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The next and last full day was a copy of the first, except the drinking was curtailed considerably. Whether due to us having drunk the place dry, or to good sense prevailing, I have no idea, but eventually we found ourselves gathered round the village meeting place, chewing the cud, or the African equivalent.

"The Chief has a favour to ask you," announced Friday, with that grin that made me wonder what he was up to.

"What's that?" I asked, unable to understand more than a few words of the Chief's conversations, though it had seemed so much easier when we were both pissed the night before.

"He wants you to take his daughter back to Nairobi when you leave tomorrow Bwana."

"When I leave?" I questioned him, wondering why he was speaking in the singular.

"Yes Bwana Mike," he continued to grin at me. "I'm staying on for a few days."

"And would these two ladies have anything to do with that?" I asked, glancing at the two young beauties that had been sticking close to him all day, one of which at least looked like one of the girls from the river.

He simply grinned and shrugged his shoulders.

"So this daughter," I questioned Chiefy, though I aimed the question at Friday. "Why is she going to Nairobi?"

"To the University," Friday replied.

"A student?" I asked, pretty impressed.

"No. She works there," came the answer.

"Where in an office? In the kitchens?"

"Good cook," butted in the Chief. "Good shamba."

That seemed to be about the limit of his English, but appeared to answer my question, so of course I agreed, wondering which of the two girls hanging even more desperately onto Friday would be sharing his bed that night.


Evening passed to night and the embers of the fire began to burn down. Friday had disappeared without me noticing, as had both the dusky ladies. I made my excuses and made my way back to the hut they had allocated me, only noticing that I was being followed just as I got there.

"Who's there?" I demanded, thinking it might be Friday.

"It's me, Willey," a soft musical voice floated back to me. "We're due to leave for Nairobi tomorrow, and it would be better if we left before dawn and the sun gets too high."

The hidden meaning behind her words was not lost on me, anymore than the mention of her name was.


The beautiful young naked beauty that I'd been so entranced with back on that day. The long straight black hair, huge flashing eyes and those gorgeous firm little breasts. Oh yes, and those nipples.

Oh yes. I remembered Willey.

However it wasn't till she spoke again that it dawned on me that she was speaking English. Not only speaking it, but with a perfect, even cultured accent!

"My father would expect me to greet you in the traditional way," she had said, approaching me out of the gloom, astonishing me when I realised that she was bare breasted.

Traditional indeed!

Taking my hand Willey led me into my hut, threw her arms around my neck and gave me the most wonderful and very un-tribal like open mouthed kiss. A kiss that would have knocked my socks off, if I'd been wearing them.

"It is traditional also that young couples like us, spending their first night together, get to know one another's bodies, but refrain from having sex," She next surprised me with, though the prospect of even the former filled me with glee.

Willey then slipped out of the small skirt that she was wearing, and stood there before me completely naked, smiling at me as she allowed me to take her breathtaking beauty in. Somehow my clothes were quickly shed, and the two of us entwined our bodies round one another, as we collapsed onto the simple mattress.

I took her breasts in my hand and hers sought out my cock.

"Oh God! It's been so long," she sobbed, which dismissed any notions that she might be a virgin, but that wasn't exactly a problem.

"These traditions?" I enquired, as our fondling become more intense.

"Out of date," my little temptress whispered back to me. "But maybe better not to tell my father."

And so it started and so it went on, as Willey and I explored one another's most intimate places, not rushing to progress to the final intimate act. But we did eventually of course, and making love to her was nothing like I'd ever experienced before. It was like taking a young inexperienced girl, even though she seemed to know exactly what to do, guiding my erection into her awaiting warmth and purring like a kitten as I entered her.

"Pole pole," she instructed me, reverting to Swahili, so 'slowly, slowly' I did it, as we both savoured the exquisite sensations as I pushed steadily in and out of her, her hips rising to meet each of my thrusts. Faster and faster as the pair of us lost ourselves in one another, till we were fucking each other in a frenzy. She was like a sleek, lithe, wild, black animal, constantly escaping my grip, as she moved around like a cat, first on top of me, and then underneath and then topsy-turvy, till I had a job to keep up with her. I've always been able to call the shots when I've been with a woman, but that night I would have been happy to admit to a draw, as we kissed and fucked and sucked and touched and stroked the whole night away.


Willey woke me an hour before dawn, and by the time I'd got dressed and exited the hut, the whole village seemed to have gathered to see us off. So much for keeping a secret of what we'd been up to! Even Friday and his mini harem was there.

"My younger sisters," Willey explained, as if that explained everything, and then before dawn broke we were off, the first hour or so being driven in silence, my assumption being that Willey had fallen asleep after our physically tiring night.

"Thank you for saving my life, my man," she broke the silence with, soon after the sun rose.

"My pleasure," I answered, and I meant it.

"How long have you been working in the University kitchens?" I asked a few minutes later, which bought a peel of laughter from her.

"What's so funny?"

"I don't work in the kitchens silly," she chastised me. "I'm on the teaching staff. I lecture in Geophysics."

"But you live in that village," I retorted, thoroughly confused.

"I was bought up there Mike, and go back to see my family regularly," my slender young companion went on. "I've got an apartment at the university and a BMW down in the garage."

"Blimey!" I mumbled, now even more confused. "How on earth did you make that leap?"

"How about a first degree from the university here, and a Ph D from Cambridge?" Willey teased me, taking pleasure at my discomfort. "Where do you think I got this accent from?"

"Ah yes," I agreed. "I was wondering about that."

At which point we both burst into laughter, then settled back into silence while I took the news in, wondering just where my life was heading at that point.


We could have headed straight back, but after Willey suggested it, we made a small diversion and headed for the Mount Kenya national park where we stayed at a tourist hotel, and it was a full week later that we found ourselves arriving back in Nairobi. We'd had a truly magic time, and got to know one another much better, both in and out of bed, to both our delights, discovering how wonderfully we suited each other.

One surprise to me was how many people seemed to know Willey, at least one person greeting her warmly by name at every place we stopped, both local Africans and Europeans.

I felt so proud of her.

Felt like she was mine!

"What now?" Willey asked when we got to the university, where I knew she lived.

"Well I have to go and book back into my hotel," I told her. "But I hope we can get together tonight."

"You don't have to," she said, somewhat disappointing me, as I thought we'd got on so well.

"Maybe some other night then?" I ventured, not wishing to give up so easily.

"No silly," Willey giggled. "I mean you don't have to book into a hotel. There's plenty of room in my apartment."

"Two bedrooms?" I teased her.

"Silly boy," she responded, taking my arm and dragging me out of the Range Rover. "Don't tell your company you're back yet. I don't go back to work for another three days."

Suited me!


Reality dawned, as reality does, just a few days later when I was summoned into the regional bossman's office, where he reminded me that my position in Kenya had been taken over by a local guy, who I knew from what Friday had told me was performing very well.

"We've got an opening in Dubai or back at the Paris office," he informed me. "Not normal that you get to chose, but you're not exactly a normal employee."

"Nothing here in Kenya?" I asked, remembering Willey and the life we were putting together.

"Nothing in East Africa at all," he replied, shocking me at how disappointed that left me.

"When do I have to make my mind up?"

"No hurry," he smiled. "The end of the week will do."

Damn it!


Willey took the news almost disappointedly well, almost as if she'd known before me. Which she had of course.

"Take the Paris job," she instructed me. "I've got friends there."

"But you're not there," I pointed out, unable to resist stroking her slim back and exploring her cute, tight bottom.

"I've put a few feelers out Mike," Willey said a little uncertainly. "If you want, then I can get a job there fairly easily. Won't be at a university, but I fancy a change."

"Just like that?" I queried in surprise.

"I told you, I've got friends there," she grinned at me. "If you want me that is."

Oh boy did I want her, and the following couple of weeks passed in a flurry of excitement as the pair of us said goodbye to a lot of friends, and then found ourselves back on the same 747 that I'd flown out on.

A week in London to settle my affairs and sort out my new assignment, while Willey met up with some old pals from her days when she'd studied in the UK. A lot of her female friends seemed to be rather tall, pretty slim and extremely pretty. Maybe it should have clicked, but somehow it didn't.

I have to confess that my job in Paris less exciting than the life I was used to, missing no doubt the freedom and adventure of working in Africa, where I'd been since soon after finishing my studies. Our social life however was something altogether different, not unrelated to discovering quite how my Willey had so many friends in the lively city.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I demanded when she first informed me about the position she'd found for herself, just a week after we'd arrived in Paris.

"I was amused that you didn't know honey," she told me stroking my arm affectionately. "It was rare to meet a man who hadn't heard of me or seen my photo in some magazine."

"But a model," I stammered, my mind whirling. "I never put two and two together."

"Why would you?" She consoled me. "I only did it to pay my way through university. I never expected to become so famous, but I saved enough to set myself up and get the job of my dreams in Nairobi."

"But you gave up that dream," I pointed out.

"I followed another one," Willey grinned. "One that I owe my life to."

"But Willey ...."

"But what?"

"I love you."

"Me to."


The Paris job lasted just over two years, during which time I gathered a lot of management experience and a lot of brownie points from my bosses. Willey and I celebrated our marriage during the second year, the press no doubt disappointed that we kept it small and private. We left Paris a very happy couple and mainly due to Willey's return to modelling an awful lot richer. We left Paris with a lot of money in the bank and by the way, a whole lot more money that well off friends had promised for our new project that we'd started.

A project that was close to both of our hearts.


"B'wana Mike," Friday greeted us as he met us at Nairobi airport, even though Willey perhaps won a wider smile from him than I did. "Everything is ready. The minister is waiting to meet you."

"Do we have to?" I asked meekly.

"Of course," the two of them told me.

One senior government minister and a lot of press people later, and we found ourselves on our way back to where my adventure had began, but this time in a privately charted plane. Yes, we'd moved on.

Once there neither of could keep the smiles off our faces as we surveyed the partly built new community centre and school that our trust had funded, and the happy smiles of the villagers as they welcomed us back home.

The trust that we'd set up turned out to be a great success, with Willey running the fund raising side, and me sorting our the actual projects. Many people were impressed that they could actually trace where their money had gone, and it turned out to be the first of many schemes that Willey and I undertook, and yes with Friday working alongside us.

That first night back we celebrated with Willey's family, which now included, not surprisingly, Friday as my new brother in law, though I still wasn't sure of which of the two he was married to.

"My father would expect us to act in the traditional way on our first night as a married couple in his village," my lovely wife informed me seductively as we eventually made our way back to the hut allocated to us for our stay, the same one that we'd first made love in.

"What would that be?" I asked, wondering what she had up her sleeve.

"Use your imagination," she giggled, dragging me inside.

But that's the end of my story, so you'll have to use yours I'm afraid.


I can actually vouch for how good Nairobi hospital is, or at least was thirty years ago when I lived and worked there. No, I didn't fight a lion, but fell down into hole in a hotel's garden, but they did look after me very well. I certainly used a level and theodolite when I was out there, but that night I had a glass of beer in my hand and a few others already in my tummy, so you may surmise why I ended up falling down the hole. The rest of the story, I can assure you, was all invented.

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DukeofPaducahDukeofPaducah29 days ago

All that good fortune simply for letting a lion chew on him for a while. The butterfly effect writ large.

Very nice tale. Thank you.

HighBrowHighBrow8 months ago

Wow! An actual story with a plot and characters and things happening…

penneydog55penneydog55over 3 years ago

Absolutely Beautiful Women from that area..

Nice Story and I loved it...Thanks

5 Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🐕🤣

AnAncientAnAncientalmost 4 years ago
Culture Contrast

I love the contrast in culture, the way that Willey blended in to both the traditional native way of dressing, as well as the 'sophisticated' western ways. The characterization of Friday was exceptionally good. The only slightly negative is that more could have been made of Willey passion for Geophysics.

My father mentioned that the African women attending a coming of age ceremony considered the American Women with bare thighs (they were wearing shorts) a little indecent. As the upper thighs were nearer the genitals than breasts, and breasts are used for feeding babies.

I find women with A and B cup size breasts a lot more sexy than the women with larger pairs -- the smaller sizes are more sensual and age better. Though I have dated women with larger sizes, as the women behind the breasts is significantly more important.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

I would have liked it if some how things didn't work out for Connie after all in reality she dumped him,not an amicable breaking up as written.instead seeing him through his injuries.

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