each other's lips for the much needed air. They were panting.

Christian wanted more even though he was struggling to breathe. He started getting closer for another kiss but...

"Enough!" Miguel yelled, pushing Christian away for the second time. "Calm down!"

Christian shook his head, desperately trying to grab Miguel to himself again. "I cannot calm down when you drive me crazy." He bit his lips, getting closer even more.

"You know you drive me crazy as well," Miguel said with a serious look. "But I don't want you to fool me, yes?"

Christian was determined to kiss Miguel. "Am not fooling you." Christian grabbed Miguel and kissed his lips like he wasn't gonna let go.

Miguel tore away from those sweet lips. "When you kiss me, you blind me and make me believe in the love that you say you feel for me." Christian was dangerously closer and he was ready to go for another kiss if Miguel wasn't gonna push him. His heart was racing and he was starting to sweat a bit. "But I remember that you investigated me, you are too obsessed with that." he gave a sigh of relief, feeling a little hurt. "I am afraid you might find something that will make you run away."

Christian was just really confused. He looked at Christian with a frown. "I don't know what you are talking about, baby."

"It's best that you leave." He said without any regrets.

"Can we see each other later, please?" Christian didn't want to stay away from Miguel for anything else in this world.

"No!" Miguel shook his head, sighing. "Because when we make love, Christian I want it to be you alone without your mistrust." He said with a serious tone. "I want to give myself completely to you when you trust me!" he took a few steps away from him. "Now leave, please!"

"Things aren't like that."

He drew closer and held Miguel, looking into his eyes.

Miguel moved his eyes away. He didn't want to hurt Christian but what he was doing was for the best.

"I want you to respect my decision and leave." He said softly.

Christian took a sigh and finally let go of Miguel. God knew he loved him so much and wanted him by his side but the situation was worse but he also wasn't gonna give up on Miguel. He was gonna keep on coming until he finally forgave him.

Christian took a step back, looking at Miguel's pink lips. They were inviting him and he couldn't help but desire more. Miguel had told him to go but he wasn't just gonna go just like that. He got closer and started kissing Miguel's lips tenderly. Miguel tried to push him but he felt weak and loosened his grip and just enjoyed Christian's lips dancing on his. It was really pleasurable and the both of them moaned their brains out.

After a few seconds, Christian stopped and looked at Miguel with desire. He didn't want to leave him alone. In fact, he was gonna come back. He smiled at Miguel, turned and left him there all alone, wanting and needing more of that kiss.

Miguel just stood there and fought his tears. He wanted Christian's love but he didn't wanna get into trouble with his love at the same time. He didn't wanna get hurt in future and hence the reason why he had to tell him all that he did. He took his phone and went up to his room.


"That's absurd." Brian chuckled, looking at Miguel. "Why would you think Christian would be against you if he loves you too much?"

Brian had come to Miguel's room after Christian left and he wanted to talk to him into giving the guy a chance and forgetting his revenge. But Miguel didn't want to hear it. He wasn't in the mood to talk about those issues.

"Because that's how I feel." Miguel said simply, rubbing on his hair. "He has been on and on about the Antonio issue. Why can't you guys just trust me when I say that I am not involved in that bastard's disappearance?"

"Look, Miguel, I know that you are really mad right now and..."

"Of course," Miguel chuckled bitterly, giving Brian angry eyes. "Why shouldn't I? And let me not find out that you are betraying me behind my back, Brian." He warned, pointing angrily at him. "I am warning you Brian because you are not gonna like me. I hate betrayal and I don't need to remind you what I am talking about." He was talking about Felix because Brian was always out the past few days and Miguel didn't appreciate it.

"What?" Brian knew he was meeting with Felix but he didn't like the tone Miguel had used. "Miguel I think you are being extreme, suspecting me and the man who loves you."

"Oh really?" Miguel gave him fisheyes. "Don't betray me, Brian." He warned. "Remember that everything that you have is all because of me so don't you dare mess with me. You have seen me at my happiest, my saddest, my best and even at my worst. You know exactly what I can do so don't you dare."

"What?" Brian didn't like the way Miguel was talking to him. "I know that everything that I have is because of you. I love you so much, Miguel and I wouldn't dream of betraying you. Why do you insist that I want to betray you? I am not seeing Felix behind your back." He lied.

"That better be the truth because if I ever find out that you have been seeing him..." He chuckled bitterly. He didn't even need to finish the sentence. Brian got the idea.

Brian was really mad with the way that Miguel was talking to him. He didn't like it.

Brian furiously got up from the bed and looked angrily at Miguel. "Honestly, I am sick and tired of you suspecting me. I am tired of living in fear because of you, Miguel." He yelled, pointing right at him. Miguel wasn't surprised because nowadays, Brian had the guts to raise his voice at him. "And I am tired of being indebted to you."

Brian took a quick turn and left. Miguel wasn't worried at all because he knew Brian was gonna be back in no time at all. Their love for one another had grown so much that Brian couldn't live without him and hence the reason he was sure he was gonna be back.


It was another day, a really great day. Things were going just like Miguel and Brandon had planned. Hector was being set up really well and the good thing was that he didn't even realize it. Brandon had hired a journalist to take photos as Hector was in the deal, bribing the mafia.

Brandon had given specific instructions to the photographer to make sure that and be very careful that Hector's face was visible so that there was no doubt that he was working with the mafia. Hector was walking straight into the fire.

The journalist that Brandon had hired was hiding somewhere he couldn't be seen and was taking all the photos he could of the deal. Hector was definitely going down.

Brandon was near the place, staring at the colonel making the illegal dealings, thinking no one was seeing. He was really happy, more than happy he was doing this for Miguel. He had his binoculars and he was seeing everything clearly, including the colonel's ugly face.

Brandon was filled with nothing but pure evil as he watched. He had an evil grin on his face and he also knew that was the perfect time for him to call Miguel. He quickly took out his phone and dialed Miguel's number with that evil grin on his face.


"Guess where I am, Miguel?" He chuckled like an evil maniac. "I am right where the deal is taking place. The idiot has taken the bait and he is busy supervising the illegal merchandise. The idiot is definitely going underway."
