Willing Slave, Unwilling Master Ch. 12


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"Good girl," I say. Reaching down to undo my jeans before my cock rips through the fabric.

"Present," I command, in what I hope is an authoritative voice.

With a swish of fabric Rose turns on her knees so that her back is towards me, before she falls forward. Pushing the side of her face into the bedsheets, and arching her spine giving me an image of perfection. I find myself taking a step back, nearly tripping as my jeans bunch around my ankles.

"Sweet stars," I mutter, kicking off my trousers and kneeling down to bring my face close to her glistening pussy. Rose tenses as she feels my breath. I wait until she is a jittery bundle of excitement, before I run my tongue across her exposed clit, probing her entrance with my fingers.

She lets out a low mewling moan of pleasure. I love eating her out, the taste, the smell, and the intimacy combining with the clear effect I have on my slave is addictive. I've never done it from this angle before though, with her punished bottom in the air above me.

"Master..." Rose moans as I start to flick her clit with my tongue. Her voice stifled by the pillow.

"Yeah?" I reply, reaching out to play with her gently swaying breasts.

"I want to please you Master," Rose says, her voice shaking as she pushes herself against my tongue.

"You are," I reply, my voice muffled by her pussy.

"N... No!" she gasps. "Like you're pleasing me. Please Master!"

"Okay, okay," I laugh, savouring a last taste of her before moving to sit on the bed beside her. I run my hand down the curve of her spine producing a rumbling purr from my slave girl.

Laying back so we are face to face, I kiss her forehead. She blinks at me shyly, and It seems to take her a moment to build up the courage, but eventually she jumps to her knees, and turning, bends over my crouch. I let out a low hiss as she grips me through my boxers, before she pulls them down and frees my swollen member.

She looks at me for permission, before taking me into her hot mouth.

Reaching up I grab a pillow. Squeezing it as she finds a rhythm that suits her. Stars aligned, the difference between Rose and my ex is insurmountable and I find myself having to focus on not cuming to early. Rose might not say anything, but I have my male pride to consider.

In an effort to distract myself, I gently tug on Roses thigh, causing her to shift onto all fours. Slowly I pull her bottom half towards me, until I can reach her opening with my tongue.

I groan into her pussy as her own squeals of delight are transferred into my dick. Along with an accompanying trembling purr that runs through her whole body. I'm met with a sudden ridiculous conflict between wanting her to continue using her mouth, while at the same time, desperate to be inside her. Without sparing a thought for how lucky I am to be in my current position, I push my tongue between her wet folds. Wondering what it will feel like when she climaxs with my cock in her mouth.

I feel her start to cum almost at once, her body shaking, and hasten my oral assault on her clit, pushing her over the edge. Because of Rose's barbaric 'training' she keeps most of what she's feeling hidden. The one exception is sex, were it seems no one ever told her how to behave. Arching her back she rides the waves of her orgasm, her eyes unfocused. The feeling of her trembling lips around my cock nearly causing me to follow her into orgasmic bliss.

Pulling away from my cock she looks up at me with red cheeks, "I'm sorry Master," she says, gasping for breath.

"What are you sorry about sweetie?" I ask, sitting up with effort, and gently cupping her cheek.

"I came before you did Master, and I didn't ask permission." She looks down at her knees before continuing, "It was disobedient of me."

I snort with laughter, "Well, it's rude to talk with your mouth full." I smile, watching her try and decide if she's allowed to find that joke funny. It's always a challenge to work out if something is down to Rose's training, or her biology. I think, for example, that my ability to make her orgsam is probably down to her body, rather than my prowess.

I lean in to kiss her before she has a chance to reply. There was a time, not so long ago, that I would have been repulsed by the idea of kissing lips that had just been wrapped around my cock. But now the idea of any part of my slave girl being disgusting is laughable.

Rose kisses back with enthusiasm wrapping her arms around me. Placing my feet firmly on the carpeted floor, I pull her gently onto my lap. My cock poking her stomach as she continues to kiss me. "I want you Rose," I whisper, pulling away and looking deeply into her eyes.

She whimpers softly biting her lip as she wraps her arms around my neck, before lifting herself onto her knees. I look into her eyes as she positions herself, before gently sliding down onto my cock. "Sweet Stars," I hiss, as the liquid fire of her core slowly envelops me.

I catch the tiniest of smiles on Rose's face as she starts to bounce on my lap, her outstretched arms wrapped around my neck. Looking into her eyes I try my best to maintain eye-contact, but the way her small breasts jiggle is very distracting. I gasp as she starts to rotate her hips, increasing my pleasure.

I grab Rose's sides as she starts to pant, trusting with my hips to meet her on every downstroke. "M... May I cum Master?" she asks, her words distorted by her heavy breathing.

"Oh stars' yes!" I yell, as she crashes down onto me her with a loud squeal of delight, which is enough to push us both over the edge. Wrapping my arms around her I hold on tight, as I pump what feels like a gallon of cum into her.

We stay still for a long moment, before like a felled tree I slowly fall back onto the bed. Rose settles happily on my chest with my cock softening inside her.

"That was amazing Master," Rose says, taking my by surprise. Uninvited comments from my slave girl are a rare treat.

"Yeah," I say a little stupidly, letting her slide off of my chest. She curls up beside me purring contentedly.

"Though, Master isn't my name."

She lifts her head to look around the room like a meerkat on the lookout, "Yes Dan," she says, blushing.

With a warm feeling in my chest, I tell her what a good girl she's been. As always I'm amazed at just how happy a few words can make her. Basking in my praise Rose snuggles against me. Resting her head on my chest.

I stroke her back softly. "I'm afraid there's no time for a nap sweetie," I say, feeling guilty. "You need a shower, and I need to get some food in you before this afternoon's lesson."

I chuckle at the tiny frown that crosses her face. "Yes, Mas—" she catches herself. "Yes Dan, may we eat lunch together?"

"Of course," I reply, stroking her hair. "Now go jump in the shower. While I see if there's anywhere in this place to get pizza."

Infused with a bit more enthusiasm now that she knows her favourite food is on the way, she hops out of bed. Waiting for one final kiss before walking awkwardly over to the bathroom, my seed slowly running down her pale leg.

I feel like curling up under the covers and falling asleep myself, but with a herculean effort I manage to throw myself out of bed. Heading over to the phone by the door, I consult the list of numbers beside it. There are numbers for various departments, but none of them scream room service.

Deciding that housekeeping is my best bet I scan the number, before holding the receiver to my ear...

-- -- --


With a gasp I duck back under the freezing water in the shower. Even after a lifetime of this experience it's still hardly comfortable. Turning around I let the water flow down my back, and over my bottom.

I don't think I've ever been given such a light spanking before, at least not since I was a little girl. Then again, I don't think I've ever been punished in such a caring way before. At the compound discipline was either impersonal or cruel, never, ever intimate like it was with my owner.

I run my fingers over the still sensitive folds of skin between my legs, relishing the feeling. These last few days have been horrible. Waking up without my master, and then deciding to go to go back to the compound. On top of the training with the warden, I've felt so completely out of control. Which, I suppose is silly, because so much of what has happened to me has been my choice. Self-doubt isn't something that happens to a slave, we do what our owners tell us, without question. Except, I don't, not anymore and I still don't know how to comprehend that fact.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Master asks, making me jump, I didn't hear him enter the bathroom. How long has he been watching me?

"Excuse me Master?" I ask, confused by his question.

"You look like you're thinking about something sweetie," he says softly. His eyes rove over my naked body, though he tries to pretend he isn't looking.

"Yes, Master," I say, not sure how to explain my thought process. "I don't know if I want to be a slave or not anymore," I stop myself. "I mean, I want to belong to you Master. But, I don't know if I want to act like other Lower Vil. It's confusing."

He raises his eyebrows. "Well, for the next week or so you need to act like a slave. After that we can work out what makes you happy, okay?"

I nod relieved to have a plan to stick to. "Yes, Master."

He smirks at me. "Mind if I join you?" he asks, lifting his leg to step into the tub.

"Yes, Master!" I say quickly, "but the water is—"

He curses as the icy water hits him, jumping back against the wall.

"Cold," I finish unhelpfully.

"What the fuck?" Master says, doing his best to stay away from the frigid water that cascades over me. "Why is the water so cold Rose?"

"A slave shouldn't waste hot water, Master," I say, looking down at my feet. I can't tell if he's angry, surprised, amused, or a mixture of all three.

He reaches through the spray to tap the control panel, turning up the temperature. I curse myself for not thinking to do the same. "I'm sorry Master," I say, not daring to look at him.

"How long exactly have you been having cold showers?" Master asks. Placing his hands on my shoulders and positioning me so we can both benefit from the beautifully hot water.

"Always Master," I reply.


"Ever since I was little Master," I pause. "Maybe they used hot water when I was a baby?" I say. Trying to remember the basic things I learned about childcare at the compound, since Lower Vil are sometimes required to act as nannies.

"So ever since you've lived with me, you have purposely showered in freezing cold water?"

"Yes, Master." He seems very caught up on this detail and I rack my brains for a reason why. Showering in cold water isn't comfortable, but it's hardly the worst thing in the world.

My revery is broken by two hard slaps delivered to my behind. I'm so surprised that I yelp, jumping against my Master who wraps his arms around me with a grunt.

"No more cold showers, okay?" he says into my hair.

"Yes, Master," I reply, still a little shocked from my sudden punishment.

"I've decided to reserve spankings for when you're horny, or when you're trying to give yourself hyperthermia," he says, reaching down to massage my bottom.

"Yes, Master," I mummer, snuggling into his chest and using the space under his chin to stop the water hitting my face.

"And Master isn't my name."

"Yes, Dan," I say quickly, "I'm sorry."

"Good girl," he praises me. Kissing the top of my head. "Now, let's get you cleaned up, judging by that phone call we are either getting pizza, or arrested."

-- -- --

"Better, much better," The warden says from somewhere above my head. I let the praise roll over me, but make sure to keep perfectly still. I don't want to mess things up now!

"I don't know what the hell you did to her boy, but it seems to have worked."

"Magic touch," Master says with a laugh. "You either have it, or you don't."

The warden snorts, but there's an air of humour about him. "Well, so long as she can behave like this at the compound she might be okay. The key word being 'might'."

"You don't think she's ready?" my owner asks, and it takes every ounce of focus I have not look up from the floor to see his expression.

"Lower Vil are pets, not spies, boy," the warden replies matter of factly, sending a shiver down my spine. He's right, of course he's right, but I had somehow been fooling myself into thinking that if I could just wrap my head around the positions, and act like a perfect slave again, I would be fine.

"Most Lower Vil are not like Rose," Master says defiantly. "Are we done here?"

There's another snort of laughter from the warden. "You got balls kid. Yeah, we're done." I feel him pat my bottom, before, with a chuckled farewell, the instructor leaves the room.

"You did really well sweetie," my owner says. If he's concerned about what was just said he doesn't betray it in his voice.

"Thank you Master." Usually any kind of praise from my owner would cause my heart to flutter with delight, but I can't seem to shake the feeling of doom. Tomorrow I'm going back to the compound, a pet pretending to be a spy.

"Ignore him okay?" Master says, kneeling down beside me.

"Yes, Master," I reply, sitting up slowly and swaying with dizziness as the blood rushes away from my head. Thankfully Master catches me before I can fall, and I feel myself being pulled into his safe embrace.

"You don't seem convinced," my owner says, kissing my hair.

Despite already being red faced from the 'present' position I feel my cheeks burn. Master shouldn't be able to read me so easily. A good, obedient girl is a blank slate, but with all that's been going on I seem to have forgotten even these simple things! The warden is right, I can't do this!

"What if I can't do it, Master?" I whisper, pushing myself against his chest.

He's silent for a long moment as he holds me close. "You can do this Rose. You just need to be the girl I know you can be, okay?"

I nod, wanting so badly to believe his words.

"Why don't we go back to the room?" Master says. "We can watch a movie or something, you know, take your mind off things."

I'm about to agree when the door to the training room opens and Mr. X strides in with Lucy following obediently on his heels. "Ah, Mr. Fallow, doing a little instructing of your own, are we?"

I hide my face in my owner's chest, as he shifts his gaze to the doorway. "What do you want X?" Master asks. Not trying very hard to hide his annoyance.

"I want Rose," Mr. X replies. "There are preparations that must be made, however you are more than welcome to stay here."

"Fine, fine," Master says, gently pushing me away.

"Master?" I whisper in alarm. I don't want to leave him!

"We need to get up sweetie. Don't worry I'm not letting him steal you away again."

I nod quickly, relief flooding over me. Master stands up first, before helping me to my feet. He kindly holds my hands as I shake out my legs, stiff from an afternoon of repetitive positions.

"What kind of preparations are we talking about here?" my owner asks. Patiently waiting for me to get my limbs back in working order.

"We have a number of tools we give to agents in the field." Mr. X looks down at me. "Just some little technological invitations we've dreamed up over the years. Don't worry, compared to the experimentation done on her already all of this will be a walk in the park."

"You know, with a reassuring manner like that government work is wasted on you. You should become a therapist," Master says sardonically, taking my hand and walking towards the door.

"Well, I have always had a knack for changing people's minds," Mr X replies in mock thoughtfulness, "It's just that sometimes, I have to sufficiently change their bodies and hope their minds follow suit."

"You're a testament to tyrants everywhere," Master answers. I don't really like it when my owner fights with Mr. X like this. It scares me. Lucy's owner is somewhat like the man in the suit at the compound. He would act all sweet and nice around Dr. Walker, but underneath all his pleasant words he was a very cruel human.

Not wanting to hear them arguing anymore I fall back into step with Lucy, who smiles at me. It's funny, I think Lucy might be the only person that is immune to her owners cruelty. I shake my head. I shouldn't be thinking like this! A slave doesn't make judgments about her betters.

The problem is, now that I need to think like a true slave again I'm finding it no longer feels right.

"Don't worry," Lucy says, misinterpreting my thoughtfulness for worry. "The research and development department is fun, I like it!"

I frown which causes Lucy to hide a giggle behind her hand. I don't like this place it's too big, it's not like Master's house. I bite my lip, following my owner with my head down, worried and curious in equal measure.

I think we must be approaching somewhere important because the doors have changed from friendly wood to imposing metal. Lucy smiles at me softly as two men in white coats, much like Dr. Walker used to wear, walk past us with obvious interest.

"Ah, here we are," Mr. X says, leading us to a metal door marked 'Bio-mechanical prototyping 001'.

Master moves over to me, as Mr. X uses the control panel. Leaning my head against the soft fabric of his shirt, I try to remember if I've ever been taught what Bio-mechanical means. Didn't Master say it was something to do with that gel that freezes you?

"I won't let them hurt you okay?" my owner says, but he seems to be talking more to himself than me.

I nod into his chest, jumping as a loud hiss emanates from the door, and it slowly swings open. I don't really know what I was expecting. A lab like doctor Walkers perhaps, or a workshop like the one I got a brief look at in Master's Father's garage. But instead behind the door stands a human, with the very interesting trait of being as wide as he is tall.

"Ah Marvin," Mr. X says, clapping his hands together which seems to startle the man. Which is odd, since he seemed to be expecting us. I look up at my owner to see what he makes of the situation. Master shrugs, stroking my cheek with the back of his fingers.

"Evenin' Deputy Director," Marvin says in a nasally voice. "What's going on?"

"We would like to make use of some of your developments," Mr. X replies patiently.

A crease appears on Marvin's forehead. "Well, I mean, you should have made an appointment. I don't like unexpected things." From his lab coat he pulls out a pair dark goggles. Which secure themselves over his eyes, as if he had magnets hidden under his skin.

"I did make an appointment Marvin, several days ago in fact."

"Well, I don't remember any of this, are you sure? Where's my secretary? She'll know. Barb! Barb where are you?" He turns and plods into his room, followed by Mr. X and Lucy. Master and I share another look of mutual confusion, before we too step inside.

At first glance it seems like some kind of horrible accident must have taken place. Nearly every surface is stacked high with wires and circuit boards, some of which have slipped onto the floor. There's a large black burn mark on the back wall of the lab. The source of the fire appearing to be a blob of deformed—something—spread out on the floor like melted cheese.

Marvin starts opening doors at random shouting for his secretary, even though most of the doors seem to lead to store rooms. "Marvin, what's this?" Mr. X asks, holding up a piece of paper from a singly clean desk.

"What's what?" the round doctor asks, turning to face us. The lenses of his goggles whir as they extend out telescopically, and he reads the note aloud, "Gone home, don't forget your meeting."