Windows Ch. 05

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Jill's Final taste.
8.4k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/22/2022
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I sat in the living room with mom. Nervous as all hell. Wearing the tuxedo Jill picked out for me months ago. I glanced up at the clock. Almost 6. Didn't prom start at 6:45?

Suddenly the doorbell rang and as I got up to answer it, mom beat me to the door first.

"I got this," she said.

Mom then looks through the peephole and suddenly tenses up. Then without so much as a word, opens the front door and steps outside quickly. Slamming the door behind her in the process. Whoever it was, mom sounded like she was upset that they were there. I could hear her raised muffled voice. I wonder who it was?

I went back into the living room and decided to have a look at who it was mom talking to. I then looked through the living room window. From what I could tell, the person appeared male and youngish? Maybe around late teens to early twenties? Hard to say for certain, due to the poor lighting from our porch light.

As I secretly watched, he appeared to be asking her something. I heard her say sure afterwards.

I wonder what it was he asked her?

Then both mom and the unknown man walked to his car and got in. He then sped off down the street.

I stood there dumbfounded for a second. Wasn't mom supposed to be a chaperone at the school dance? It wasn't like her to get into a unknown male stranger's car. Yet she did. Maybe it was a work friend of hers from the high school?

The possibilities were endless in my mind. I was just glad it wasn't Collin.

I then took a deep breath and sat back down.


Jill arrived close to 6:15. Wearing a form fitting black dress, that hugged her figure beautifully. Her brown hair tied up neatly into a sideways bun. Her makeup light and yet also dark at the same time. I exited the house when she knocked. Then locked the door behind me and then got into the passenger seat, as Jill got into the driver's seat and started the car.

We sat in silence as she pulled out of her driveway and drove down the street.

"Well aren't you going to say something?" asked Jill.

I looked at her.

"Aren't you supposed to be complimenting me on my appearance right now or something along those lines?" she stated.

"Oh sorry about that." I said, "I was just rendered speechless by how beautiful you look right now."

"Nice save," Jill said and chuckled.

"I have my moments," I said.

"So did Ms. Swithsen already leave?" Jill asked a bit later, "I saw her car still parked in the driveway."

I then told Jill about how mom stepped outside to talk to a unknown man and then got into his car with him afterwards.

Jill took what I said quietly and then shrugged her shoulders.

"Eh maybe it was a fellow teacher she knew?" Jill suggests, "After all Ms. Swithsen is pretty popular at the school."

It became quiet again between us. Should I bring up the subject I was wanting to ask her? About us...sharing our first time together after prom? Despite everything that went on, I still hoped we were.

I decided to ask Jill.

"Are we still going to-," I began to say.

"Depends on how you act all evening," Jill stated cutting me off.

She then sighs.

"Sex," she said quietly, "it's always about sex with you."

I chose to ignore what she said. But she was right. I did have sex on the brain. The reason was because Collin stated to me many times how he was going to fuck Jill after prom.

"You know I love you...right Jill?" I asked.

"I do and I love you too," she said

She then glances over at me.

"What brought all this up?" Jill then asked.

"Just...wanted you to know that I do," I said, "Despite...everything that happened."

She stops at a red light and grabs my hand. Then squeezes it gently.

"It'll be alright Jack." Jill said smiling, "Even if we don't tonight. There will be plenty of other chances for us later on."

She then grazes her lips against mine and strokes my cheek affectionately.

"Just something to think about," she said afterwards.

We then continued driving to the school.


By the time we arrived, prom had already started and the line to get in was long. While in line, Jill fishes out the two tickets from her purse and hands me one. She then held my hand as we waited. Once we got to the head of the line and showed our tickets, we walked into the gymnasium. Loud music was playing alongside the talking of excited teenage couples. A few teachers sat at the tables and manned the refreshment stands. isn't prom until some idiot senior decides to spike the punch.

As I glanced around, Jill taps my shoulder. She then points towards one of the tables.

"I found Ms. Swithsen!" she said loudly over all the noise, "Back table towards the locker rooms."

I blew a sigh of relief. So it WAS a fellow teacher that came by our house. But as we got closer, she appeared to be in a deep conversation with someone who looked familiar. Someone I hated.


He sat next to her. Jill could tell I was getting irritated and squeezed my arm tightly. As if trying to calm me down. It appeared to be working, until I saw that fucker lay his hand over hers. Mom looked bashful by it and then removed his hand afterwards. Then proceeded to interlock his fingers in hers and smiled at him warmly.

Was he smirking?

I stormed over to their table and slammed my palm against the surface. Mom looked startled at first, then quickly composed herself. Her hand still interlocked with his on the table.

"You guys just get here?" mom asked Jill who stood next to me.

"Just a bit ago," Jill said.

"Why did you get into HIS car?" I asked mom pointing at Collin.

"Is that really any of your business Jack?" Mom said flatly.

"Actually I think it is!" I said.

"Actually it fucking isn't and you better watch your damn tone young man!" Mom said.

I slammed my palm against the table.

"Answer my question!" I said in a loud voice.

Jill looked at me in shock. Mom just narrows her eyes and stares at me hard. I could tell she was getting pissed now. At the last moment, she sighs and composes herself.

"If you must know," mom said, "I'm his date for tonight."

"" Jill asked.

"You heard her right Jillian." Collin stated, "Judy is MY date for tonight."

I could tell Jill was now the one getting more upset. Collin after seeing that what he said struck a nerve, held up his hands in defense.

"Your mom didn't want to come." he said, "So I asked Judy here instead, since she was originally going to supervise the dance tonight."

He then looks at me.

"Oh but don't you worry Jackie boy." he added, "I'll make damn sure your mom has a REALLY good time tonight."

I grit my teeth. He then waves me away and looks back at my mom, who giggles at what he just said to me. Was he implying that they were going to have sex? Not just Jill, but my mom too?

I wanted so badly to punch him, but Jill pulls me away from their table. My last image was of Collin gently stroking my mom's cheek. Her face a deep red from intense blushing.

What the fuck is going on?

"Let them be Jack!" Jill said, "Your mom doesn't need you defending her."

"But you saw how he-" I started.

"ENOUGH JACK!" Jill then said, "I don't want to hear any more talk about him tonight!"

I was rendered speechless from her raised voice.

"Tonight is OUR night!" she continued, "OUR special moment that WE both dreamed and TALKED about!"

Tears were welling up in her eyes now. She wipes them away angrily and turns from me. She then walks away. I followed a few seconds later.

"I'm sorry," I said and sat across from her.

Jill picks at the table cloth and sniffles.

"You're just saying that," she said.

"I mean it," I said.

"Liar," she said.

I grabbed her hand. Jill looks at my face now.

"I'm sorry," I repeated.

"Then prove it," she said.

"How?" I asked.

"Well you can walk around the table and get on your knees in front of me for starters." Jill said.

I let go of her hand and stood up. Jill watched as I circled around the table and stood before her. Then got on my knees.

"Now say I don't care about Collin," she instructed, "or the fact he is here with my mom as his date."

"I don't care about Collin," I repeated, "or...the fact he's here with my mom as his date."

Jill then pats my head.

"Shouldn't you be more upset then me right now?" I asked.

"I am," Jill said.

I looked up at her. Jill strokes my cheek. A few students passing look at us intently.

"Can I ask one thing?" I asked.

Jill stops stroking my cheek.

"What's on your mind?" she said.

"What did you say to my mom that night you came over?" I asked.

Jill gave me a long look, before sighing.

"Simply that I know what she did with Collin," Jill said.

"You know what she did with Collin?" I asked.

She nods her head.

"Your mom FUCKED him willingly at his house," Jill continued, "and from I hear, enjoyed it too."

I stared at her. How did she know?

"I was still close by when Collin showed you that video." Jill stated, "That's how I knew and used it against her."

Blackmail. Jill blackmailed my mom in order to get me to attend prom with her.

She then stands and pulls me to my feet.

"Now no more questions," Jill said.

She then drags me with her onto the dance floor, where a few couples were already slow dancing to a 80's rock song. We copied what everyone was doing and began slow dancing as well. Jill pressed herself against my shirt. Looking into my eyes as the song ends and another slow 80's song took it's place.

This was how my prom experience should have been that night. With me and Jill enjoying ourselves. Then ending with us spending the remainder of the night in a motel room. Sharing our first times together.

But it wasn't.

It was pure hell.


As we danced, I saw my mom still sitting at her table with Collin. Both smiling and talking about something. Sometimes even laughing at whatever the other said. It irritated me to no end, seeing my mom...looking like a giddy school girl with him.

All of a sudden, mom stood up and made her way to the entrance of the gymnasium. Then glanced back towards Collin, before disappearing behind the door. He then stood a bit later and took out his phone. Then appeared to be talking to someone for a minute, before hanging up and making his way over to the entrance as well.

The way they both suddenly walked out of the gymnasium, told me that they were going to have sex. Wasn't there a law that stopped this kind of thing from happening or some kind of rule that forbids student-teacher relationships?


After dancing for a while, we sat at one of the empty tables. Jill then stood up a few seconds later.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah," she said, "just need to use the restroom real quick."

She then practically ran out of the gymnasium. I guess Jill REALLY had to go.

As minutes past, more couples entered and yet Jill didn't come back. I then remembered that mom also left the gymnasium with Collin too and they still haven't returned either.

"Fuck it!" I thought, "I probably already know what Collin and my mom were doing out there alone."

When did my mom start acting like this?

When I got up from my table and made my way to the entrance, someone grabbed my shoulder from behind and spun me around. It was one of Collin's asshole friends.

"You really want to leave already?" he sneered, "The fun hasn't even started yet!"

He then drags me back to my table and forced me to sit down.

"Now be a good little bitch and stay put!" he then said.

A few students started laughing.

"I just got to use the bathroom!" I said, "Wasn't trying to leave!"

"Sorry but those areas are off-limits to pussies like you!" he laughed.

I squirmed in my chair. I really did have to go though.

"Oh so you weren't lying then," he said, "well we don't want you to stain your tux or stain the floor."

He then drags me behind him to one of the exits and pushed it open.

"A bitch like you deserves to go like a dog!" he said, "Now piss!"

He stood by as I unzipped and urinated on a bush.

"You feel better now?" he said afterwards.

He then dragged me back inside. My tux getting dirty in the process. When we got back to the table, Jill had just returned from the bathroom and was sitting patiently. She turns her head as we approached.

"Jack why is your tux dirty?" she then said scolding me.

I said nothing as I sat back down. A hard hand slaps the back of my head. I forgot Collin's friend stood behind me.

"Answer her question!" he barked.

"I tripped outside," I said.

"What were you doing outside then?" Jill asked.

"Urinating," I mumbled.

"You pissed outside?" Jill said.

I nodded and pointed to Collin's friend, who now stood to my right.

"He told me to," I said.

Jill made eye contact with him.

"You told my boyfriend to piss outside?!" she asked in a angry voice.

He then laughs.

"Most funny thing ever!" he said, "Jack didn't even complain about it. He just accepted it."

She then sighs. I was trembling.

"Come here Jack," she said softly.

I got up from my chair and walked around the table. As I stood in front of her, Jill smiled sweetly at me.

"Now get on your knees please," she said.

I did so without thinking. She then lays my head on her lap and starts to stroke my hair.

"I'm sorry you had to endure that," she said.

"Are you seriously fucking coddling him?" scoffed Collin's friend.

"Mind your own fucking business!" Jill said menacingly.

"Else what?" he said, "Going to strike a deal with me too?"

Jill stops stroking my hair and stands up. Then brings her left hand hard across his face. Leaving faint scratch marks where her nails made contact with his cheek and nose.


He then lunges at her. Jill smiles sweetly at him, before kicking him squarely in his family jewels. He gasps and doubles over. She then grabs his hair and yanks his head up to meet her gaze. Her stone cold gaze.

"Looks like I just did," she whispered menacingly, "Touch my boyfriend again and I'll send you straight to hell understand!"

He then hobbles away.

"Holy shit Jill!" I said, "That was badass. Didn't know you could fight."

"Eh it was nothing," she said as she sat back down, "just underhand tricks I saw Collin use on you a few times."

"Still pretty awesome though," I said.

She smiles at me, as I sat next to her and began to massage her feet. Jill sighs in content. After I was done, she rewards me with a kiss on my cheek.

I glanced back at the entrance to the gymnasium and saw mom come in. She looked disheveled. So I guess she DID fuck him...again. Collin came in a few seconds after her, adjusting his tie. They then made their way to our table.

"You two kids having fun?" mom asked as she sat across from us.

"Kinda," Jill said smiling, "Did YOU have fun?"

Mom blushes and glances at Collin briefly.

"Let's just say I did and leave it at that," mom then said.

Collin smirks at me, as if saying "yeah I just fucked your mom three times now!".

He then turns his attention to Jill.

"So I heard you treated one of my boys nicely a bit ago." he said, "Care to tell me why you did so?"

"Your "boy" was treating Jack like a animal!" Jill stated, "He forced Jack to urinate outside and then continue to treat him like shit!"

"Was that true Jack?" Collin asked me, "Did he "make" you piss outside?"

I remember this moment well. Because it was the only time Jill looked at me with pride.

"Yes your asshole of a friend did Collin!" I said, "He said "the bathrooms are off-limits to pussies like you!"

Collin then snorts with laughter.

"Sorry did he really say that the "bathrooms are off-limits to pussies like you" he asked.

"He did," I said.

"Hmm strange," Collin then said, "because he told me a very different tale."

I raised my eyebrow at him.

"He said you were walking towards the entrance to the gymnasium and saying something around the lines of "fuck prom!" Collin said, "When he tried to ask you what was wrong, you snapped at him."

I shook my head.

"Not true," I said, "I was heading towards the restrooms when he GRABBED my shoulder from behind and spun me around. Then said "you really want to leave? The fun is just getting started!"

"He then dragged me back to my table and forced me to sit back down," I continued, "then said "now be a good little bitch and stay put!"

Collin starts laughing.

"I'm sorry," mom said looking at him, "how is that funny Collin? Your friend was denying Jack a basic human right!"

He then scoffs at my mom.

"Him? Human?" Collin said, "Hardly"

"That's going a bit too far Collin!" Jill said.

"Oh I'm just getting started," he said, "just as soon as...the stage is set."

"Which is right," he continued and looked at the stage.

Mom, Jill and I looked as well. A fellow senior stood at the podium and was talking about the new King and Queen of prom.

"So without further adieu," he said, "let's welcome this year's king!"

The spotlight lands on me.

"Jack Swithsen!" he said, "Who with a landslide of over a lot of this year's King of prom!"

A few students cheered, while a lot more booed.

" can't be a king without...HIS QUEEN!"

The spotlight goes off and suddenly lands Isn't it supposed to be another student? Teachers and faculty members aren't allowed to vote or participate in it either. was chosen as this year's prom queen? I looked at Jill, who was just as baffled.

" about messed up! This year's Queen of prom is...Judy Swithsen!" the announcer said.

Mom turned bright red. A lot of students whistled and cheered.

"Let's get them up here to the stage!" the announcer said.

Mom looked at Collin.

"Don't want to keep your adoring public waiting now!" he chuckles.

He then practically forced mom to stand up, as a pair of hand pulls me up from my chair and carries me to the stage.

As we both stood there, the whole room turned dark. Only the stage was lit.

"Now let's crown our...king!" the announcer said.

I felt something warm and wet pour over my entire head. It smelled awful. I started gagging. I later learned that it was a bucket painted with a crown. The liquid...was month old piss.

"Now let's crown our gorgeous queen!" he continued.

Suddenly sounds of moaning, panting and skin slapping against skin filled the whole room.

"Just look at our queen go!" he said, "She sure loves that scepter going up her ass!"


I started crying.

"Oh looks our king is weeping tears of joy under his crown!" he taunts, "Well if he was a more MANLY king, then his queen wouldn't be using another king's scepter!"

More jeers, laughter and taunts.

I threw the crown bucket off my head. Mom had to hold her nose as I looked at her in fury.

No...HATRED. I HATED my mother in that moment.

"You...are dead to me!" I shouted, "I fucking knew it! You are just like all the other horrible women Collin has strung around his finger."

I expected her to feel shocked. To feel... guilt. Mom just smiled at me. The same smile Ms. Janet had on her face when I told her about Collin bullying me.

"Your point?" she said.

I looked at her confused now. Mom then walks up close to me. Still holding her nose

"Good god do you stink!" she said, "That piss must have been fermenting in that bucket for months!"

"I...I don't understand," I stammered out.

"Which part exactly?" mom said, "The part where I allowed all of this to happen or the fact that I was fucking Collin since senior year started?"

"Y-You...what?" I said, "But you told me you...hated guys like that?"

"You misheard me then," she said, "I said I LOVED guys like that."