Windows Ch. 03

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Jill's third taste.
7.9k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/22/2022
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After Collin sent me that video of Jill blowing him at her house, everything started really going downhill for me. Namely my relationship with Jill.

She barely talks to me or responds to my text messages, when I text her.

I know she's still pissed off at me for fighting Collin and for asking her to have sex with me after I lost said fight.

God I feel like shit. I haven't slept good since that day. The dreams started getting worse too. Sometimes it feels so real, that I'd wake up crying.

Mom in particular, was upset with me after I didn't do my homework the night Collin was at Jill's house. So she added another three days to me being grounded. She still refuses to listen to my side.

I miss Jill. I miss talking to her and eating with her at lunch. I miss the tight hugs she gave me. The feeling of her ample chest pressing into my chest during said hugs.

I should ask her to forgive me and maybe everything will be okay again.


I also need to talk to mom and make her listen instead of ignoring me.

Most definitely.

It's a foolproof plan. I'll start tomorrow. Here's hoping it'll work.



The next day, I saw Jill at her locker and bolted over to her.

"Jill wait!" I called out, "I need to talk to you!"

She sighs and turns to face me.

"What is it Jack?" Jill said angrily.

I groveled before her. Yes that"s right-I groveled. Groveled at her feet. I could feel everybody in the hallway staring at me. Hell even heard a few murmur and tall amongst themselves.

"I'm really sorry for not listening to you!" I said, "I'm sorry for being pathetic and not trusting you!"

I felt so awkward. Maybe more so then Jill, who looked embarassed. She then picks me up from the ground.

"You should be!" she said, "I would do anything to keep you safe-ANYTHING!"

She then calms herself down by sighing heavily and leans in close to my face.

"I'm still upset at you," she said quietly, "but I'm willing to forgive you and give you a second chance."

She cuts me off before I can express my gratitude.

"But if you fuck up this time," she said, "I'll never talk to you again."

"You have my word Jill," I said.

She walks off. Now my mom.

When lunch started, I walked to the nurse's office. My heart was pounding fast in my chest. Was I nervous? I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"It's open," came mom's voice.

I opened the door and stepped inside. Then closed the door behind me. Mom sat at her desk. She turns her head to face me and immediately sighed afterwards.

"What is it Jack?" she asked.

"We need to talk," I said.

"I think we don't," she said.

I slammed my fist against the wall. Causing mom to jump slightly and stare at me hard.

"We do!" I said.

"Like what Jack!?" she said.

"For starters," I said, "you never allowed me to explain my side of the fight."

She lets out another sigh.

"Fine go ahead," she said rubbing her temples.

"I never said anything about his mom," I said, "I simply went over to him and asked him to back off from Jill."

"Uh-huh sure," she said.

She still doesn't believe me? What the fuck mom?!

"When he refused to back off," I continued, "I punched him. That's what really happened."

Mom doesn't say anything and continued typing on her laptop. Why is she acting like this?

At this point, I was feeling frustrated and annoyed by her...demeanor to me. So

I walked over to her desk and closed her laptop. This made her upset. I stood my ground as I held her shoulders and shook her slightly.

"Mom," I said, "I've done my best to be a good son to you. Yet you still don't believe me! Why?!"

She stared coldly at me. I sighed and released my grip on her shoulders.

"You raised me to always be respectful," I continued.

"Obviously that lesson didn't stick if you said what you said," mom said.

"I'm telling you I said nothing of the sort!" I said, "All I did was try to defend my girlfriend's pride. Do you hear what he calls you behind your back? Behond Jill's back?"

She stares at me blankly.

"Yet you continue to TAKE HIS FUCKING SIDE!" I said.

I had tears in my eyes. I wipe them away and turn to leave.

"I apologized to Jill too," I said, "at least she forgave me....unlike you!"

I walked out of her office and slammed the door behind me. Mom can stew in her own muck for all I care! I thought I could get her listen to me, but I was wrong.

Walking no more than a few steps away, I heard mom open the door and pulled me back inside.

"You apologized to Jill?" she said.

I nodded my head.

"When?" she asked.

"Earlier today," I stated.

"How did you apologize?" she asked.

"I groveled at her feet and said I was sorry for not listening to her and trusting her judgment." I said.

"You...groveled?" mom said.

Again I nodded my head.

Mom sighs and sits back down on her swiveling chair.

"Look," mom said, "I'm sorry if I didn't hear you out. I guess I was just too upset still. I mean can you blame me?"

"I can," I said, "you willingly accepted Collin's version of what happened as the truth. Same as Jill."

I walked away from her and towards tbe door again.

"Wait," mom said.

I turned to face her.

"Come back in here please." she said.

I walked back to her. She sighs again and gives me a hug. The first one a while. I needed it.

"I'm sorry for not giving you a chance to explain yourself." mom stated.

I felt relief as mom continued to homd me. I started crying. Like really crying. Staining her shoulder in salty tears. I guess having both of them on my side again took alot outta me.

For once, I thought everything was back to normal. Jill was my adoring girlfriend again and mom was the caring woman I cherished and respected. always, I was wrong.

So fucking wrong.


Come Saturday, I was dressed in one of my favourite shirts. I even wore the cologne Jill got me for my 18th birthday last year.

I walked downstairs and saw mom on the couch. She glanced up at me and smiled.

"Well look at you." she said, "You all dressed up and ready for your date with Jill."

I nodded my head.

"I see you're also wearing that cologne she bought you last year too," mom continued while sniffing the air.

I managed a little smile.

"Just don't do anything stupid to ruin your second chance okay?" mom stated.

"I won't mom," I said.

"Money is on the table," she said.

I walked over to the table. On it, was fifty dollars. The most mom ever gave me. Suddenly the doorbell rang, startling me.

"That's odd," I thought to myself, "I thought I was supposed to walk over to Jill's house."

"Just a sec," I called out.

I walked over to the door and opened it.

Standing on the front step, was Jill. All dolled up and gorgeous as can be. Her hair was tied into a long ponytail that reached the nape of her neck. She wore a nice short red dress with black stockings and low heels.

"So beautiful," I said, "you look amazing Jill."

She blushes. Jill is just so damn cute when she blushes.

"Well thanks Jack," she said, "can I come in?"

"Sure," I said and stepped out of her way.

Jill then walked into the house, as I closed the door behind her. Mom turns her head on the couch and smiles.

"Good to see you again Jill," mom said, "you look beautiful."

"Hi Ms. Switherson," said Jill, "good to see you too."

"What brings you over here?" mom asked.

"To tell Jack that someone else is coming along too." Jill said.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Not going to say until you promise to behave yourself!" she said sternly.

"Alright," I said thinking maybe it was one of her mom's friends.

"Swear it!" she stated.

"I swear to behave myself," I said.

Jill didn't say anything for a bit. Then if a bit reluctantly, sighed before speaking.

"It's...Collin," she said finally.

"HE'S GOING WITH YOU GUYS?" mom said in a loud voice.

"Yeah," Jill said, "ummm apparently my mom invited him along. So know."

Mom sighs.

"I get the picture," mom said, "stilll fucking weird though."

"So where are we going then?" I asked Jill.

"Mom decided on this one restaurant downtown." Jill said, "So that's where we are going, even if Collin was invited."

"What place is that?" asked mom.

"Ummm...can't really remember the name," Jill said, "but supposedly it's popular."

"Oh do you mean La Grawnet?" mom stated, "Your mom got reservations for that place?"

"What's La Grawnet?" I asked.

"It'a a popular restaurant," mom said, "super fancy and expensive too."

"It also has a dance floor and you know how my mom is," Jill said, "she loves to dance and show off her looks."

"Well your mom is still one of the most attractive women in this area," mom said, "she was like that back in our high school days too."

"Remind me again Jill," I asked, "what was Ms. Feyth's job?"

"Mom's a therapist remember?" Jill said, "She helps make people feel better."

"I wonder if the reason she invited Collin along was to diagnose him or something," mom said with a chuckle.

Jill laughs alongside her.

"Maybe," Jill said.

I hated the idea of sharing my date with Collin. I know something is going to go wrong. I just know it.

"I just hope he doesn't try anything with your mom Jill," I said.

"You're being ridiculous Jack!" Jill sighed in frustration, "My mom is a big girl. She can handle herself."

I knew pushing it further would be bad on my part. Especially since Jill warned me about my second chance. She meant it when she said she'll stop talking to me.

"Just call me paranoid," mom said, "but I feel the same way Jill. Collin only started this crap after you two got together. Your mom doesn't know he's Jack's bully right?"

Jill shook her head no.

"Then what Jack said is correct then," mom said, "your mom MAY be a grown woman, but she still needs to be looked out for."

"Especially around assholes and sleazeballs like Collin," she continued.

"I...suppose that's true," Jill said.

I felt bad that mom took my side on this matter. I mean, Jill has a point. But Collin is a persuasive guy and attractive to boot. He probably will try something.

"When did your mom want to go?" I asked changing the subject.

"Oh uh I think at 6:30?" Jill said.

I checked my phone. It said 5:58pm.

"Shouldn't we head over to your place to get ready to go?" I asked.

Jill didn't answer me and instead, walked over t9 my mom.

"Something wrong sweetie?" asked my mom.

"Can...I talk to you in private Ms. Switherson," asked Jill blushing.

"Again?" said mom, "What for?"

"Please?" asked Jill.

Mom sighed and got up. Then followed Jill down the hall. I took out my phone again and checked the time. It now said 6:03pm.

I stood by the front door patiently. What was taking them so long? I took out my cellphone again and now it was 6:10. Just then, Jill and my mom walk back from the hallway. Mom pulls me aside and away from Jill.

"Remember Jack," mom said, "this is your second AND final chance to make things right between you two. So don't do anything stupid okay?"

I nodded my head and walked back to Jill. I took her hand as we left my house and walked towards her house. Her hand felt soft in mine. I instantly felt the heat irradiating from it. When was the last time we held hands? Maybe before all this shit with Collin?

I missed this.

"Sorry if my hand is warm," Jill said, "I'm...just nervous right now."

"Me too." I said, "Can't remember the last time we went on a date."

"Probably like never!" joked Jill.

I laughed alongside her.

When we reached the front step, Jill stopped me from opening the door.

"I need you to listen to me for a moment Jack," she said, "you promised me at your house that you will not get triggered by Collin being with us."

"Yeah," I said, "and I promised I won't."

I placed my hand on her slender shoulder.

"I know I fucked up by not listening to you," I said, "and I'm sorry for not trusting you. I mean it. I missed you and felt lonely without you by my side at school."

She touches my cheek.

"I know you did," Jill said affectionately, "and honestly I did too."

She then kisses my cheek affectionately and then smiles at me. What I wouldn't give to relive this...serene moment with her.

Her mom (Janet Feyth) was sitting on the couch, as we entered the livong room. She looked amazing. Her long black hair flowed to the middle of her back and draped over her shoulders loosely. She had on light makeup, that didn't conceal her natural beauty. Today, she wore a blouse over a skirt and heels. God what a knock-out. She (like my mom) was the very definition of sex appeal.

"We're back mom!" Jill called out.

Janet Feyth gave us both a warm smile.

"Well hey Jack," she said getting up to give me a hug, "good to see you again!"

"Y-yeah you too Ms. Feyth," I stammered out.

"Honestly Jack," she said, "just call me Janet or mom!"

"Mom!" Jill said wmbarrassed.

"What?" Janet said, "It's the truth!"

Both women laughed.

"So how's Penelope doing?" asked Janet.

"Mom's doing okay," I said, "still the school nurse."

"I bet she has all the boys wrapped around her finger huh," Janet said.

I looked at the floor embarassed. I remember the early days when mom joined the school faculty as the nurse. She got lots of visits from senior students who faked injuries to see her. None got to do whatever it was they wanted with her, as I was there everytime with Jill. Even if we weren't there, mom was very professional.

"She still does mom," Jill chimed in, "honestly it's a bit much."

"Well compared to me," Janet said, "she's the second hottest woman around."

"Speaking of work," I said, "how is"

She sighs.

"Not good," Janet said, "not getting as many clients these days."

"That sucks," I said.

Suddenly the doorbell rings.

"Well I guess he's here now," said Jill.

I looked at Jill. She mouthed "behave", as her mom went to open the front door.

"Hey," said Janet, "please come in."

She moves away from the door and allowed Collin to come in. He had on a pair of dark designer blue jeans and a white long sleeved shirt. The shirt looked tight, as it showed off his muscular torso and arms.

"Well you look nice," Collin said eying Jill up and down.

Nice...NICE! Jill looked beautiful in her outfit. I clenched my fists. She blushes.

"T-thank you Collin," Jill said.

He then turned to face her mom.

"You look sexy," he said whistling as he looked Janet up and down, "are you two really mother and daughter or just sisters?"

Janet blushes like Jill.

"Nice attempt at flattery young man," Janet said.

"Anytime," he said coyly.

Did he wink at her? The nerve of this guy!

"Ah there you are Jack," Collin said, "didn't see you standing there."

Jill nudges me.

"You know that I was only teasing...right?" he said taking my hand firmly in his.

He starts squeezing it tightly. I wince.

"No hard feelings bud?" Collin continued.

"N-none," I said, "and all water under the bridge."

"Good." he said and lets go.

Jane looks at me and smiles.

"See I knew you could do it Jack," she said and kisses my cheek.

"Well look at you lovebirds," Janet said.

"Mom!" Jane said blushing, "Enough please!"

"But it's cute!" her mom countered, "Don't you think so Collin?"

Janet turns to face him.

"In my opinion," Collin saif, "I think Jill can do better."

Jill stares daggers at him. Was he referring to their passionate kissing? He smirks.

"Do...better?" repeated Janet as a question.

"Yeah the kiss she gave Jack," Collin said, "I think Jill can do better than that."

Again Jill stares daggers at him. Luckily Janet bought his fib. Jill clears her throat and changes the subject.

Shouldn't we be going now?" Jill said.

"Yes we should," Janet agreed, "our reservation is at 6:30."

"How should we do this?" I asked, "Do we all pile in Ms. Janet's car or...?"

"No silly," Janet said, "Jill takes my car and I'll go with Collin."

I gulped. I wanted to say, "you sure?" But Jill gave me a look that read behave.

"We'll meet you there," Jill said, "come on Jack."

She tugs on my arm and pulls me towards the door. Her right breast slightly pressing into my upper arm. Was she not wearing a bra?

Once we got outside and the door closed behind us, Jill lets go and turns to face me.

"I know you're worried for my mom," she said, "but I'm telling you-NOTHING will happen."

We then got in Janet's car, as Jill pulled it out of the driveway and into the street. Then we waited for a bit. My heart was pounding in my throat. Finally Janet and Collin exited the front door together. She turns and locks it behind her, before waving at us and getting into Collin's car. We both watched as he sped off down the street and turn a corner, before disappearing out of sight.

"Okay...maybe be worried," Jill said.

She then placed the car in drive and drove down the street. There was a aweful silence between us.

"You excited for prom?" Jill said suddenly.

"Are you?" I said returning her question.

She nods.

"You still want me to ask you?" I said.

"That depends on tonight Jack," Jill said, "but...yes I do."

She then turns on the radio to fill the silence. The station just so happened to be playing a country song about cheating. Jill changed it to the pop station.

A while later, we arrived at La Grawnet. We were the first to arrive. Where was Collin and Janet? They left before us, so why are they not here. Jill takes out her phone and checks the time, then sighs. Just as she was about to text her mom, they finally showed up. He pulled into a parking space two lines over. They appeared to be talking about something. Finally Janet got out and...looked to be adjusting her clothes. Strange. Collin came out a bit after her and they linked arms.

We met them by tbe entrance and went in together as a group. Upon entering, we were seated almost immediatly. The hostess was kinda cute too. Long blonde hair with dark blue eyes. Collin was staring at her too. Mostly at her ass and cleavage. Janet catches him and playfully punches his arm.

"Some date you are!" Janet said laughing, "she is kinda cute though."

"Mom!" Jill said.

"Well she is!" Janet said.

Jill clung to my arm. Was she jealous?

The blond haired hostess came back over carrying our drinks. All ordered soda of some kind. Collin a coke, Janet a pepsi, Jill a root beer and I a sierra mist.

She then asked if we were ready to order. Janet was the first. She wanted a Caesar Salad. Collin was second and he ordered the house special. Jill ordered a simple burger and fries. I decided on the same as Jill.

As we waited on our orders, Janet got up to find the ladies room. Jill got up a second after her and said the same thing. Leaving me alone with Collin at tbe table.

"So I have to ask," he said.

"Play it cool Jack," I told myself.

"How did you like seeing Jill worshipping my cock in that video?" Collin said, "I bet you wanked to it a few times didn't you?"

"Not falling for you shit Collin," I said.

He chuckled and then stood up.

"Where you going?" I asked.

"To take a piss mom!" he said, "Jesus christ."

He then left towards the bathrooms. Three minutes later, the girls came back.

"Sorry for the wait," Jill said as she sat down next to me."

Janet retook her seat and saw that Collin's was empty.

"Where's Collin?" she asked lookig at me.

Jill looked at me with concern.

"He went to the bathroom," I said.

"Is he okay?" Janet asked.

"How should I know?" I said sighing, "He just left three minnutes ago."

Five minutes past. I then stood up.

"I'll go check while I'm in there," I said.

As I walked into the mens restroom, I heard sounds coming from one of the stalls. It sounded like kissing and panting.