Winner Winner, Sinner Sinner

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PART 1 - Meet Claudia

Claudia was running late for a party. This evening it was the Saint & Sinners party Helen and Ron were having at their home. The invite suggested arriving at 8pm and it was now almost 10pm.

At least she was already dressed. Well, almost. Claudia was going as a "sinner." She had on a very tight black, strapless XoXo bandage dress, very short, the hem high to show her garter straps attached to the black stockings enhancing her lean legs. Her lips heavily glossed and her honey-blonde hair elegantly styled, loosely curled tresses falling on either side of her perfectly round and firm cleavage getting an extra boost from the push-up neckline of her dress.

Claudia picked up her cell phone was still charging and texted her son Clay.

Leaving 2 the party. U B home by midnight.

Claudia waited for a few moments, expecting a reply. None came. She knew Clay was out with his so-called friends, that included the one she couldn't stand the most: Brad. Just the thought of the arrogant brat made her roll her eyes. She decided she was going to have a talk to Clay about not responding to texts when out at night.

For now, Claudia put it out of her thoughts. She was ready to go to the party.

PART 2 - Making An Entrance

Claudia arrived "fashionably late" at Helen and Ron's palatial home

Between her timing and the tight black bandage dress, Claudia's entrance made her the center of attention of nearly everyone in the room, heads turning to the sound of her 6" platform heels before she appeared on the landing above the sunken living room filled with adults dressed in either white (the Saints) or black (the Sinners). The majority of the guests were in white.

This was obvious to Claudia by the view she had from the landing, but she was too busy loving being the center of attention that her late arrival - not to mention her revealing black dress - had guaranteed. She put her hands on her hips, her proud poise demonstrating her confidence in how she looked.

When she took this stance, showing off her figure in the daringly designed black dress to the party guests below, there came a scattering of approving applause, including a few wolf whistles from furthest back where the living room led to the sliding glass doors to the patio. While Claudia enjoyed the applause, she gave a eye-roll to the wolf whistles.

The 6" heels Claudia had on forced her to carefully descend the steps down to the sunken living room at a slow pace. As soon as she was in the big, sprawling living room, Claudia's heels sharply echoed off the marble floor, matching the the volume of the din created by multiple conversations carrying on among the several dozen men and women dressed primarily in white.

Naturally this only made Claudia stand out even more as she made her way to the far end of the living room, determined to see who was wolf whistling at her.

PART 3 - Meet Clay

Clay watched his annoyingly hot mom Claudia moving through the crowded living room. Her perfectly practiced snooty pout pursing her llps. He couldn't see entirely what she wore due to the crowd, but he did get glimpses of a black dress. A tight black dress. A tight black, short dress. And her honey blonde hair, full of volume and loosely curled.

There was little doubt she was heading in the direction of where the wolf whistles had come from. Clay was keeping pace, following her from across the room. He knew who was responsible for the wolf whistles and had no doubt when Claudia found out the guilty party, she wasn't going to like it for two reasons.

The first, most obvious -

Clay's train of thought derailed as Claudia emerged from the crowd, putting her peers in her rear view. She took a few steps but then stopped and Clay was really able to get a look at what Claudia was wearing. He blinked several times, trying to process seeing her like he'd never before in such a short, tight, revealing black dress along with the sexy garters and stockings, the stripper heels.

None of the other moms/wives were even remotely dressed as hot (mainly because they didn't have her body, cosmetic enhancements included) as her and he suspected there to be drama about Claudia's very alluring dress and the effect it was bound to be on their husbands during the latter half of the party when certain husbands were drunk and would flirt with Claudia.

As for the immediate now, the way she had suddenly stopped and was standing awkwardly still, Clay knew it must've meant Claudia had discovered...

PART 4 - Meet Brad

Brad barely could keep the smirk from his face while watching the way Clay's MILF of a mom - her prissy pout conveying displeasure - almost pushed her way past the last of the guests socializing at this end of the living room and begin a more purposeful stride that only made it a few steps before suddenly stopping short when she saw him.

"Well hey there fellow sinner," Brad was using all of his powers of coolness to appear and sound casual. He was also in black by way of a monochrome suit, very John Wick. He slightly adjusted his lean in the opening sliding glass doorway between the living room and the patio deck.

Brad took his time admiring how Claudia looked in such a deliberate sexy dress. She hadn't recovered yet from the surprise of seeing the young man - the one she disliked the most among her son's friends - at this party. But she was soon about to. Unless he threw her off guard again with a remark to mock or taunt her.

A sudden surge of confidence accompanied by regaining her composure had Claudia placing her hands on her hips with an assertive authority, meant to suggest she was to be taken seriously, but all Brad was taking in was how she was unaware the gesture made the front of her dress boost her perfectly round cleavage higher. It was mesmerizing.

From her poise and look on her face, Claudia was just about to say something high on the bitchy scale, but before she could, she was interrupted by...

PART 5 - Clay's Choices

Clay stopped a few paces behind Claudia and exclaimed, "Mom! What are you doing here?"

Clay knew how stupid the question sounded, but all he hoped was he'd cut either Brad or Claudia off from saying something that would either give his mom more reasons for why she didn't want Clay hanging out with Brad. Or some especially bitchy comment to Brad that would only give Brad more motivation to get to Claudia.

He saw Claudia stiffen at the sound of his voice, then slowly turn around to face him. She stared at him with what was less of an expression and more like a competition between confusion and bitchiness for more face time. Underlying both those was an awkwardness, mostly in her poise. It was clear Claudia hadn't expected him to be at the party and see her in such a sexy and revealing little black dress.

Clay also knew how his annoyingly hot mom wouldn't want him or Brad at the party, not with the way she was dressed. It wouldn't take long for bitchiness to win over confusion. Bitchiness would then be used to get rid of awkwardness.

And while Claudia couldn't impose her will on Brad, there was no doubt in Clay's mind that Claudia would insist he leave the party and go home. That was something Clay had to prevent. Because that meant Brad would still have an opportunity to pull the prank he'd told Clay about. A perfect prank to pull at this party.

It wasn't that Clay didn't entirely want Brad not to. It's that Clay didn't want Brad to do it If he wasn't there to see it. Because if there was anyone who had a chance at really pranking his annoyingly hot mom, it was...

PART 6 - Brad To The Bone

Brad let out a low, slow wolf-whistle and said, "That little black dress looks just as good from the back as it does the front."

Claudia was already halfway turned around just from the whistle. Brad's sly compliment caught the hot mom off guard, her motion a bit herky-jerky as she tried to recover by placing her hands on her hips defiantly, but really only succeeded in causing the black satin bodice front of her dress to boost her firm cleavage in a very tantalizing way.

Her glossed lips remained in a full pout as she drew out her first word, "Who -"

Brad cut her off, looking right at her cleavage while saying, "But the view in the front - for my money - is the breast."

Clay had started walking from behind Claudia, past her and over to stand with Brad by the time he said "breast." Both he and Claudia looked at him with the same "did he just" expression and Brad sputtered laughter.

"He said best," Clay glanced at Claudia. He knew she hated being laughed at to even if she perceived to be laughed at. Her hands remained on her hips and she was fuming. Clay stood in front of his friend so Claudia couldn't glare at him. "Right, Brad?"

Brad overacted trying to suppress a guffaw as he peeked around Clay and winked at Claudia. "Tits the best part of the dress."

"IT'S!" Clay quickly shouted while glancing over his shoulder at Claudia caught between fuming and flustered. He also noticed his shout hand turned heads of the guests closest behind her. Clay turned his tone more conversational. "It's the best part of your dress," he couldn't help looking right at her cleavage as he said it and when he did, Clay's train of thought derailed. "The whole dress, really..."

Claudia's eyes flashed with bright bitchiness, right act Brad. "This party is for parents. Adults -"

"We're 18," Brad smirked at her, stepping aside from Clay, presenting himself to Claudia. "That makes us adults. Right, Clay?"

Clay cringed, but Brad slung his arm around his shoulders, pulling him to his side and facing Claudia.

"Um... technically, that would be, by law -"

"Never mind," both Brad and Claudia said at the same time. Clay's train derailed again, his mind blown by the not only how Brad and Claudia said the same thing at the same time, but also how they said in in the same way.

Brad worked his smirk to a whole new level, his eyes staring straight in to Claudia's. "That was just serendipity. Did you feel it?" Brad put the emphasis on "feel it."

PART 7 - A Blast Of Bichiness

Claudia just had enough of this little brat. She cut him off with a blast of bitchiness. "That's not what serenity means, you idiot." With her back to the living room, Claudia was unaware of how more of the guests closest to them had glanced over. And while most turned back to the party, more than a few continued staring at her.

She could see the insult stung Brad. He probably wasn't used to being put down by his peers and certainly not by a parent. Claudia felt certain she was the last parent he would want to be insulting his intelligence - or lack of - in front of Clayton. And at a party.

Looking over at her son, Claudia's confidence dipped just a bit at the way Clayton was aghast at her comment, his eyes ping-ponging between her and the silent Brad. He was staring at her, his chin down and his eyes heavy lidded, and his expression left little doubt his thoughts were boiling.

For a moment, Claudia couldn't look away from Brad smoldering away. She saw a smirk beginning to form on his lips. She had the feeling she wouldn't want to hear what he was planning to say.

"Truth hurts, doesn't it, Brad?" Her haughty taunt came out of nowhere. She wasn't event aware she was saying it until she heard herself halfway through and saw Clayton's head spin toward her so fast he could've given himself whiplash.

Claudia was so focused on giving attitude to her son's "bad boy" friend, she was unaware her haughty attitude was getting more guests at this end of the living room to look over at the drama unfolding.

Brad, on the other hand, was fortunately facing the direction of the living room. He saw how Claudia's uppity attitude was getting attention. Brad put some volume on his remark while looking into Claudia's eyes.

PART 8 - Brad vs Claudia

"Truth can be a real bitch, too," Brad said.

There were a few suppressed laughs behind Claudia. She looked over her shoulder, but all of the guests were turned the other way, socializing. When she turned back to Brad, he increased his smirk when he saw the snobby pout she had just a moment ago was now replaced by her lips slightly parted, her teeth clenched. "Right, Claudia?" Brad copied the same way she'd said his name tauntingly.

Claudia turned to speak to her son, "Clayton..." She hesitated when she saw her son staring at her legs, his eyes had the glassy look he gets when daydreaming instead of doing whatever he should be doing. Claudia snapped her fingers at him, "Clayton!" His eyes blinked and he blushed, a guilty expression on his face he tried to suppress as he looked up into her glaring eyes. "You boys are to stay on this side of the house. Do not bother me. Understand?"

Clayton looked at the floor and muttered, "Understand."

She looked at Brad. Instead of the bratty attitude he did so well and that she expected, Brad was copying Clayton's mope. "Understand," his mutter matched her son's. She rolled her eyes at him, letting the boy know she wasn't fooled. She gave her hair a dramatically diva toss to signify she was done with them and as she turned toward the living room, she had to pause as Brad called out to her, purposely loud enough to get heads turning their way.

"There goes my opportunity to tell you exactly how you look in that dress," Brad gave Claudia a very dirty smirk, "and more importantly, who."

Claudia remained half turned toward Brad. The first half of his comment was so obnoxious that she was about to say something very bitchy to him... but then the last half.... suggesting she looks like someone because of her XoXo dress. She almost asked who, but that's what he wanted obviously.

Regaining her composure, Claudia could sense guests looking at her after Brad's smugly suggestive remark. So she raised the volume on her haughty taunt, "I couldn't care less about the thoughts of an arrogant brat," she gave him one of her perfectly practiced pouts. "And that goes double for your 'who' whoever she is."

Another toss of her blonde tresses and she strutted away into the crowded living room, the sound of her heels still audible even as she when she'd disappeared into the party.

PART 9 - Diagram Of A Prank

Clay was on the patio deck. Through the big sliding glass door, he could see Claudia in the living room socializing. She was speaking and gesturing haughtily to half a dozen guests, mostly men.

"She sure loves being the center of attention," Brad said as he stepped next to Clay, passing him a blunt joint they were halfway sharing between them,

"You think?" Brad snorted with amusement. He slung an arm around Clay's shoulders and lowered his voice, "In about another 30 minutes, she's really going to be the center of attention in ways she won't be expecting."

Clay finished taking a puff and held in his hit while asking, "What do you mean?"

Brad took the blunt from Clay's outstretched hand and puffed freely from it. "See that glass of champagne in her hand? The one you gave her a little while ago?"

Clay could see the glass in Claudia's hand. "Yeah, she's just about finished with it."

"Well when she does, Claudia us going to become the life of the party," Brad blew his hit into the night air while passing Clay the blunt. "That's when I'm going to seize the opportunity to test some theories about her."

Clay coughed a cloud of smoke. "What? What are you talking about?"

"Take it easy," Brad patted the still coughing Clay on his back while taking the blunt from between his fingers. "When we were waiting for her to finish her previous glass so you could hand her the fresh one in your hand and I told you to check out Mark's dad goofy attempt at flirting with her?"


"Yeah, well I dropped a half into the glass while you weren't looking," Brad shrugged.

Clay looked down at the champagne in the glass. It looked normal. He glanced at Brad. "A half of what, Brad?"

PART 10 - Clay To The Rescue

Clay searched through the party, looking for Claudia. If Brad was telling the truth - Clay couldn't quite tell, his friend had pranked him into believing things before, he practically made it an art form sometimes - he only had a few minutes to find Claudia before the "synthetic Spanish Fly" he'd accidentally put in her drink began to kick in.

If Clay could get her out of the party before that, he would be sparing Claudia a ton of embarrassment that she would undoubtedly bring upon herself. Especially in her barely there black dress that was the talk of the party.

He heard his annoyingly hot mom before he saw her.

"Omigod, you are so bad," Claudia's voice volume rose slightly above the general party din. "I never knew you were like this!"

Clay went in the direction he saw heads turning in the expansive living room. Within a few more steps he could see glimpses of her blonde hair between the crowd. He went in that direction. Finally he saw Claudia, yet he couldn't get to her, unable to pass between to dads watching her flirting with... it looked like his friend Steve's dad.

Clay couldn't believe he was hearing the way the other parents were talking about Claudia. They sounded more like his friends than adults. Some even worse than his friends. And those were the other moms. Claudia was clueless to it all.

And the way she slowly closed her eyes while talking to Steve's dad, how her lips would slightly part as if she was going to reply to him, but instead she was in a pause mode that had Steve's dad baffled, but it didn't stop him from gazing at her impeccable cleavage.

The Spanish Fly slipped to her by Brad had already kicked in.

To further complicate the matter, Claudia seemed clueless to how tipsy she was appearing to the guests nearest and around where she stood in front of Steve's dad - Barry was his name. Claudia was oblivious to how she was presenting herself in a very sensual way, but it definitely wasn't lost on the guests looking in her direction.

Clay had to warn her somehow.

PART 11 - Claudia's Comeuppance

Claudia's eyes opened halfway, adding to her tipsy looking appearance. But she wasn't so tipsy that she didn't catch Barry staring trancelike at her cleavage. He didn't even notice she was looking at him looking at her. "Barry..." her tone was kind of sing-songy, ditzy like. Barry didn't hear her. She expected his wife Laura to approach any moment and Claudia wasn't going to have her think she was allowing her husband to leer at her openly.

Putting her hands on her hips, Claudia attempted to take a serious and bitchy tone, yet she was clearly clueless at how her hands on hips gesture caused the bodice front of her tight dress to boost her firm, round breasts to lift higher.

"Too perfect not to be paid for!" Barry almost shouted,

Hands still on hips and eyes half open, Claudia's slur increased as she demanded, "What isssthat supposssto mean?"

Clay stepped next to her and casually placed his left hand on the middle of her back to get her attention and hopefully guide her away.

"Mom -" Was as far as Clay got before Claudia transferred her bitchiness onto him.

"Clayton, are you really that socially clueless," she amplified her dismay at her son's inability to be a beacon of popularity as she saw herself. Instantly awaked, Clay just stood there, hand still out and on her back. "Can't you see I'm having a conversssation? Go away."

It was the way she told him to "go away" and made a shooing gesture... the way a lot of faces in the crowd watching looked at him with both pity and amusement. Clay felt his face flush. Claudia had just treated him like the help, not her son. He looked at Laura. She shook her head with pity.

"Hey, Clay!" Brad stepped out of the crowd. "Tell her about the third bet!"

Startled, Clay slightly bumped into the back of Claudia, but the sight of Brad had her instantly and intensively so focused on him, she was momentarily oblivious to it. Or how a strip of black satin from her dress somehow caught on his cufflink of his white shirt. He pulled his hand away further, expecting the strip to slip free and back where it belonged. It didn't work.