Will You Love Me 'Til I Die? Ch. 17


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"I feel fabulous Mitra. I don't even remember going to sleep."

"That's good baby, go pee and put your robe on then come back here. We're all going out for a morning meditation."

Mitra left to wake everybody else up and get them moving. I found my robe and put it on. When Genevieve returned I put my arms around her and kissed her. "Come on, we need to go downstairs."

"Are we going out? Don't I need to get dressed?"

"We are going out but all you need to wear is your robe. This meditation will be done naked."

When everybody had assembled in the great room Mitra led us outside and we started across the meadow on the other side of the chalet. The road didn't go this far so you had to walk. We came to a hill about fifty feet high but it had a path cut in it so you could walk up it pretty easily. When we got to the top of the hill we all stopped and looked at the most beautiful view we had ever seen. There was another big grassy meadow stretching out and sloping slightly down. Beyond the meadow all you could see was the Alps for miles in the distance.

Running through the grassy meadow was a stream about ten feet wide. There were rocks in it and you could here the water splashing over them. Mitra told all of us to take off our robes and sit on them next to the stream. It was still cool but the sun was up now and it was getting warmer. We all took a position close to the stream and sat down with our legs crossed in front of us.

"This morning's meditation will be an easy one. You simply sit there and look at the mountains in the distance. While you are looking at them, listen to the babbling of the water in the stream as it flows over the rocks. Meditate on these words:

'The mountain is the pure body of Buddha and

the sound of running water is his great message.'

It was a fabulous meditation. We sat there watching the colors on the snow capped mountains change as the sun rose and warmed our bodies. The sound of the water was the perfect music for meditation. After about an hour Mitra told us to stand up and put our robes back on. We walked slowly back to the chalet holding hands.

When we got back to the chalet we bathed and got ready to go out. While we waited for Angelika to arrive I sat with Suvarna in the great room. She was checking her email and looking at some financial reports that her investment group had sent her. My phone alert sounded to let me know I had received a text message. I pulled the phone out of my pocket and touched the message button. It was from Sandy. I opened the message and read:

Victoria Alexandra Evans would like to inform you that she is firmly in place in her other mommy's womb and that she and I are both doing fine. Congratulations to mother and father. I love you and miss you very much... Both of you. Sandy.

I handed the phone to Suvarna. "You're going to want to read this." Her eyes swiftly scanned the message then read it again slowly to be sure it said what she thought it did.

"Oh my God Prem, we did it. We've made a baby. With all that we've been through on this trip I had almost forgotten about it. I'm going to send her an email and I'm going to have credit cards for my accounts issued in her name and expressed to her. I'll tell the bank she's coming in to sign for the checking account and get a debit card. Whatever she wants she can have. We need to send her flowers and arrange for maids and nurses. She's not to drive a car any more, I'll get her a driver and a big reinforced SUV like the secret service uses."

"Suvarna slow down. She's survived two pregnancies already. They'll both be fine."

"Prem, I won't be around to spoil Victoria so please let me spoil Sandy. I can't wait to get back to New York and see her. Oh God Prem this is just as exciting as the conception process. I'm shaking from joy." She put my phone down and threw her arms around me and kissed me like the day I first came to her house to be with her.

Vitesha came into the room and asked what all the commotion was about. "Vitesha, Sandy's pregnant. I'm going to be a mother!"

"Oh Suvarna that's wonderful. Congratulations to both...ummh, all three of you."

"I still can't believe this is really happening. What a fantastic, crazy, wonderful world we live in. We must celebrate tonight, do we have any of the Champagne from the big party left?"

"No that's all gone but we have the bottle I bought on the way here."

"I don't think that bottle would be a good choice for a celebration Vitesha."

Mitra said, "On the contrary Suvarna. The people who grew the grapes and put the wine in that bottle had nothing to do with what happened. I think it would be entirely appropriate to celebrate a new life with a bottle that was used to make the world safer for that new life to grow up in."

"As always Mitra, your way of seeing things makes the world better. Put the bottle in the fridge Vitesha."

"Suvarna it's not my mission to make the world better. I'm here to make you better. If the world benefits as a consequence then that will be a blessing for little Victoria. I'm truly thrilled for you and Prem and of course for Sandy. I look forward to meeting her. She must be an unusual woman to not only let you borrow her husband but her womb as well."

"The more Prem and I love each other the more convinced I am that Prem learned to love by being with her. I will be eternally in her debt for what she has done for me."

Angelika arrived a few minutes after nine. We helped her get her suitcases put in the fourth bedroom on the second floor. She was excited about having the whole week to play as she put it. She had no idea just how much playing she would get to do. When she was all settled in we all got in the van and headed for town.

Angelika was an excellent guide. She knew the area very well and was very friendly with everybody. We had lunch at an alpine inn where we sat outside in the bright sunshine and had beer and an excellent Riesling wine while we looked at the mountains in the distance. After lunch she took us up in a cable car to the top of one of the mountains surrounding the valley that Innsbruck was situated in. We stayed for about half an hour admiring the magnificent views.

While we were up on the mountain we could see fixed wing gliders riding the wind currents up the sides of the mountains. We all said that looked like a fun way to see Innsbruck so she said we could go by the airport and see when somebody could take us up. A forty-five minute flight cost two hundred euros. There were three gliders available so we booked them all for Thursday so we could all go up three at a time.

We headed back to Mutters a little after four so we could have our massages. That would be a nice way to introduce Angelika to the activities of the group and give her a chance to get to know everybody. When re got back to the chalet Mitra told everybody to take a shower, put on a robe and meet in the great room. Mitra, Jean and I went around gathering up duvets, sheets and towels to use for our massage tables and moved some of the furniture out of the way so we had a clear space to work with.

When everybody had assembled again Mitra said, "We have a new guest with us today. She hasn't had much time to get to know us yet and has not been introduced to our techniques so we will use this massage to let her experience one of our favorite activities. Angelika will be the guest of honor and she can choose to be first or to join some of us as we massage somebody. Angelika, which would you like to do?"

"I've had massages before but never in a mixed group like this so I think I will help give a massage to start with so I can see how this works."

"OK, since we are now ten I think we should start with the three men. That will mean two women for each man. Angelika, you can choose the man you want to start with and join the other two women. Don't worry about technique. We do this more as a meditation than as therapy so just think about putting love into what you're doing and do whatever you would want somebody to do to you. We have no limitations here; you may touch any part of the body. Feel free to move to another man if you want to so you can see how the other women do this."

We all took off our robes and the three men lay down on the duvets face down. Mitra and Genevieve worked on Jean, Janelle and Alysse took David and I got Suvarna and Vitesha. Angelika decided to start with Jean. She wanted to be close to Mitra at first so she could learn from her.

Each man had a woman at his head and feet. Suvarna was at my head. I had a towel rolled up to use as a headrest and my chin was lying on it so I could look at her. She knelt with her legs spread wide apart so she could reach all over my back and so I could look at her beautiful pussy while she was massaging me. She knew how much I loved looking at her and she made sure to sit close enough that I could reach my hand out to touch her.

She started on my neck and shoulders with smooth movements of her soft hands. My hand moved to her slit and I ran my finger along it. Her labia were moist and hot and gave me a warm feeling in my groin as my cock began to slightly stiffen. Vitesha was rubbing my left foot and was doing a fabulous job of it. If I had to choose only one part of my body to be massaged, it would be my feet and lower legs. Fortunately I didn't have to choose.

By the time they finished with my back they had both worked their way to my ass and were rubbing and caressing it sensually. I felt Vitesha's hand smack my right cheek and heard her tell me to turn over before I went to sleep. She was right, I could have taken a nap very easily with these two pouring love into my body with their hands.

They changed ends before starting on my front side. Vitesha had seen how Suvarna was sitting while she had been at my head so she decided to do it too. Her warm pussy was pushed against the top of my head while she did my shoulders and upper chest. When she began to reach further down she slid up so her twat was almost touching my mouth. My tongue removed the separation between us and she pressed her slit against my mouth a little harder.

I stuck my tongue out and held it there so Vitesha could slide her slit over it as she leaned forward and pulled back to massage my lower chest and stomach. When she and Suvarna had almost converged on my cock I heard Mitra say, "OK, since we're all about at the same place with the men I'm going to have Janelle and Genevieve give us a demonstration. I've been watching these two lately and they've become masters at the art of what is commonly called the hand job. I think the men would enjoy having them do it and the women might just learn a thing or two from them. Jean you will be first."

Since Jean was already lying on his back, Janelle knelt beside his hips and Genevieve got between his legs. They poured some oil in their hands then Janelle began caressing and stroking his shaft while Genevieve tenderly massaged his balls with both of her loving hands. We all watched fascinatedly as they delicately manipulated his genitals. This was no ordinary jerk off hand job. It was a playful, loving, meditative illustration of the art of touching. Their combined efforts had him hard in no time. It had the same effect on me just watching them.

I glanced over at Angelika and she was as spellbound as the rest of us by the erotic performance she was witnessing. Their fingers moved with a sure and accomplished dexterity to excite and soothe him at the same time. Their variations of speed and pressure were as impressive as watching an expert play the harp. You could almost hear celestial music arising from their movements. Without disturbing her actions in the least Janelle said, "Angelika would you care to be a part of this to add an extra dimension to what we're doing?"

"What could I do to improve what you two are doing?"

"Well since you're the newbie and guys always seem to get the hots for strange pussy, I think you would provide a much appreciated visual stimulation to this exhibition. Come over here and kneel down to straddle his hips." When she was in position with her pussy inches above Jean's rigid cock, Janelle told her to lower herself down just a little until she felt her slit touch his cock. "That's perfect Angelika, stay just like that." Janelle began to rub the head of Jean's cock along her slit from her clit to the opening of her vagina as she guided him and stroked him with one hand."

A brief description of Angelika is in order here. She was tall, five-ten, and had a body that was in great physical shape but could only be accurately described using a word that appropriately came from German: zaftig. Think Rubens. A body close to being plump but was exceedingly arousing and as sexually stimulating as a body can be.

Her breasts were masterpieces. Large but perfectly shaped with large areolas and nipples that begged to be sucked. She was a natural blonde and to prove it she had her pussy waxed from the clit to her asshole but immediately above her clit her pubic hair was in its natural state. The effect was electrifyingly erection producing. Her plump pouting pussy with her large clit topped with those golden curls could make a statue get a hard on.

Janelle knew instinctively what a wet dream Angelika was and her improvised inclusion of her in their demonstration was an indication of how intuitively she understood what turns a man on. It was also a very thoughtful, kind and considerate way of welcoming her to our group. Janelle was a constant source of surprising revelations as well as a consummate practitioner of the art of the hand job.

Any nervousness or apprehension Angelika may have had about doing sexual things with a mixed group began to disappear as Janelle used her brother's cock to arouse her as much as she was arousing him. She expertly slid the sensitive head of his cock along her folds in a very effective manner.

Her actions were soon enhanced by Genevieve moving one of her hands from Jean's scrotum to Angelika's ass crack. Her delicate oily fingers slid between her perfectly padded cheeks stopping occasionally to caress her anus. Angelika took in a sharp breath and a jolt ran through her body when she felt Genevieve's finger ease ever so slightly into her puckered hole.

"Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?" I asked as I knelt between Suvarna and Vitesha to watch the demonstration. Vitesha took my hand and put it between her legs to silently answer my question; she was soaking wet. I kept my hand there as she moved hers to my rigid cock.

"Down boy. You don't want to miss having your turn with those three do you?"

"I think I need a cold shower."

"Close your eyes and move the energy up." She admonished me.

I wasn't about to miss a minute of this and kept right on watching them.

"Angelika I'm going to put his cock at the entrance to your vagina. Move down and take just the head inside of you. That's good; now stay still. Her hand moved up and down Jean's rigid shaft, stroking him and squeezing him when her hand bumped against Angelika's pussy. After doing this for a while she could feel the juices running down Jean's shaft, a mixture of Angelika's vaginal secretions and his precum.

"Angelika would you like me to rub your beautiful clit? I'll make it feel really good."

"Oooohhhh yes Janelle do it. Rub my clit... please rub it."

Her other hand moved to her mound and her thumb began to rub Angelika's clitoral hood in little circles while continuing to stroke Jean's cock.

"Oh Angelika, you have the most incredible clit. C'est magnifique! I'd suck it for you but if I got started I wouldn't stop."

"Oh no Janelle, don't stop. Keep rubbing it pleeeeeease."

Janelle used her thumb and middle finger to pull the hood back and rubbed her clit directly with her index finger. It was magnificent. The pink nub was swollen and glistening. Angelika's breath was faster now and shallower. Janelle moved her head close enough to start kissing Angelika's stomach. Without even seeing her do this Genevieve moved her head to begin kissing her ass cheeks. Angelika began to softly moan as their lips slid over her body.

"You're going to cum for me aren't you Angelika. I'm going to keep rubbing your clit until you cum all over my brother's cockhead and cover it with your sweet nectar. That's it, let it build up inside you until you explode and when you do I'll make him cum all over your pretty blonde pussy."

"Unnnhhhh, Unnnhhh, Unnnhhh. Oh ja, ja, ja. Oh Janelle yes I'm going to..."

She never got the last word out. Her stomach muscles flinched and she started to bend over forward. Mitra quickly moved behind her and put her arm around her to hold her upright as the orgasm hit her with its full force. Her head tilted back and she opened her mouth to scream but Mitra stifled it with her mouth and kissed her passionately. Mitra moved her other arm around her and cupped her breasts in her hands. Angelika began to shudder. Watching her legs and that fabulous ass jiggle under the influence of her climax almost made me cum.

Genevieve had pushed her entire finger into her ass and was rubbing the thin walls that separated it from Jean's cockhead. "Now Janelle, he's ready."

Janelle pulled Jean's cock out of Angelika's quivering cunt and jerked him quickly, putting the tip on Angelika's mound where her pubic hair began. Genevieve squeezed his balls as Janelle's hand slid swiftly up and down his shaft. His cock swelled then spewed out a massive discharge of his hot pearly cream all over Angelika's golden curls. It clung to her little forest like sap oozing from a maple tree on a cold morning. Genevieve and Janelle milked out several more spurts of hot cum until her mound was drenched in the pearly dew.

Mitra laid Angelika back as little aftershocks continued to run though her. Janelle was still slowly stroking Jean's cock to coax out a few more drops of his cum, which she licked off as soon as it appeared. Looking at Angelika's cum drenched mound as she lay there on her back was incredibly erotic.

Janelle looked at David and asked, "Are you ready for your turn David?"

She didn't need to repeat that invitation. She asked him who he wanted to be his visual inspiration and he chose Vitesha. I was glad because she was more than ready. Janelle and Genevieve gave them the same marvelous treatment as they had done for Jean and Angelika with similar results. David didn't last as long as Jean but you could hardly blame him after watching it the first time. Vitesha had a massive orgasm when David's hot sperm sprayed all over her stomach and Genevieve's finger wiggled around in her ass.

Despite my being the last of their victims they did a fantastic job on me. Small wonder since we three had done this a few times before. I chose Alysse and when she straddled me and her tight hot vagina opened to admit the head of my cock, Janelle put her whole hand on her pussy spreading her fingers to slide two along Alysse's lips on each side of my cock. The heel of her hand was pressed against her clit. Alysse pushed forward to rub it firmly into her palm.

"That's it Alysse, feel the heat of my hand making your clit hot while my fingers spread your lips around Prem's cockhead. Ooooohhhhh baby you're so wet. I can feel your juices oozing out of your pussy onto my fingers."

Alysse continued to hump Janelle's hand while her fingers squeezed the top of my shaft beneath the head. I could feel my precum leaking into Alysse's vagina. She took a sharp deep breath and I felt Genevieve's finger plunge completely into Alysse's ass. She rubbed it around to stimulate both of us.

Alysse began to moan and I felt her hole tighten around my cockhead as her orgasm began. Janelle's hand wrapped around my shaft and pulled me out and began to jerk me off keeping the head on Alysse's mound. Genevieve squeezed my balls and my cock swelled in Janelle's hand as a geyser of hot cum shot out of the tip onto Alysse's stomach.