Wild Flower Ch. 17


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"What should I do with you, Christian?" he moaned in between their kisses. "People around me hate you; your family can't stand me..."

Christian tore away from those sweet lips. Their eyes locked as they stared into each other's souls.

"I won't let others get into the way. I will never let you go no matter what."

Christian gripped Miguel harder and started leading him to the bedroom while making sure that their eyes were still locked on each other. Christian's heart felt as if it was about to burst out of his chest. He was breathing harshly and he was getting horny. He needed Miguel.

Reaching the bedroom, they both fell on the bed. Christian quickly removed his shirt and Miguel's. Then he took off his trouser and Miguel's. They were both in boxer briefs. Christian crawled up Miguel's body and started kissing him.

"Oh..." Miguel moaned, coiling his arms around Christian's neck.

Christian slid his hands down, caressing Miguel's skin as he kissed his lips. He brought him closer as they moaned their brains out. Both of them were in pure unimaginable pleasure. They wanted more... they wanted to feel each other's warmth and pleasures. Christian didn't want to let go of Miguel now that he had him by his side. He just wanted him to be with him his entire life.

"Oh, baby..." Christian moaned, tearing from Miguel's lips. "You have no idea how much I want you. You have no idea how happy I am. I don't want you to leave..."

"Shh..." Miguel rubbed on Chris' lips. "...you don't have to say anything to me, my love. I will never leave you alone."

"Thank you." Christian smiled brightly, desiring Miguel's lips even more. "Today, I just want you closer to me and..."

"You want to make love to me?"

Christian smiled, shaking his head. He rubbed on Miguel's face, licking his already swollen lips.

"I would have said yes to that question but..." He paused and laughed. "...today I just wanna kiss you and hold you in my arms. I want you naked body closer to me for eternity and... I want you to..."

"I know what you are saying and I understand you." Miguel moaned. "I love you so much Christian and I just wanna lie in your arms forever. I don't want anything to come between us."

"You are here and I am here." Christian said simply. "Let's cherish this moment, my love."

With just those few words, Christian leaned down and started kissing Miguel even more intensely. He moved his hand to Miguel's thighs and parted his legs, getting in between them. Miguel wrapped his legs around Christian's waist as his hands moved on his back. He wanted his lips closer and his body closer as well.


The way Christian was kissing him, sucking on his tongue... the feel of his body on his... the way he was moaning in his mouth and the way his body was moving was something that Miguel wanted more and more.

Christian was worshipping Miguel's body with his lips and his hands. He kissed him from the neck going down. Miguel dropped his head and gave Christian access to his neck. Christian kissed that neck like he wanted to devour it. Everything was just so hot. The monster between his legs was iron hard but no way was he going to make love to Miguel. He just wanted to appreciate him.

After kissing and sucking Miguel's neck for a number of minutes while Miguel moaned for more, Christian went back to his mouth and kissed him. Their kisses continued as things got hotter between them. The whole room was filled with nothing but moans and groans of pleasure. They didn't want to stop. They just wanted it to go for long. It was a beautiful night and nothing was gonna separate them.


Miguel and Christian were holding each other after almost two hours of making out. Both of them were sweaty and horny but being in each other's arms was the best thing ever. It was pleasure on its own. Miguel had his head on Christian's hairy chest and the hunk had his arms wrapped around Miguel, securing him in his precious arms. He was kissing him from time to time.

"I want to have you like this forever."

As Christian said those words, a strong wind blew, shutting the window loudly. Miguel quickly raised his head and looked at Christian. It wasn't a windy night so he got a little confused as to what caused it.

"What was that?"

"It's just the wind." Christian planted a kiss on his head.

"No!" Miguel shook his head as his heart began racing. "I think it was a sign."

"What?" Christian chuckled teasingly.

"That has happened just when you said you always want to have me like this." Miguel had a strange feeling about what had happened. He had no idea why he felt the way he did.

Christian looked at Miguel and raised his eyebrow. He couldn't understand what he was saying to him. It was so strange because it was just the wind.

"No I don't think so." Christian said with a sigh. "Let me go and close the window so that..."

"No!" Miguel held on to him closely. "Just hold me, hug me tightly."

Christian kissed Miguel's head and held him tightly. He could tell that he was nervous and he had no idea why that was so but he just wanted to hold him like that because he loved him so much.

"Your room is so cozy." Miguel said in a happy tone. "I think I can stay here forever."

Christian had never been so happy. He held Miguel closely. "We can live here if you want."

Miguel chuckled teasingly, kissing Christian's hairy chest. "Do you really think we can be together after everything?" He asked. "Your parents hate me and the people in this neighborhood probably hate me."

Christian laughed. "I am sure everyone around you hates me as well, especially that lawyer of yours. But we will not let anyone separate us."

"Yes!" Miguel remembered something important. He raised his head and looked at his man, giving him a serious face. "You shouldn't believe what Pablo told you at the company that I am capable of killing him." He gave a gloomy sigh. "I would never be capable of harming anyone in your family because you are the most important person in my life." He leaned up and kissed Christian's lips. "I love you. That's the biggest truth in my life. I love you Christian."

Christian felt warm and happy. His heart raced in love and... he felt tears building in his eyes. He had never heard such wonderful words from anyone before.

"I love you."

The two of them kissed and lay in each other's arms. They spent the night in each other's arms and it was a really beautiful night.

The next morning, Miguel woke up and prepared breakfast for Christian. Christian was really happy. He kissed Miguel and the both of them enjoyed breakfast before Miguel left happily.




Many days had passed and things were going perfectly for Miguel. His relationship with Christian was going miles and miles away. He usually comes to his house and Miguel visits him. Lovemaking has been perfect and Miguel has been happy in those days. When Christian comes to his house, they just lie in each other's arms on the couch and talk about their relationship. Things are shooting up in the sky and Miguel has been happy. Although, Miguel has been noticing that strange things have been happening, everything seems perfect. First, carter's attitude has been different and Miguel has been wondering why. Then there is Brian who has been acting different for the past few days. But anyway, Miguel has been alright.

It was another great day at work and Miguel was looking hot as usual. He was dressed in a purple designer's shirt which looked hot on him with his chest sticking out. He had a black designer's trouser on him with black designer's shoes. He also had a blue designer's blazer on him and his red hair was just amazing.

"Yes, don..." Mark bowed his head, looking as serious as ever. He had his black designer's suit on him with all the gadgets of a classy guard. "You called me."

"Yes!" Miguel went and stood right in front of Mark with a serious face. "I have called you here for something really important."

"Yes don," Mark said in his deep manly voice. "Anything for you,"

"Good!" He smirked, nodding his head in happiness. "I want you to be discreet with what I am gonna tell you."

"I promise never to make any more mistakes." Mark assured. "I will follow your orders perfectly."

"I trust you." Miguel gave him a wonderful smile. "I need you to get rid of Hector Alvarado for me."

"Hector!" Mark frowned, trying to remember who the hell as Hector.

"It's okay." Miguel smiled, taking a picture from the table. It was a picture of Colonel Alvarado and he was in uniform. He handed it to Mark who started looking at it. "That's the idiot I want you to get rid of. I want you to do everything and then abduct him. I don't need to tell you where to take him because you know." He gave a gloomy sigh. "We have already convinced him that the government is out to sabotage him and I also need him to contact his most trusted confidants to convince them the same. The rest will be easy because he'll the think I am helping him." He laughed like an evil boy.

The past few days have been productive for Miguel. He and Brandon have been able to convince Hector and finally gained his trust. He wasn't gonna doubt them since he trusted Miguel like crazy. In his mind, the government was out to sabotage him and he was gonna contact his most trusted confidants and they were gonna think he was still around. Miguel couldn't believe he was finally gonna get rid of the bastard for good.

"I know I shouldn't be asking this but..." Mark raised his face and looked at Miguel. "...why are you doing this?"

Miguel gave an evil grin, staring at Mark. "It's because he is my enemy." He moved away and stood at a distance, getting really serious. "I don't want any more questions. Just do as I have asked you to do, do you understand."

"I am so sorry, don..." Mark bowed his head, apologizing to his boss. "...I would never defy your orders, boss. I will do as you have said."

"Thank you, Mark." Miguel grinned. "I know you are gonna do this swiftly."

Mark smiled and then left. Miguel grinned as he took a deep breath. "You have finally fallen into my trap, Hector. Now watch as I destroy you." He laughed manically.

He was surely gonna enjoy killing the bastard.


"What?" Miguel yelled, looking at the paper he was holding.

Miguel couldn't believe what he was seeing. His mood was completely ruined as soon as he stared at that paper. His heart started racing beyond what he thought. His eyes widened and his mouth gaped. His breaths became a little harsh and he started trembling in both fear and anger. He was so mad that he couldn't even think straight.

Miguel had just arrived home only to be given an envelope which contained a suit. Pablo was suing him for stupid things that he was trying to steal land and he wasn't surprised that Marcus was involved in it too. But Miguel was sure that it was because of Christian. Pablo wanted to separate the two of them. What Miguel couldn't understand was how Pablo could do that to him. Not that he was scared him because he was fighting a war he couldn't win. Miguel was definitely pissed.

"What's going on?" Brian came running to the room. He was really scared and worried at the same time. "Are you okay?"

"Okay?" Miguel chuckled bitterly, angrily. "Can you believe that I am being sued by someone that I definitely don't wanna fight?"

"What do you mean by that?" Brian rubbed on his shoulder, trying to make him calm. "Who would want to sue you?"

Miguel looked at Brian and he took a deep breath. "Pablo Palmer, Christian's father. Well, he is his uncle but he is like a father to him." He rubbed on his face, furiously throwing the suit on the bed. "I don't know what to do right now. What is the way forward? I don't know what to do."

Brian knew Miguel was faced with a difficult decision because he knew he loved Christian so much and he wanted him to be happy. But this was a really difficult decision.

"So what are you planning on doing?" Brian quavered, patting on his shoulder. "I know that this is a really difficult decision for you."

"I don't know." Miguel gave a gloomy sigh, sitting on the bed. "All I know is that I cannot allow myself to lose Christian. That's why I have to be careful here, Brian." He buried his face on his palm, trying to think clearly.

Brian smiled brightly and sat with Miguel, wrapping his arm around him. He had never heard such sweet words from him before. He was actually concerned about someone else. It was so sweet to watch.

"You know what Miguel," He chuckled happily. "I am actually happy to see you like this. You once told me that you had a really a wonderful friend, your first boyfriend." It was really long ago when Miguel was just young. "You had cried when he asked you to be his boyfriend and..."

"I know that." Miguel sighed, raising his face to look at Brian.

"You love Christian and you cannot allow yourself to lose him." Brian said to him. "You would never cause harm to his family and hence the reason why you are like this. I am really proud of you."

"I need to resolve this issue as soon as possible." Miguel gasped, shaking his head. "I don't want it to get out of hand."

"Yes, I agree with you." Brian nodded. "But what are you planning on doing?"

"I don't know but I will see what I will do."

"Oh!" Brian opened his arms widely. "Come here."

Miguel smiled faintly and went into Brian's arms. Both of them hugged tightly as Brian rubbed on his back to make him feel better. Miguel needed to resolve the issue soon because he didn't just want to lose his man. He was gonna die if that happened.


Pablo was at his house with his lovely wife, Ruth. Ruth was a beautiful brunette woman who was a little fat. She was really good and Pablo loved her like crazy. She and Pablo never had a child of their own and hence the reason why they loved Christian so much. Their child had died long ago and when they were left with Christian after the death of his parents, they loved him like their son and vowed to protect him throughout their lives.

As the two of them were there, they heard a knock on the door. Pablo went to the door and when he opened it, he got the surprise of his life when he saw La don at the house all alone. Without even saying anything, Miguel entered the house, shocking Pablo even more.

"You!" Pablo gasped in shock. "What are you doing in my house? How did you even know that I live here?"

Pablo's house was not far from Christian's house. In fact, it was just a few minutes' walk from Christian's house because the houses were closer.

"Who are you suing?" Miguel asked with a serious face. "Is it La don or the man you want to separate from your son?"

"What?" Pablo gasped, shaking his head angrily. "I can't believe you actually came to my house. Have you been keeping an eye on me because I don't remember giving you my address? Did you come with your thugs to finally kill me?"

"What?" Miguel shook his head. "I am alone here and I definitely didn't come with any thugs. I came here to talk to you because I don't wanna fight you, Pablo."

To say Pablo was surprised would be an understatement. He couldn't believe what Miguel was telling him and just got him madder.

"I am truly sorry for all the harm that I might have caused you or this neighborhood." He apologized even though he hadn't done anything to him. "I am even sorry if what I had said to you at the company made you feel threatened."

"You think I am gonna fall for that foolishness?" Pablo snapped, pointing at Miguel. "I know exactly what people like you can do. You are here to play the victim but that doesn't work on me, okay?"

"I believe there is a misunderstanding here." Miguel said softly, staring at the man. "I..."

"I know the likes of you." Pablo yelled. "You send your thugs in the neighborhood to threaten people. First you had taken land which doesn't belong to you but I am not gonna allow you to take more because it's the reason you are with y son. I have properties in this area and I..."

"That's why I am saying that there is a misunderstanding." Miguel said. "I know you have been hearing what people in this neighborhood have been saying. But the reason why you probably see my workers here is because I have a building in this area and you know that."

Pablo wasn't gonna believe any word Miguel was telling him. He knew he had come up with a great plan together with Marcus and it wasn't gonna go wrong. Marcus had promised to help him until Miguel was out of their lives. It was one of the reasons why he had come back.

"I don't care what you say." He yelled. "What I have said still stands. Nothing will make me change my mind."

Miguel had probably met the toughest man in his life. He took a gloomy sigh, trying to make the man understand what was going on.

"I know that's what you think because someone told you so." He sighed. "But I think we can solve our issues in an amicable manner without dragging this to court."

"I came to your office and this could have been resolved there but you insulted me and humiliated me." He chuckled bitterly. "You even had the nerves to threaten me. Listen to me," He got dangerously closer. "I will not stop until you make a public apology to me and maybe I might just consider not taking you to court."

"What?" Miguel couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Yes!" Pablo laughed in mock. "Is that too hard?"

"Look!" Miguel said with a sigh. "You should never think that I would harm you or anyone related to Christian." He said with a serious face. He was in pain. "Christian is the man I love."

"What?" Pablo's eyes widened.

"Yes!" Miguel nodded. "I am very much in love with Christian. I understand that you raised Christian to be the man that he is today." Everything Miguel was saying was the complete truth. "I wouldn't even dream of hurting you because you are the parents of the man that I love. I hope you try and understand what I am telling you. I just want you to understand that I could never hurt you and I hope..." He took a deep breath. "...we can start anew."

Pablo looked at his wife and the both of them looked at each other. Ruth felt a little sorry for Miguel and she honestly felt that he was telling the truth but she couldn't say anything because her husband too could have been right. La don had caused a lot of harm to some people as she heard.

"Never!" Pablo said with determination. "I know the reason why you are here. You are not gonna fool me anymore."

"I am being sincere with you and this is a part of me that I don't usually show and..."

"I understand that Christian might be in love with you..." Ruth said softly. "...but we also don't know what you have done to him. We don't want to hurt our son and that's why we are gonna ask you to leave."

Miguel now knew that there was no way he was gonna get to Pablo or his wife. Pablo was one stubborn man.

"I have tried to make you understand but it seems you choose to only see evil in me." He said in a sad tone. "I love your son and I hope you can respect that, at least."

He made a quick turn and started heading to the door before...

"Before you go," Pablo laughed in mock. "I would like to make it clear to you that the next time we get to talk would be in a courtroom."

Miguel didn't respond to Pablo. He knew that matter wasn't gonna be resolved real soon. He just turned and started going.


Marcus was walking on the road on his way to Pablo's house when all of a sudden he met about three women who were rushing past him. He called one of them and asked where they were going.

"La don is around." One of the women said happily. Then they quickly left.

Marcus tried to understand what the women meant by that. But before he could do anything, he saw Christian and Carter coming towards him and they were busy laughing. It got him really jealous and he quickly rushed to the two of them. They were near the Pablo's house and Marcus wondered what the two of them were doing there.
