Wild Flower Ch. 20


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Christian saw bruises on carter's hands and he slowly started kissing them. Carter had never imagined something like that would ever happen. He was so hot that his breaths and hormones got out of control. He started getting horny and could feel his member rising. Fuck! When Christian's cologne hit his nose, he felt as if it was a dream.

"Make love to me," He pleaded, dropping his neck. "Please!"

Christian looked at Carter but he felt something pulling him back, something really strong. He dropped and took him in a passionate kiss and the both of them fell to the floor. His heart was pounding deep in his chest as his blood raced through his veins. He wanted to forget about Miguel or his love and do what his mother wanted, love someone else.

Christian got on top of Carter as their kiss intensified. Carter had his hands all over Christian's back, moaning his brains out. His body was on fire as he fought for domination with Christian's tongue. But of course, Christian won and Carter just submitted. He had never wanted anyone like he wanted Christian at that time.


Christian stopped kissing Carter and just stared into his beautiful eyes. Fuck! He could see Miguel's eyes in him. I'm gonna forget you, Miguel, he thought as he looked at the smiling man beneath him. He wasn't as gorgeous as Miguel but he was gorgeous in his own way.

"I never imagined that we would do it in such a place." Carter moaned, moving his hands to Christian's buttons.

"I am sorry..." He apologized. But Carter was already halfway unbuttoning him. "I don't want you to think this is what I came here for."

"You don't have to control yourself anymore." By this time he was already removing Christian's shirt and he threw it on the floor. He passed his hands all over his chest and then grasped the back of his head, bringing his head desperately closer. "I would care less if we did in a place like this or in paradise as long as we are together, my love."

He pulled Christian and they started kissing like all hell had broken loose. It was passionate, sexy and really amazing for both of them, most especially carter because he was gonna control Christian and keep away from Miguel once and for all.

Christian helped Carter remove his shirt and threw it away. They were breathing as if they were in a furnace. Things were spicy between them and they were ready to take it to another level. Carter slowly moved his hand to Christian's zipper and could already feel the pulsing member in his pants. He couldn't wait for Christian to inside of him so that they could be one.

Everything was going fine until... The door suddenly opened, interrupting the two of them. It was the ward and he was standing in the door way looking at the two of them and it looked like he wasn't gonna go.

"It is time to go back to the cell."

"Fuck!" Carter cursed, looking into Christian's eyes. He had been so close to making love to him. "I am sure Miguel is behind this because he promised not to give me peace. He wants to separate us, my love."

Okay, seriously, carter has got to get Miguel out of his mouth and fuck off. Christian didn't say a word. He rather just stood up and helped Carter up. He kissed Carter's lips before giving his shirt and left. Christian remained standing there looking hot and bothered. What was going on?


"What?" Yvette gasped, fear taking the best of her. "You are all lying. My son told me he went back to our home town for some work. There is no way he could have lied to me."

"Yeah," Alicia nodded. "So what are you telling us?"

Shit! One of the neighbors, a gossip had come to see Yvette and keep her company just like Christian had told her. Out of foolishness she had told them not to worry because Christian was gonna get Carter out of prison very soon since he was a good lawyer.

Now Yvette and Alicia were both panicking and scared. Fuck! Christian was gonna be mad at her.

"Don't pay attention to me." The woman chuckled nervously. "I was only pulling your leg and..."

"That didn't seem like a joke." Alicia shook her head. "You were serious..."

"No!" She shook her head. "I was..."

"What happened to my son?" Yvette asked, getting up from the couch.

Alicia and Yvette made sure that the woman talked. They were so worried. She told them that Carter and Lawrence had been arrested for over a week and that Christian had been trying all he could to get them out. She even told them that she heard that La don was behind everything because he was jealous of Carter.

Alicia and Yvette were definitely shocked. They didn't waste any more time. They went to the prison and found out that it was true. They were around to see Carter in a room where they cried their eyes out. Carter was really emotional and he told them that Miguel had him arrested to separate him from Christian.

Yvette couldn't take seeing her son in prison. She told Alicia to remain with him while she got the address and rushed to Miguel's house. She pleaded with the guards to see him but they wouldn't let her. They rather told her to fuck off and not to disturb their master.

She begged and begged but to no avail. In the end she left with her eyes red.


"Please, try to calm yourself down, Brian." Felix said as he tried to hold Brian but to no avail. "Acting like this won't help things."

"How can I calm down when everyone is busy accusing Miguel of being the one behind Carter's arrest?" He said restlessly, gripping his hair. "I heard some people from his neighborhood talking about it and..."

"I thought I had promised you to help him get out." Felix said with his hands on his hips. "My love, you've got to calm down. I will do everything to get him out of there."

"I am not talking about Carter now." He took a deep breath and looked at Felix. "I need to go and see Miguel right now. I need to talk to him and find out something."

"What?" Felix's mouth gaped. "Baby, you know that..."

"Nothing you'll say will make me stay." He argued, shaking his little finger. "Miguel is still my brother and I am gonna talk to him."

"But he might harm you or..."

"Please, don't start..." Brian warned. "He's my brother and not a monster. I will see you later."

He took the car keys and left, ignoring all the calls from Felix. It didn't take him long before he reached the house. He found Miguel seated on the couch with his eyes on the laptop. He was looking really hot in a tank and just a sexy blue short. He had his real dark hair on and it was loose. It was longer than Brian remembered. He moved closer, clearing his throat.

"You know that you are starting to annoy me, right?" Miguel said angrily, putting the laptop back on the couch. "I don't know if you want me to put it in writing that we are over or what." He got up from the couch and then looked at Brian. "What do you want?"

"The truth, Miguel." Brian said with a serious look. "I want to know if what people are saying is true. Did you get Carter arrested?"

Miguel chuckled, shaking his head. "Why am I not surprised that you came to ask this? You see, I have had people accuse me of all kinds of things this week so please, leave my house before I do something that we'll both regret."

"Why?" Brian shook his head, frowning. "What did he do, Miguel? Is it because..."

"Enough!" Miguel had had it. "I will not have you come here and insult me, Brian. You better know the way you talk to me. Remember, we are no longer related so don't think that you can just come here and insult me. I got Christian out of my life and my house very easy so I might do it to you as well."

Brian took a deep breath and then moved closer. "Please, don't ruin this man's life, please." He pleaded, putting his hands together. "Help him get out of there."

Miguel put his hands together and moved even closer. "Brian, I beg of you in the name of God. Leave me alone and stop talking to me about that hypocrite. I won't help him. He's a criminal that deserves to be punished. Now, get out of my house before I hurt you."

"Fine!" Brian nodded. "I will leave but before hurting that man, think about all the good things you two did. Please, help him."

With those words, Brian left the house. Miguel just hissed and continued what he was doing.


Yvette was standing in front of Angelo's parents' graves with tears all over her face. She was so confused that she couldn't even breathe properly. Her eyes were red and she felt terrible. She was blaming herself for what had happened.

"It's my entire fault..." Yvette cried, falling to her knees. "It's my fault. If I hadn't taken him away long ago he wouldn't have found himself in this situation today." She sobbed uncontrollably. "I don't know what to do, I... I wasn't successful in my mission and I just put him in more trouble."

She covered her eyes and cried uncontrollably. There were a lot of things that were in her mind, things that she couldn't control. She knew she was doomed for life. She was gonna burn in hell for what she had done.

"Please, show me what to do." She cried loudly, sobbing painfully. "Help your son, I beg you. If anything happens to him in there... I don't know how I will face you when I die. He's the only survivor of your lineage, please..."

She was crying, asking her brother and sister in law what to do. She needed him out of that cell because he was in a very bad condition. She knew he was fighting with really powerful people, people that could kill him in prison.

She cried there for a number of minutes until suddenly...

"Who are you?" She heard a strange voice behind her. "What do you think you are doing here?"

She stopped crying and then got up, slowly rubbing her tears. She slowly turned and met with a really beauty face of a young man. He had beautiful, sexy seductive eyes... bright red short, curly hair and a frown on his face. He was dressed in a beautiful short sleeved shirt with his chest exposed, black skinny jean and white shoes. He looked really rich and she had never seen him before.

"Who are you?" She asked in pain, looking at him.

"Who am I?" Miguel pointed at himself, raising his eyebrow. "Look, lady, I should be asking you that question. What are you doing here?"

Miguel was caught by surprise. He had come to pay his dead parents a visit and talk to them because he had been busy and hadn't come only to find a woman there. He had never seen in her in his life before so it was really surprising.

He got really angry because he didn't like people messing with his parents' graves.

"Excuse me," Yvette didn't understand why the boy was sounding rude and angry. "I think you've gotten this grave mistaken for someone else's. This is my brother and his wife's grave. I usually come here."

When Miguel heard the woman's answer, he simply laughed so hard that he actually teared up. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He knew his father had no sister or any other family member. He only had a brother who had kept him when his parents had died.

"Sorry..." He apologized, clearing his voice. "I am really sorry but you're probably the one mistaken. The people buried here died more than ten years ago. I knew them and I don't think they had a family member who looked like you."

"What are you saying?" Yvette frowned. "This is my brother who was buried here. You are right..." She sighed, feeling more tears in her eyes. "...they died more than ten years ago. You probably didn't see me because... Because I did something really bad and they decided to forget about me. Anyone that didn't know me then probably didn't know they had a sister. We were actually the three of us, two brothers and a sister."

Miguel didn't find what the woman was saying funny anymore. He simply lost the smile on his face as he looked at her. He was sure she was bluffing but he didn't find it funny. He was getting angrier by the moment. But one thing though, was that he knew his father had a brother and they were both dead so she was lying.

"That's impossible." He shook his head. "There is no way that..."

"Believe me," She cried, covering her mouth to prevent a gasp. "I..."

"If you were their sister then where were you?" He asked angrily, clenching his fists. His heart was pounding so deep in his chest. He was getting scared. "How come you came back only now? You weren't there at their funerals so what are you saying?"

Yvette was surprised by the stranger's questions but she found herself so weak that she felt she owed the entire world an explanation. If only she knew that she was speaking to her nephew, Angelo, who she thought died almost four years back.

"I know that but..." She cried even harder. "...I was filled with hatred for them. I had done so many things in the past that I regretted. I heard about their deaths but I couldn't show myself at that time. I came back to apologize but found that my nephew was murdered four years ago. I didn't know what to do and..."

"Excuse me!" Miguel was starting to get really scared but also really mad. "They died and you think they can forgive you just like that?"

"You don't get it..." Yvette's face was filled with tears. "...I came to apologize to my nephew because... because my sister in law started appearing in my dreams. She told me to apologize and also return what belonged to Angelo..." She paused, feeling her heart beating in her arm pit. "...his brother."

Miguel's heart gave a sharp pound when he heard that. He felt weak in the knees and took a step back, putting his hand on his chest. A tear went down his cheek as his breaths came out harshly. He instantly had a terrible headache and his head started pulsing. He felt both hot and cold and started sweating. He was suddenly trembling.

"B... brother?" He quivered, quickly rubbing his tears. "How's that possible?"

Yvette nodded, tears following. "Yes! Angelo had a brother who I took a long time ago as revenge against my brother." She had no idea why she was still talking but she couldn't stop talking. "I had committed a terrible sin against my brother and I just wanted to return him and go far away."

Miguel couldn't still believe her. "You are lying. Get out of here before I call the police to get you arrested."

"No!" She shook her head. "You don't believe me..."

She quickly took her bag and then came out with a picture. She handed it over to him and the moment Miguel set his eyes on that picture, he froze. It was his father and uncle when they were young and a woman with them. She was young but Miguel could tell that she was the same woman that was standing in front of him.

He looked at her and she was crying uncontrollably.

"I know it's my fault and now I have caused him to be in pain." She cried. "He is suffering because of me and I don't know what to do. I will die if he dies. I swear I will kill myself if anything happens to Carter..."

"Carter!" A voice came behind Miguel. He didn't even bother to look behind because he knew it was Brian. He was frozen because that name made him weak.

Brian rushed to Yvette and looked at her, really shocked. "Did you say Carter?"

"Yes!" Yvette cried even more, feeling a pain in her heart. "He was arrested because they are saying that he's a criminal. This is my entire fault and..."

"Are you saying Carter is your son?" Brian asked again. "You are probably playing tricks with us, right?"

"No!" She shook her head. "Carter is my son."

Brian looked at Miguel and he looked as if he had just seen a ghost. He was pale. He was beyond shocked. Carter was his brother, the brother he had been longing for. No! It couldn't be true. There was no way.

"You are lying." Miguel shook his head as his eyes became glassy. "You are only doing this to hurt me."

"What are you talking about?" Yvette was surprised too. She had no idea why the young man was acting all weird. "I am telling the truth."


Miguel quickly turned and took out his phone but Brian gripped his hand with fear that he might do something to carter while he was in the police.


"Let me go, Brian!" Miguel said harshly, furiously releasing his hand. He started walking away and dialing a number.

Brian followed him and Yvette who wanted to know what was going on followed the two men. She wanted to know the reason why the red haired boy was acting weird all of a sudden. Miguel was really scared of what was going on. He could barely hold his phone because he was shaking out of fear.

"What are you doing, Miguel?" Brian asked with concern in his voice. "Please, don't..."

"Don't stop me, Brian." He said, rubbing his tear. "I need to save Carter's life."

He put his shaking phone on his ear and then waited until it started ringing. It didn't take long before a voice answered, probably because he knew that Miguel didn't like to be kept waiting.


"Laura!" Miguel gasped, shaking his head. "I need you to go to the prison and..."

"Yes! I am on my way there." She answered softly. "Brandon already explained..."

"I want him out of there." He said abruptly, trying to sound confident. "Do whatever you can but get him out of there as soon as possible. I don't want any harm to come to him. Do you understand?"

"Yes! But the original..."

"Questioning me now, Laura?" Miguel rasped, almost hissing. "Just do what I have told you to do. I want him out of there."


"But be very discrete about it." He warned. "I don't want anyone finding out that I ordered him released."

He cut the call and broke down, kneeling on the ground. He was crying so hard that Brian couldn't console him. Brian understood him because it wasn't easy for him at all. He held Miguel, trying to make him calm down but he was still crying.

"All this time," He sobbed, burying his head in Brian's chest. "I have been yearning for a brother not knowing that I have an older brother, Carter. He was right there in front of me the entire time. He was there and..."

"What?" Yvette couldn't mask the surprise look on her face. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "What did you say?"

Brian got up and then looked at her with tears in his eyes. "Carter and... Miguel are actually brothers."

"What?" Yvette stopped breathing for a second. "You are getting this wrong."

"He's Angelo!" Brian said angrily at her. "He's your nephew."

Yvette was caught off guard. She didn't know what to do or how to react. She knew Angelo was dead. There was no way he could actually come to life. It was impossible. She frowned, looking at Brian as if a ghost was haunting her.

"What? Angelo is dead and..."

"I can't explain anything to you but he is Angelo." Brian said, staring at him.

"What?" She still couldn't believe. "Angelo, but..."

"I am not Angelo." Miguel said harshly, getting up from where he stood. He looked at her and then got closer. "My name is Miguel Powers so get that straight."

"But... He needs to..."

"Don't say anything to anyone, I'm warning you." Miguel pointed angrily at her. "He shouldn't even know that I'm his brother. You won't tell anyone that you met me here or even found out about this."


"You promised my parents and I haven't forgiven you for what you did." He warned, furiously rubbing his tears. "So if you know what's good for you then shut your mouth and wait for my instructions. You won't say anything to anyone, get it? And if you were lying to me, I will make you pay for every tear you've made me shed."

With those words, he left that place in tears. Yvette wanted to follow him but Brian stopped her.

"Understand what he's saying to you." He reassured. "Your son will be fine. Just go home and please, don't reveal anything to anyone if you want to protect your nephews."

He ran after Miguel and left the woman there all alone. She was so confused that she couldn't even move. She felt weak in the knees that she fell to the ground and just cried her eyes out. She was wondering what had just happened.