Wind Beneath Her Wings


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Now resting directly beneath her powerful and buxom young body, feeling her perky and firm little breasts crushed against mine, I felt myself turning to putty as I sensed the dominant and commanding spirit of Danica Patrick surfacing. You didn't get to where this woman was in her chosen profession without being a very dominant and commanding person; without the desire to be the best and be in total control of your own destiny. Even though this wasn't a race, I sensed a primal hunger growing now in Danica to be in control; almost like the alpha-female spirit was rising up within her. And it was really turning me on.

With that damp and beautiful long dark hair now draping all around my head and face, I inhaled deeply of the sweet scents of fresh shampoo and conditioner before Danica pushed herself up on her arms and was pulling her hair back and away behind her head. Lowering her mouth back down to mine once again, Danica cupped my chin in her hand, kissed me softly and then teasingly ran the tip of her tongue slowly, and oh so erotically, all around the inner rim of my lips; occasionally grazing my teeth. Danica again pushed herself up on her arms and looked warmly down at me; smiling adorably. Gently grabbing her by the throat, I rose up as far as I could with her on top of me and took her chin into my mouth, then slowly ran my mouth along her jaw line, suckling and savoring the flavor of fresh soap on her skin until I was finally to her ear where I sucked on her earlobe. I feared initially that I was moving too fast, but Danica gladly turned her head to allow me all the access I wanted.

Sliding down flat on my back on the mattress once more, Danica again pulled her hair out of the way and lowered her mouth to mine, pausing just centimeters away and her gaze burrowed deep into my eyes. She seemed to be searching my face for something; a cue or a signal. I smiled warmly up at her and softly caressed her cheek with my fingertips. With that, Danica smiled and pressed her lips to mine. This time there was aggression! There was urgency in her passion; that primal hunger I sensed coming up within her had now broken the surface. Pressing her mouth firmly on mine, I felt Danica's tongue probing my lips, the tip grazing wantonly over them. So, I surrendered them to her; and as they fell open, Danica's tongue slipped into my mouth.

As Danica's tongue hungrily explored my mouth, I slid my arms possessively up around her shoulders and wrapped my legs snuggly up around her waist, hooking my feet together on her back; all the while reveling in the sweetness and heat of her mouth and the steadily growing passion of her wanton kiss. Danica then began to gently grate her body against me and then shifted her kiss, delving deeper into my mouth and I moaned tenderly down her throat. My mind was now a blur of carnal lust and unyielding passion; I couldn't honestly believe this was really happening. Danica Patrick was no longer just a distant and yearned for fantasy; and she was no longer just my dear friend - she was now my lover. I was completely overwhelmed with a fulfillment and a joy I'd never known.

Unlocking my legs from around her waist and planting my feet on the mattress, I slid my hands down Danica's back, over her tiny T-shirt until I found naked skin; Danica Patrick's skin! Taut, soft, buxom flesh encompassing a lean, powerful and perfect young body; Danica Patrick's body! A body that I had worshipped from afar and had lusted after for so long. A body that, at least for that night, was mine for the taking.

Danica was rubbing harder and faster against me now, pulling out of our kiss to take a deep, hissing breath and to push her long locks of hair way again before coming wantonly back for more of my mouth; the heat of our bodies was rising rapidly and I could feel my skin beginning to mist with perspiration. My hands continued down Danica's toned and muscled little body until my palms slid over the lacey fabric of her miniscule panties and onto the firm little globes of her taut ass where my fingers massaged deeply the silky flesh of those perfectly round and sexy spheres. Giving her ass gentle squeezes initially only seemed to fuel Danica's passion and her tongue thrashed about in my mouth where I completely submitted to her. Growing a little boulder, I gave her a light spank and Danica moaned passionately down my throat. I seized tight handfuls of her hot little ass, pulling her center firmly down against mine as Danica continued to grate and grind herself vigorously against me. I now let my hands drift back up her back and slid them under the hem of her short T-shirt, only to discover that she wore no bra. Grazing my fingernails over the now misting flesh of her bare back under her T-shirt, Danica suddenly ceased her grating on me and slowly withdrew her kiss, holding herself up on her arm and once again pulling back her long hair.

Both of us were now intensely turned on; slowly being consumed by the fires of building passion. Our chests where heaving as our lungs strained for air and our hearts were pounding so hard they hurt. As Danica combed her fingers through her hair again, I could see beads of sweat forming under her hairline and could feel the heat of her body literally pouring into me.

"Whew!" Danica exhaled deeply. "Is it getting a little warm in here or what?"

"I can't imagine why." I replied with a little giggle.

Danica rose up completely off me and rested on her knees between my legs, still running her hands through her damp hair, exhaling deep, long breaths. I sat up and slid my arms around her waist then ran my hands up her bare back to the hem of her short T-shirt. Looking playfully up into her eyes, Danica released her hair and laid her hands on my shoulders.

"May I?" I whispered.

"You better." She replied with a mischievous grin.

I took hold of the lower hem and slowly raised the small shirt as Danica lifted those tone and sexy arms over her head. I lifted the shirt up as far as I could reach and Danica did the rest, pulling the shirt all the way over her head and off. And just like that, I was staring at two perfect and perky little mounds of wonderfully round womanhood topped with adorable nickel sized areolas and precious pebble sized nipples. These were Danica Patrick's breasts! They were just inches from my face, and they were now mine to do with as I pleased. So now, what exactly do I please?

Sliding my hands around from her back, I let my palms graze softly over Danica's beautiful little breasts; gently then molding and massaging the supple flesh with my long fingers. Danica slowly lowered her arms and returned her hands to my shoulders, where she then slid them into my long, wavy hair and inhaled a deep, hissing breath as I gently rubbed my thumbs against her tiny nipples.

"Oh Jess, your hair is so beautiful." She whispered. "God, I love running my fingers through it."

With that, I took Danica's left nipple into my mouth and her whole body seized as she sucked in a deep, gasping breath. In truth, I actually took about half her left breast into my mouth as I continued to massage her right. I sensed Danica arching her chest and body toward me, so I slid my left arm around her and held her tight as I suckled her. Sealing my mouth firmly around her breast, I flicked and teased her nipple with my tongue. Danica slid her hands down my back; her fingernails digging into my skin as her hands slipped under my lavender tank top. I savored and suckled Danica's left breast for as long as I thought she could stand it then turned my attention to her right breast and serviced it in kind. By now, a near constant stream of soft tender moans and hissing breaths were filtering out of Danica's mouth as her hands and fingernails grazed all over the bare skin of my back beneath my top. When I finally released her breast, Danica had pulled the shoulder straps of my tank top practically down to my elbows and was pawing with an almost salacious hunger at the fabric.

Sitting back slightly and raising my arms, Danica tugged desperately at my tank top until it was up over my head and off. Letting it aimlessly slip out of her grasp and onto the mattress beside us, Danica seemed to be gawking with an almost innocent wonder at my now bare naked "ladies"; who were considerably larger than her own, but every bit as round, supple and firm. Slowly, Danica took my breasts in her powerful hands and massaged them with the utmost tenderness and affection.

"Mama like?" I asked with a smile.

Danica looked straight into my eyes and the look on her face was absolutely precious and priceless.

"Mama like!" She declared with a radiant smile.

Cupping her chin in my fingers, I kissed her softly on the mouth and then stretched out on my back again, pulling Danica slowly down atop me by her hands. Danica positioned her lower body between my wide open legs, still on her knees while she positioned her arms and hands on both sides of me, planting them on the mattress. Though Danica is considerably smaller than me, her commanding presense and her physical vigor excite me beyond description; I love being submissive to her.

Like a lioness standing over her prey, Danica looked down at me with her beautiful eyes ablaze with passion and took my left nipple into her mouth. As the heat and wetness of her mouth sealed around the supple flesh of my breast, I sucked in a deep gasp and arched my back up to meet her hungry mouth, burying my hands in the long, silky locks of Danica's gorgeous hair.

My body tingled with an intense erotic pleasure as Danica suckled my left breast while she teased my right nipple between her fingers. Again, my mind was a whirling blur of passion, lust, utter astonishment and disbelief: I was having sex with Danica Patrick! The most famous woman in professional sports; the only woman to ever lead the Indy 500 was, at this moment, making love to me. I felt tears rising up behind my eyes as the emotion of the moment ran rampant all through me.

Danica proved herself a big time "tit girl" for she spent nearly twenty minutes back and forth, suckling mine; savoring them with deep affection and tenderness. With the heat of our bodies and our passion approaching volcanic level, Danica released my nipple and slowly worked her way up my chest and neck, sensually suckling and licking my flesh and pelting me with soft and sweet kisses. Finally allowing her arms to relax; Danica lowered her body down, letting it come to rest atop me and captured my mouth in a deep kiss. I slid my arms around her and reveled once more in the softness of her now flushed and damp flesh. Entwined in a web of willowy arms and sexy legs, I shifted my weight and rolled the two of us back on to our sides, letting Danica ultimately roll all the way on to her back beside me.

Now it was my turn to command. I slipped out of our kiss and stroked her hair as I gazed into her eyes. I still couldn't get over how innocent she looked; but at the same time, how happy and fulfilled. Did nobody ever take the time to really and truly love this girl?

"You still doing okay?" I whispered.

"Oh yeah." Danica whispered dreamily.

"You mind if I take my shorts off?" I asked.

"Was kind of hoping that you would." She said with a smile.

I kissed her softly on the lips, rose up on my knees and slipped off my khakis. Once I tossed them on the floor, I adjusted my thin white thong, then I fluffed a couple of pillows and propped them under Danica's head and shoulders, elevating her slightly. I wanted her to be completely comfortable for it was time to really get serious in loving her. I snuggled down beside her again and took her by the chin.

"I want you to lay perfectly flat, alright? Let your arms just lay still and relaxed beside you on the mattress. And no matter how much you want to; try not to touch me. Just lie back, relax and enjoy me loving you, okay?" I whispered.

"Okay." She whispered innocently.

"You know I would never hurt you, right?"

"I know."

"Then just enjoy yourself, love."

Danica seemed to be calm and her body relaxed as she stretched out her arms and laid them flat on the mattress beside her. Gently stroking her hair, I took her mouth gently in mine and suckled on her lips; then slowly ran the tip of my tongue around the inner rim of her full, luscious lips before finally letting it descend slowly and deeply into her sweet, velvety mouth.

Danica had to grip a fistful of sheet in order to keep from wrapping her hand around my head. Kissing her deeply, exploring the recesses of her lovely mouth, my hand began a slow and sensual descent down the front of her body. First I stopped to mold and massage her perky little breasts then continued down, pressing the palm of my hand flat and firmly against her skin as I crossed her rock solid abdomen. I could feel Danica now beginning to tense up for she knew where I was headed. My fingers reached the delicate waist line of her panties and Danica ever so slightly, arched her back and raised her hips up to meet my caressing hand.

Pressing further, my hand slid down completely over her lace covered mound and Danica spread her legs to allow me access. Even through the delicate fabric, which I found to be already quite damp, I could feel the intense heat emanating from her sex and could faintly smell the musky aroma of an aroused woman. Sliding my hand all the way down between her legs where the fabric was not only damp, but saturated, I rubbed my fingers in a firm but gentle circular motion on her sexual center, reveling in the feel of her engorging folds just beneath the lacey fabric.

Pulling out of her mouth, I suckled on her chin and along her jaw line then worked my way down her neck to her chest, pelting her with sweet kisses and luxurious licks as I descended toward her breasts again. Danica's body was beginning to squirm while soft and tender moans were trickling out of her mouth as I savored her skin with my mouth and sensually massaged her whole mound over her panties with my hand. Her steel grip on the sheets was causing her knuckles to turn pure white. Taking her nipple into my mouth, I carefully slipped my hand beneath the waistband of her panties and brushed over a tiny tuft of fur. Danica jerked and her back arched as my fingers descended once again between her legs beneath her panties and I could feel the intense heat and humid moisture filtering out of her center.

Taking her other nipple into my mouth now, I softly molded and nuzzled her puffy wet folds between my fingers. Danica sucked in a deep breath as I nipped the nub of her tiny nipple between my teeth while letting my fingers bury themselves amongst her saturated folds and her quivering slit. Resisting the urge to slip a finger inside her, I opened my hand and massaged her full mound again while slowly kissing my way down over her flat stomach and then up along the savory flesh of her hip. Danica's fists clung desperately to the sheets while her head rolled from side to side as hissing breaths, deep gasps and tender moans of illicit pleasure continued to drift out of her mouth.

I slipped my hand out of her panties as I kissed my way up her hip, lifting her leg and kissing up to her knee. I positioned myself between her legs and planted both her feet on the mattress, then kissed down to the silky flesh of her inner thighs. Shifting back and forth from her right to left leg, I slowly and sensually kissed and suckled my way down her inner thighs as Danica lifted herself up on her elbows to watch me. I planted a soft kiss on the center of her panties, directly above her slit and then gazed up at her.

"Can I take these off you?" I hissed.

"You better!" She whipped.

Rising up on my knees, I hooked my fingers under the thin waistband; Danica elevated her hips slightly and I slipped her panties up over her knees, down to her feet and finally off. And just like that, I had Danica Patrick completely naked.

Unable to resist the temptation, I closed my eyes and pressed her panties to my nose, inhaling deeply of Danica's intoxicating natural scent; then I tasted them. In an instant, I was consumed with a primal hunger I'd never experienced. Finally opening my eyes, I found Danica staring at me with a look of carnal desire and raw lust on her face; her naked body was seething with passion as it glistened with perspiration in the dim light of the room. She was also pleasuring herself; gently teasing her dewy wet folds with her fingers and stimulating her clit. Tossing her panties to the floor, I slid down on my stomach between her legs and slapped her hand away.

"Naughty girl!" I snapped and Danica giggled deviously.

Pushing her legs further apart, her creamy and sexy inner thighs drew my eyes to the luscious spot between them. Below the small turf of black fur, her outer lips were flushed, warm and fully engorged; they were so beautiful, and I pelted them with soft kisses and Danica squirmed with delight. Her inner lips practically brought tears to my eyes; for they were just so her. They were small, not the real meaty and fleshy variety; they were like delicate little petals of a young flower as they protruded ever so slightly, engorged and vivid pink from her arousal. The scent of her arousal flooded my nostrils and I could no longer hold back. With the flat of my tongue, I gave Danica's immaculate pussy a long and luxurious lick all the way from her puckered little sphincter to her gorging clit where I swirled the tip of my tongue over and around the hood. Using her sweet nectar to lubricate my finger, I then teased the portal into her body with the very tip of my index finger while I sucked her little petals into my mouth; meshing them softly between my lips. Pushing her legs open still wider, I braced my hand against her and gently massaged her most sacred flesh as my mouth delved deeper into her soaking and seething womanhood. Slipping my finger inside her, Danica let out a yelp of erotic wonder as I snatched her folds in my mouth and massaged her clit under my thumb. Danica was desperately pushing herself into my mouth.

Through deep and strained hissing breaths, Danica's chest was heaving with wondrous excitement while her head swayed in ecstasy from side to side on the pillow, her back arched and her hands clutched desperately at the sheets. Bucking her hips and rising to greet my mouth, I delved still deeper, slipping my finger out of her and pushing my tongue in. Burying my nose against her mound, my mouth sealed around her whole pussy and I vigorously feasted on her. My nostrils were being inundated with her musky scent while my mouth was being flooded with her delectable nectar.

Danica was soaking wet! Her gorgeous little pussy was a seething cauldron of intense, fiery heat; squishy and syrupy in my mouth and under my tongue. Feeling her legs trembling desperately as her body thrashed wildly about, I pinched her clit between my thumb and index finger as I continued my ravenous and merciless feeding frenzy on her womanhood. Danica was wailing and moaning in sheer euphoria; her howls of unprecedented pleasure were reverberating off the walls and ceiling of her cavernous bedroom suite. Suddenly her hand plunged into my hair while her fingernails dug into the skin of my scalp. I was totally possessed with unbridled passion; I was living a dream come true! I was eating Danica Patrick's pussy! And she is loving every second of it!!

Suddenly, Danica's powerful little body arched into a virtual horseshoe with only her feet and her head still touching the mattress. Grabbing her with all my strength, I held her against my mouth as I felt the orgasm of all orgasms ravage her. Her squeal was so high pitched it was almost inaudible and it was several seconds before I heard her take a breath. My mouth was flooded with a tsunami wave of sweet sexual nectar and Danica then collapsed in an exhausted puddle of sexy race car driver on the mattress. Spending several wonderful minutes licking Danica clean after my carnal feast on her, I then kissed my way slowly up her trembling and twitching body, all the while listening to her deep and gasping breaths and her long, sensual moans of release, pleasure and fulfillment.